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* Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <vapours.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/tipc/tipc_common.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/tipc/tipc_service_object.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/tipc/tipc_object_manager.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/tipc/tipc_deferral_manager.hpp>
namespace ams::tipc {
template<size_t NumSessions, typename Interface, typename Impl, template<typename, size_t> typename _Allocator>
struct PortMeta {
static constexpr inline size_t MaxSessions = NumSessions;
static constexpr bool CanDeferInvokeRequest = IsDeferrable<Impl>;
using ServiceObject = tipc::ServiceObject<Interface, Impl>;
using Allocator = _Allocator<ServiceObject, NumSessions>;
struct DummyDeferralManagerBase{};
template<size_t N>
struct DummyDeferralManager : public DummyDeferralManagerBase {};
namespace impl {
template<size_t ThreadStackSize, bool IsDeferralSupported, size_t NumPorts, typename... PortInfos>
class ServerManagerImpl {
static_assert(NumPorts == sizeof...(PortInfos));
static constexpr inline size_t MaxSessions = (PortInfos::MaxSessions + ...);
/* Verify that we have at least one port. */
static_assert(NumPorts > 0);
/* Verify that it's possible to service this many sessions, with our port manager count. */
static_assert(MaxSessions <= NumPorts * MaximumSessionsPerPort);
static_assert(util::IsAligned(ThreadStackSize, os::ThreadStackAlignment));
alignas(os::ThreadStackAlignment) static constinit inline u8 s_port_stacks[ThreadStackSize * (NumPorts - 1)];
template<size_t Ix> AMS_CONCEPTS_REQUIRES_IF_SUPPORTED(Ix < NumPorts)
static constexpr inline size_t SessionsPerPortManager = (Ix == NumPorts - 1) ? ((MaxSessions / NumPorts) + MaxSessions % NumPorts)
: ((MaxSessions / NumPorts));
template<size_t Ix> AMS_CONCEPTS_REQUIRES_IF_SUPPORTED(Ix < NumPorts)
using PortInfo = typename std::tuple_element<Ix, std::tuple<PortInfos...>>::type;
static_assert(IsDeferralSupported == (PortInfos::CanDeferInvokeRequest || ...));
template<size_t Sessions>
using DeferralManagerImplType = typename std::conditional<IsDeferralSupported, DeferralManager<Sessions>, DummyDeferralManager<Sessions>>::type;
using DeferralManagerBaseType = typename std::conditional<IsDeferralSupported, DeferralManagerBase, DummyDeferralManagerBase>::type;
template<size_t Ix> AMS_CONCEPTS_REQUIRES_IF_SUPPORTED(Ix < NumPorts)
static constexpr inline bool IsPortDeferrable = PortInfo<Ix>::CanDeferInvokeRequest;
class PortManagerBase {
enum MessageType : u8 {
MessageType_AddSession = 0,
MessageType_TriggerResume = 1,
s32 m_id;
std::atomic<s32> m_num_sessions;
s32 m_port_number;
os::MultiWaitType m_multi_wait;
os::MessageQueueType m_message_queue;
os::MultiWaitHolderType m_message_queue_holder;
uintptr_t m_message_queue_storage[MaxSessions];
ServerManagerImpl *m_server_manager;
ObjectManagerBase *m_object_manager;
DeferralManagerBaseType *m_deferral_manager;
PortManagerBase() : m_id(), m_num_sessions(), m_port_number(), m_multi_wait(), m_message_queue(), m_message_queue_holder(), m_message_queue_storage(), m_server_manager(), m_object_manager(), m_deferral_manager() {
/* Setup our message queue. */
os::InitializeMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), m_message_queue_storage, util::size(m_message_queue_storage));
os::InitializeMultiWaitHolder(std::addressof(m_message_queue_holder), std::addressof(m_message_queue), os::MessageQueueWaitType::ForNotEmpty);
constexpr s32 GetPortIndex() const {
return m_port_number;
s32 GetSessionCount() const {
return m_num_sessions;
void InitializeBase(s32 id, ServerManagerImpl *sm, DeferralManagerBaseType *dm, ObjectManagerBase *om) {
/* Set our id. */
m_id = id;
/* Set our server manager. */
m_server_manager = sm;
/* Reset our session count. */
m_num_sessions = 0;
/* Initialize our multi wait. */
os::LinkMultiWaitHolder(std::addressof(m_multi_wait), std::addressof(m_message_queue_holder));
/* Initialize our object manager. */
m_object_manager = om;
/* Initialize our deferral manager. */
m_deferral_manager = dm;
void RegisterPort(s32 index, tipc::NativeHandle port_handle) {
/* Set our port number. */
m_port_number = index;
/* Create an object holder for the port. */
tipc::ObjectHolder object;
/* Setup the object. */
/* Register the object. */
tipc::NativeHandle ProcessRequest(ObjectHolder &object) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Process the request. */
const Result result = m_object_manager->ProcessRequest(object);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
/* We should reply only if the request isn't deferred. */
return !IsRequestDeferred() ? object.GetHandle() : tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
} else {
/* Processing failed, so note the session as closed (or close it). */
this->CloseSessionIfNecessary(object, !tipc::ResultSessionClosed::Includes(result));
/* We shouldn't reply on failure. */
return tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
template<bool Enable = IsDeferralSupported, typename = typename std::enable_if<Enable>::type>
void ProcessDeferredRequest(ObjectHolder &object) {
static_assert(Enable == IsDeferralSupported);
if (const auto reply_target = this->ProcessRequest(object); reply_target != tipc::InvalidNativeHandle) {
bool ReplyAndReceive(os::MultiWaitHolderType **out_holder, ObjectHolder *out_object, tipc::NativeHandle reply_target) {
/* If we don't have a reply target, clear our message buffer. */
if (reply_target == tipc::InvalidNativeHandle) {
/* Try to reply/receive. */
const Result result = m_object_manager->ReplyAndReceive(out_holder, out_object, reply_target, std::addressof(m_multi_wait));
/* Acquire exclusive access to the server manager. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Handle the result. */
R_TRY_CATCH(result) {
R_CATCH(os::ResultSessionClosedForReceive, os::ResultReceiveListBroken) {
/* Close the object. */
/* We don't have anything to process. */
return false;
return true;
void AddSession(tipc::NativeHandle session_handle, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *service_object) {
/* Create an object holder for the session. */
tipc::ObjectHolder object;
/* Setup the object. */
object.InitializeAsSession(session_handle, true, service_object);
/* Register the object. */
void ProcessMessages() {
/* While we have messages in our queue, receive and handle them. */
uintptr_t message_type, message_data;
while (os::TryReceiveMessageQueue(std::addressof(message_type), std::addressof(m_message_queue))) {
/* Receive the message's data. */
os::ReceiveMessageQueue(std::addressof(message_data), std::addressof(m_message_queue));
/* Handle the specific message. */
switch (static_cast<MessageType>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<MessageType>::type>(message_type))) {
case MessageType_AddSession:
/* Get the handle from where it's packed into the message type. */
const tipc::NativeHandle session_handle = tipc::DecodeNativeHandleForMessageQueue(message_type >> BITSIZEOF(u32));
/* Allocate a service object for the port. */
auto *service_object = m_server_manager->AllocateObject(static_cast<size_t>(message_data), session_handle, *m_deferral_manager);
/* Add the newly-created service object. */
this->AddSession(session_handle, service_object);
case MessageType_TriggerResume:
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Perform the resume. */
void CloseSession(ObjectHolder &object) {
/* Get the object's handle. */
const auto handle = object.GetHandle();
/* Close the object with our manager. */
/* Close the handle itself. */
/* Decrement our session count. */
void CloseSessionIfNecessary(ObjectHolder &object, bool necessary) {
if (necessary) {
/* Get the object's handle. */
const auto handle = object.GetHandle();
/* Close the object with our manager. */
/* Close the handle itself. */
/* Decrement our session count. */
bool TestResume(uintptr_t key) {
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Check to see if the key corresponds to some deferred message. */
return m_deferral_manager->TestResume(key);
} else {
return false;
void TriggerResume(uintptr_t key) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Send the key as a message. */
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(MessageType_TriggerResume));
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), key);
void TriggerAddSession(tipc::NativeHandle session_handle, size_t port_index) {
/* Increment our session count. */
/* Send information about the session as a message. */
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(MessageType_AddSession) | (static_cast<u64>(tipc::EncodeNativeHandleForMessageQueue(session_handle)) << BITSIZEOF(u32)));
os::SendMessageQueue(std::addressof(m_message_queue), static_cast<uintptr_t>(port_index));
void OnTriggerResume(uintptr_t key) {
/* Acquire exclusive server manager access. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_server_manager->GetMutex());
/* Trigger the resume. */
m_deferral_manager->TriggerResume(this, key);
static bool IsRequestDeferred() {
if constexpr (IsDeferralSupported) {
/* Get the message buffer. */
const tipc::MessageBuffer message_buffer(tipc::GetMessageBuffer());
/* Parse the hipc headers. */
const tipc::MessageBuffer::MessageHeader message_header(message_buffer);
const tipc::MessageBuffer::SpecialHeader special_header(message_buffer, message_header);
/* Determine raw data index. */
const auto raw_data_offset = message_buffer.GetRawDataIndex(message_header, special_header);
/* Result is the first raw data word. */
const Result method_result = message_buffer.GetRaw<u32>(raw_data_offset);
/* Check that the result is the special deferral result. */
return tipc::ResultRequestDeferred::Includes(method_result);
} else {
/* If deferral isn't supported, requests are never deferred. */
return false;
template<typename PortInfo, size_t PortSessions>
class PortManagerImpl final : public PortManagerBase {
DeferralManagerImplType<PortSessions> m_deferral_manager_impl;
tipc::ObjectManager<1 + PortSessions> m_object_manager_impl;
PortManagerImpl() : PortManagerBase(), m_deferral_manager_impl(), m_object_manager_impl() {
/* ... */
void Initialize(s32 id, ServerManagerImpl *sm) {
/* Initialize our base. */
this->InitializeBase(id, sm, std::addressof(m_deferral_manager_impl), std::addressof(m_object_manager_impl));
/* Initialize our object manager. */
template<size_t Ix>
using PortManager = PortManagerImpl<PortInfo<Ix>, SessionsPerPortManager<Ix>>;
using PortManagerTuple = decltype([]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) {
return std::tuple<PortManager<Ix>...>{};
using PortAllocatorTuple = std::tuple<typename PortInfos::Allocator...>;
os::SdkRecursiveMutex m_mutex;
PortManagerTuple m_port_managers;
PortAllocatorTuple m_port_allocators;
os::ThreadType m_port_threads[NumPorts - 1];
template<size_t Ix>
ALWAYS_INLINE auto &GetPortManager() {
return std::get<Ix>(m_port_managers);
template<size_t Ix>
ALWAYS_INLINE const auto &GetPortManager() const {
return std::get<Ix>(m_port_managers);
template<size_t Ix>
void LoopAutoForPort() {
template<size_t Ix>
static void LoopAutoForPortThreadFunction(void *_this) {
static_cast<ServerManagerImpl *>(_this)->LoopAutoForPort<Ix>();
template<size_t Ix>
void InitializePortThread(s32 priority, const char *name) {
/* Create the thread. */
R_ABORT_UNLESS(os::CreateThread(m_port_threads + Ix, &LoopAutoForPortThreadFunction<Ix>, this, s_port_stacks + Ix, ThreadStackSize, priority));
/* Set the thread name pointer. */
if (name != nullptr) {
os::SetThreadNamePointer(m_port_threads + Ix, name);
/* Start the thread. */
os::StartThread(m_port_threads + Ix);
ServerManagerImpl() : m_mutex(), m_port_managers(), m_port_allocators() { /* ... */ }
os::SdkRecursiveMutex &GetMutex() { return m_mutex; }
void Initialize() {
/* Initialize our port managers. */
[this]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->GetPortManager<Ix>().Initialize(static_cast<s32>(Ix), this), ...);
template<size_t Ix>
void RegisterPort(tipc::NativeHandle port_handle) {
this->GetPortManager<Ix>().RegisterPort(static_cast<s32>(Ix), port_handle);
template<size_t Ix>
void RegisterPort(sm::ServiceName service_name, size_t max_sessions) {
/* Register service. */
tipc::NativeHandle port_handle;
R_ABORT_UNLESS(sm::RegisterService(std::addressof(port_handle), service_name, max_sessions, false));
/* Register the port handle. */
void LoopAuto() {
/* If we have additional threads, create and start them. */
if constexpr (NumPorts > 1) {
const auto thread_priority = os::GetThreadPriority(os::GetCurrentThread());
[thread_priority, this]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
/* Create all threads. */
(this->InitializePortThread<Ix>(thread_priority, nullptr), ...);
}(std::make_index_sequence<NumPorts - 1>());
/* Process for the last port. */
this->LoopAutoForPort<NumPorts - 1>();
2021-04-11 01:07:55 -07:00
void LoopAuto(int priority, const char *name) {
/* If we have additional threads, create and start them. */
if constexpr (NumPorts > 1) {
[priority, name, this]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
/* Create all threads. */
(this->InitializePortThread<Ix>(priority, name), ...);
}(std::make_index_sequence<NumPorts - 1>());
2021-04-11 01:07:55 -07:00
/* Check current thread. */
AMS_ASSERT(priority == os::GetThreadPriority(os::GetCurrentThread()));
/* N does not do: os::SetThreadNamePointer(os::GetCurrentThread(), name); */
2021-04-11 01:07:55 -07:00
/* Process for the last port. */
this->LoopAutoForPort<NumPorts - 1>();
tipc::ServiceObjectBase *AllocateObject(size_t port_index, tipc::NativeHandle handle, DeferralManagerBaseType &deferral_manager) {
/* Check that the port index is valid. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(port_index < NumPorts);
/* Try to allocate from each port, in turn. */
tipc::ServiceObjectBase *allocated = nullptr;
[this, port_index, handle, &deferral_manager, &allocated]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TryAllocateObject<Ix>(port_index, handle, deferral_manager, allocated), ...);
/* Return the allocated object. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(allocated != nullptr);
return allocated;
template<IsResumeKey ResumeKey>
void TriggerResume(const ResumeKey &resume_key) {
/* Acquire exclusive access to ourselves. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex);
/* Convert to internal resume key. */
const auto internal_resume_key = ConvertToInternalResumeKey(resume_key);
/* Check/trigger resume on each of our ports. */
[this, internal_resume_key]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TriggerResumeImpl<Ix>(internal_resume_key), ...);
Result AddSession(tipc::NativeHandle *out, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *object) {
/* Acquire exclusive access to ourselves. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex);
/* Create a handle for the session. */
tipc::NativeHandle session_handle;
R_TRY(tipc::impl::CreateSession(std::addressof(session_handle), static_cast<tipc::NativeHandle *>(out), false, 0));
/* Select the best port manager. */
PortManagerBase *best_manager = nullptr;
s32 best_sessions = -1;
[this, &best_manager, &best_sessions]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TrySelectBetterPort<Ix>(best_manager, best_sessions), ...);
/* Add the session to the least burdened manager. */
best_manager->AddSession(session_handle, object);
2022-03-26 00:14:36 -07:00
template<size_t Ix> requires (Ix < NumPorts)
void TryAllocateObject(size_t port_index, tipc::NativeHandle handle, DeferralManagerBaseType &deferral_manager, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *&allocated) {
/* Check that the port index matches. */
if (port_index == Ix) {
/* Check that we haven't already allocated. */
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(allocated == nullptr);
/* Get the allocator. */
auto &allocator = std::get<Ix>(m_port_allocators);
/* Allocate the object. */
auto * const new_object = allocator.Allocate();
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(new_object != nullptr);
/* If we should, set the object's deleter. */
if constexpr (IsServiceObjectDeleter<typename std::tuple_element<Ix, PortAllocatorTuple>::type>) {
/* If we should, set the object's deferral manager. */
if constexpr (IsPortDeferrable<Ix>) {
deferral_manager.AddObject(new_object->GetImpl(), handle, new_object);
/* Set the allocated object. */
allocated = new_object;
Result LoopProcess(PortManagerBase &port_manager) {
/* Process requests forever. */
tipc::NativeHandle reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
while (true) {
/* Reply to our pending request, and wait to receive a new one. */
os::MultiWaitHolderType *signaled_holder = nullptr;
tipc::ObjectHolder signaled_object{};
while (!port_manager.ReplyAndReceive(std::addressof(signaled_holder), std::addressof(signaled_object), reply_target)) {
reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
signaled_object = {};
if (signaled_holder == nullptr) {
/* A session was signaled, accessible via signaled_object. */
switch (signaled_object.GetType()) {
case ObjectHolder::ObjectType_Port:
/* Try to accept a new session */
tipc::NativeHandle session_handle;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(tipc::impl::AcceptSession(std::addressof(session_handle), signaled_object.GetHandle()))) {
this->TriggerAddSession(session_handle, static_cast<size_t>(port_manager.GetPortIndex()));
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
case ObjectHolder::ObjectType_Session:
/* Process the request */
reply_target = port_manager.ProcessRequest(signaled_object);
} else {
/* Our message queue was signaled. */
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
void TriggerAddSession(tipc::NativeHandle session_handle, size_t port_index) {
/* Acquire exclusive access to ourselves. */
std::scoped_lock lk(m_mutex);
/* Select the best port manager. */
PortManagerBase *best_manager = nullptr;
s32 best_sessions = -1;
[this, &best_manager, &best_sessions]<size_t... Ix>(std::index_sequence<Ix...>) ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA {
(this->TrySelectBetterPort<Ix>(best_manager, best_sessions), ...);
/* Trigger the session add on the least-burdened manager. */
best_manager->TriggerAddSession(session_handle, port_index);
template<size_t Ix> requires (Ix < NumPorts)
void TrySelectBetterPort(PortManagerBase *&best_manager, s32 &best_sessions) {
auto &cur_manager = this->GetPortManager<Ix>();
const auto cur_sessions = cur_manager.GetSessionCount();
/* NOTE: It's unknown how nintendo handles the case where the last manager has more sessions (to cover the remainder). */
/* Our algorithm diverges from theirs (it does not do std::min bounds capping), to accommodate remainder ports. */
/* If we learn how they handle this edge case, we can change our ways to match theirs. */
if constexpr (Ix == 0) {
best_manager = std::addressof(cur_manager);
best_sessions = cur_sessions;
} else {
static_assert(SessionsPerPortManager<Ix - 1> == SessionsPerPortManager<0>);
static_assert(SessionsPerPortManager<Ix - 1> <= SessionsPerPortManager<Ix>);
if (cur_sessions < best_sessions || best_sessions >= static_cast<s32>(SessionsPerPortManager<Ix - 1>)) {
best_manager = std::addressof(cur_manager);
best_sessions = cur_sessions;
template<size_t Ix>
void TriggerResumeImpl(uintptr_t resume_key) {
/* Get the port manager. */
auto &port_manager = this->GetPortManager<Ix>();
/* If we should, trigger a resume. */
if (port_manager.TestResume(resume_key)) {
template<size_t ThreadStackSize, typename PortInfo>
class ServerManagerImpl<ThreadStackSize, false, 1, PortInfo> {
static constexpr inline size_t NumPorts = 1;
static constexpr inline size_t MaxSessions = PortInfo::MaxSessions;
/* Verify that it's possible to service this many sessions, with our port manager count. */
static_assert(MaxSessions <= MaximumSessionsPerPort);
class PortManagerBase {
os::MultiWaitType m_multi_wait;
ObjectManagerBase *m_object_manager;
constexpr PortManagerBase() : m_multi_wait(), m_object_manager() { /* ... */ }
void InitializeBase(ObjectManagerBase *om) {
/* Initialize our multi wait. */
/* Initialize our object manager. */
m_object_manager = om;
void RegisterPort(tipc::NativeHandle port_handle) {
/* Create an object holder for the port. */
tipc::ObjectHolder object;
/* Setup the object. */
/* Register the object. */
tipc::NativeHandle ProcessRequest(ObjectHolder &object) {
/* Process the request. */
const Result result = m_object_manager->ProcessRequest(object);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
/* We should reply only if the request isn't deferred. */
return object.GetHandle();
} else {
/* Processing failed, so close the session if we need to. */
if (!tipc::ResultSessionClosed::Includes(result)) {
/* We shouldn't reply on failure. */
return tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
bool ReplyAndReceive(ObjectHolder *out_object, tipc::NativeHandle reply_target) {
/* If we don't have a reply target, clear our message buffer. */
if (reply_target == tipc::InvalidNativeHandle) {
/* Try to reply/receive. */
Minor header fixes to reduce parsing issues with Clang (#1700) * Work around Clang's incomplete C++20 support for omitting typename * vapours: fix Clang error about missing return in constexpr function * stratosphere: fix call to non-constexpr strlen in constexpr function strlen being constexpr is a non-compliant GCC extension; Clang explicitly rejects it: https://reviews.llvm.org/D23692 * stratosphere: add a bunch of missing override specifiers * stratosphere: work around Clang consteval bug Minimal example: https://godbolt.org/z/MoM64v93M The issue seems to be that Clang does not consider f(x) to be a constant expression if x comes from a template argument that isn't a non-type auto template argument (???) We can work around this by relaxing GetMessageHeaderForCheck (by using constexpr instead of consteval). This produces no functional changes because the result of GetMessageHeaderForCheck() is assigned to a constexpr variable, so the result is guaranteed to be computed at compile-time. * stratosphere: fix missing require clauses in definitions GCC not requiring the require clauses to be repeated for member definitions is actually a compiler bug: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96830 Clang rejects declarations with missing require clauses. * Fix ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA and parameter list relative order While GCC doesn't seem to care about the position of the always_inline attribute relative to the parameter list, Clang is very picky and requires the attribute to appear after the parameter list (and before a trailing return type) * stratosphere: fix static constexpr member variable with incomplete type GCC accepts this for some reason (because of the lambda?) but Clang correctly rejects this.
2021-11-07 02:19:34 +01:00
const Result result = [&]() ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA -> Result {
os::MultiWaitHolderType *signaled_holder = nullptr;
ON_SCOPE_EXIT { AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(signaled_holder == nullptr); };
return m_object_manager->ReplyAndReceive(std::addressof(signaled_holder), out_object, reply_target, std::addressof(m_multi_wait));
/* Handle the result. */
if (R_FAILED(result)) {
/* Close the object. */
/* We don't have anything to process. */
return false;
return true;
void AddSession(tipc::NativeHandle session_handle, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *service_object) {
/* Create an object holder for the session. */
tipc::ObjectHolder object;
/* Setup the object. */
object.InitializeAsSession(session_handle, true, service_object);
/* Register the object. */
void CloseSession(ObjectHolder &object) {
/* Get the object's handle. */
const auto handle = object.GetHandle();
/* Close the object with our manager. */
2021-10-15 19:59:29 -07:00
/* Close the handle itself. */
class PortManagerImpl final : public PortManagerBase {
tipc::ObjectManager<1 + MaxSessions> m_object_manager_impl;
constexpr PortManagerImpl() : PortManagerBase(), m_object_manager_impl() {
/* ... */
void Initialize() {
/* Initialize our base. */
/* Initialize our object manager. */
using PortManager = PortManagerImpl;
PortManager m_port_manager;
Minor header fixes to reduce parsing issues with Clang (#1700) * Work around Clang's incomplete C++20 support for omitting typename * vapours: fix Clang error about missing return in constexpr function * stratosphere: fix call to non-constexpr strlen in constexpr function strlen being constexpr is a non-compliant GCC extension; Clang explicitly rejects it: https://reviews.llvm.org/D23692 * stratosphere: add a bunch of missing override specifiers * stratosphere: work around Clang consteval bug Minimal example: https://godbolt.org/z/MoM64v93M The issue seems to be that Clang does not consider f(x) to be a constant expression if x comes from a template argument that isn't a non-type auto template argument (???) We can work around this by relaxing GetMessageHeaderForCheck (by using constexpr instead of consteval). This produces no functional changes because the result of GetMessageHeaderForCheck() is assigned to a constexpr variable, so the result is guaranteed to be computed at compile-time. * stratosphere: fix missing require clauses in definitions GCC not requiring the require clauses to be repeated for member definitions is actually a compiler bug: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96830 Clang rejects declarations with missing require clauses. * Fix ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA and parameter list relative order While GCC doesn't seem to care about the position of the always_inline attribute relative to the parameter list, Clang is very picky and requires the attribute to appear after the parameter list (and before a trailing return type) * stratosphere: fix static constexpr member variable with incomplete type GCC accepts this for some reason (because of the lambda?) but Clang correctly rejects this.
2021-11-07 02:19:34 +01:00
typename PortInfo::Allocator m_port_allocator;
constexpr ServerManagerImpl() : m_port_manager(), m_port_allocator() { /* ... */ }
void Initialize() {
/* Initialize our port manager. */
2021-10-15 19:59:29 -07:00
void RegisterPort(tipc::NativeHandle port_handle) {
void RegisterPort(sm::ServiceName service_name, size_t max_sessions) {
/* Register service. */
tipc::NativeHandle port_handle;
R_ABORT_UNLESS(sm::RegisterService(std::addressof(port_handle), service_name, max_sessions, false));
/* Register the port handle. */
2021-10-15 19:59:29 -07:00
void LoopAuto() {
/* Process for the only port. */
tipc::ServiceObjectBase *AllocateObject() {
/* Allocate the object. */
auto * const new_object = m_port_allocator.Allocate();
AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(new_object != nullptr);
/* If we should, set the object's deleter. */
if constexpr (IsServiceObjectDeleter<typename PortInfo::Allocator>) {
return new_object;
Result AddSession(tipc::NativeHandle *out, tipc::ServiceObjectBase *object) {
/* Create a handle for the session. */
tipc::NativeHandle session_handle;
R_TRY(tipc::impl::CreateSession(std::addressof(session_handle), static_cast<tipc::NativeHandle *>(out), false, 0));
/* Add the session to our manager. */
m_port_manager.AddSession(session_handle, object);
2022-03-26 00:14:36 -07:00
void LoopProcess(PortManagerBase &port_manager) {
/* Process requests forever. */
tipc::NativeHandle reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
while (true) {
/* Reply to our pending request, and wait to receive a new one. */
tipc::ObjectHolder signaled_object{};
while (!port_manager.ReplyAndReceive(std::addressof(signaled_object), reply_target)) {
reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
/* A session was signaled, accessible via signaled_object. */
switch (signaled_object.GetType()) {
case ObjectHolder::ObjectType_Port:
/* Try to accept a new session */
tipc::NativeHandle session_handle;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(tipc::impl::AcceptSession(std::addressof(session_handle), signaled_object.GetHandle()))) {
port_manager.AddSession(session_handle, this->AllocateObject());
/* We have nothing to reply to. */
reply_target = tipc::InvalidNativeHandle;
case ObjectHolder::ObjectType_Session:
/* Process the request */
reply_target = port_manager.ProcessRequest(signaled_object);
template<size_t ThreadStackSize, typename... PortInfos>
using ServerManagerImpl = impl::ServerManagerImpl<ThreadStackSize, (PortInfos::CanDeferInvokeRequest || ...), sizeof...(PortInfos), PortInfos...>;
template<typename... PortInfos>
using ServerManager = ServerManagerImpl<os::MemoryPageSize, PortInfos...>;
template<size_t ThreadStackSize, typename... PortInfos>
using ServerManagerWithThreadStack = ServerManagerImpl<ThreadStackSize, PortInfos...>;