import json import os import asyncio import logging logging.basicConfig( filename = "/home/deck/.fantastic.log", format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filemode = 'w', force = True) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) FAN_MINIMUM = 0 FAN_MAXIMUM = 7000 # max is more around 7100 TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM = 0.0 TEMPERATURE_MAXIMUM = 100.0 DATA_SAVE_FILE = "fantastic.json" DATA_SAVE_FOLDER = "/home/deck/.config/fantastic/" DATA_SAVE_PATH = DATA_SAVE_FOLDER + DATA_SAVE_FILE DEFAULT_DATA = { "version": 0, "enable": False, "interpolate": True, "curve": [], # items are {x: int (distance from left), y: int (distance from top, NOT bottom)} } class Plugin: settings = None is_changed = False plot_width = 1; plot_height = 1; period_s = 1.0; async def set_curve(self, curve): await self.wait_for_ready(self) self.settings["curve"] = curve self.is_changed = True async def get_curve(self): await self.wait_for_ready(self) return self.settings["curve"] async def get_curve_point(self, index): await self.wait_for_ready(self) return self.settings["curve"][index] async def set_curve_point(self, index, point): await self.wait_for_ready(self) self.settings["curve"][index] = point self.is_changed = True async def add_curve_point(self, point): await self.wait_for_ready(self) self.settings["curve"].append(point) self.settings["curve"].sort(key=lambda p: p["x"]) self.is_changed = True x = point["x"] y = point["y"] logger.debug(f"Added point (Temp:{100*x},PWM%:{100*y}) ~= ({x*self.plot_width},{y*self.plot_height})") async def remove_curve_point(self, index): await self.wait_for_ready(self) del(self.settings["curve"][index]) self.is_changed = True async def set_enable(self, enable: bool): await self.wait_for_ready(self) self.settings["enable"] = enable on_set_enable(enable) self.is_changed = True async def get_enable(self) -> bool: await self.wait_for_ready(self) return self.settings["enable"] async def set_interpol(self, interpolate: bool): await self.wait_for_ready(self) self.settings["interpolate"] = interpolate self.is_changed = True async def get_interpol(self) -> bool: await self.wait_for_ready(self) return self.settings["interpolate"] async def set_plot_size(self, x, y): logging.debug(f"Set plot size to ({x},{y})") self.plot_width = x self.plot_height = y async def get_fan_rpm(self) -> int: return get_fan_input() async def get_temperature(self) -> int: return int(thermal_zone(0)) async def set_poll_period(self, period): self.period_s = period def save(self): if not os.path.exists(DATA_SAVE_FOLDER): os.mkdir(DATA_SAVE_FOLDER) with open(DATA_SAVE_PATH, "w") as data_file : json.dump(self.settings, data_file) async def wait_for_ready(self): while self.settings is None: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) def do_fan_control(self): curve = self.settings["curve"] fan_ratio = 0 # unnecessary in Python, but stupid without if len(curve) == 0: fan_ratio = 1 else: index = -1 temperature_ratio = (thermal_zone(0) - TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM) / (TEMPERATURE_MAXIMUM - TEMPERATURE_MINIMUM) for i in range(len(curve)-1, -1, -1): if curve[i]["x"] < temperature_ratio: index = i break if self.settings["interpolate"]: fan_ratio = self.interpolate_fan(self, index, temperature_ratio) else: fan_ratio = self.step_fan(self, index, temperature_ratio) set_fan_target(int((fan_ratio * FAN_MAXIMUM) + FAN_MINIMUM)) def interpolate_fan(self, index, temperature_ratio): curve = self.settings["curve"] upper_point = {"x": 1.0, "y": 0.0} lower_point = {"x": 0.0, "y": 1.0} if index != -1: # guaranteed to not be empty lower_point = curve[index] if index != len(curve) - 1: upper_point = curve[index+1] #logging.debug(f"lower_point: {lower_point}, upper_point: {upper_point}") upper_y = 1-upper_point["y"] lower_y = 1-lower_point["y"] slope_m = (upper_y - lower_y) / (upper_point["x"] - lower_point["x"]) y_intercept_b = lower_y - (slope_m * lower_point["x"]) logging.debug(f"interpolation: y = {slope_m}x + {y_intercept_b}") return (slope_m * temperature_ratio) + y_intercept_b def step_fan(self, index, temperature_ratio): curve = self.settings["curve"] if index != -1: return 1 - curve[index]["y"] else: if len(curve) == 0: return 1 else: return 0.5 # Asyncio-compatible long-running code, executed in a task when the plugin is loaded async def _main(self): # startup if os.path.exists(DATA_SAVE_PATH): with open(DATA_SAVE_PATH, "r") as data_file: self.settings = json.load(data_file) else: self.settings = dict(DEFAULT_DATA) try: self.settings["version"] except: self.settings = dict(DEFAULT_DATA) while self.settings["version"] != DEFAULT_DATA["version"]: # TODO specific upgrade functionality self.settings["version"] = DEFAULT_DATA["version"] self.settings["enable"] = DEFAULT_DATA["enable"] self.settings["interpolate"] = DEFAULT_DATA["interpolate"] self.settings["curve"] = DEFAULT_DATA["curve"] self.is_changed = True on_set_enable(self.settings["enable"]) # work loop while True: if self.is_changed: self.is_changed = False if self.settings["enable"]: # custom fan curve is enabled self.do_fan_control(self) await asyncio.sleep(self.period_s) def thermal_zone(index: int) -> float: with open(f"/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone{index}/temp", "r") as f: result = float( / 1000.0 logging.debug(f"Got {result}'C from thermal_zone{index}") return result def set_fan_target(rpm: int): logging.debug(f"Setting fan1_target to {rpm}") with open("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", "w") as f: f.write(str(rpm)) def get_fan_input() -> int: with open("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_input", "r") as f: rpm = int( #logging.debug(f"Got {rpm} from fan1_input") # this is too spammy; runs every 0.5s return rpm def on_enable(): with open("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", "w") as f: f.write("1") # TODO stop system fan control def on_disable(): with open("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", "w") as f: f.write("0") # TODO restart system fan control def on_set_enable(enable): if enable: on_enable() else: on_disable()