"About_Title":"All-in-One Nintendo Switch Updater",
"copyright":"AIO-switch-updater is licensed under GPL-3.0\n\u00A9 2020 HamletDuFromage",
"Disclaimers":"\uE016 Aside from cheat codes that are mirrored from the main Gbatemp thread, HamletDuFromage isn't hosting anything. All credits go to respective owners.\n\uE016 Links are refreshed every three hours. If a link remains broken after 3 hours have passed, please open a Github issue.\n",
"v1_0_1_text":"\uE016 Added dialogue box asking about ini files.\n\uE016 Fixed update app link when not connected to the internet.\n\uE016 Minor fixes here and there.",
"v1_0_2_text":"\uE016 Fixed .ini files being handled poorly when installing sigpatches. Now prompts the user if they want to replace hetake_ipl.ini.",
"v1_0_3_text":"\uE016 Fixed progress bar sometimes being stuck when extracting.",
"v1_1_0_text":"\uE016 Added an option to download payloads to '/bootloader/payloads'.\n\uE016 Cleaned up some stuff, made .ini overwriting cleaner.\n",
"v1_1_1_text":"\uE016 Added some safety checks before downloading/extracting.\n\uE016 Added the possibility to copy a payload to '/atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin'\n\uE016 Added changelog in 'Tools'\n",
"v1_1_2_text":"\uE016 Added GUI to disable cheat updates for specific titles.",
"v1_1_3_text":"\uE016 Now displays the latest installed cheat version.\n\uE016 Now warns in the app title if a new update is available.",
"v1_2_0_text":"\uE016 Now multilingual (thanks to 'github.com/tiansongyu').\n\uE016 Chinese and French are currently supported.",
"v1_2_1_text":"\uE016 Added option to set a payload to /bootloader/update.bin",