# AIO-switch-updater

All-in-One Nintendo Switch Updater

A Nintendo Switch homebrew app download and update CFWs, sigpatches, FWs and cheat codes. Support Atmosphere, ReiNX and SXOS.
## How to install
Copy the `aio-switch-updater/` directory to `/switch/` in your sdcard
## Extras
This app can also reboot to specific payload and change software color scheme of Joy-Cons.
## Description of the features
### - Update CFW
Download the most popular Switch CFWs. After downloading the CFW archive, the program will ask you whether you want to override your existing .ini files.
### - Update Sigpatches
For Atmosphere. Downloads sigpatches, which are patches required for launching unofficial .NSPs. Both AMS and Hekate+AMS sigpatches are available.
### -Download firmares
Download firmare files to `/firmware` that can then be installed using DayBreak or ChoiDuJour.
### - Download cheats
Downloads and extracts daily-updated cheat code. The program will only extract cheat codes for the games you own.
## Screenshots

## Disclaimer
I do not own, host nor distribute any of the files that can be downloaded with this homebrew tool. At the owner's request, I will immediately remove the ability to download the problematic files.