2021-10-17 13:05:01 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import argparse
class Colors :
HEADER = ' \033 [95m '
OKBLUE = ' \033 [94m '
OKCYAN = ' \033 [96m '
OKGREEN = ' \033 [92m '
WARNING = ' \033 [93m '
FAIL = ' \033 [91m '
ENDC = ' \033 [0m '
BOLD = ' \033 [1m '
UNDERLINE = ' \033 [4m '
def color_string ( self , message ) :
return f " { self . OKCYAN } { message } { self . ENDC } "
class Localizer :
def __init__ ( self , reference_path , working_path ) :
self . reference_dict = dict ( )
self . working_dict = dict ( )
self . out_dict = dict ( )
self . reference_path = reference_path
self . working_path = working_path
self . init_dicts ( )
def init_dicts ( self ) :
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with open ( self . reference_path , encoding = " utf8 " ) as reference_file :
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self . reference_dict = json . load ( reference_file )
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with open ( self . working_path , encoding = " utf8 " ) as working_file :
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self . working_dict = json . load ( working_file )
def get_new_dict ( self ) :
self . out_dict = self . update_values ( self . reference_dict , self . working_dict ) [ 0 ]
def update_values ( self , reference_dict , working_dict ) :
colors = Colors ( )
done = False
for key , value in reference_dict . items ( ) :
if done :
return ( working_dict , True )
if isinstance ( value , dict ) :
if key not in working_dict :
working_dict [ key ] = dict ( )
working_dict [ key ] , done = self . update_values (
value , working_dict [ key ] )
elif key not in working_dict :
working_val = input (
2022-03-10 15:02:42 +01:00
f " Translation for key: [ { key } ] was not found. \n Type in the translation in the field below. \n Type \" _exit \" to save & quit and \" _skip \" to skip to the next key. \n <<< { colors . color_string ( repr ( value ) [ 1 : - 1 ] ) } \n >>> " )
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if working_val == " _exit " :
return ( working_dict , True )
elif working_val == " _skip " :
working_dict [ key ] = working_val
return ( working_dict , False )
def update_file ( self ) :
self . get_new_dict ( )
with open ( self . working_path , ' w ' ) as working_file :
json . dump ( self . out_dict , working_file , indent = 2 , ensure_ascii = False )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
description = " Compare and update JSON translation files " )
required = parser . add_argument_group ( ' Required arguments ' )
required . add_argument ( ' -r ' , ' --reference ' ,
help = ' reference file ' , required = True )
required . add_argument (
' -w ' , ' --working ' , help = ' working file, will be edited ' , required = True )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
loc = Localizer ( args . reference , args . working )
loc . update_file ( )