import time import os import json import asyncio import pathlib import subprocess VERSION = "0.7.0-indev2" HOME_DIR = "/home/deck" DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION = HOME_DIR + "/.config/powertools/default_settings.json" LOG_LOCATION = "/tmp/powertools.log" FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR = HOME_DIR + "/homebrew/plugins/Fantastic" import logging logging.basicConfig( filename = LOG_LOCATION, format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filemode = 'w', force = True) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"PowerTools v{VERSION}") logging.debug(f"CWD: {os.getcwd()} HOME:{HOME_DIR}") import sys #import pathlib sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve())) import server as pt_server startup_time = time.time() class CPU: SCALING_FREQUENCIES = [1700000, 2400000, 2800000] def __init__(self, number, settings=None): self.number = number if settings is not None: self.set_max_boost(settings["max_boost"]) if settings["online"]: self.enable() else: self.disable() # TODO governor if(self.status()): self.max_boost = self._get_max_boost() else: self.max_boost = CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES[-1] def enable(self): # CPU number 0 is special if(self.number == 0): return filepath = cpu_online_path(self.number) write_to_sys(filepath, 1) # The user might have changed the maximum cpu clock while the cpu was offline self._set_max_boost(self.max_boost) def disable(self): # CPU number 0 is special if(self.number == 0): return filepath = cpu_online_path(self.number) write_to_sys(filepath, 0) def set_max_boost(self, frequency): self.max_boost = frequency if(self.status()): self._set_max_boost(frequency) def status(self) -> bool: # cpu number 0 is always online if(self.number == 0): return True filepath = cpu_online_path(self.number) return read_from_sys(filepath) == "1" def governor(self) -> str: return self._read_scaling_governor() def settings(self) -> dict: return { "online": self.status(), "max_boost": self.max_boost, "governor": self.governor(), } def _read_scaling_governor(self) -> str: filepath = cpu_governor_scaling_path(self.number) return read_from_sys(filepath, amount=-1).strip() def _write_scaling_governor(self, governor: str): filepath = cpu_governor_scaling_path(self.number) with open(filepath, mode="w") as f: f.write(governor) def _set_max_boost(self, frequency): if(frequency == CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES[-1]): self._write_scaling_governor("schedutil") return if(self._read_scaling_governor() != "userspace"): self._write_scaling_governor("userspace") else: filepath = cpu_freq_scaling_path(self.number) write_to_sys(filepath, frequency) def _get_max_boost(self) -> int: filepath = cpu_freq_scaling_path(self.number) freq_maybe = read_from_sys(filepath, amount=-1).strip() if(freq_maybe is None or len(freq_maybe) == 0 or freq_maybe == ""): return CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES[-1] freq = int(freq_maybe) return freq class Plugin: CPU_COUNT = 8 FAN_SPEEDS = [0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000] gpu_power_values = [[-1, -1, -1], [1000000, 15000000, 29000000], [0, 15000000, 30000000]] auto_fan = True persistent = True modified_settings = False current_gameid = None old_gameid = None ready = False async def get_version(self) -> str: return VERSION # CPU stuff # call from main_view.html with setCPUs(count, smt) async def set_cpus(self, count, smt=True):"set_cpus({count}, {smt})") self.modified_settings = True cpu_count = len(self.cpus) self.smt = smt # print("Setting CPUs") if smt: count = min(int(count), cpu_count) for cpu in self.cpus[: count]: cpu.enable() for cpu in self.cpus[count :: 1]: cpu.disable() else: count = min(int(count), cpu_count / 2) # never touch cpu0, since it's special for cpu in self.cpus[1 : cpu_count : 2]: cpu.disable() for cpu in self.cpus[2 : cpu_count : 2]: if(cpu.number / 2 + 1 > count): cpu.disable() else: cpu.enable() async def get_cpus(self) -> int: online_count = 0 for cpu in self.cpus: if(cpu.status()): online_count += 1"get_cpus() -> {online_count}") return online_count async def get_smt(self) -> bool:"get_smt() -> {self.smt}") return self.smt async def set_boost(self, enabled: bool) -> bool: self.modified_settings = True write_cpu_boost(enabled) return True async def get_boost(self) -> bool: return read_cpu_boost() async def set_max_boost(self, index): self.modified_settings = True if index < 0 or index >= len(CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES): return 0 selected_freq = CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES[index] for cpu in self.cpus: cpu.set_max_boost(selected_freq) return len(self.cpus) async def get_max_boost(self) -> int: return CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES.index(self.cpus[0].max_boost) # GPU stuff async def set_gpu_power(self, value: int, power_number: int) -> bool: self.modified_settings = True write_gpu_ppt(power_number, value) return True async def get_gpu_power(self, power_number: int) -> int: return read_gpu_ppt(power_number) async def set_gpu_power_index(self, index: int, power_number: int) -> bool: if index < 3 and index >= 0: self.modified_settings = True old_value = read_gpu_ppt(power_number) if old_value not in self.gpu_power_values[power_number]: self.gpu_power_values[power_number][1] = old_value write_gpu_ppt(power_number, self.gpu_power_values[power_number][index]) return True return False async def get_gpu_power_index(self, power_number: int) -> int: value = read_gpu_ppt(power_number) if value not in self.gpu_power_values[power_number]: #self.gpu_power_values[power_number][1] = value return 1 else: return self.gpu_power_values[power_number].index(value) # Fan stuff async def set_fan_tick(self, tick: int): self.modified_settings = True if tick >= len(self.FAN_SPEEDS): # automatic mode self.enable_jupiter_fan_control(self) self.auto_fan = True write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 0) write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", 4099) # 4099 is default else: # manual voltage self.disable_jupiter_fan_control(self) self.auto_fan = False write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 1) write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", self.FAN_SPEEDS[tick]) async def get_fan_tick(self) -> int: fan_target = read_fan_target() fan_input = int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_input", amount=-1).strip()) fan_target_v = float(fan_target) / 1000 fan_input_v = float(fan_input) / 1000 if self.auto_fan: return len(self.FAN_SPEEDS) elif fan_target == 4099 or (int(round(fan_target_v)) != int(round(fan_input_v)) and fan_target not in self.FAN_SPEEDS): # cannot read /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate, so guess based on available fan info # NOTE: the fan takes time to ramp up, so fan_target will never approximately equal fan_input # when fan_target was changed recently (hence set RPM caching) return len(self.FAN_SPEEDS) else: # quantize RPM to nearest tick (price is right rules; closest without going over) for i in range(len(self.FAN_SPEEDS)-1): if fan_target <= self.FAN_SPEEDS[i]: return i return len(self.FAN_SPEEDS)-1 # any higher value is considered as highest manual setting async def fantastic_installed(self) -> bool: return os.path.exists(FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR) def disable_jupiter_fan_control(self): active = subprocess.Popen(["systemctl", "is-active", "jupiter-fan-control.service"]).wait() == 0 if active:"Stopping jupiter-fan-control.service so it doesn't interfere") # only disable if currently active self.jupiter_fan_control_was_disabled = True stop_p = subprocess.Popen(["systemctl", "stop", "jupiter-fan-control.service"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stop_p.wait() logging.debug("systemctl stop jupiter-fan-control.service stdout:\n" + logging.debug("systemctl stop jupiter-fan-control.service stderr:\n" + def enable_jupiter_fan_control(self): if self.jupiter_fan_control_was_disabled:"Starting jupiter-fan-control.service so it doesn't interfere") # only re-enable if I disabled it self.jupiter_fan_control_was_disabled = False start_p = subprocess.Popen(["systemctl", "start", "jupiter-fan-control.service"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) start_p.wait() logging.debug("systemctl start jupiter-fan-control.service stdout:\n" + logging.debug("systemctl start jupiter-fan-control.service stderr:\n" + # Battery stuff async def get_charge_now(self) -> int: return int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/charge_now", amount=-1).strip()) async def get_charge_full(self) -> int: return int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/charge_full", amount=-1).strip()) async def get_charge_design(self) -> int: return int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/charge_full_design", amount=-1).strip()) # Asyncio-compatible long-running code, executed in a task when the plugin is loaded async def _main(self): # startup: load & apply settings self.jupiter_fan_control_was_disabled = False if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION): settings = read_json(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION) logging.debug(f"Loaded settings from {DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION}: {settings}") else: settings = None logging.debug(f"Settings {DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION} does not exist, skipped") if settings is None or settings["persistent"] == False: logging.debug("Ignoring settings from file") self.persistent = False self.guess_settings(self) self.modified_settings = True else: # apply settings logging.debug("Restoring settings from file") self.persistent = True self.apply_settings(self, settings) # self.modified_settings = False"Handled saved settings, back-end startup complete") # server setup await pt_server.start(VERSION) # work loop while True: # persistence if self.modified_settings and self.persistent: self.save_settings(self) self.modified_settings = False #self.reload_current_settings(self) await asyncio.sleep(1) await pt_server.shutdown() # called from main_view::onViewReady async def on_ready(self): delta = time.time() - startup_time if self.ready:"Front-end init called again {delta}s after startup") return"Front-end initialised {delta}s after startup") # persistence async def get_persistent(self) -> bool: return self.persistent async def set_persistent(self, enabled: bool): logging.debug(f"Persistence is now: {enabled}") self.persistent = enabled self.save_settings(self) def current_settings(self) -> dict: settings = dict() settings["cpu"] = self.current_cpu_settings(self) settings["gpu"] = self.current_gpu_settings(self) settings["fan"] = self.current_fan_settings(self) settings["persistent"] = self.persistent return settings def current_cpu_settings(self) -> dict: settings = dict() cpu_settings = [] for cpu in self.cpus: cpu_settings.append(cpu.settings()) settings["threads"] = cpu_settings settings["smt"] = self.smt settings["boost"] = read_cpu_boost() return settings def current_gpu_settings(self) -> dict: settings = dict() settings["slowppt"] = read_gpu_ppt(1) settings["fastppt"] = read_gpu_ppt(2) return settings def current_fan_settings(self) -> dict: settings = dict() settings["target"] = read_fan_target() settings["auto"] = self.auto_fan return settings def reload_current_settings(self): logging.debug(f"gameid update: {self.old_gameid} -> {self.current_gameid}") if self.persistent: # per-game profiles current_game = self.old_gameid = self.current_gameid if current_game is not None and current_game.has_settings(): self.current_gameid = current_game.gameid if self.old_gameid != self.current_gameid:"Applying custom settings for {} {current_game.appid()}") # new game; apply settings settings = current_game.load_settings() if settings is not None: self.apply_settings(self, settings) else: self.current_gameid = None if self.old_gameid != None:"Reapplying default settings; game without custom settings found") self.old_gameid = None # game without custom settings; apply defaults settings = read_json(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION) self.apply_settings(self, settings) def save_settings(self): settings = self.current_settings(self) logging.debug(f"Saving settings to file: {settings}") current_game = if current_game is not None and self.current_gameid is not None: save_location = current_game.settings_path() else: save_location = DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOCATION write_json(save_location, settings)"Saved settings to {save_location}") def apply_settings(self, settings: dict): # CPU self.cpus = [] for cpu_number in range(0, Plugin.CPU_COUNT): self.cpus.append(CPU(cpu_number, settings=settings["cpu"]["threads"][cpu_number])) self.smt = settings["cpu"]["smt"] write_cpu_boost(settings["cpu"]["boost"]) # GPU write_gpu_ppt(1, settings["gpu"]["slowppt"]) write_gpu_ppt(2, settings["gpu"]["fastppt"]) # Fan if not (os.path.exists(FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR) or settings["fan"]["auto"]): self.disable_jupiter_fan_control(self) write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 1) write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", settings["fan"]["target"]) elif settings["fan"]["auto"] and not os.path.exists(FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR): self.enable_jupiter_fan_control(self) def guess_settings(self): self.cpus = [] for cpu_number in range(0, Plugin.CPU_COUNT): self.cpus.append(CPU(cpu_number)) # If any core has two threads, smt is True self.smt = self.cpus[1].status() if(not self.smt): for cpu_number in range(2, len(self.cpus), 2): if(self.cpus[cpu_number].status()): self.smt = True break"SMT state is guessed to be {self.smt}") # per-game profiles async def get_current_game(self) -> str: current_game = if current_game is None: return "Menu (default)" else: return f"{} ({current_game.appid()})" async def set_per_game_profile(self, enabled: bool): current_game = if enabled and self.persistent and current_game is not None: self.current_gameid = current_game.gameid self.modified_settings = True else: if not enabled and current_game is not None and current_game.has_settings(): # delete settings; disable settings loading os.remove(current_game.settings_path()) self.current_gameid = None async def get_per_game_profile(self) -> bool: current_game = return current_game is not None and current_game.has_settings() async def on_game_start(self, game_id: int, data) -> bool: pt_server.http_server.set_game(game_id, data) self.reload_current_settings(self) return True async def on_game_stop(self, game_id: int) -> bool: pt_server.http_server.unset_game(game_id) self.reload_current_settings(self) return True # these are stateless (well, the state is not saved internally) functions, so there's no need for these to be called like a class method def cpu_online_path(cpu_number: int) -> str: return f"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{cpu_number}/online" def cpu_freq_scaling_path(cpu_number: int) -> str: return f"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{cpu_number}/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed" def cpu_governor_scaling_path(cpu_number: int) -> str: return f"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{cpu_number}/cpufreq/scaling_governor" def gpu_power_path(power_number: int) -> str: return f"/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power{power_number}_cap" def read_cpu_boost() -> bool: return read_from_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost") == "1" def write_cpu_boost(enable: bool): write_to_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost", int(enable)) def read_gpu_ppt(power_number: int) -> int: return read_sys_int(gpu_power_path(power_number)) def write_gpu_ppt(power_number:int, value: int): write_to_sys(gpu_power_path(power_number), value) def read_fan_target() -> int: return read_sys_int("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target") def write_to_sys(path, value: int): with open(path, mode="w") as f: f.write(str(value)) logging.debug(f"Wrote `{value}` to {path}") def read_from_sys(path, amount=1): with open(path, mode="r") as f: value = logging.debug(f"Read `{value}` from {path}") return value def read_sys_int(path) -> int: return int(read_from_sys(path, amount=-1).strip()) def write_json(path, data): with open(path, mode="w") as f: json.dump(data, f) # I always guess which is which param and I hate it def read_json(path): with open(path, mode="r") as f: return json.load(f) os_release = read_from_sys("/etc/os-release", amount=-1).strip()"/etc/os-release\n{os_release}")