forked from NG-SD-Plugins/PowerTools
Merge branch 'dev'
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 219 additions and 24 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ You will need that installed for this plugin to work.
- Set some GPU power parameters (fastPPT & slowPPT)
- Set the fan RPM (unsupported on SteamOS beta)
- Display supplementary battery info
- Keep settings between restarts (stored in `~/.config/powertools.json`)
## Cool, but that's too much work
@ -1,14 +1,40 @@
import time
import os
import json
import asyncio
VERSION = "0.4.2"
VERSION = "0.5.0"
SETTINGS_LOCATION = "~/.config/powertools.json"
LOG_LOCATION = "/tmp/powertools.log"
FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR = "~/homebrew/plugins/Fantastic"
import logging
filename = LOG_LOCATION,
format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
filemode = 'w',
force = True)
logger = logging.getLogger()
||||"PowerTools v{VERSION}")
startup_time = time.time()
class CPU:
SCALING_FREQUENCIES = [1700000, 2400000, 2800000]
def __init__(self, number):
def __init__(self, number, settings=None):
self.number = number
if settings is not None:
if settings["online"]:
# TODO governor
self.max_boost = self._get_max_boost()
@ -46,6 +72,16 @@ class CPU:
filepath = cpu_online_path(self.number)
return read_from_sys(filepath) == "1"
def governor(self) -> str:
return self._read_scaling_governor()
def settings(self) -> dict:
return {
"online": self.status(),
"max_boost": self.max_boost,
"governor": self.governor(),
def _read_scaling_governor(self) -> str:
filepath = cpu_governor_scaling_path(self.number)
return read_from_sys(filepath, amount=-1).strip()
@ -82,6 +118,8 @@ class Plugin:
FAN_SPEEDS = [0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000]
auto_fan = True
persistent = True
modified_settings = False
async def get_version(self) -> str:
return VERSION
@ -90,6 +128,7 @@ class Plugin:
# call from main_view.html with setCPUs(count, smt)
async def set_cpus(self, count, smt=True):
self.modified_settings = True
cpu_count = len(self.cpus)
self.smt = smt
# print("Setting CPUs")
@ -121,13 +160,15 @@ class Plugin:
return self.smt
async def set_boost(self, enabled: bool) -> bool:
write_to_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost", int(enabled))
self.modified_settings = True
return True
async def get_boost(self) -> bool:
return read_from_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost") == "1"
return read_cpu_boost()
async def set_max_boost(self, index):
self.modified_settings = True
if index < 0 or index >= len(CPU.SCALING_FREQUENCIES):
return 0
@ -144,30 +185,32 @@ class Plugin:
# GPU stuff
async def set_gpu_power(self, value: int, power_number: int) -> bool:
write_to_sys(gpu_power_path(power_number), value)
self.modified_settings = True
write_gpu_ppt(power_number, value)
return True
async def get_gpu_power(self, power_number: int) -> int:
return int(read_from_sys(gpu_power_path(power_number), amount=-1).strip())
return read_gpu_ppt(power_number)
# Fan stuff
async def set_fan_tick(self, tick: int):
self.modified_settings = True
if tick >= len(self.FAN_SPEEDS):
# automatic mode
self.auto_fan = True
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 0)
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", 4099) # 4099 is default
||||["systemctl", "start", "jupiter-fan-control.service"])
#subprocess.Popen("systemctl start jupiter-fan-control.service", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
# manual voltage
self.auto_fan = False
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 1)
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", self.FAN_SPEEDS[tick])
||||["systemctl", "stop", "jupiter-fan-control.service"])
#subprocess.Popen("systemctl stop jupiter-fan-control.service", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
async def get_fan_tick(self) -> int:
fan_target = int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", amount=-1).strip())
fan_target = read_fan_target()
fan_input = int(read_from_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_input", amount=-1).strip())
fan_target_v = float(fan_target) / 1000
fan_input_v = float(fan_input) / 1000
@ -176,17 +219,17 @@ class Plugin:
elif fan_target == 4099 or (int(round(fan_target_v)) != int(round(fan_input_v)) and fan_target not in self.FAN_SPEEDS):
# cannot read /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate, so guess based on available fan info
# NOTE: the fan takes time to ramp up, so fan_target will never approximately equal fan_input
# when fan_target was changed recently (hence set voltage caching)
# when fan_target was changed recently (hence set RPM caching)
return len(self.FAN_SPEEDS)
# quantize voltage to nearest tick (price is right rules; closest without going over)
# quantize RPM to nearest tick (price is right rules; closest without going over)
for i in range(len(self.FAN_SPEEDS)-1):
if fan_target <= self.FAN_SPEEDS[i]:
return i
return len(self.FAN_SPEEDS)-1 # any higher value is considered as highest manual setting
async def fantastic_installed(self) -> bool:
return os.path.exists("/home/deck/homebrew/plugins/Fantastic")
return os.path.exists(FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR)
# Battery stuff
@ -201,22 +244,107 @@ class Plugin:
# Asyncio-compatible long-running code, executed in a task when the plugin is loaded
async def _main(self):
# startup: load & apply settings
if os.path.exists(SETTINGS_LOCATION):
settings = read_json(SETTINGS_LOCATION)
logging.debug(f"Loaded settings from {SETTINGS_LOCATION}: {settings}")
settings = None
logging.debug(f"Settings {SETTINGS_LOCATION} does not exist, skipped")
if settings is None or settings["persistent"] == False:
logging.debug("Ignoring settings from file")
self.persistent = False
self.cpus = []
for cpu_number in range(0, Plugin.CPU_COUNT):
# If any core has two threads, smt is True
self.smt = self.cpus[1].status()
if(not self.smt):
for cpu_number in range(2, len(self.cpus), 2):
self.smt = True
||||"SMT state is guessed to be {self.smt}")
# apply settings
logging.debug("Restoring settings from file")
self.persistent = True
self.cpus = []
for cpu_number in range(0, Plugin.CPU_COUNT):
self.cpus.append(CPU(cpu_number, settings=settings["cpu"]["threads"][cpu_number]))
self.smt = settings["cpu"]["smt"]
write_gpu_ppt(1, settings["gpu"]["slowppt"])
write_gpu_ppt(2, settings["gpu"]["fastppt"])
# Fan
if not (os.path.exists(FANTASTIC_INSTALL_DIR) or settings["fan"]["auto"]):
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/recalculate", 1)
write_to_sys("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target", settings["fan"]["target"])
self.dirty = False
||||"Handled saved settings, back-end startup complete")
# work loop
while True:
if self.modified_settings and self.persistent:
self.modified_settings = False
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# called from main_view::onViewReady
async def on_ready(self):
self.cpus = []
delta = time.time() - startup_time
||||"Front-end initialised {delta}s after startup")
for cpu_number in range(0, Plugin.CPU_COUNT):
# persistence
async def get_persistent(self) -> bool:
return self.persistent
async def set_persistent(self, enabled: bool):
logging.debug(f"Persistence is now: {enabled}")
self.persistent = enabled
def current_settings(self) -> dict:
settings = dict()
settings["cpu"] = self.current_cpu_settings(self)
settings["gpu"] = self.current_gpu_settings(self)
settings["fan"] = self.current_fan_settings(self)
settings["persistent"] = self.persistent
return settings
def current_cpu_settings(self) -> dict:
settings = dict()
cpu_settings = []
for cpu in self.cpus:
settings["threads"] = cpu_settings
settings["smt"] = self.smt
settings["boost"] = read_cpu_boost()
return settings
def current_gpu_settings(self) -> dict:
settings = dict()
settings["slowppt"] = read_gpu_ppt(1)
settings["fastppt"] = read_gpu_ppt(2)
return settings
def current_fan_settings(self) -> dict:
settings = dict()
settings["target"] = read_fan_target()
settings["auto"] = self.auto_fan
return settings
def save_settings(self):
settings = self.current_settings(self)
||||"Saving settings to file: {settings}")
write_json(SETTINGS_LOCATION, settings)
# If any core has two threads, smt is True
self.smt = self.cpus[1].status()
if(not self.smt):
for cpu_number in range(2, len(self.cpus), 2):
self.smt = True
# these are stateless (well, the state is not saved internally) functions, so there's no need for these to be called like a class method
@ -232,11 +360,43 @@ def cpu_governor_scaling_path(cpu_number: int) -> str:
def gpu_power_path(power_number: int) -> str:
return f"/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/power{power_number}_cap"
def read_cpu_boost() -> bool:
return read_from_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost") == "1"
def write_cpu_boost(enable: bool):
write_to_sys("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost", int(enable))
def read_gpu_ppt(power_number: int) -> int:
return read_sys_int(gpu_power_path(power_number))
def write_gpu_ppt(power_number:int, value: int):
write_to_sys(gpu_power_path(power_number), value)
def read_fan_target() -> int:
return read_sys_int("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/fan1_target")
def write_to_sys(path, value: int):
with open(path, mode="w") as f:
logging.debug(f"Wrote `{value}` to {path}")
def read_from_sys(path, amount=1):
with open(path, mode="r") as f:
value =
logging.debug(f"Read `{value}` from {path}")
return value
def read_sys_int(path) -> int:
return int(read_from_sys(path, amount=-1).strip())
def write_json(path, data):
with open(path, mode="w") as f:
json.dump(data, f) # I always guess which is which param and I hate it
def read_json(path):
with open(path, mode="r") as f:
return json.load(f)
os_release = read_from_sys("/etc/os-release", amount=-1).strip()
@ -73,6 +73,14 @@
function getChargeDesign() {
return call_plugin_method("get_charge_design", {});
function setPersistent(value) {
return call_plugin_method("set_persistent", {"enabled": value});
function getPersistent() {
return call_plugin_method("get_persistent", {});
// other logic
@ -95,6 +103,7 @@
selectNotch("fanNotch", await getFanTick(), 8);
await updateBatteryStats();
setToggleState(document.getElementById("persistToggle"), await getPersistent());
// this is unimportant; always do it last
await updateVersion();
window.setInterval(function() {updateBatteryStats().then(_ => {})}, 5000);
@ -233,6 +242,13 @@
batCapacityFull.innerText = (7.7 * chargeFull / 1000000).toFixed(2).toString() + " Wh (" + (100 * chargeFull / chargeDesign).toFixed(0).toString() + "%)";
async function togglePersist() {
let toggle = document.getElementById("persistToggle");
let isActive = getToggleState(toggle);
await setPersistent(!isActive);
setToggleState(toggle, !isActive);
let versionCount = -1;
async function updateVersion() {
let version = await getVersion();
@ -535,6 +551,23 @@
<div class="quickaccesscontrols_PanelSection_2C0g0" style="padding:0px 4px;">
<div class="quickaccesscontrols_PanelSectionRow_2VQ88">
<div class="gamepaddialog_Field_S-_La gamepaddialog_WithFirstRow_qFXi6 gamepaddialog_VerticalAlignCenter_3XNvA gamepaddialog_WithDescription_3bMIS gamepaddialog_ExtraPaddingOnChildrenBelow_5UO-_ gamepaddialog_StandardPadding_XRBFu gamepaddialog_HighlightOnFocus_wE4V6 Panel Focusable" style="--indent-level:0;">
<div class="gamepaddialog_FieldLabelRow_H9WOq">
<div class="gamepaddialog_FieldLabel_3b0U-">
<div class="gamepaddialog_FieldChildren_14_HB">
<div id="persistToggle" tabindex="0" class="gamepaddialog_Toggle_24G4g Focusable" onclick="togglePersist()">
<div class="gamepaddialog_ToggleRail_2JtC3"></div>
<div class="gamepaddialog_ToggleSwitch_3__OD"></div>
<div class="gamepaddialog_FieldDescription_2OJfk">Restores settings after a reboot</div>
<div class="quickaccesscontrols_PanelSection_2C0g0" style="padding:0px 4px;">
<div class="quickaccesscontrols_PanelSectionRow_2VQ88" onclick="updateVersion()">
<div class="gamepaddialog_Field_S-_La gamepaddialog_WithFirstRow_qFXi6 gamepaddialog_VerticalAlignCenter_3XNvA gamepaddialog_InlineWrapShiftsChildrenBelow_pHUb6 gamepaddialog_WithBottomSeparator_1lUZx gamepaddialog_StandardPadding_XRBFu gamepaddialog_HighlightOnFocus_wE4V6 Panel Focusable" style="--indent-level:0;">
@ -548,5 +581,6 @@
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