mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 00:12:03 +00:00
powctl: implement full bq24193 driver
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 330 additions and 80 deletions
@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ namespace ams::powctl {
Result GetChargerInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma, Session &session);
Result SetChargerInputCurrentLimit(Session &session, int ma);
Result GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, Session &session);
Result SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(Session &session, int mv);
Result SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(Session &session, int ma);
Result GetChargerChargerStatus(ChargerStatus *out, Session &session);
Result IsChargerWatchdogTimerEnabled(bool *out, Session &session);
@ -123,9 +123,10 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
virtual Result GetChargerInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma, IDevice *device) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result SetChargerInputCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, IDevice *device) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(IDevice *device, int mv) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result GetChargerChargerStatus(ChargerStatus *out, IDevice *device) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
virtual Result IsChargerWatchdogTimerEnabled(bool *out, IDevice *device) override { return powctl::ResultNotSupported(); }
@ -18,6 +18,226 @@
namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
namespace bq24193 {
constexpr inline u8 InputSourceControl = 0x00;
constexpr inline u8 PowerOnConfiguration = 0x01;
constexpr inline u8 ChargeCurrentControl = 0x02;
constexpr inline u8 PreChargeTerminationCurrentControl = 0x03;
constexpr inline u8 ChargeVoltageControl = 0x04;
constexpr inline u8 ChargeTerminationTimerControl = 0x05;
constexpr inline u8 IrCompensationThermalRegulationControl = 0x06;
constexpr inline u8 MiscOperationControl = 0x07;
constexpr inline u8 SystemStatus = 0x08;
constexpr inline u8 Fault = 0x09;
constexpr inline u8 VendorPartRevisionStatus = 0x0A;
constexpr u8 EncodePreChargeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
constexpr int Minimum = 128;
constexpr int Maximum = 2048;
ma = std::max(std::min(ma, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(ma - Minimum) >> 7) << 4);
constexpr u8 EncodeTerminationCurrentLimit(int ma) {
constexpr int Minimum = 128;
constexpr int Maximum = 2048;
ma = std::max(std::min(ma, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(ma - Minimum) >> 7) << 0);
constexpr u8 EncodeMinimumSystemVoltageLimit(int mv) {
constexpr int Minimum = 3000;
constexpr int Maximum = 3700;
mv = std::max(std::min(mv, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>(((mv - Minimum) / 100) << 1);
constexpr u8 EncodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
constexpr int Minimum = 512;
constexpr int Maximum = 4544;
ma = std::max(std::min(ma, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(ma - Minimum) >> 6) << 2);
constexpr int DecodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(u8 reg) {
constexpr int Minimum = 512;
return Minimum + (static_cast<u32>(reg & 0xFC) << 4);
static_assert(DecodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(EncodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(512)) == 512);
static_assert(DecodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(EncodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(4544)) == 4544);
static_assert(DecodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(EncodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(576)) == 576);
constexpr u8 EncodeChargeVoltageLimit(int mv) {
constexpr int Minimum = 3504;
constexpr int Maximum = 4400;
mv = std::max(std::min(mv, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(mv - Minimum) >> 4) << 2);
constexpr int DecodeChargeVoltageLimit(u8 reg) {
constexpr int Minimum = 3504;
return Minimum + (static_cast<u32>(reg & 0xFC) << 2);
static_assert(DecodeChargeVoltageLimit(EncodeChargeVoltageLimit(3504)) == 3504);
static_assert(DecodeChargeVoltageLimit(EncodeChargeVoltageLimit(4400)) == 4400);
static_assert(DecodeChargeVoltageLimit(EncodeChargeVoltageLimit(3520)) == 3520);
constexpr u8 EncodeChargerConfiguration(bq24193::ChargerConfiguration cfg) {
switch (cfg) {
case ChargerConfiguration_ChargeDisable: return 0x00;
case ChargerConfiguration_ChargeBattery: return 0x10;
case ChargerConfiguration_Otg: return 0x20;
constexpr u8 EncodeWatchdogTimerSetting(int seconds) {
if (seconds == 0) {
return 0x00;
} else if (seconds < 80) {
return 0x10;
} else if (seconds < 160) {
return 0x20;
} else {
return 0x30;
constexpr u8 EncodeBatteryCompensation(int mo) {
constexpr int Minimum = 0;
constexpr int Maximum = 70;
mo = std::max(std::min(mo, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(mo - Minimum) / 10) << 5);
constexpr int DecodeBatteryCompensation(u8 reg) {
constexpr int Minimum = 0;
return Minimum + (static_cast<u32>(reg & 0xE0) >> 5) * 10;
static_assert(DecodeBatteryCompensation(EncodeBatteryCompensation(0)) == 0);
static_assert(DecodeBatteryCompensation(EncodeBatteryCompensation(70)) == 70);
static_assert(DecodeBatteryCompensation(EncodeBatteryCompensation(30)) == 30);
constexpr u8 EncodeVoltageClamp(int mv) {
constexpr int Minimum = 0;
constexpr int Maximum = 112;
mv = std::max(std::min(mv, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>((static_cast<u32>(mv - Minimum) >> 4) << 2);
constexpr int DecodeVoltageClamp(u8 reg) {
constexpr int Minimum = 0;
return Minimum + (static_cast<u32>(reg & 0x1C) << 2);
static_assert(DecodeVoltageClamp(EncodeVoltageClamp(0)) == 0);
static_assert(DecodeVoltageClamp(EncodeVoltageClamp(112)) == 112);
static_assert(DecodeVoltageClamp(EncodeVoltageClamp(64)) == 64);
constexpr u8 EncodeInputCurrentLimit(int ma) {
if (ma < 150) {
return 0;
} else if (ma < 500) {
return 1;
} else if (ma < 900) {
return 2;
} else if (ma < 1200) {
return 3;
} else if (ma < 1500) {
return 4;
} else if (ma < 2000) {
return 5;
} else if (ma < 3000) {
return 6;
} else{
return 7;
constexpr int DecodeInputCurrentLimit(u8 reg) {
switch (reg & 0x07) {
case 0: return 100;
case 1: return 150;
case 2: return 500;
case 3: return 900;
case 4: return 1200;
case 5: return 1500;
case 6: return 2000;
case 7: return 3000;
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(100)) == 100);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(150)) == 150);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(500)) == 500);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(900)) == 900);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(1200)) == 1200);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(1500)) == 1500);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(2000)) == 2000);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(3000)) == 3000);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(0)) == 100);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(9999)) == 3000);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(149)) == 100);
static_assert(DecodeInputCurrentLimit(EncodeInputCurrentLimit(151)) == 150);
constexpr u8 EncodeInputVoltageLimit(int mv) {
constexpr int Minimum = 3880;
constexpr int Maximum = 5080;
mv = std::max(std::min(mv, Maximum), Minimum);
return static_cast<u8>(((static_cast<u32>(mv - Minimum) / 80) & 0xF) << 3);
constexpr u8 EncodeBoostModeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
return ma >= 1300 ? 1 : 0;
constexpr bq24193::ChargerStatus DecodeChargerStatus(u8 reg) {
switch (reg & 0x30) {
case 0x00: return bq24193::ChargerStatus_NotCharging;
case 0x10: return bq24193::ChargerStatus_PreCharge;
case 0x20: return bq24193::ChargerStatus_FastCharging;
case 0x30: return bq24193::ChargerStatus_ChargeTerminationDone;
namespace {
ALWAYS_INLINE Result ReadWriteRegister(const i2c::I2cSession &session, u8 address, u8 mask, u8 value) {
/* Read the current value. */
u8 cur_val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(session, address, std::addressof(cur_val)));
/* Update the value. */
const u8 new_val = (cur_val & ~mask) | (value & mask);
R_TRY(i2c::WriteSingleRegister(session, address, new_val));
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::InitializeSession() {
/* Set fast charge current limit. */
@ -47,123 +267,147 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
Result Bq24193Driver::SetPreChargeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PreChargeTerminationCurrentControl, 0xF0, bq24193::EncodePreChargeCurrentLimit(ma));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetTerminationCurrentLimit(int ma) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PreChargeTerminationCurrentControl, 0x0F, bq24193::EncodeTerminationCurrentLimit(ma));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetMinimumSystemVoltageLimit(int mv) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PowerOnConfiguration, 0x0E, bq24193::EncodeMinimumSystemVoltageLimit(mv));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetChargingSafetyTimerEnabled(bool en) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeTerminationTimerControl, 0x08, en ? 0x08 : 0x00);
Result Bq24193Driver::GetForce20PercentChargeCurrent(bool *out) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeCurrentControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out = (val & 0x01) != 0;
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetForce20PercentChargeCurrent(bool en) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeCurrentControl, 0x01, en ? 0x01 : 0x00);
Result Bq24193Driver::GetFastChargeCurrentLimit(int *out_ma) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeCurrentControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out_ma = bq24193::DecodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetFastChargeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeCurrentControl, 0xFC, bq24193::EncodeFastChargeCurrentLimit(ma));
Result Bq24193Driver::GetChargeVoltageLimit(int *out_mv) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeVoltageControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out_mv = bq24193::DecodeChargeVoltageLimit(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetChargeVoltageLimit(int mv) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeVoltageControl, 0xFC, bq24193::EncodeChargeVoltageLimit(mv));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetChargerConfiguration(bq24193::ChargerConfiguration cfg) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PowerOnConfiguration, 0x30, bq24193::EncodeChargerConfiguration(cfg));
Result Bq24193Driver::IsHiZEnabled(bool *out) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::InputSourceControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out = (val & 0x80) != 0;
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetHiZEnabled(bool en) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::InputSourceControl, 0x80, en ? 0x80 : 0x00);
Result Bq24193Driver::GetInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::InputSourceControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out_ma = bq24193::DecodeInputCurrentLimit(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetInputCurrentLimit(int ma) {
/* TODO */
Result Bq24193Driver::GetInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::InputSourceControl, 0x07, bq24193::EncodeInputCurrentLimit(ma));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetInputVoltageLimit(int mv) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::InputSourceControl, 0x78, bq24193::EncodeInputVoltageLimit(mv));
Result Bq24193Driver::SetBoostModeCurrentLimit(int ma) {
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PowerOnConfiguration, 0x01, bq24193::EncodeBoostModeCurrentLimit(ma));
Result Bq24193Driver::GetChargerStatus(bq24193::ChargerStatus *out) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::SystemStatus, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out = bq24193::DecodeChargerStatus(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::ResetWatchdogTimer() {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::PowerOnConfiguration, 0x40, 0x40);
Result Bq24193Driver::SetWatchdogTimerSetting(int seconds) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::ChargeTerminationTimerControl, 0x30, bq24193::EncodeWatchdogTimerSetting(seconds));
Result Bq24193Driver::GetBatteryCompensation(int *out_mo) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::IrCompensationThermalRegulationControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out_mo = bq24193::DecodeBatteryCompensation(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetBatteryCompensation(int mo) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::IrCompensationThermalRegulationControl, 0xE0, bq24193::EncodeBatteryCompensation(mo));
Result Bq24193Driver::GetVoltageClamp(int *out_mv) {
/* TODO */
/* Get the register. */
u8 val;
R_TRY(i2c::ReadSingleRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::IrCompensationThermalRegulationControl, std::addressof(val)));
/* Extract the value. */
*out_mv = bq24193::DecodeVoltageClamp(val);
return ResultSuccess();
Result Bq24193Driver::SetVoltageClamp(int mv) {
/* TODO */
return ReadWriteRegister(this->i2c_session, bq24193::IrCompensationThermalRegulationControl, 0x1C, bq24193::EncodeVoltageClamp(mv));
@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
void Initialize() {
std::scoped_lock lk(this->mutex);
if ((this->init_count++) == 0) {
Result SetPreChargeCurrentLimit(int ma);
@ -76,9 +78,10 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
Result GetInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma);
Result SetInputCurrentLimit(int ma);
Result GetInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv);
Result SetInputVoltageLimit(int mv);
Result SetBoostModeCurrentLimit(int ma);
Result GetChargerStatus(bq24193::ChargerStatus *out);
Result ResetWatchdogTimer();
@ -244,15 +244,6 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
return ResultSuccess();
Result ChargerDriver::GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, IDevice *device) {
/* Validate arguments. */
R_UNLESS(out_mv != nullptr, powctl::ResultInvalidArgument());
R_UNLESS(device != nullptr, powctl::ResultInvalidArgument());
return ResultSuccess();
Result ChargerDriver::SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(IDevice *device, int mv) {
/* Validate arguments. */
R_UNLESS(device != nullptr, powctl::ResultInvalidArgument());
@ -261,6 +252,14 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
return ResultSuccess();
Result ChargerDriver::SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) {
/* Validate arguments. */
R_UNLESS(device != nullptr, powctl::ResultInvalidArgument());
return ResultSuccess();
Result ChargerDriver::GetChargerChargerStatus(ChargerStatus *out, IDevice *device) {
/* Validate arguments. */
R_UNLESS(device != nullptr, powctl::ResultInvalidArgument());
@ -86,9 +86,10 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl::board::nintendo_nx {
virtual Result GetChargerInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma, IDevice *device) override;
virtual Result SetChargerInputCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) override;
virtual Result GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, IDevice *device) override;
virtual Result SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(IDevice *device, int mv) override;
virtual Result SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) override;
virtual Result GetChargerChargerStatus(ChargerStatus *out, IDevice *device) override;
virtual Result IsChargerWatchdogTimerEnabled(bool *out, IDevice *device) override;
@ -82,9 +82,10 @@ namespace ams::powctl::impl {
virtual Result GetChargerInputCurrentLimit(int *out_ma, IDevice *device) = 0;
virtual Result SetChargerInputCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) = 0;
virtual Result GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, IDevice *device) = 0;
virtual Result SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(IDevice *device, int mv) = 0;
virtual Result SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(IDevice *device, int ma) = 0;
virtual Result GetBatteryInternalState(void *dst, size_t *out_size, IDevice *device, size_t dst_size) = 0;
virtual Result SetBatteryInternalState(IDevice *device, const void *src, size_t src_size) = 0;
@ -184,20 +184,6 @@ namespace ams::powctl {
return device.GetDriver().SafeCastTo<impl::IPowerControlDriver>().SetChargerInputCurrentLimit(std::addressof(device), ma);
Result GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(int *out_mv, Session &session) {
/* Get the session impl. */
auto &impl = GetOpenSessionImpl(session);
/* Check the access mode. */
/* Get the device. */
auto &device = impl.GetDevice().SafeCastTo<impl::IDevice>();
/* Call into the driver. */
return device.GetDriver().SafeCastTo<impl::IPowerControlDriver>().GetChargerInputVoltageLimit(out_mv, std::addressof(device));
Result SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(Session &session, int mv) {
/* Get the session impl. */
auto &impl = GetOpenSessionImpl(session);
@ -212,6 +198,20 @@ namespace ams::powctl {
return device.GetDriver().SafeCastTo<impl::IPowerControlDriver>().SetChargerInputVoltageLimit(std::addressof(device), mv);
Result SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(Session &session, int ma) {
/* Get the session impl. */
auto &impl = GetOpenSessionImpl(session);
/* Check the access mode. */
/* Get the device. */
auto &device = impl.GetDevice().SafeCastTo<impl::IDevice>();
/* Call into the driver. */
return device.GetDriver().SafeCastTo<impl::IPowerControlDriver>().SetChargerBoostModeCurrentLimit(std::addressof(device), ma);
Result GetChargerChargerStatus(ChargerStatus *out, Session &session) {
/* Get the session impl. */
auto &impl = GetOpenSessionImpl(session);
Reference in a new issue