#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mesosphere { void KThread::OnAlarm() { CancelKernelSync(); } bool KThread::IsSchedulerOperationRedundant() const { return owner != nullptr && owner->GetSchedulerOperationCount() == redundantSchedulerOperationCount; } void KThread::IncrementSchedulerOperationCount() { if (owner != nullptr) { owner->IncrementSchedulerOperationCount(); } } void KThread::SetRedundantSchedulerOperation() { redundantSchedulerOperationCount = owner != nullptr ? owner->GetSchedulerOperationCount() : redundantSchedulerOperationCount; } void KThread::SetProcessLastThreadAndIdleSelectionCount(ulong idleSelectionCount) { if (owner != nullptr) { owner->SetLastThreadAndIdleSelectionCount(this, idleSelectionCount); } } void KThread::AdjustScheduling(ushort oldMaskFull) { if (currentSchedMaskFull == oldMaskFull) { return; } else if (CompareSchedulingStatusFull(oldMaskFull, SchedulingStatus::Running)) { KScheduler::Global::SetThreadPaused(*this); } else if (CompareSchedulingStatusFull(SchedulingStatus::Running)) { KScheduler::Global::SetThreadRunning(*this); } } void KThread::Reschedule(KThread::SchedulingStatus newStatus) { //KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection{}; // TODO check the above ^ AdjustScheduling(SetSchedulingStatusField(newStatus)); } void KThread::RescheduleIfStatusEquals(SchedulingStatus expectedStatus, SchedulingStatus newStatus) { if(GetSchedulingStatus() == expectedStatus) { Reschedule(newStatus); } } void KThread::AddForcePauseReason(KThread::ForcePauseReason reason) { KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection; if (!IsDying()) { AddForcePauseReasonToField(reason); if (numKernelMutexWaiters == 0) { AdjustScheduling(CommitForcePauseToField()); } } } void KThread::RemoveForcePauseReason(KThread::ForcePauseReason reason) { KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection; if (!IsDying()) { RemoveForcePauseReasonToField(reason); if (!IsForcePaused() && numKernelMutexWaiters == 0) { AdjustScheduling(CommitForcePauseToField()); } } } bool KThread::WaitForKernelSync(KThread::WaitList &waitList) { // Has to be called from critical section currentWaitList = &waitList; Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Paused); waitList.push_back(*this); if (IsDying()) { // Whoops ResumeFromKernelSync(); return false; } return true; } void KThread::ResumeFromKernelSync() { // Has to be called from critical section currentWaitList->erase(currentWaitList->iterator_to(*this)); currentWaitList = nullptr; Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Running); } void KThread::ResumeFromKernelSync(Result res) { // Has to be called from critical section syncResult = res; ResumeFromKernelSync(); } void KThread::ResumeAllFromKernelSync(KThread::WaitList &waitList) { // Has to be called from critical section waitList.clear_and_dispose( [](KThread *t) { t->currentWaitList = nullptr; t->Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Running); } ); } void KThread::ResumeAllFromKernelSync(KThread::WaitList &waitList, Result res) { // Has to be called from critical section waitList.clear_and_dispose( [res](KThread *t) { t->syncResult = res; t->currentWaitList = nullptr; t->Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Running); } ); } void KThread::CancelKernelSync() { KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection; if (GetSchedulingStatus() == SchedulingStatus::Paused) { // Note: transparent to force-pause if (currentWaitList != nullptr) { ResumeFromKernelSync(); } else { Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Running); } } } void KThread::CancelKernelSync(Result res) { syncResult = res; CancelKernelSync(); } void KThread::HandleSyncObjectSignaled(KSynchronizationObject *syncObj) { if (GetSchedulingStatus() == SchedulingStatus::Paused) { signaledSyncObject = syncObj; syncResult = ResultSuccess(); Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Running); } } Result KThread::WaitSynchronizationImpl(int &outId, KSynchronizationObject **syncObjs, int numSyncObjs, const KSystemClock::time_point &timeoutTime) { KLinkedList::const_iterator nodes[numSyncObjs]; outId = -1; { KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection; // Try to find an already signaled object. if (numSyncObjs >= 1) { KSynchronizationObject **readyFound = std::find_if( syncObjs, syncObjs + numSyncObjs, [](KSynchronizationObject *obj) { return obj->IsSignaled(); } ); outId = readyFound - syncObjs >= numSyncObjs ? -1 : readyFound - syncObjs; } if (timeoutTime == KSystemClock::time_point{} && outId == -1) { return ResultKernelTimedOut(); } if (IsDying()) { return ResultKernelThreadTerminating(); } if (isSyncCancelled) { return ResultKernelCancelled(); } for (int i = 0; i < numSyncObjs; i++) { nodes[i] = syncObjs[i]->AddWaiter(*this); } isWaitingSync = true; signaledSyncObject = nullptr; syncResult = ResultKernelTimedOut(); Reschedule(SchedulingStatus::Paused); if (timeoutTime > KSystemClock::time_point{}) { SetAlarmTime(timeoutTime); } } // Now waiting... { KScopedCriticalSection criticalSection; isWaitingSync = false; if (timeoutTime > KSystemClock::time_point{}) { ClearAlarm(); } for (int i = 0; i < numSyncObjs; i++) { syncObjs[i]->RemoveWaiter(nodes[i]); if (syncObjs[i] == signaledSyncObject) { outId = i; } } } return syncResult; } void KThread::AddToMutexWaitList(KThread &thread) { // TODO: check&increment numKernelMutexWaiters // Ordered list insertion auto it = std::find_if( mutexWaitList.begin(), mutexWaitList.end(), [&thread](const KThread &t) { return t.GetPriority() > thread.GetPriority(); } ); if (it != mutexWaitList.end()) { mutexWaitList.insert(it, thread); } else { mutexWaitList.push_back(thread); } } KThread::MutexWaitList::iterator KThread::RemoveFromMutexWaitList(KThread::MutexWaitList::const_iterator it) { // TODO: check&decrement numKernelMutexWaiters return mutexWaitList.erase(it); } void KThread::RemoveFromMutexWaitList(const KThread &t) { RemoveFromMutexWaitList(mutexWaitList.iterator_to(t)); } void KThread::InheritDynamicPriority() { /* Do priority inheritance Since we're maybe changing the priority of the thread, we must go through the entire mutex owner chain. The invariant must be preserved: A thread holding a mutex must have a higher-or-same priority than all threads waiting for it to release the mutex. */ for (KThread *t = this; t != nullptr; t = t->wantedMutexOwner) { uint newPrio, oldPrio = priority; if (!mutexWaitList.empty() && mutexWaitList.front().priority < basePriority) { newPrio = mutexWaitList.front().priority; } else { newPrio = basePriority; } if (newPrio == oldPrio) { break; } else { // Update everything that depends on dynamic priority: // TODO update condvar // TODO update ctr arbiter priority = newPrio; // TODO update condvar // TODO update ctr arbiter if (CompareSchedulingStatusFull(SchedulingStatus::Running)) { KScheduler::Global::AdjustThreadPriorityChanged(*this, oldPrio, this == KCoreContext::GetCurrentInstance().GetCurrentThread()); } if (wantedMutexOwner != nullptr) { wantedMutexOwner->RemoveFromMutexWaitList(*this); wantedMutexOwner->AddToMutexWaitList(*this); } } } } void KThread::AddMutexWaiter(KThread &waiter) { AddToMutexWaitList(waiter); InheritDynamicPriority(); } void KThread::RemoveMutexWaiter(KThread &waiter) { RemoveFromMutexWaitList(waiter); InheritDynamicPriority(); } KThread *KThread::RelinquishMutex(size_t *count, uiptr mutexAddr) { KThread *newOwner = nullptr; *count = 0; // First in list wanting mutexAddr becomes owner, the rest is transferred for (auto it = mutexWaitList.begin(); it != mutexWaitList.end(); ) { if (it->wantedMutex != mutexAddr) { ++it; continue; } else { KThread &t = *it; ++(*count); it = RemoveFromMutexWaitList(it); if (newOwner == nullptr) { newOwner = &t; } else { newOwner->AddToMutexWaitList(t); } } } // Mutex waiters list have changed InheritDynamicPriority(); if (newOwner != nullptr) { newOwner->InheritDynamicPriority(); } return newOwner; } }