 * Copyright (c) 2018 M4xw
 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 CTCaer
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <string.h>

#include "ianos.h"
#include "../../../common/common_module.h"
#include "../gfx/gfx.h"
#include "../libs/elfload/elfload.h"
#include "../mem/heap.h"
#include "../storage/nx_sd.h"
#include "../utils/types.h"

#define IRAM_LIB_ADDR 0x4002B000
#define DRAM_LIB_ADDR 0xE0000000

extern heap_t _heap;

void *elfBuf = NULL;
void *fileBuf = NULL;

static void _ianos_call_ep(moduleEntrypoint_t entrypoint, void *moduleConfig)
	bdkParams_t bdkParameters = (bdkParams_t)malloc(sizeof(struct _bdkParams_t));
	bdkParameters->gfxCon = &gfx_con;
	bdkParameters->gfxCtx = &gfx_ctxt;
	bdkParameters->memcpy = (memcpy_t)&memcpy;
	bdkParameters->memset = (memset_t)&memset;
	bdkParameters->sharedHeap = &_heap;

	entrypoint(moduleConfig, bdkParameters);

static void *_ianos_alloc_cb(el_ctx *ctx, Elf_Addr phys, Elf_Addr virt, Elf_Addr size)
	return (void *)virt;

static bool _ianos_read_cb(el_ctx *ctx, void *dest, size_t numberBytes, size_t offset)

	memcpy(dest, fileBuf + offset, numberBytes);

	return true;

//TODO: Support shared libraries.
uintptr_t ianos_loader(bool sdmount, char *path, elfType_t type, void *moduleConfig)
	uintptr_t epaddr = 0;

	if (sdmount)
		if (!sd_mount())
			goto elfLoadFinalOut;

	fileBuf = sd_file_read(path, NULL);

	if (sdmount)

	if (!fileBuf)
		goto elfLoadFinalOut;

	el_ctx ctx;
	ctx.pread = _ianos_read_cb;

	if (el_init(&ctx))
		goto elfLoadFinalOut;

	// Set our relocated library's buffer.
	switch (type & 0xFFFF)
	case EXEC_ELF:
	case AR64_ELF:
		elfBuf = (void *)DRAM_LIB_ADDR;
		elfBuf = malloc(ctx.memsz); // Aligned to 0x10 by default.

	if (!elfBuf)
		goto elfLoadFinalOut;

	// Load and relocate library.
	ctx.base_load_vaddr = ctx.base_load_paddr = (uintptr_t)elfBuf;
	if (el_load(&ctx, _ianos_alloc_cb))
		goto elfFreeOut;

	if (el_relocate(&ctx))
		goto elfFreeOut;

	// Launch.
	epaddr = ctx.ehdr.e_entry + (uintptr_t)elfBuf;
	moduleEntrypoint_t ep = (moduleEntrypoint_t)epaddr;

	_ianos_call_ep(ep, moduleConfig);

	elfBuf = NULL;
	fileBuf = NULL;


	return epaddr;