# AIO-switch-updater
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All-in-One Nintendo Switch Updater
A Nintendo Switch homebrew app to download and update CFWs, sigpatches, FWs and cheat codes. Supports Atmosphere, ReiNX and SXOS.
## How to install
Copy the `aio-switch-updater/` directory to `/switch/` in your sdcard
## Description of the features
### ⬦ Update CFW
Download the most popular Switch CFWs. After downloading the CFW archive, the program will ask you whether you want to override your existing .ini files. If you would like to preserve additional files or directories, write their path (one line each) in `/config/aio-switch-updater/preserve.txt` and they won't be overwritten when updating.
### ⬦ Update Sigpatches
For Atmosphere. Downloads sigpatches, which are patches required for launching unofficial .NSPs. Both AMS and Hekate+AMS sigpatches are available. After downloading the sigpatches archive, the program will ask you whether you want to override your existing .ini files.
### ⬦ Download firmwares
Download firmare files to `/firmware` that can then be installed using DayBreak or ChoiDuJour.
### ⬦ Download cheats
Downloads and extracts daily-updated cheat code. The program will only extract cheat codes for the games you own. By default, this homebrew will overwrite the existing cheats. If you have your own cheat files that you'd like to keep as is, you can turn off cheat updates for specific titles in `Tools->Cheat Menu`.
## Extras (in the `Tools` tab)
- Reboot to specific payload.
- Download payloads to `/bootloader/payloads`.
- Change software color scheme of Joy-Cons. Additional color profiles can be found in the releases and should be copied to `config/aio-switch-updater/jc_profiles.json`.
- Change software color scheme of Pro controllers (has to be paired as Player 1). Additional color profiles can be found in the releases and should be copied to `config/aio-switch-updater/pc_profiles.json`.
- View which of your games got cheat codes from the app.
- Launch the Switch's web browser.
- Edit internet settings (DNS, IP address, MTU, etc). Add you own configs to `config/aio-switch-updater/internet.json`. You can find a template in the root of the repo.
## Screenshots
## Disclaimer
I do not own, host nor distribute any of the files that can be downloaded with this homebrew tool. At the owner's request, I will immediately remove the ability to download the problematic files.
## Special thanks
- [tiansongyu](https://github.com/tiansongyu) for bringing support for multi-language and for his Chinese translation.
- [yyoossk](https://github.com/yyoossk) for the Japanese locale.
- [sergiou87](https://github.com/sergiou87) for the Spanish locale.
- [Team Neptune](https://github.com/Team-Neptune) whose rcm code I used
- [fennectech](https://github.com/fennectech) for helping test the app and providing suggestions
### Like the app?
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