#include "dk_renderer.hpp" #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <switch.h> #define GLM_FORCE_DEFAULT_ALIGNED_GENTYPES /* Enforces GLSL std140/std430 alignment rules for glm types. */ #define GLM_FORCE_INTRINSICS /* Enables usage of SIMD CPU instructions (requiring the above as well). */ #include <glm/vec2.hpp> namespace nvg { namespace { constexpr std::array VertexBufferState = { DkVtxBufferState{sizeof(NVGvertex), 0}, }; constexpr std::array VertexAttribState = { DkVtxAttribState{0, 0, offsetof(NVGvertex, x), DkVtxAttribSize_2x32, DkVtxAttribType_Float, 0}, DkVtxAttribState{0, 0, offsetof(NVGvertex, u), DkVtxAttribSize_2x32, DkVtxAttribType_Float, 0}, }; struct View { glm::vec2 size; }; void UpdateImage(dk::Image &image, CMemPool &scratchPool, dk::Device device, dk::Queue transferQueue, int type, int x, int y, int w, int h, const u8 *data) { /* Do not proceed if no data is provided upfront. */ if (data == nullptr) { return; } /* Allocate memory from the pool for the image. */ const size_t imageSize = type == NVG_TEXTURE_RGBA ? w * h * 4 : w * h; CMemPool::Handle tempimgmem = scratchPool.allocate(imageSize, DK_IMAGE_LINEAR_STRIDE_ALIGNMENT); memcpy(tempimgmem.getCpuAddr(), data, imageSize); dk::UniqueCmdBuf tempcmdbuf = dk::CmdBufMaker{device}.create(); CMemPool::Handle tempcmdmem = scratchPool.allocate(DK_MEMBLOCK_ALIGNMENT); tempcmdbuf.addMemory(tempcmdmem.getMemBlock(), tempcmdmem.getOffset(), tempcmdmem.getSize()); dk::ImageView imageView{image}; tempcmdbuf.copyBufferToImage({ tempimgmem.getGpuAddr() }, imageView, { static_cast<uint32_t>(x), static_cast<uint32_t>(y), 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(w), static_cast<uint32_t>(h), 1 }); transferQueue.submitCommands(tempcmdbuf.finishList()); transferQueue.waitIdle(); /* Destroy temp mem. */ tempcmdmem.destroy(); tempimgmem.destroy(); } } Texture::Texture(int id) : m_id(id) { /* ... */ } Texture::~Texture() { m_image_mem.destroy(); } void Texture::Initialize(CMemPool &image_pool, CMemPool &scratch_pool, dk::Device device, dk::Queue queue, int type, int w, int h, int image_flags, const u8 *data) { m_texture_descriptor = { .width = w, .height = h, .type = type, .flags = image_flags, }; /* Create an image layout. */ dk::ImageLayout layout; auto layout_maker = dk::ImageLayoutMaker{device}.setFlags(0).setDimensions(w, h); if (type == NVG_TEXTURE_RGBA) { layout_maker.setFormat(DkImageFormat_RGBA8_Unorm); } else { layout_maker.setFormat(DkImageFormat_R8_Unorm); } layout_maker.initialize(layout); /* Initialize image. */ m_image_mem = image_pool.allocate(layout.getSize(), layout.getAlignment()); m_image.initialize(layout, m_image_mem.getMemBlock(), m_image_mem.getOffset()); m_image_descriptor.initialize(m_image); /* Only update the image if the data isn't null. */ if (data != nullptr) { UpdateImage(m_image, scratch_pool, device, queue, type, 0, 0, w, h, data); } } int Texture::GetId() { return m_id; } const DKNVGtextureDescriptor &Texture::GetDescriptor() { return m_texture_descriptor; } dk::Image &Texture::GetImage() { return m_image; } dk::ImageDescriptor &Texture::GetImageDescriptor() { return m_image_descriptor; } DkRenderer::DkRenderer(unsigned int view_width, unsigned int view_height, dk::Device device, dk::Queue queue, CMemPool &image_mem_pool, CMemPool &code_mem_pool, CMemPool &data_mem_pool) : m_view_width(view_width), m_view_height(view_height), m_device(device), m_queue(queue), m_image_mem_pool(image_mem_pool), m_code_mem_pool(code_mem_pool), m_data_mem_pool(data_mem_pool), m_image_descriptor_mappings({0}) { /* Create a dynamic command buffer and allocate memory for it. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf = dk::CmdBufMaker{m_device}.create(); m_dyn_cmd_mem.allocate(m_data_mem_pool, DynamicCmdSize); m_image_descriptor_set.allocate(m_data_mem_pool); m_sampler_descriptor_set.allocate(m_data_mem_pool); m_view_uniform_buffer = m_data_mem_pool.allocate(sizeof(View), DK_UNIFORM_BUF_ALIGNMENT); m_frag_uniform_buffer = m_data_mem_pool.allocate(sizeof(FragmentUniformSize), DK_UNIFORM_BUF_ALIGNMENT); /* Create and bind preset samplers. */ dk::UniqueCmdBuf init_cmd_buf = dk::CmdBufMaker{m_device}.create(); CMemPool::Handle init_cmd_mem = m_data_mem_pool.allocate(DK_MEMBLOCK_ALIGNMENT); init_cmd_buf.addMemory(init_cmd_mem.getMemBlock(), init_cmd_mem.getOffset(), init_cmd_mem.getSize()); for (u8 i = 0; i < SamplerType_Total; i++) { const DkFilter filter = (i & SamplerType_Nearest) ? DkFilter_Nearest : DkFilter_Linear; const DkMipFilter mip_filter = (i & SamplerType_Nearest) ? DkMipFilter_Nearest : DkMipFilter_Linear; const DkWrapMode u_wrap_mode = (i & SamplerType_RepeatX) ? DkWrapMode_Repeat : DkWrapMode_ClampToEdge; const DkWrapMode v_wrap_mode = (i & SamplerType_RepeatY) ? DkWrapMode_Repeat : DkWrapMode_ClampToEdge; auto sampler = dk::Sampler{}; auto sampler_descriptor = dk::SamplerDescriptor{}; sampler.setFilter(filter, filter, (i & SamplerType_MipFilter) ? mip_filter : DkMipFilter_None); sampler.setWrapMode(u_wrap_mode, v_wrap_mode); sampler_descriptor.initialize(sampler); m_sampler_descriptor_set.update(init_cmd_buf, i, sampler_descriptor); } /* Flush the descriptor cache. */ init_cmd_buf.barrier(DkBarrier_None, DkInvalidateFlags_Descriptors); m_sampler_descriptor_set.bindForSamplers(init_cmd_buf); m_image_descriptor_set.bindForImages(init_cmd_buf); m_queue.submitCommands(init_cmd_buf.finishList()); m_queue.waitIdle(); init_cmd_mem.destroy(); init_cmd_buf.destroy(); } DkRenderer::~DkRenderer() { if (m_vertex_buffer) { m_vertex_buffer->destroy(); } m_view_uniform_buffer.destroy(); m_frag_uniform_buffer.destroy(); m_textures.clear(); } int DkRenderer::AcquireImageDescriptor(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture, int image) { int free_image_descriptor = m_last_image_descriptor + 1; int mapping = 0; for (int desc = 0; desc <= m_last_image_descriptor; desc++) { mapping = m_image_descriptor_mappings[desc]; /* We've found the image descriptor requested. */ if (mapping == image) { return desc; } /* Update the free image descriptor. */ if (mapping == 0 && free_image_descriptor == m_last_image_descriptor + 1) { free_image_descriptor = desc; } } /* No descriptors are free. */ if (free_image_descriptor >= static_cast<int>(MaxImages)) { return -1; } /* Update descriptor sets. */ m_image_descriptor_set.update(m_dyn_cmd_buf, free_image_descriptor, texture->GetImageDescriptor()); /* Flush the descriptor cache. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.barrier(DkBarrier_None, DkInvalidateFlags_Descriptors); /* Update the map. */ m_image_descriptor_mappings[free_image_descriptor] = image; m_last_image_descriptor = free_image_descriptor; return free_image_descriptor; } void DkRenderer::FreeImageDescriptor(int image) { for (int desc = 0; desc <= m_last_image_descriptor; desc++) { if (m_image_descriptor_mappings[desc] == image) { m_image_descriptor_mappings[desc] = 0; } } } void DkRenderer::UpdateVertexBuffer(const void *data, size_t size) { /* Destroy the existing vertex buffer if it is too small. */ if (m_vertex_buffer && m_vertex_buffer->getSize() < size) { m_vertex_buffer->destroy(); m_vertex_buffer.reset(); } /* Create a new buffer if needed. */ if (!m_vertex_buffer) { m_vertex_buffer = m_data_mem_pool.allocate(size); } /* Copy data to the vertex buffer if it exists. */ if (m_vertex_buffer) { memcpy(m_vertex_buffer->getCpuAddr(), data, size); } } void DkRenderer::SetUniforms(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int offset, int image) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.pushConstants(m_frag_uniform_buffer.getGpuAddr(), m_frag_uniform_buffer.getSize(), 0, ctx.fragSize, ctx.uniforms + offset); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindUniformBuffer(DkStage_Fragment, 0, m_frag_uniform_buffer.getGpuAddr(), m_frag_uniform_buffer.getSize()); /* Attempt to find a texture. */ const auto texture = this->FindTexture(image); if (texture == nullptr) { return; } /* Acquire an image descriptor. */ const int image_desc_id = this->AcquireImageDescriptor(texture, image); if (image_desc_id == -1) { return; } const int image_flags = texture->GetDescriptor().flags; uint32_t sampler_id = 0; if (image_flags & NVG_IMAGE_GENERATE_MIPMAPS) sampler_id |= SamplerType_MipFilter; if (image_flags & NVG_IMAGE_NEAREST) sampler_id |= SamplerType_Nearest; if (image_flags & NVG_IMAGE_REPEATX) sampler_id |= SamplerType_RepeatX; if (image_flags & NVG_IMAGE_REPEATY) sampler_id |= SamplerType_RepeatY; m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindTextures(DkStage_Fragment, 0, dkMakeTextureHandle(image_desc_id, sampler_id)); } void DkRenderer::DrawFill(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, const DKNVGcall &call) { DKNVGpath *paths = &ctx.paths[call.pathOffset]; int npaths = call.pathCount; /* Set the stencils to be used. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.setStencil(DkFace_FrontAndBack, 0xFF, 0x0, 0xFF); /* Set the depth stencil state. */ auto depth_stencil_state = dk::DepthStencilState{} .setStencilTestEnable(true) .setStencilFrontCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Always) .setStencilFrontFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_IncrWrap) .setStencilBackCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Always) .setStencilBackFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilBackDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilBackPassOp(DkStencilOp_DecrWrap); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); /* Configure for shape drawing. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindColorWriteState(dk::ColorWriteState{}.setMask(0, 0)); this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset, 0); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindRasterizerState(dk::RasterizerState{}.setCullMode(DkFace_None)); /* Draw vertices. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleFan, paths[i].fillCount, 1, paths[i].fillOffset, 0); } m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindColorWriteState(dk::ColorWriteState{}); this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset + ctx.fragSize, call.image); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindRasterizerState(dk::RasterizerState{}); if (ctx.flags & NVG_ANTIALIAS) { /* Configure stencil anti-aliasing. */ depth_stencil_state .setStencilFrontCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Equal) .setStencilFrontFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilBackCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Equal) .setStencilBackFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilBackDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilBackPassOp(DkStencilOp_Keep); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); /* Draw fringes. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } } /* Configure and draw fill. */ depth_stencil_state .setStencilFrontCompareOp(DkCompareOp_NotEqual) .setStencilFrontFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilFrontDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilBackCompareOp(DkCompareOp_NotEqual) .setStencilBackFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilBackDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilBackPassOp(DkStencilOp_Zero); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, call.triangleCount, 1, call.triangleOffset, 0); /* Reset the depth stencil state to default. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(dk::DepthStencilState{}); } void DkRenderer::DrawConvexFill(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, const DKNVGcall &call) { DKNVGpath *paths = &ctx.paths[call.pathOffset]; int npaths = call.pathCount; this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset, call.image); for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleFan, paths[i].fillCount, 1, paths[i].fillOffset, 0); /* Draw fringes. */ if (paths[i].strokeCount > 0) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } } } void DkRenderer::DrawStroke(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, const DKNVGcall &call) { DKNVGpath* paths = &ctx.paths[call.pathOffset]; int npaths = call.pathCount; if (ctx.flags & NVG_STENCIL_STROKES) { /* Set the stencil to be used. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.setStencil(DkFace_Front, 0xFF, 0x0, 0xFF); /* Configure for filling the stroke base without overlap. */ auto depth_stencil_state = dk::DepthStencilState{} .setStencilTestEnable(true) .setStencilFrontCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Equal) .setStencilFrontFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Keep) .setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_Incr); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset + ctx.fragSize, call.image); /* Draw vertices. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } /* Configure for drawing anti-aliased pixels. */ depth_stencil_state.setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_Keep); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset, call.image); /* Draw vertices. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } /* Configure for clearing the stencil buffer. */ depth_stencil_state .setStencilTestEnable(true) .setStencilFrontCompareOp(DkCompareOp_Always) .setStencilFrontFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilFrontDepthFailOp(DkStencilOp_Zero) .setStencilFrontPassOp(DkStencilOp_Zero); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(depth_stencil_state); /* Draw vertices. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } /* Reset the depth stencil state to default. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindDepthStencilState(dk::DepthStencilState{}); } else { this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset, call.image); /* Draw vertices. */ for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_TriangleStrip, paths[i].strokeCount, 1, paths[i].strokeOffset, 0); } } } void DkRenderer::DrawTriangles(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, const DKNVGcall &call) { this->SetUniforms(ctx, call.uniformOffset, call.image); m_dyn_cmd_buf.draw(DkPrimitive_Triangles, call.triangleCount, 1, call.triangleOffset, 0); } int DkRenderer::Create(DKNVGcontext &ctx) { m_vertex_shader.load(m_code_mem_pool, "romfs:/shaders/fill_vsh.dksh"); /* Load the appropriate fragment shader depending on whether AA is enabled. */ if (ctx.flags & NVG_ANTIALIAS) { m_fragment_shader.load(m_code_mem_pool, "romfs:/shaders/fill_aa_fsh.dksh"); } else { m_fragment_shader.load(m_code_mem_pool, "romfs:/shaders/fill_fsh.dksh"); } /* Set the size of fragment uniforms. */ ctx.fragSize = FragmentUniformSize; return 1; } std::shared_ptr<Texture> DkRenderer::FindTexture(int id) { for (auto it = m_textures.begin(); it != m_textures.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->GetId() == id) { return *it; } } return nullptr; } int DkRenderer::CreateTexture(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int type, int w, int h, int image_flags, const unsigned char* data) { const auto texture_id = m_next_texture_id++; auto texture = std::make_shared<Texture>(texture_id); texture->Initialize(m_image_mem_pool, m_data_mem_pool, m_device, m_queue, type, w, h, image_flags, data); m_textures.push_back(texture); return texture->GetId(); } int DkRenderer::DeleteTexture(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int image) { bool found = false; for (auto it = m_textures.begin(); it != m_textures.end();) { /* Remove textures with the given id. */ if ((*it)->GetId() == image) { it = m_textures.erase(it); found = true; } else { ++it; } } /* Free any used image descriptors. */ this->FreeImageDescriptor(image); return found; } int DkRenderer::UpdateTexture(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int image, int x, int y, int w, int h, const unsigned char *data) { const std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture = this->FindTexture(image); /* Could not find a texture. */ if (texture == nullptr) { return 0; } const DKNVGtextureDescriptor &tex_desc = texture->GetDescriptor(); if (tex_desc.type == NVG_TEXTURE_RGBA) { data += y * tex_desc.width*4; } else { data += y * tex_desc.width; } x = 0; w = tex_desc.width; UpdateImage(texture->GetImage(), m_data_mem_pool, m_device, m_queue, tex_desc.type, x, y, w, h, data); return 1; } int DkRenderer::GetTextureSize(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int image, int *w, int *h) { const auto descriptor = this->GetTextureDescriptor(ctx, image); if (descriptor == nullptr) { return 0; } *w = descriptor->width; *h = descriptor->height; return 1; } const DKNVGtextureDescriptor *DkRenderer::GetTextureDescriptor(const DKNVGcontext &ctx, int id) { for (auto it = m_textures.begin(); it != m_textures.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->GetId() == id) { return &(*it)->GetDescriptor(); } } return nullptr; } void DkRenderer::Flush(DKNVGcontext &ctx) { if (ctx.ncalls > 0) { /* Prepare dynamic command buffer. */ m_dyn_cmd_mem.begin(m_dyn_cmd_buf); /* Update buffers with data. */ this->UpdateVertexBuffer(ctx.verts, ctx.nverts * sizeof(NVGvertex)); /* Enable blending. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindColorState(dk::ColorState{}.setBlendEnable(0, true)); /* Setup. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindShaders(DkStageFlag_GraphicsMask, { m_vertex_shader, m_fragment_shader }); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindVtxAttribState(VertexAttribState); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindVtxBufferState(VertexBufferState); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindVtxBuffer(0, m_vertex_buffer->getGpuAddr(), m_vertex_buffer->getSize()); /* Push the view size to the uniform buffer and bind it. */ const auto view = View{glm::vec2{m_view_width, m_view_height}}; m_dyn_cmd_buf.pushConstants(m_view_uniform_buffer.getGpuAddr(), m_view_uniform_buffer.getSize(), 0, sizeof(view), &view); m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindUniformBuffer(DkStage_Vertex, 0, m_view_uniform_buffer.getGpuAddr(), m_view_uniform_buffer.getSize()); /* Iterate over calls. */ for (int i = 0; i < ctx.ncalls; i++) { const DKNVGcall &call = ctx.calls[i]; /* Perform blending. */ m_dyn_cmd_buf.bindBlendStates(0, { dk::BlendState{}.setFactors(static_cast<DkBlendFactor>(call.blendFunc.srcRGB), static_cast<DkBlendFactor>(call.blendFunc.dstRGB), static_cast<DkBlendFactor>(call.blendFunc.srcAlpha), static_cast<DkBlendFactor>(call.blendFunc.dstRGB)) }); if (call.type == DKNVG_FILL) { this->DrawFill(ctx, call); } else if (call.type == DKNVG_CONVEXFILL) { this->DrawConvexFill(ctx, call); } else if (call.type == DKNVG_STROKE) { this->DrawStroke(ctx, call); } else if (call.type == DKNVG_TRIANGLES) { this->DrawTriangles(ctx, call); } } m_queue.submitCommands(m_dyn_cmd_mem.end(m_dyn_cmd_buf)); } /* Reset calls. */ ctx.nverts = 0; ctx.npaths = 0; ctx.ncalls = 0; ctx.nuniforms = 0; } }