/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include namespace ams { namespace htc { namespace { alignas(0x40) constinit u8 g_heap_buffer[4_KB]; lmem::HeapHandle g_heap_handle; void *Allocate(size_t size) { return lmem::AllocateFromExpHeap(g_heap_handle, size); } void Deallocate(void *p, size_t size) { AMS_UNUSED(size); return lmem::FreeToExpHeap(g_heap_handle, p); } void InitializeHeap() { /* Setup server allocator. */ g_heap_handle = lmem::CreateExpHeap(g_heap_buffer, sizeof(g_heap_buffer), lmem::CreateOption_ThreadSafe); } } namespace { constexpr htclow::impl::DriverType DefaultHtclowDriverType = htclow::impl::DriverType::Usb; constexpr inline size_t NumHtcsIpcThreads = 8; alignas(os::ThreadStackAlignment) u8 g_htc_ipc_thread_stack[4_KB]; alignas(os::ThreadStackAlignment) u8 g_htcfs_ipc_thread_stack[4_KB]; alignas(os::ThreadStackAlignment) u8 g_htcs_ipc_thread_stack[NumHtcsIpcThreads][4_KB]; htclow::impl::DriverType GetHtclowDriverType() { /* Get the transport type. */ char transport[0x10]; if (settings::fwdbg::GetSettingsItemValue(transport, sizeof(transport), "bsp0", "tm_transport") == 0) { return DefaultHtclowDriverType; } /* Make the transport type case insensitive. */ transport[util::size(transport) - 1] = '\x00'; for (size_t i = 0; i < util::size(transport); ++i) { transport[i] = std::tolower(static_cast(transport[i])); } /* Select the transport. */ if (std::strstr(transport, "usb")) { return htclow::impl::DriverType::Usb; } else if (std::strstr(transport, "hb")) { return htclow::impl::DriverType::HostBridge; } else if (std::strstr(transport, "plainchannel")) { return htclow::impl::DriverType::PlainChannel; } else if (std::strstr(transport, "socket")) { /* NOTE: Nintendo does not actually allow socket driver to be selected. */ /* Should we disallow this? Undesirable, because people will want to use docked tma. */ /* TODO: Right now, SocketDriver causes a hang on init. This is because */ /* the socket driver requires wi-fi, but wi-fi can't happen until the system is fully up. */ /* The system can't initialize fully until we acknowledge power state events. */ /* We can't acknowledge power state events until our driver is online. */ /* Resolving this chicken-and-egg problem without compromising design will require thought. */ //return htclow::impl::DriverType::Socket; return DefaultHtclowDriverType; } else { return DefaultHtclowDriverType; } } void HtcIpcThreadFunction(void *) { htc::server::LoopHtcmiscServer(); } void HtcfsIpcThreadFunction(void *) { htcfs::LoopHipcServer(); } void HtcsIpcThreadFunction(void *) { htcs::server::LoopHipcServer(); } } namespace server { void InitializePowerStateMonitor(htclow::impl::DriverType driver_type, htclow::HtclowManager *htclow_manager); void FinalizePowerStateMonitor(); void LoopMonitorPowerState(); } } namespace htclow::driver { void InitializeSocketApiForSocketDriver(); } namespace init { void InitializeSystemModule() { /* Initialize heap. */ htc::InitializeHeap(); /* Initialize our connection to sm. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(sm::Initialize()); /* Initialize fs. */ fs::InitializeForSystem(); fs::SetAllocator(htc::Allocate, htc::Deallocate); fs::SetEnabledAutoAbort(false); /* Initialize other services we need. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(setsysInitialize()); R_ABORT_UNLESS(setcalInitialize()); R_ABORT_UNLESS(pscmInitialize()); /* Mount the SD card. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(fs::MountSdCard("sdmc")); /* Verify that we can sanely execute. */ ams::CheckApiVersion(); } void FinalizeSystemModule() { /* ... */ } void Startup() { /* ... */ } } void Main() { /* Set thread name. */ os::SetThreadNamePointer(os::GetCurrentThread(), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_NAME(htc, Main)); AMS_ASSERT(os::GetThreadPriority(os::GetCurrentThread()) == AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_PRIORITY(htc, Main)); /* Get and set the default driver type. */ const auto driver_type = htc::GetHtclowDriverType(); htclow::HtclowManagerHolder::SetDefaultDriver(driver_type); /* If necessary, initialize the socket driver. */ if (driver_type == htclow::impl::DriverType::Socket) { htclow::driver::InitializeSocketApiForSocketDriver(); } /* Initialize the htclow manager. */ htclow::HtclowManagerHolder::AddReference(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { htclow::HtclowManagerHolder::Release(); }; /* Get the htclow manager. */ auto *htclow_manager = htclow::HtclowManagerHolder::GetHtclowManager(); /* Initialize the htc misc server. */ htc::server::InitializeHtcmiscServer(htclow_manager); /* Create the htc misc ipc thread. */ os::ThreadType htc_ipc_thread; os::CreateThread(std::addressof(htc_ipc_thread), htc::HtcIpcThreadFunction, nullptr, htc::g_htc_ipc_thread_stack, sizeof(htc::g_htc_ipc_thread_stack), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_PRIORITY(htc, HtcIpc)); os::SetThreadNamePointer(std::addressof(htc_ipc_thread), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_NAME(htc, HtcIpc)); /* Initialize the htcfs server. */ htcfs::Initialize(htclow_manager); htcfs::RegisterHipcServer(); /* Create the htcfs ipc thread. */ os::ThreadType htcfs_ipc_thread; os::CreateThread(std::addressof(htcfs_ipc_thread), htc::HtcfsIpcThreadFunction, nullptr, htc::g_htcfs_ipc_thread_stack, sizeof(htc::g_htcfs_ipc_thread_stack), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_PRIORITY(htc, HtcfsIpc)); os::SetThreadNamePointer(std::addressof(htcfs_ipc_thread), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_NAME(htc, HtcfsIpc)); /* Initialize the htcs server. */ htcs::server::Initialize(); htcs::server::RegisterHipcServer(); /* Create the htcs ipc threads. */ os::ThreadType htcs_ipc_threads[htc::NumHtcsIpcThreads]; for (size_t i = 0; i < htc::NumHtcsIpcThreads; ++i) { os::CreateThread(std::addressof(htcs_ipc_threads[i]), htc::HtcsIpcThreadFunction, nullptr, htc::g_htcs_ipc_thread_stack[i], sizeof(htc::g_htcs_ipc_thread_stack[i]), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_PRIORITY(htc, HtcsIpc)); os::SetThreadNamePointer(std::addressof(htcs_ipc_threads[i]), AMS_GET_SYSTEM_THREAD_NAME(htc, HtcsIpc)); } /* Initialize psc. */ htc::server::InitializePowerStateMonitor(driver_type, htclow_manager); /* Start all threads. */ os::StartThread(std::addressof(htc_ipc_thread)); os::StartThread(std::addressof(htcfs_ipc_thread)); for (size_t i = 0; i < htc::NumHtcsIpcThreads; ++i) { os::StartThread(std::addressof(htcs_ipc_threads[i])); } /* Loop psc monitor. */ htc::server::LoopMonitorPowerState(); /* Destroy all threads. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < htc::NumHtcsIpcThreads; ++i) { os::WaitThread(std::addressof(htcs_ipc_threads[i])); os::DestroyThread(std::addressof(htcs_ipc_threads[i])); } os::WaitThread(std::addressof(htcfs_ipc_thread)); os::DestroyThread(std::addressof(htcfs_ipc_thread)); os::WaitThread(std::addressof(htc_ipc_thread)); os::DestroyThread(std::addressof(htc_ipc_thread)); /* Finalize psc monitor. */ htc::server::FinalizePowerStateMonitor(); } }