import logging import json import os import pathlib import asyncio from aiohttp import web HOME_DIR = str(pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()).parent.parent.resolve()) SETTINGS_DIR = HOME_DIR + "/.config/powertools" if not os.path.exists(SETTINGS_DIR): os.mkdir(SETTINGS_DIR) http_runner = None http_server = None class GameInfo: def __init__(self, gameid: int, game_info: dict): self.gameid = gameid self.game_info = game_info def appid(self): return self.game_info["appid"] def name(self): return self.game_info["display_name"] def settings_path(self) -> str: return SETTINGS_DIR + os.pathsep + str(self.appid()) + ".json" def load_settings(self) -> dict: settings_path = self.settings_path() if os.exists(settings_path): with open(settings_path, mode="r") as f: return json.load(f) return None def has_settings(self) -> bool: return os.exists(self.settings_path()) class Server(web.Application): def __init__(self, version): super().__init__() self.version = version self.current_game = None self.last_recognised_game = None self.add_routes([ web.get("/", lambda req: self.index(req)),"/on_game_start/{game_id}", lambda req: self.on_game_start(req)),"/on_game_exit/{game_id}", lambda req: self.on_game_exit(req)),"/on_game_exit_null", lambda req: self.on_game_exit_null(req)) ]) logging.debug("Server init complete") def game(self) -> GameInfo: return self.current_game def recognised_game(self) -> GameInfo: return self.last_recognised_game async def index(self, request): logging.debug("Debug index page accessed") return web.json_response({ "name": "PowerTools", "version": self.version, "latest_game_id": self.current_game, "latest_recognised_game_id": self.last_recognised_game, }, headers={"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}) async def on_game_start(self, request): game_id = request.match_info["game_id"] data = await request.text() logging.debug(f"on_game_start {game_id} body:\n{data}") try: game_id = int(game_id) data = json.loads(data) except: return web.Response(text="WTF", status=400) self.current_game = GameInfo(game_id, data) if True: # TODO check for game_id in existing profiles self.last_recognised_game = self.current_game # only set this when profile exists # TODO apply profile return web.Response(status=204, headers={"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}) async def on_game_exit(self, request): # ignored for now game_id = request.match_info["game_id"] data = await request.text() logging.debug(f"on_game_exit {game_id}") try: game_id = int(game_id) except ValueError: return web.Response(text="WTF", status=400) if self.current_game.gameid == game_id: pass #self.current_game = None # TODO change settings to default return web.Response(status=204, headers={"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}) async def on_game_exit_null(self, request): # ignored for now"on_game_exit_null") #self.current_game = None # TODO change settings to default return web.Response(status=204, headers={"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}) async def start(version): global http_runner, http_server loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() http_server = Server(version) http_runner = web.AppRunner(http_server) await http_runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(http_runner, '', 5030) await site.start() async def shutdown(): # never really called global http_runner, http_server if http_runner is not None: await http_runner.cleanup() http_runner = None http_server = None