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synced 2025-03-04 13:15:36 +00:00
* Update menus.json (POEditor.com) * Update menus.json (POEditor.com) * Update menus.json (POEditor.com) * Update menus.json (POEditor.com) * indentation fix + MORE TRAD! * fr trad * Localization - All languages - Standardized (spelling, capitalization etc) the following proper nouns: AIO-switch-updater ; GitHub ; GBAtemp.net ; Cheat Slips. - Typography: changed double spaces to simple spaces after the unicode character \ue016 ; replaced all ellipsises by their unicode character "…" - Accessibility: changed langage names to their local, original names. Names copied from this list https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/localization which is the least confusing of all the ressources I could find about languages and codes. It does not contain zh-Hant nor zh-Hans so I've left them alone. - English - Some editing to make some lines easier to read and understand. I'm reading Microsoft's style guide and will do some more edits later. - French - Complete translation, again with guidance from MS' style, again more edits incoming later. - Étant donné que la communauté à l'air d'utiliser beaucoup de terminologie anglaise dans ses échanges et sa documentation, j'ai décidé de ne pas traduire des termes comme payload (charge utile). - Code typos reporting (Not touching it I don't want to break stuff) - A colon in the "main.get_all_cheats:" string name. - "cheats.cheastlips_title" should be "cheats.cheatslips_title" (s and t inversion) * DE edit + app name capitalization Pull requests are hard. * Update README.md
96 lines
4.7 KiB
96 lines
4.7 KiB
"about": {
"title": "多工具合一任天堂Switch更新器",
"copyright": "多工具合一任天堂Switch更新器遵循 GPL-3.0 协议\n© 2020-2021 HamletDuFromage",
"disclaimers": "\ue016 除了从主Gbatemp线程镜像的金手指外,本软件作者不拥有任何金手指。所有的信用归于各自的所有者\n\ue016 链接每三个小时刷新一次. 如果链接在3小时后仍然有问题,请到GitHub给作者 issue.\n"
"cheats": {
"installed": "安装金手指",
"label": "以下游戏在您上次使用该应用程序时已经收到作弊代码更新。请注意,尽管已经更新下载的游戏,作弊可能不匹配其当前更新",
"downloading": "下载中:\n最新的金手指\n\n来自:\n",
"dl_latest": "下载最新的金手指",
"getting_cheats": "获取金手指",
"menu": "金手指菜单",
"view": "查看已安装金手指",
"exclude": "下载的金手指中,不存在可用金手指的游戏",
"delete_existing": "删除所有现有的金手指",
"delete_all": "删除所有金手指",
"deleting": "删除中",
"exclude_titles": "不包括的游戏",
"exclude_titles_desc": "你可以用这个菜单关闭金手指更新",
"exclude_titles_save": "保存并返回"
"common": {
"downloading": "下载中…",
"extracting": "解压中…",
"all_done": " 成功完成!",
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"back": "返回",
"continue": "继续",
"download": "下载中:\n",
"from": "\n\n从:\n",
"ok": "确定",
"shut_down": "停止",
"reboot": "重启",
"updating": "更新软件",
"no": "否",
"yes": "是"
"changelog": {
"changelog": "更新日志"
"payloads": {
"dl_payloads": "下载注入程序",
"select": "选择一个注入文件重启.",
"not_found": "如果点击后界面没有反应,请确认switch是否连接网络\n如果检查后问题依然存在,请到GitHub上给我提交issue",
"set_reboot_payload": "设置 reboot_payload.bin",
"set_update_bin": "设置 bootloader/update.bin",
"copy_success": "成功复制 '",
"to": "' to '"
"joy_con": {
"title": "Joy-Con 颜色更换器",
"backup": "备份当前主题文件",
"label": "手柄颜色修改器",
"backing_up": "备份当前的颜色配置文件,确定手柄已经插入switch如果进程卡住,请拔插手柄反复试一下.",
"changing": "改变颜色,确保手柄已经被插入.如果进程卡住,请拔插手柄反复试一下 ",
"all_done": "完成,你可能需要拔插手柄来启动刚才的颜色更新"
"main": {
"getting": "获取 {}",
"firmware_text": "\ue016 固件从 'https://darthsternie.net/switch-firmwares/ 下载'. 下载之后,文件会被解压到 '/firmware'. 您可以使用 Daybreak 来安装它 .\n\ue016 当前FW版本: ",
"cheats_text": "\ue016 这个金手指的下载和更新地址是 'gbatemp.net'. 你的机器中没有的游戏,这些金手指不会解压到你的SD卡中 你可以在'工具->金手指菜单' 关闭金手指更新.\n\ue016 当前金手指版本: ",
"sigpatches": "数字签名",
"sigpatches_text": "\ue016 数字签名允许你运行没被任天堂收录的nsp文件. 确保为您的设置选择了正确的签名 (pure Atmosphère (大气层)or Hekate+Atmosphère).",
"firmware": "固件",
"not_found": "没有找到",
"latest_cheats": "最新版本",
"app": "应用",
"cfw": "自制系统",
"cfw_text": "\ue016 主要 Switch 破解系统. 如果你使用 Atmosphère with Hekate, 下载 Atmosphère, 然后 Hekate.",
"cheats": "金手指",
"links_not_found": "如果点击功能后,界面没有反应,确保switch已经连接互联网\n如果问题依然存在\n请到GitHub(https://github.com/HamletDuFromage/AIO-switch-updater)上为作者提交issue.",
"new_update": " - 最版本可用,请更新最新版本",
"about": "介绍",
"update_cfw": "更新自制系统版本",
"update_sigpatches": "更新数字签名",
"download_firmware": "下载破解固件",
"download_cheats": "下载金手指",
"tools": "工具"
"tools": {
"cheats": "金手指菜单",
"joy_cons": "改变手柄颜色",
"dl_payloads": "下载注入文件存储到 ",
"inject_payloads": "启用注入文件",
"update_app": "更新软件版本 (v{})",
"dl_app": "下载中:\nAIO-Switch-Updater\n\n从:\n",
"changelog": "更新日志"
"utils": {
"fw_warning": "由于 FW archive的文件大小, 仅支持在 Applet Mode 模式下更新固件. (百度查询进入applet Mode模式方法)请让程序在Applet Mode下启动",
"overwrite": "你想要覆盖已经存在的",
"overwrite_inis": "你想要覆盖已经存在的.ini 设置文件吗?"
} |