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["tools", "internet_settings"], "tool_browser" : ["tools", "browser"], "utils_because" : ["utils", "fw_warning"], "utils_ok" : ["common", "ok"], "utils_do" : ["utils", "overwrite"], "utils_no" : ["common", "no"], "utils_yes" : ["common", "yes"], "utils_the" : ["utils", "wrong_type_sigpatches"], "utils_the_downloaded" : ["utils", "wrong_type_fw"], "ultils_overwrite" : ["utils", "overwrite_inis"], "ultis_file" : ["utils", "wrong_type_cfw"], "reboot_rcm" : ["ams_update", "reboot_rcm"], "hekate_dialogue" : ["ams_update", "install_hekate"], "Yes" : ["common", "yes"], "No" : ["common", "no"], "net_settings" : ["net", "title"], "go_back" : ["common", "go_back"], "Confirm_button" : ["common", "confirm"], "Cancel_button" : ["common", "cancel"], "tool_copyFiles" : ["tools", "batch_copy"], "files_not_found" : ["tools", "batch_copy_not_found"], "copy_files_not_found" : ["tools", "batch_copy_config_not_found"], "delete_contents" : ["ams_update", "delete_contents"], "launch_warning" : ["main", "launch_warning"] } lookupTableSmol = { "About_Title" : ["about", "title"], "copyright" : ["about", "copyright"], "Disclaimers" : ["about", "disclaimer"] } with open('menus.json') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) def populate(data, t): res = {} for e in t: if(e in data): if(t[e][0] not in res): res[t[e][0]] = {} res[t[e][0]][t[e][1]] = data[e] return res def sed_command(t): command = "'" for e in t: command += "s#" + "menus/" + e + "#" + "menus/" + t[e][0] + "/" + t[e][1] + "#g;" command += command[:-1] + "'" return command with open("menus.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(populate(data, lookupTable), outfile, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) print(sed_command(lookupTable))