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mirror of https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere.git synced 2024-11-24 21:02:03 +00:00

76 lines
2.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#version 460
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D tex;
layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform frag {
mat3 scissorMat;
mat3 paintMat;
vec4 innerCol;
vec4 outerCol;
vec2 scissorExt;
vec2 scissorScale;
vec2 extent;
float radius;
float feather;
float strokeMult;
float strokeThr;
int texType;
int type;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 ftcoord;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 fpos;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
float sdroundrect(vec2 pt, vec2 ext, float rad) {
vec2 ext2 = ext - vec2(rad,rad);
vec2 d = abs(pt) - ext2;
return min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0) + length(max(d,0.0)) - rad;
// Scissoring
float scissorMask(vec2 p) {
vec2 sc = (abs((scissorMat * vec3(p,1.0)).xy) - scissorExt);
sc = vec2(0.5,0.5) - sc * scissorScale;
return clamp(sc.x,0.0,1.0) * clamp(sc.y,0.0,1.0);
void main(void) {
vec4 result;
float scissor = scissorMask(fpos);
float strokeAlpha = 1.0;
if (type == 0) { // Gradient
// Calculate gradient color using box gradient
vec2 pt = (paintMat * vec3(fpos,1.0)).xy;
float d = clamp((sdroundrect(pt, extent, radius) + feather*0.5) / feather, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 color = mix(innerCol,outerCol,d);
// Combine alpha
color *= strokeAlpha * scissor;
result = color;
} else if (type == 1) { // Image
// Calculate color fron texture
vec2 pt = (paintMat * vec3(fpos,1.0)).xy / extent;
vec4 color = texture(tex, pt);
if (texType == 1) color = vec4(color.xyz*color.w,color.w);
if (texType == 2) color = vec4(color.x);
// Apply color tint and alpha.
color *= innerCol;
// Combine alpha
color *= strokeAlpha * scissor;
result = color;
} else if (type == 2) { // Stencil fill
result = vec4(1,1,1,1);
} else if (type == 3) { // Textured tris
vec4 color = texture(tex, ftcoord);
if (texType == 1) color = vec4(color.xyz*color.w,color.w);
if (texType == 2) color = vec4(color.x);
color *= scissor;
result = color * innerCol;
outColor = result;