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//! Song decoding / analysis module.
//! Use decoding, and features-extraction functions from other modules
//! e.g. tempo features, spectral features, etc to build a Song and its
//! corresponding Analysis.
//! For implementation of plug-ins for already existing audio players,
//! a look at Library is instead recommended.
extern crate crossbeam;
//extern crate ffmpeg_next as ffmpeg;
extern crate symphonia;
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate ndarray_npy;
use crate::chroma::ChromaDesc;
use crate::cue::CueInfo;
use crate::misc::LoudnessDesc;
use crate::playlist;
use crate::playlist::{closest_to_first_song, dedup_playlist, euclidean_distance, DistanceMetric};
use crate::temporal::BPMDesc;
use crate::timbral::{SpectralDesc, ZeroCrossingRateDesc};
use crate::{BlissError, BlissResult, SAMPLE_RATE};
use crate::{FEATURES_VERSION};
use ::log::warn;
use core::ops::Index;
use crossbeam::thread;
use symphonia::core::formats::{SeekMode, SeekTo};
use symphonia::core::io::MediaSourceStream;
use symphonia::core::probe::Hint;
use symphonia::core::errors::Error as SymphoniaError;
use symphonia::core::audio::{AudioBuffer, AudioBufferRef, Signal};
use symphonia::core::meta::{MetadataRevision, StandardTagKey};
use rubato::Resampler;
use rubato::FftFixedIn as ResamplerImpl;
use ndarray::{arr1, Array1};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fmt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use std::thread as std_thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use strum::{EnumCount, IntoEnumIterator};
use strum_macros::{EnumCount, EnumIter};
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
/// Simple object used to represent a Song, with its path, analysis, and
/// other metadata (artist, genre...)
pub struct Song {
/// Song's provided file path
pub path: PathBuf,
/// Song's artist, read from the metadata
pub artist: Option<String>,
/// Song's title, read from the metadata
pub title: Option<String>,
/// Song's album name, read from the metadata
pub album: Option<String>,
/// Song's album's artist name, read from the metadata
pub album_artist: Option<String>,
/// Song's tracked number, read from the metadata
/// TODO normalize this into an integer
pub track_number: Option<String>,
/// Song's genre, read from the metadata (`""` if empty)
pub genre: Option<String>,
/// bliss analysis results
pub analysis: Analysis,
/// The song's duration
pub duration: Duration,
/// Version of the features the song was analyzed with.
/// A simple integer that is bumped every time a breaking change
/// is introduced in the features.
pub features_version: u16,
/// Populated only if the song was extracted from a larger audio file,
/// through the use of a CUE sheet.
/// By default, such a song's path would be
/// `path/to/cue_file.wav/CUE_TRACK00<track_number>`. Using this field,
/// you can change `song.path` to fit your needs.
pub cue_info: Option<CueInfo>,
#[derive(Debug, EnumIter, EnumCount)]
/// Indexes different fields of an [Analysis](Song::analysis).
/// * Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use bliss_audio::{AnalysisIndex, BlissResult, Song};
/// fn main() -> BlissResult<()> {
/// let song = Song::from_path("path/to/song")?;
/// println!("{}", song.analysis[AnalysisIndex::Tempo]);
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// Prints the tempo value of an analysis.
/// Note that this should mostly be used for debugging / distance metric
/// customization purposes.
pub enum AnalysisIndex {
/// The number of features used in `Analysis`
pub const NUMBER_FEATURES: usize = AnalysisIndex::COUNT;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
/// Object holding the results of the song's analysis.
/// Only use it if you want to have an in-depth look of what is
/// happening behind the scene, or make a distance metric yourself.
/// Under the hood, it is just an array of f32 holding different nsrcumeric
/// features.
/// For more info on the different features, build the
/// documentation with private items included using
/// `cargo doc --document-private-items`, and / or read up
/// [this document](, that contains a description
/// on most of the features, except the chroma ones, which are documented
/// directly in this code.
pub struct Analysis {
pub(crate) internal_analysis: [f32; NUMBER_FEATURES],
impl Index<AnalysisIndex> for Analysis {
type Output = f32;
fn index(&self, index: AnalysisIndex) -> &f32 {
&self.internal_analysis[index as usize]
impl fmt::Debug for Analysis {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut debug_struct = f.debug_struct("Analysis");
for feature in AnalysisIndex::iter() {
debug_struct.field(&format!("{:?}", feature), &self[feature]);
f.write_str(&format!(" /* {:?} */", &self.as_vec()))
impl Analysis {
/// Create a new Analysis object.
/// Usually not needed, unless you have already computed and stored
/// features somewhere, and need to recreate a Song with an already
/// existing Analysis yourself.
pub fn new(analysis: [f32; NUMBER_FEATURES]) -> Analysis {
Analysis {
internal_analysis: analysis,
/// Return an ndarray `Array1` representing the analysis' features.
/// Particularly useful if you want to make a custom distance metric.
pub fn as_arr1(&self) -> Array1<f32> {
/// Return a Vec<f32> representing the analysis' features.
/// Particularly useful if you want iterate through the values to store
/// them somewhere.
pub fn as_vec(&self) -> Vec<f32> {
/// Compute distance between two analysis using a user-provided distance
/// metric. You most likely want to use `song.custom_distance` directly
/// rather than this function.
/// For this function to be integrated properly with the rest
/// of bliss' parts, it should be a valid distance metric, i.e.:
/// 1. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) = 0 ⇔ X = Y
/// 2. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) >= 0
/// 3. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) = d(Y, X)
/// 4. For X, Y, Z real vectors d(X, Y) ≤ d(X + Z) + d(Z, Y)
/// Note that almost all distance metrics you will find obey these
/// properties, so don't sweat it too much.
pub fn custom_distance(&self, other: &Self, distance: impl DistanceMetric) -> f32 {
distance(&self.as_arr1(), &other.as_arr1())
impl Song {
/// Compute the distance between the current song and any given
/// Song.
/// The smaller the number, the closer the songs; usually more useful
/// if compared between several songs
/// (e.g. if song1.distance(song2) < song1.distance(song3), then song1 is
/// closer to song2 than it is to song3.
/// Currently uses the euclidean distance, but this can change in an
/// upcoming release if another metric performs better.
pub fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> f32 {
.custom_distance(&other.analysis, euclidean_distance)
/// Compute distance between two songs using a user-provided distance
/// metric.
/// For this function to be integrated properly with the rest
/// of bliss' parts, it should be a valid distance metric, i.e.:
/// 1. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) = 0 ⇔ X = Y
/// 2. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) >= 0
/// 3. For X, Y real vectors, d(X, Y) = d(Y, X)
/// 4. For X, Y, Z real vectors d(X, Y) ≤ d(X + Z) + d(Z, Y)
/// Note that almost all distance metrics you will find obey these
/// properties, so don't sweat it too much.
pub fn custom_distance(&self, other: &Self, distance: impl DistanceMetric) -> f32 {
self.analysis.custom_distance(&other.analysis, distance)
/// Orders songs in `pool` by proximity to `self`, using the distance
/// metric `distance` to compute the order.
/// Basically return a playlist from songs in `pool`, starting
/// from `self`, using `distance` (some distance metrics can
/// be found in the [playlist] module).
/// Note that contrary to [Song::closest_from_pool], `self` is NOT added
/// to the beginning of the returned vector.
/// No deduplication is ran either; if you're looking for something easy
/// that works "out of the box", use [Song::closest_from_pool].
pub fn closest_from_pool_custom(
pool: Vec<Self>,
distance: impl DistanceMetric,
) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut pool = pool;
closest_to_first_song(self, &mut pool, distance);
/// Order songs in `pool` by proximity to `self`.
/// Convenience method to return a playlist from songs in `pool`,
/// starting from `self`.
/// The distance is already chosen, deduplication is ran, and the first song
/// is added to the top of the playlist, to make everything easier.
/// If you want more control over which distance metric is chosen,
/// run deduplication manually, etc, use [Song::closest_from_pool_custom].
pub fn closest_from_pool(&self, pool: Vec<Self>) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut playlist = vec![self.to_owned()];
closest_to_first_song(self, &mut playlist, euclidean_distance);
dedup_playlist(&mut playlist, None);
/// Returns a decoded [Song] given a file path, or an error if the song
/// could not be analyzed for some reason.
/// # Arguments
/// * `path` - A [Path] holding a valid file path to a valid audio file.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if the file path is invalid, if
/// the file path points to a file containing no or corrupted audio stream,
/// or if the analysis could not be conducted to the end for some reason.
/// The error type returned should give a hint as to whether it was a
/// decoding ([DecodingError](BlissError::DecodingError)) or an analysis
/// ([AnalysisError](BlissError::AnalysisError)) error.
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> BlissResult<Self> {
let raw_song = Song::decode(path.as_ref())?;
Ok(Song {
path: raw_song.path,
artist: raw_song.artist,
album_artist: raw_song.album_artist,
title: raw_song.title,
album: raw_song.album,
track_number: raw_song.track_number,
genre: raw_song.genre,
duration: raw_song.duration,
analysis: Song::analyze(&raw_song.sample_array)?,
features_version: FEATURES_VERSION,
cue_info: None,
/// Returns a decoded [Song] given an array of samples, or an error if the song
/// could not be analyzed for some reason.
/// # Arguments
/// * `samples` - A [Vec] of samples at [SAMPLE_RATE].
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if the analysis could not be conducted for some reason.
/// The error type returned should give a hint as to whether it was a
/// decoding ([DecodingError](BlissError::DecodingError)) or an analysis
/// ([AnalysisError](BlissError::AnalysisError)) error.
pub fn from_samples(samples: Vec<f32>) -> BlissResult<Self> {
let raw_song = Song::decode_samples(samples)?;
Ok(Song {
path: raw_song.path,
artist: raw_song.artist,
album_artist: raw_song.album_artist,
title: raw_song.title,
album: raw_song.album,
track_number: raw_song.track_number,
genre: raw_song.genre,
duration: raw_song.duration,
analysis: Song::analyze(&raw_song.sample_array)?,
features_version: FEATURES_VERSION,
cue_info: None,
* Analyze a song decoded in `sample_array`, with one channel @ 22050 Hz.
* The current implementation doesn't make use of it,
* but the song can also be streamed wrt.
* each descriptor (with the exception of the chroma descriptor which
* yields worse results when streamed).
* Useful in the rare cases where the full song is not
* completely available.
pub(crate) fn analyze(sample_array: &[f32]) -> BlissResult<Analysis> {
let largest_window = vec![
if sample_array.len() < largest_window {
return Err(BlissError::AnalysisError(String::from(
"empty or too short song.",
thread::scope(|s| {
let child_tempo: thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'_, BlissResult<f32>> = s.spawn(|_| {
let mut tempo_desc = BPMDesc::new(SAMPLE_RATE)?;
let windows = sample_array
for window in windows {
let child_chroma: thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'_, BlissResult<Vec<f32>>> = s.spawn(|_| {
let mut chroma_desc = ChromaDesc::new(SAMPLE_RATE, 12);
let child_timbral: thread::ScopedJoinHandle<
BlissResult<(Vec<f32>, Vec<f32>, Vec<f32>)>,
> = s.spawn(|_| {
let mut spectral_desc = SpectralDesc::new(SAMPLE_RATE)?;
let windows = sample_array
for window in windows {
let centroid = spectral_desc.get_centroid();
let rolloff = spectral_desc.get_rolloff();
let flatness = spectral_desc.get_flatness();
Ok((centroid, rolloff, flatness))
let child_zcr: thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'_, BlissResult<f32>> = s.spawn(|_| {
let mut zcr_desc = ZeroCrossingRateDesc::default();
let child_loudness: thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'_, BlissResult<Vec<f32>>> =
s.spawn(|_| {
let mut loudness_desc = LoudnessDesc::default();
let windows = sample_array.chunks(LoudnessDesc::WINDOW_SIZE);
for window in windows {
// Non-streaming approach for that one
let tempo = child_tempo.join().unwrap()?;
let chroma = child_chroma.join().unwrap()?;
let (centroid, rolloff, flatness) = child_timbral.join().unwrap()?;
let loudness = child_loudness.join().unwrap()?;
let zcr = child_zcr.join().unwrap()?;
let mut result = vec![tempo, zcr];
let array: [f32; NUMBER_FEATURES] = result.try_into().map_err(|_| {
"Too many or too little features were provided at the end of
the analysis."
pub(crate) fn decode_samples(samples: Vec<f32>) -> BlissResult<InternalSong> {
let duration_seconds = samples.len() as f32 / SAMPLE_RATE as f32;
let song = InternalSong {
path: "".into(),
duration: Duration::from_nanos((duration_seconds * 1e9_f32).round() as u64),
sample_array: samples,
pub(crate) fn decode(path: &Path) -> BlissResult<InternalSong> {
let registry = symphonia::default::get_codecs();
let probe = symphonia::default::get_probe();
let mut song = InternalSong {
path: path.into(),
let song_file = std::fs::File::open(path).map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("while opening song: {:?}.", e)))?;
let stream = MediaSourceStream::new(Box::new(song_file), Default::default());
let mut hint = Hint::new();
if let Some(ext) = path.extension().and_then(|x| x.to_str()) {
let mut probed = probe.format(&hint, stream, &Default::default(), &Default::default())
.map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("while opening format: {:?}.", e)))?;
let format = &mut probed.format;
/*let mut format = ffmpeg::format::input(&path)
.map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("while opening format: {:?}.", e)))?;*/
let (mut codec, stream_id, expected_sample_number) = {
let track = format
.find(|t| t.codec_params.codec != symphonia::core::codecs::CODEC_TYPE_NULL)
.ok_or_else(|| BlissError::DecodingError(String::from("No valid audio stream found.")))?;
let track_id =;
/*let stream = format
.find(|s| s.codec().medium() == ffmpeg::media::Type::Audio)
.ok_or_else(|| BlissError::DecodingError(String::from("No audio stream found.")))?;*/
/*stream.codec().set_threading(Config {
kind: ThreadingType::Frame,
count: 0,
safe: true,
let mut decoder = registry
.make(&track.codec_params, &Default::default())
.map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("when finding codec: {:?}.", e)))?;
/*let codec =
stream.codec().decoder().audio().map_err(|e| {
BlissError::DecodingError(format!("when finding codec: {:?}.", e))
let mut expected_sample_number: usize = 0;
// decode once to find sample number
// previously, ffmpeg let us (roughly) calculate this
// symphonia does not make that easy so we just decode twice instead
while let Ok(packet) = format.next_packet() {
if packet.track_id() == track_id {
if let Ok(buffer) = decoder.decode(&packet) {
// errors will only be handled when actually decoding samples
expected_sample_number += sample_buffer_length(buffer);
} // else ignore packet
// reset decoding to start of audio, SeekTo::Time {
time: symphonia::core::units::Time {
seconds: 0,
frac: 0.0,
track_id: Some(track_id),
}).map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("while seeking to start: {}", e)))?;
(decoder, track_id, expected_sample_number)
let sample_array: Vec<f32> = Vec::with_capacity(expected_sample_number);
// populate song metadata from file's info tags
if let Some(revision) = format.metadata().current() {
// audio format's built-in tags
if let Some(metadata) = probed.metadata.get() {
if let Some(revision) = metadata.current() {
// audio wrapper's tags
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let child = std_thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let packet = match format.next_packet() {
Err(SymphoniaError::IoError(_)) => break,
Ok(packet) => packet,
Err(e) => return Err(BlissError::DecodingError(format!("while reading packet: {}", e)))
if packet.track_id() != stream_id {
match codec.decode(&packet) {
Ok(decoded) => {
tx.send(convert_sample_buffer(decoded)).map_err(|e| {
"while sending decoded frame to the resampling thread for file '{}': {:?}",
Err(SymphoniaError::Unsupported(s)) => {
return Err(BlissError::DecodingError(format!("unsupported: {}", s)))
Err(SymphoniaError::IoError(e)) => {
warn!("IO error occured while decoding: {}", e);
song.sample_array = child.join().unwrap()?;
return Ok(song);
Err(e) => warn!("error while decoding {}: {}", path.display(), e),
song.sample_array = child.join().map_err(|_| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("resampler thread panic!")))??;
let duration_seconds = song.sample_array.len() as f32 / SAMPLE_RATE as f32;
song.duration = Duration::from_nanos((duration_seconds * 1e9_f32).round() as u64);
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct InternalSong {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub artist: Option<String>,
pub album_artist: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub album: Option<String>,
pub track_number: Option<String>,
pub genre: Option<String>,
pub duration: Duration,
pub sample_array: Vec<f32>,
impl InternalSong {
fn read_tags(&mut self, metadata: &MetadataRevision) {
for tag in metadata.tags() {
if let Some(key) = tag.std_key {
match key {
StandardTagKey::Album => self.album = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
StandardTagKey::AlbumArtist => self.album_artist = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
StandardTagKey::TrackTitle => self.title = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
StandardTagKey::Artist => self.artist = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
StandardTagKey::Genre => self.genre = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
StandardTagKey::TrackNumber => self.track_number = Some(tag.value.to_string()),
_ => {},
fn convert_sample_buffer(buffer_in: AudioBufferRef) -> AudioBuffer<f32> {
match buffer_in {
AudioBufferRef::F32(buf) => buf.into_owned(),
AudioBufferRef::F64(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist (but since we know we're going to replace them right away, rendering doesn't have to do anything)
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::S16(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::S24(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::S32(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::S8(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::U16(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::U24(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::U32(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
AudioBufferRef::U8(buf) => {
let mut buffer_out = buf.make_equivalent::<f32>();
// symphonia expects frames to already exist
buffer_out.render(Some(buf.frames()), |_, _| Ok(())).unwrap_or(());
buf.convert(&mut buffer_out);
fn sample_buffer_length(buffer_in: AudioBufferRef) -> usize {
match buffer_in {
AudioBufferRef::F32(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::F64(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::S16(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::S24(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::S32(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::S8(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::U16(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::U24(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::U32(buf) => buf.frames(),
AudioBufferRef::U8(buf) => buf.frames(),
fn resample_buffer(
rx: Receiver<AudioBuffer<f32>>,
mut sample_array: Vec<f32>,
) -> BlissResult<Vec<f32>> {
let mut resample_buffer = Vec::<f32>::new();
let mut resampler_cache = std::collections::HashMap::<(u32, usize), ResamplerImpl<f32>>::new();
let mut wave_out_buffer = [Vec::<f32>::new()];
for decoded in rx.iter() {
if decoded.planes().planes().is_empty() || decoded.frames() < 5 {
// buffers that are too small cause resampler to panic
// due to chunk rounding down to 0
// do resampling ourselves since symphonia doesn't
let frame_count = decoded.frames();
let in_sample_rate = decoded.spec().rate;
let audio_planes = decoded.planes();
let planes = audio_planes.planes();
let planes_len = planes.len() as f32;
for i in 0..frame_count {
// average samples into Mono track
let mut avg_sample = 0.0;
for plane in planes {
avg_sample += plane[i] / planes_len;
// build resampler
let cache_key = (in_sample_rate, resample_buffer.len());
let resampler = if let Some(resampler) = resampler_cache.get_mut(&cache_key) {
} else {
let new_resampler = ResamplerImpl::new(
in_sample_rate as _,
).map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("Resampler init failure: {}", e)))?;
resampler_cache.insert(cache_key, new_resampler);
// resample
&mut wave_out_buffer,
).map_err(|e| BlissError::DecodingError(format!("Resampler processing error: {}", e)))?;
sample_array.append(&mut wave_out_buffer[0]);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use ripemd160::{Digest, Ripemd160};
use std::path::Path;
fn test_analysis_too_small() {
let error = Song::analyze(&[0.]).unwrap_err();
BlissError::AnalysisError(String::from("empty or too short song."))
let error = Song::analyze(&[]).unwrap_err();
BlissError::AnalysisError(String::from("empty or too short song."))
fn test_analyze() {
let song = Song::from_path(Path::new("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac")).unwrap();
let expected_analysis = vec![
for (x, y) in song.analysis.as_vec().iter().zip(expected_analysis) {
assert!(0.01 > (x - y).abs());
assert_eq!(FEATURES_VERSION, song.features_version);
fn _test_decode(path: &Path, expected_hash: &[u8]) {
let song = Song::decode(path).unwrap();
let mut hasher = Ripemd160::new();
for sample in song.sample_array.iter() {
assert_eq!(expected_hash, hasher.finalize().as_slice());
fn test_tags() {
let song = Song::decode(Path::new("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(song.artist, Some(String::from("David TMX")));
Some(String::from("David TMX - Album Artist"))
assert_eq!(song.title, Some(String::from("Renaissance")));
assert_eq!(song.album, Some(String::from("Renaissance")));
assert_eq!(song.track_number, Some(String::from("02")));
assert_eq!(song.genre, Some(String::from("Pop")));
// Test that there is less than 10ms of difference between what
// the song advertises and what we compute.
assert!((song.duration.as_millis() as f32 - 11070.).abs() < 10.);
fn test_empty_tags() {
let song = Song::decode(Path::new("data/no_tags.flac")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(song.artist, None);
assert_eq!(song.title, None);
assert_eq!(song.album, None);
assert_eq!(song.track_number, None);
assert_eq!(song.genre, None);
fn test_resample_multi() {
let path = Path::new("data/s32_stereo_44_1_kHz.flac");
let expected_hash = [
0xc5, 0xf8, 0x23, 0xce, 0x63, 0x2c, 0xf4, 0xa0, 0x72, 0x66, 0xbb, 0x49, 0xad, 0x84,
0xb6, 0xea, 0x48, 0x48, 0x9c, 0x50,
_test_decode(&path, &expected_hash);
fn test_resample_stereo() {
let path = Path::new("data/s16_stereo_22_5kHz.flac");
let expected_hash = [
0x24, 0xed, 0x45, 0x58, 0x06, 0xbf, 0xfb, 0x05, 0x57, 0x5f, 0xdc, 0x4d, 0xb4, 0x9b,
0xa5, 0x2b, 0x05, 0x56, 0x10, 0x4f,
_test_decode(&path, &expected_hash);
fn test_decode_mono() {
let path = Path::new("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac");
// Obtained through
// ffmpeg -i data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac -ar 22050 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_f32le
// -f hash -hash ripemd160 -
let expected_hash = [
0x9d, 0x95, 0xa5, 0xf2, 0xd2, 0x9c, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x8a, 0x70, 0xcd, 0xf3, 0x54, 0x2c,
0x5b, 0x45, 0x98, 0xb4, 0xf3, 0xb4,
_test_decode(&path, &expected_hash);
fn test_decode_mp3() {
let path = Path::new("data/s32_stereo_44_1_kHz.mp3");
// Obtained through
// ffmpeg -i data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.mp3 -ar 22050 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_f32le
// -f hash -hash ripemd160 -
let expected_hash = [
0x28, 0x25, 0x6b, 0x7b, 0x6e, 0x37, 0x1c, 0xcf, 0xc7, 0x06, 0xdf, 0x62, 0x8c, 0x0e,
0x91, 0xf7, 0xd6, 0x1f, 0xac, 0x5b,
_test_decode(&path, &expected_hash);
fn test_dont_panic_no_channel_layout() {
let path = Path::new("data/no_channel.wav");
fn test_decode_right_capacity_vec() {
let path = Path::new("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac");
let song = Song::decode(&path).unwrap();
let sample_array = song.sample_array;
sample_array.len() + SAMPLE_RATE as usize,
let path = Path::new("data/s32_stereo_44_1_kHz.flac");
let song = Song::decode(&path).unwrap();
let sample_array = song.sample_array;
sample_array.len() + SAMPLE_RATE as usize,
let path = Path::new("data/capacity_fix.ogg");
let song = Song::decode(&path).unwrap();
let sample_array = song.sample_array;
assert!(sample_array.len() as f32 / sample_array.capacity() as f32 > 0.90);
assert!(sample_array.len() as f32 / (sample_array.capacity() as f32) < 1.);
fn test_analysis_distance() {
let mut a = Song::default();
a.analysis = Analysis::new([
0.16391512, 0.11326739, 0.96868552, 0.8353934, 0.49867523, 0.76532606, 0.63448005,
0.82506196, 0.71457147, 0.62395476, 0.69680329, 0.9855766, 0.41369333, 0.13900452,
0.68001012, 0.11029723, 0.97192943, 0.57727861, 0.07994821, 0.88993185,
let mut b = Song::default();
b.analysis = Analysis::new([
0.5075758, 0.36440256, 0.28888011, 0.43032829, 0.62387977, 0.61894916, 0.99676086,
0.11913155, 0.00640396, 0.15943407, 0.33829514, 0.34947174, 0.82927523, 0.18987604,
0.54437275, 0.22076826, 0.91232151, 0.29233168, 0.32846024, 0.04522147,
assert_eq!(a.distance(&b), 1.9469079)
fn test_analysis_distance_indiscernible() {
let mut a = Song::default();
a.analysis = Analysis::new([
1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.,
assert_eq!(a.distance(&a), 0.)
fn test_decode_errors() {
"while opening song: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: \"No such file or directory\" }."
BlissError::DecodingError(String::from("while opening format: Unsupported(\"core (probe): no suitable format reader found\").")),
fn test_index_analysis() {
let song = Song::from_path("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac").unwrap();
assert_eq!(song.analysis[AnalysisIndex::Tempo], 0.3846389);
assert_eq!(song.analysis[AnalysisIndex::Chroma10], -0.95968974);
fn test_decode_wav() {
let expected_hash = [
0xf0, 0xe0, 0x85, 0x4e, 0xf6, 0x53, 0x76, 0xfa, 0x7a, 0xa5, 0x65, 0x76, 0xf9, 0xe1,
0xe8, 0xe0, 0x81, 0xc8, 0xdc, 0x61,
_test_decode(Path::new("data/piano.wav"), &expected_hash);
fn test_debug_analysis() {
let song = Song::from_path("data/s16_mono_22_5kHz.flac").unwrap();
"Analysis { Tempo: 0.3846389, Zcr: -0.849141, MeanSpectralCentroid: \
-0.75481045, StdDeviationSpectralCentroid: -0.8790748, MeanSpectralR\
olloff: -0.63258266, StdDeviationSpectralRolloff: -0.7258959, MeanSp\
ectralFlatness: -0.7757379, StdDeviationSpectralFlatness: -0.8146726\
, MeanLoudness: 0.2716726, StdDeviationLoudness: 0.25779057, Chroma1\
: -0.35661936, Chroma2: -0.63578653, Chroma3: -0.29593682, Chroma4: \
0.06421304, Chroma5: 0.21852458, Chroma6: -0.581239, Chroma7: -0.946\
6835, Chroma8: -0.9481153, Chroma9: -0.9820945, Chroma10: -0.95968974 } \
/* [0.3846389, -0.849141, -0.75481045, -0.8790748, -0.63258266, -0.\
7258959, -0.7757379, -0.8146726, 0.2716726, 0.25779057, -0.35661936, \
-0.63578653, -0.29593682, 0.06421304, 0.21852458, -0.581239, -0.946\
6835, -0.9481153, -0.9820945, -0.95968974] */",
format!("{:?}", song.analysis),
fn dummy_distance(_: &Array1<f32>, _: &Array1<f32>) -> f32 {
fn test_custom_distance() {
let mut a = Song::default();
a.analysis = Analysis::new([
0.16391512, 0.11326739, 0.96868552, 0.8353934, 0.49867523, 0.76532606, 0.63448005,
0.82506196, 0.71457147, 0.62395476, 0.69680329, 0.9855766, 0.41369333, 0.13900452,
0.68001012, 0.11029723, 0.97192943, 0.57727861, 0.07994821, 0.88993185,
let mut b = Song::default();
b.analysis = Analysis::new([
0.5075758, 0.36440256, 0.28888011, 0.43032829, 0.62387977, 0.61894916, 0.99676086,
0.11913155, 0.00640396, 0.15943407, 0.33829514, 0.34947174, 0.82927523, 0.18987604,
0.54437275, 0.22076826, 0.91232151, 0.29233168, 0.32846024, 0.04522147,
assert_eq!(a.custom_distance(&b, dummy_distance), 0.);
fn test_closest_from_pool() {
let song = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-first").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
let first_song_dupe = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-dupe").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
let second_song = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-second").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 1.9, 1., 1., 1.,
let third_song = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-third").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.5, 1., 1., 1.,
let fourth_song = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-fourth").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 0., 1., 1., 1.,
let fifth_song = Song {
path: Path::new("path-to-fifth").to_path_buf(),
analysis: Analysis::new([
2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 0., 1., 1., 1.,
let songs = vec![
let playlist = song.closest_from_pool(songs.to_owned());
let playlist = song.closest_from_pool_custom(songs, euclidean_distance);
#[cfg(all(feature = "bench", test))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use crate::Song;
use std::path::Path;
use test::Bencher;
fn bench_resample_multi(b: &mut Bencher) {
let path = Path::new("./data/s32_stereo_44_1_kHz.flac");
b.iter(|| {