Add API to remove blocks, change PlaceBlock return type and others #4

NorbiPeti merged 0 commits from unknown repository into master 2020-04-13 20:44:13 +01:00
NorbiPeti commented 2020-04-13 01:34:53 +01:00 (Migrated from
  • Created a block removal API that takes a block's ID
  • Created a BlockUtility class that currently has a method to find the block the player is looking at
  • Removed IsBuildMode() and IsSimulationMode() methods from the block engines as they are just calling the GameState API
  • Changed the Placement.PlaceBlock() method's return type from bool to the block's ID or null
* Created a block removal API that takes a block's ID * Created a BlockUtility class that currently has a method to find the block the player is looking at * Removed IsBuildMode() and IsSimulationMode() methods from the block engines as they are just calling the GameState API * Changed the Placement.PlaceBlock() method's return type from bool to the block's ID or null
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Reference: exmods/TechbloxModdingAPI#4
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