use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender}; use std::{thread, thread::JoinHandle}; use mps_interpreter::tokens::MpsTokenReader; use mps_interpreter::MpsItem; use super::MpsPlayer; use super::PlaybackError; /// A wrapper around MpsPlayer so that playback can occur on a different thread. /// This allows for message passing between the player and controller. /// /// You will probably never directly interact with this, instead using MpsController to communicate. pub struct MpsPlayerServer { player: MpsPlayer, control: Receiver, event: Sender, playback: Sender, keep_alive: bool, } impl MpsPlayerServer { pub fn new( player: MpsPlayer, ctrl: Receiver, event: Sender, playback: Sender, keep_alive: bool, ) -> Self { Self { player: player, control: ctrl, event: event, playback: playback, keep_alive: keep_alive, } } fn enqeue_some(&mut self, count: usize) { //println!("Enqueuing up to {} items", count); match self.player.enqueue(count) { Err(e) => self.event.send(PlayerAction::Exception(e)).unwrap(), Ok(items) => { for item in items { // notify of new items that have been enqueued self.playback.send(PlaybackAction::Enqueued(item)).unwrap(); } } } } fn on_empty(&self) { self.event.send(PlayerAction::Empty).unwrap(); self.playback.send(PlaybackAction::Empty).unwrap(); } fn on_end(&self) { self.event.send(PlayerAction::End).unwrap(); self.playback.send(PlaybackAction::Exit).unwrap(); } fn run_loop(&mut self) { // this can panic since it's not on the main thread // initial queue fill self.enqeue_some(1); let mut is_empty = self.player.queue_len() == 0; loop { let command = self.control.recv().unwrap(); let mut is_exiting = false; let mut check_empty = false; // process command match command { ControlAction::Next { .. } => { //println!("Executing next command (queue_len: {})", self.player.queue_len()); if let Err(e) = self.player.new_sink() { self.event.send(PlayerAction::Exception(e)).unwrap(); } if !self.player.is_paused() { self.enqeue_some(1); } } ControlAction::Previous { .. } => {} // TODO ControlAction::Play { .. } => self.player.resume(), ControlAction::Pause { .. } => self.player.pause(), ControlAction::PlayPause { .. } => { if self.player.is_paused() { self.player.resume(); } else { self.player.pause(); } } ControlAction::Stop { .. } => self.player.stop(), ControlAction::Exit { .. } => { self.player.stop(); is_exiting = true; } ControlAction::Enqueue { amount, .. } => { self.enqeue_some(amount); } ControlAction::NoOp { .. } => {} // empty by design ControlAction::SetVolume { volume, .. } => { self.player.set_volume((volume as f32) / (u32::MAX as f32)); } ControlAction::CheckEmpty { .. } => { check_empty = true; } } // keep queue full (while playing music) if self.player.queue_len() == 0 && !self.player.is_paused() && !is_exiting { self.enqeue_some(1); if self.player.queue_len() == 0 { // no more music to add is_exiting = !self.keep_alive || is_exiting; } } if command.needs_ack() { self.event.send(PlayerAction::Acknowledge(command)).unwrap(); } // always check for empty state change if self.player.queue_len() == 0 && !is_empty { // just became empty is_empty = true; self.on_empty(); } else if self.player.queue_len() != 0 && is_empty { // just got filled is_empty = false; } if is_empty && check_empty { self.on_empty(); } if is_exiting { break; } } //println!("Exiting playback server"); self.on_end(); } pub fn spawn MpsPlayer + Send + 'static>( factory: F, ctrl_tx: Sender, ctrl_rx: Receiver, event: Sender, playback: Sender, keep_alive: bool, ) -> JoinHandle<()> { thread::spawn(move || Self::unblocking_timer_loop(ctrl_tx, 50)); thread::spawn(move || { let player = factory(); let mut server_obj = Self::new(player, ctrl_rx, event, playback, keep_alive); server_obj.run_loop(); }) } pub fn unblocking_timer_loop(ctrl_tx: Sender, sleep_ms: u64) { let dur = std::time::Duration::from_millis(sleep_ms); loop { if let Err(_) = ctrl_tx.send(ControlAction::NoOp { ack: false }) { break; } thread::sleep(dur); } } } /// Action the controller wants the player to perform #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum ControlAction { Next { ack: bool }, Previous { ack: bool }, Play { ack: bool }, Pause { ack: bool }, PlayPause { ack: bool }, Stop { ack: bool }, Exit { ack: bool }, Enqueue { amount: usize, ack: bool }, NoOp { ack: bool }, SetVolume { ack: bool, volume: u32 }, CheckEmpty { ack: bool }, } impl ControlAction { fn needs_ack(&self) -> bool { *match self { Self::Next { ack } => ack, Self::Previous { ack } => ack, Self::Play { ack } => ack, Self::Pause { ack } => ack, Self::PlayPause { ack } => ack, Self::Stop { ack } => ack, Self::Exit { ack } => ack, Self::Enqueue { ack, .. } => ack, Self::NoOp { ack, .. } => ack, Self::SetVolume { ack, .. } => ack, Self::CheckEmpty { ack } => ack, } } } /// Action the player has performed/encountered #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum PlayerAction { Acknowledge(ControlAction), Exception(PlaybackError), End, Empty, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum PlaybackAction { Empty, Enqueued(MpsItem), Exit, } impl PlayerAction { pub fn is_acknowledgement(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Acknowledge(_) => true, _ => false, } } }