#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include "dumper.h" #include "fsext.h" #include "ui.h" #include "util.h" /* Extern variables */ extern FsDeviceOperator fsOperatorInstance; extern AppletType programAppletType; extern bool gameCardInserted; extern char gameCardSizeStr[32], trimmedCardSizeStr[32]; extern char *hfs0_header; extern u64 hfs0_offset, hfs0_size; extern u32 hfs0_partition_cnt; extern char *partitionHfs0Header; extern u64 partitionHfs0HeaderOffset, partitionHfs0HeaderSize; extern u32 partitionHfs0FileCount, partitionHfs0StrTableSize; extern u32 gameCardAppCount; extern u64 *gameCardTitleID; extern char **gameCardName; extern char **gameCardAuthor; extern char **gameCardVersionStr; extern char gameCardUpdateVersionStr[128]; extern char *filenameBuffer; extern char *filenames[FILENAME_MAX_CNT]; extern int filenamesCount; extern char strbuf[NAME_BUF_LEN * 4]; /* Statically allocated variables */ static PlFontData font; static FT_Library library; static FT_Face face; static Framebuffer fb; static u32 *framebuf = NULL; static u32 framebuf_width = 0; int cursor = 0; int scroll = 0; int breaks = 0; int font_height = 0; static u32 selectedPartitionIndex; static u32 selectedFileIndex; static u32 selectedAppIndex; static bool highlight = false; static bool isFat32 = false, dumpCert = false, trimDump = false, calcCrc = true; static char statusMessage[2048] = {'\0'}; static int statusMessageFadeout = 0; u64 freeSpace = 0; static char freeSpaceStr[64] = {'\0'}; static const int maxListElements = 15; static UIState uiState; static const char *appHeadline = "Nintendo Switch Game Card Dump Tool v" APP_VERSION ".\nOriginal codebase by MCMrARM.\nUpdated and maintained by DarkMatterCore.\n\n"; static const char *appControls = "[D-Pad / Analog Sticks] Move | [A] Select | [B] Back | [+] Exit"; static const char *mainMenuItems[] = { "Cartridge Image (XCI) dump", "Nintendo Submission Package (NSP) dump", "Raw partition dump", "Partition data dump", "View game card files", "Dump game card certificate", "Update NSWDB.COM XML database", "Update application" }; static const char *xciDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start XCI dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "Dump certificate: ", "Trim output dump: ", "CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification: " }; static const char *nspDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start NSP dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "CRC32 checksum calculation: ", "Bundled application to dump: " }; static const char *partitionDumpType1MenuItems[] = { "Dump partition 0 (Update)", "Dump partition 1 (Normal)", "Dump partition 2 (Secure)" }; static const char *partitionDumpType2MenuItems[] = { "Dump partition 0 (Update)", "Dump partition 1 (Logo)", "Dump partition 2 (Normal)", "Dump partition 3 (Secure)" }; static const char *viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems[] = { "View files from partition 0 (Update)", "View files from partition 1 (Normal)", "View files from partition 2 (Secure)" }; static const char *viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems[] = { "View files from partition 0 (Update)", "View files from partition 1 (Logo)", "View files from partition 2 (Normal)", "View files from partition 3 (Secure)" }; void uiFill(int x, int y, int width, int height, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { /* Perform validity checks */ if ((x + width) < 0 || (y + height) < 0 || x >= FB_WIDTH || y >= FB_HEIGHT) return; if (x < 0) { width += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { height += y; y = 0; } if ((x + width) >= FB_WIDTH) width = (FB_WIDTH - x); if ((y + height) >= FB_HEIGHT) height = (FB_HEIGHT - y); if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } u32 lx, ly; u32 framex, framey; for (ly = 0; ly < height; ly++) { for (lx = 0; lx < width; lx++) { framex = (x + lx); framey = (y + ly); framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(r, g, b); } } } void uiDrawChar(FT_Bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { if (framebuf == NULL) return; u32 framex, framey; u32 tmpx, tmpy; u8 *imageptr = bitmap->buffer; u8 src_val; float opacity; u8 fontR; u8 fontG; u8 fontB; if (bitmap->pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY) return; for(tmpy = 0; tmpy < bitmap->rows; tmpy++) { for (tmpx = 0; tmpx < bitmap->width; tmpx++) { framex = (x + tmpx); framey = (y + tmpy); if (framex >= FB_WIDTH || framey >= FB_HEIGHT) continue; src_val = imageptr[tmpx]; if (!src_val) { /* Render background color */ if (highlight) { framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_R, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_G, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_B); } else { framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB); } } else { /* Calculate alpha (opacity) */ opacity = (src_val / 255.0); if (highlight) { fontR = (r * opacity + (1 - opacity) * HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_R); fontG = (g * opacity + (1 - opacity) * HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_G); fontB = (b * opacity + (1 - opacity) * HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_B); } else { fontR = (r * opacity + (1 - opacity) * BG_COLOR_RGB); fontG = (g * opacity + (1 - opacity) * BG_COLOR_RGB); fontB = (b * opacity + (1 - opacity) * BG_COLOR_RGB); } framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(fontR, fontG, fontB); } } imageptr += bitmap->pitch; } } void uiScroll() { if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } u32 lx, ly; for (ly = 0; ly < (FB_HEIGHT - font_height); ly++) { for (lx = 0; lx < FB_WIDTH; lx++) { framebuf[(ly * framebuf_width) + lx] = framebuf[((ly + font_height) * framebuf_width) + lx]; } } uiFill(0, FB_HEIGHT - font_height, FB_WIDTH, font_height, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB); } void uiDrawString(const char *string, int x, int y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { u32 tmpx = x; u32 tmpy = (font_height + y); FT_Error ret = 0; FT_UInt glyph_index; FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph; u32 i; u32 str_size = strlen(string); uint32_t tmpchar; ssize_t unitcount = 0; if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } if (tmpy >= FB_HEIGHT) { tmpy = (FB_HEIGHT - font_height); uiScroll(); } for(i = 0; i < str_size;) { unitcount = decode_utf8(&tmpchar, (const uint8_t*)&string[i]); if (unitcount <= 0) break; i += unitcount; if (tmpchar == '\n') { tmpx = 0; tmpy += font_height; breaks++; continue; } else if (tmpchar == '\t') { tmpx += (font_height * TAB_WIDTH); continue; } else if (tmpchar == '\r') { continue; } glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, tmpchar); ret = FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (ret == 0) ret = FT_Render_Glyph(face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (ret) break; if ((tmpx + (slot->advance.x >> 6)) >= FB_WIDTH) { tmpx = 0; tmpy += font_height; breaks++; } uiDrawChar(&slot->bitmap, tmpx + slot->bitmap_left, tmpy - slot->bitmap_top, r, g, b); tmpx += (slot->advance.x >> 6); tmpy += (slot->advance.y >> 6); } } void uiRefreshDisplay() { if (framebuf != NULL) { framebufferEnd(&fb); framebuf = NULL; framebuf_width = 0; } } void uiStatusMsg(const char *fmt, ...) { statusMessageFadeout = 1000; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(statusMessage, sizeof(statusMessage) / sizeof(statusMessage[0]), fmt, args); va_end(args); } void uiUpdateStatusMsg() { if (!strlen(statusMessage) || !statusMessageFadeout) return; if ((statusMessageFadeout - 4) > BG_COLOR_RGB) { int fadeout = (statusMessageFadeout > 255 ? 255 : statusMessageFadeout); uiFill(0, FB_HEIGHT - (font_height * 2), FB_WIDTH, font_height, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB); uiDrawString(statusMessage, 0, FB_HEIGHT - (font_height * 2), fadeout, fadeout, fadeout); statusMessageFadeout -= 4; } else { statusMessageFadeout = 0; } } void uiPleaseWait(u8 wait) { uiDrawString("Please wait...", 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); uiRefreshDisplay(); if (wait) delay(wait); } void uiUpdateFreeSpace() { getSdCardFreeSpace(&freeSpace); char tmp[32] = {'\0'}; convertSize(freeSpace, tmp, sizeof(tmp) / sizeof(tmp[0])); snprintf(freeSpaceStr, sizeof(freeSpaceStr) / sizeof(freeSpaceStr[0]), "Free SD card space: %s.", tmp); } void uiClearScreen() { uiFill(0, 0, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB); } void uiPrintHeadline() { breaks = 0; uiClearScreen(); uiDrawString(appHeadline, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255); } int error_screen(const char *fmt, ...) { consoleInit(NULL); va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); vprintf(fmt, va); va_end(va); printf("Press [+] to exit.\n"); while (appletMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); if (hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_PLUS) break; consoleUpdate(NULL); } consoleExit(NULL); return 0; } int uiInit() { Result rc = 0; FT_Error ret = 0; /* Initialize pl service */ rc = plInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return error_screen("plInitialize() failed: 0x%x\n", rc); /* Retrieve shared font */ rc = plGetSharedFontByType(&font, PlSharedFontType_Standard); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { plExit(); return error_screen("plGetSharedFontByType() failed: 0x%x\n", rc); } /* Initialize FreeType */ ret = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); if (ret) { plExit(); return error_screen("FT_Init_FreeType() failed: %d\n", ret); } /* Create memory face */ ret = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, font.address, font.size, 0, &face); if (ret) { FT_Done_FreeType(library); plExit(); return error_screen("FT_New_Memory_Face() failed: %d\n", ret); } /* Set font character size */ ret = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, CHAR_PT_SIZE * 64, SCREEN_DPI_CNT, SCREEN_DPI_CNT); if (ret) { FT_Done_Face(face); FT_Done_FreeType(library); plExit(); return error_screen("FT_Set_Char_Size() failed: %d\n", ret); } /* Store font height and max width */ font_height = (face->size->metrics.height / 64); /* Create framebuffer */ framebufferCreate(&fb, nwindowGetDefault(), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 2); framebufferMakeLinear(&fb); /* Prepare additional data needed by the UI functions */ uiState = stateMainMenu; cursor = 0; scroll = 0; filenameBuffer = (char*)calloc(1, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!filenameBuffer) { framebufferClose(&fb); FT_Done_Face(face); FT_Done_FreeType(library); plExit(); return error_screen("Failed to allocate memory for the filename buffer.\n"); } uiUpdateFreeSpace(); /* Disable screen dimming and auto sleep */ appletSetMediaPlaybackState(true); /* Get applet type */ programAppletType = appletGetAppletType(); /* Block HOME menu button presses if we're running as a regular application or a system application */ if (programAppletType == AppletType_Application || programAppletType == AppletType_SystemApplication) appletBeginBlockingHomeButton(0); /* Clear screen */ uiClearScreen(); return 1; } void uiDeinit() { /* Unblock HOME menu button presses if we're running as a regular application or a system application */ if (programAppletType == AppletType_Application || programAppletType == AppletType_SystemApplication) appletEndBlockingHomeButton(); /* Enable screen dimming and auto sleep */ appletSetMediaPlaybackState(false); /* Free filename buffer */ if (filenameBuffer) free(filenameBuffer); /* Free framebuffer object */ framebufferClose(&fb); /* Free FreeType resources */ FT_Done_Face(face); FT_Done_FreeType(library); /* Deinitialize pl service */ plExit(); } void uiSetState(UIState state) { uiState = state; cursor = 0; scroll = 0; } UIState uiGetState() { return uiState; } UIResult uiProcess() { UIResult res = resultNone; int i, j; const char **menu = NULL; int menuItemsCount = 0; u32 keysDown; u32 keysHeld; uiPrintHeadline(); loadGameCardInfo(); if (uiState == stateMainMenu || uiState == stateXciDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspDumpMenu || uiState == stateRawPartitionDumpMenu || uiState == statePartitionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateViewGameCardFsMenu || uiState == stateViewGameCardFsBrowser) { uiDrawString(appControls, 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 255, 255); breaks += 2; uiDrawString(freeSpaceStr, 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 255, 255); breaks += 2; if (uiState != stateViewGameCardFsBrowser) { if (gameCardInserted && hfs0_header != NULL && (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT || hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE2_PARTITION_CNT) && gameCardAppCount > 0 && gameCardTitleID != NULL) { uiDrawString("Game card is inserted!", 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks += 2; /*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Root HFS0 header offset: 0x%016lX", hfs0_offset); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Root HFS0 header size: 0x%016lX", hfs0_size); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++;*/ u32 app; for(app = 0; app < gameCardAppCount; app++) { if (gameCardAppCount > 1) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Bundled application #%u:", app + 1); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; } snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Name: %s", gameCardName[app]); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Developer: %s", gameCardAuthor[app]); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Title ID: %016lX", gameCardTitleID[app]); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Version: %s", gameCardVersionStr[app]); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks += (gameCardAppCount > 1 ? 2 : 1); } snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Size: %s", gameCardSizeStr); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Used space: %s", trimmedCardSizeStr); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Partition count: %u (%s)", hfs0_partition_cnt, GAMECARD_TYPE(hfs0_partition_cnt)); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); if (strlen(gameCardUpdateVersionStr)) { breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Bundled FW update: %s", gameCardUpdateVersionStr); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); } } else { if (gameCardInserted) { if (hfs0_header != NULL) { if (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT || hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE2_PARTITION_CNT) { if (gameCardAppCount > 0) { uiDrawString("Error: unable to retrieve the game card Title ID!", 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 0, 0); if (strlen(gameCardUpdateVersionStr)) { breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Bundled FW Update: %s", gameCardUpdateVersionStr); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 0, 255, 0); breaks++; uiDrawString("In order to be able to dump data from this cartridge, make sure your console is at least on this FW version.", 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 255, 255); } } else { uiDrawString("Error: gamecard application count is zero!", 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 0, 0); } } else { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: unknown root HFS0 header partition count! (%u)", hfs0_partition_cnt); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 0, 0); } } else { uiDrawString("Error: unable to get root HFS0 header data!", 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 0, 0); } } else { uiDrawString("Game card is not inserted!", 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 0, 0); } res = resultShowMainMenu; } breaks += 2; } if (gameCardInserted && hfs0_header != NULL && (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT || hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE2_PARTITION_CNT) && gameCardAppCount > 0 && gameCardTitleID != NULL) { switch(uiState) { case stateMainMenu: menu = mainMenuItems; menuItemsCount = sizeof(mainMenuItems) / sizeof(mainMenuItems[0]); break; case stateXciDumpMenu: menu = xciDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = sizeof(xciDumpMenuItems) / sizeof(xciDumpMenuItems[0]); uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[0], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); break; case stateNspDumpMenu: menu = nspDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = sizeof(nspDumpMenuItems) / sizeof(nspDumpMenuItems[0]); uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[1], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); break; case stateRawPartitionDumpMenu: case statePartitionDataDumpMenu: menu = (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? partitionDumpType1MenuItems : partitionDumpType2MenuItems); menuItemsCount = (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? (sizeof(partitionDumpType1MenuItems) / sizeof(partitionDumpType1MenuItems[0])) : (sizeof(partitionDumpType2MenuItems) / sizeof(partitionDumpType2MenuItems[0]))); uiDrawString((uiState == stateRawPartitionDumpMenu ? mainMenuItems[2] : mainMenuItems[3]), 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); break; case stateViewGameCardFsMenu: menu = (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems : viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems); menuItemsCount = (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? (sizeof(viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems) / sizeof(viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems[0])) : (sizeof(viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems) / sizeof(viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems[0]))); uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[4], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); break; case stateViewGameCardFsBrowser: menu = (const char**)filenames; menuItemsCount = filenamesCount; uiDrawString((hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex]), 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "File count: %d | Current file: %d", menuItemsCount, cursor + 1); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 255, 255, 255); breaks++; break; default: break; } if (menu && menuItemsCount) { if (uiState != stateMainMenu) breaks += 2; j = 0; for(i = scroll; i < menuItemsCount; i++, j++) { if (j >= maxListElements) break; // Avoid printing the "Bundled application to dump" option in the NSP dump menu if we're not dealing with a multigame cart if (uiState != stateNspDumpMenu || (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu && (j < 3 || (j == 3 && gameCardAppCount > 1)))) { if ((j + scroll) == cursor) { highlight = true; uiFill(0, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)), FB_WIDTH / 2, font_height + 12, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_R, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_G, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_B); uiDrawString(menu[i], 0, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_R, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_G, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_B); highlight = false; } else { uiDrawString(menu[i], 0, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 255, 255); } // Print XCI dump menu settings values if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && j > 0) { if ((j + scroll) == cursor) highlight = true; switch(j) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) if (isFat32) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; case 2: // Dump certificate if (dumpCert) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; case 3: // Trim output dump if (trimDump) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; case 4: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification if (calcCrc) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; default: break; } if ((j + scroll) == cursor) highlight = false; } // Print NSP dump menu settings values if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu && j > 0) { if ((j + scroll) == cursor) highlight = true; switch(j) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) if (isFat32) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; case 2: // CRC32 checksum calculation if (calcCrc) { uiDrawString("Yes", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 0, 255, 0); } else { uiDrawString("No", OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 0, 0); } break; case 3: // Bundled application to dump uiDrawString(gameCardName[selectedAppIndex], OPTIONS_X_POS, (breaks * font_height) + (j * (font_height + 12)) + 6, 255, 255, 255); break; default: break; } if ((j + scroll) == cursor) highlight = false; } } } } } uiUpdateStatusMsg(); uiRefreshDisplay(); hidScanInput(); keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); keysHeld = hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); // Exit if (keysDown & KEY_PLUS) res = resultExit; // Process key inputs only if the UI state hasn't been changed if (res == resultNone) { int scrollAmount = 0; if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = resultDumpXci; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowMainMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) isFat32 = false; break; case 2: // Dump certificate dumpCert = false; break; case 3: // Trim output dump trimDump = false; break; case 4: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification calcCrc = false; break; default: break; } } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) isFat32 = true; break; case 2: // Dump certificate dumpCert = true; break; case 3: // Trim output dump trimDump = true; break; case 4: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification calcCrc = true; break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) scrollAmount = -1; // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) scrollAmount = 1; } else if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = resultDumpNsp; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowMainMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) isFat32 = false; break; case 2: // CRC32 checksum calculation calcCrc = false; break; case 3: // Bundled application to dump if (selectedAppIndex > 0) { selectedAppIndex--; } else { selectedAppIndex = 0; } break; default: break; } } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) isFat32 = true; break; case 2: // CRC32 checksum calculation calcCrc = true; break; case 3: // Bundled application to dump if (gameCardAppCount > 1) { selectedAppIndex++; if (selectedAppIndex >= gameCardAppCount) selectedAppIndex = (gameCardAppCount - 1); } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) scrollAmount = -1; // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) scrollAmount = 1; } else { // Select if (keysDown & KEY_A) { if (uiState == stateMainMenu) { switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultShowXciDumpMenu; break; case 1: selectedAppIndex = 0; res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; break; case 2: res = resultShowRawPartitionDumpMenu; break; case 3: res = resultShowPartitionDataDumpMenu; break; case 4: res = resultShowViewGameCardFsMenu; break; case 5: res = resultDumpGameCardCertificate; break; case 6: res = resultUpdateNSWDBXml; break; case 7: res = resultUpdateApplication; break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateRawPartitionDumpMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultDumpRawPartition; } else if (uiState == statePartitionDataDumpMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultDumpPartitionData; } else if (uiState == stateViewGameCardFsMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultShowViewGameCardFsGetList; } else if (uiState == stateViewGameCardFsBrowser) { // Save selected file index selectedFileIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultViewGameCardFsBrowserCopyFile; } } // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { if (uiState == stateRawPartitionDumpMenu || uiState == statePartitionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateViewGameCardFsMenu) { res = resultShowMainMenu; } else if (uiState == stateViewGameCardFsBrowser) { free(partitionHfs0Header); partitionHfs0Header = NULL; partitionHfs0HeaderOffset = 0; partitionHfs0HeaderSize = 0; partitionHfs0FileCount = 0; partitionHfs0StrTableSize = 0; res = resultShowViewGameCardFsMenu; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) scrollAmount = -1; if ((keysDown & KEY_DLEFT) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_LEFT) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_LEFT)) scrollAmount = -5; // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) scrollAmount = 1; if ((keysDown & KEY_DRIGHT) || (keysHeld & KEY_LSTICK_RIGHT) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_RIGHT)) scrollAmount = 5; } // Calculate scroll only if the UI state hasn't been changed if (res == resultNone) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < scrollAmount; i++) { if (cursor < menuItemsCount - 1) { cursor++; if ((cursor - scroll) >= maxListElements) scroll++; } } } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { for(i = 0; i < -scrollAmount; i++) { if (cursor > 0) { cursor--; if ((cursor - scroll) < 0) scroll--; } } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Bundled application to dump" option in the NSP dump menu if we're not dealing with multigame carts if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu && cursor == 3 && gameCardAppCount == 1) cursor = 2; } } } else if (uiState == stateDumpXci) { uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[0], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[1], (isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[2], (dumpCert ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[3], (trimDump ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[4], (calcCrc ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpCartridgeImage(&fsOperatorInstance, isFat32, dumpCert, trimDump, calcCrc); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowXciDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateDumpNsp) { uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[1], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", nspDumpMenuItems[1], (isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", nspDumpMenuItems[2], (calcCrc ? "Yes" : "No")); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); if (gameCardAppCount > 1) { breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "%s%s", nspDumpMenuItems[3], gameCardName[selectedAppIndex]); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); } breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpApplicationNSP(&fsOperatorInstance, isFat32, calcCrc, selectedAppIndex); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateDumpRawPartition) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Raw %s", (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? partitionDumpType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : partitionDumpType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpRawPartition(&fsOperatorInstance, selectedPartitionIndex, true); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowRawPartitionDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateDumpPartitionData) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Data %s", (hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? partitionDumpType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : partitionDumpType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpPartitionData(&fsOperatorInstance, selectedPartitionIndex); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowPartitionDataDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateViewGameCardFsGetList) { uiDrawString((hfs0_partition_cnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? viewGameCardFsType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : viewGameCardFsType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex]), 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; uiPleaseWait(0); breaks += 2; if (getHfs0FileList(selectedPartitionIndex)) { cursor = 0; scroll = 0; res = resultShowViewGameCardFsBrowser; } else { breaks += 2; waitForButtonPress(); res = resultShowViewGameCardFsMenu; } } else if (uiState == stateViewGameCardFsBrowserCopyFile) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Manual File Dump: %s (Partition %u [%s])", filenames[selectedFileIndex], selectedPartitionIndex, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, selectedPartitionIndex)); uiDrawString(strbuf, 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpFileFromPartition(&fsOperatorInstance, selectedPartitionIndex, selectedFileIndex, filenames[selectedFileIndex]); breaks += 2; waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowViewGameCardFsBrowser; } else if (uiState == stateDumpGameCardCertificate) { uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[5], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; dumpGameCertificate(&fsOperatorInstance); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowMainMenu; } else if (uiState == stateUpdateNSWDBXml) { uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[6], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; updateNSWDBXml(); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowMainMenu; } else if (uiState == stateUpdateApplication) { uiDrawString(mainMenuItems[7], 0, breaks * font_height, 115, 115, 255); breaks += 2; updateApplication(); waitForButtonPress(); uiUpdateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowMainMenu; } return res; }