/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <mesosphere.hpp> #if defined(ATMOSPHERE_ARCH_ARM64) #include <mesosphere/arch/arm64/kern_secure_monitor_base.hpp> #endif namespace ams::kern { namespace init { /* TODO: Is this function name architecture specific? */ void StartOtherCore(const ams::kern::init::KInitArguments *init_args); } /* Initialization. */ size_t KSystemControlBase::Init::GetRealMemorySize() { return ams::kern::MainMemorySize; } size_t KSystemControlBase::Init::GetIntendedMemorySize() { return ams::kern::MainMemorySize; } KPhysicalAddress KSystemControlBase::Init::GetKernelPhysicalBaseAddress(KPhysicalAddress base_address) { const size_t real_dram_size = KSystemControl::Init::GetRealMemorySize(); const size_t intended_dram_size = KSystemControl::Init::GetIntendedMemorySize(); if (intended_dram_size * 2 <= real_dram_size) { return base_address; } else { return base_address + ((real_dram_size - intended_dram_size) / 2); } } void KSystemControlBase::Init::GetInitialProcessBinaryLayout(InitialProcessBinaryLayout *out, KPhysicalAddress kern_base_address) { *out = { .address = GetInteger(KSystemControl::Init::GetKernelPhysicalBaseAddress(ams::kern::MainMemoryAddress)) + KSystemControl::Init::GetIntendedMemorySize() - InitialProcessBinarySizeMax, ._08 = 0, .kern_address = GetInteger(kern_base_address), }; } bool KSystemControlBase::Init::ShouldIncreaseThreadResourceLimit() { return true; } size_t KSystemControlBase::Init::GetApplicationPoolSize() { return 0; } size_t KSystemControlBase::Init::GetAppletPoolSize() { return 0; } size_t KSystemControlBase::Init::GetMinimumNonSecureSystemPoolSize() { return 0; } u8 KSystemControlBase::Init::GetDebugLogUartPort() { return 0; } void KSystemControlBase::Init::CpuOnImpl(u64 core_id, uintptr_t entrypoint, uintptr_t arg) { #if defined(ATMOSPHERE_ARCH_ARM64) MESOSPHERE_INIT_ABORT_UNLESS((::ams::kern::arch::arm64::smc::CpuOn<0>(core_id, entrypoint, arg)) == 0); #else AMS_INFINITE_LOOP(); #endif } void KSystemControlBase::Init::TurnOnCpu(u64 core_id, const ams::kern::init::KInitArguments *args) { /* Get entrypoint. */ KPhysicalAddress entrypoint = Null<KPhysicalAddress>; while (!cpu::GetPhysicalAddressReadable(std::addressof(entrypoint), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(::ams::kern::init::StartOtherCore), true)) { /* ... */ } /* Get arguments. */ KPhysicalAddress args_addr = Null<KPhysicalAddress>; while (!cpu::GetPhysicalAddressReadable(std::addressof(args_addr), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(args), true)) { /* ... */ } /* Ensure cache is correct for the initial arguments. */ cpu::StoreDataCacheForInitArguments(args, sizeof(*args)); /* Turn on the cpu. */ KSystemControl::Init::CpuOnImpl(core_id, GetInteger(entrypoint), GetInteger(args_addr)); } /* Randomness for Initialization. */ void KSystemControlBase::Init::GenerateRandom(u64 *dst, size_t count) { if (AMS_UNLIKELY(!s_initialized_random_generator)) { const u64 seed = KHardwareTimer::GetTick(); s_random_generator.Initialize(reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(std::addressof(seed)), sizeof(seed) / sizeof(u32)); s_initialized_random_generator = true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { dst[i] = s_random_generator.GenerateRandomU64(); } } u64 KSystemControlBase::Init::GenerateRandomRange(u64 min, u64 max) { if (AMS_UNLIKELY(!s_initialized_random_generator)) { const u64 seed = KHardwareTimer::GetTick(); s_random_generator.Initialize(reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(std::addressof(seed)), sizeof(seed) / sizeof(u32)); s_initialized_random_generator = true; } return KSystemControlBase::GenerateUniformRange(min, max, []() ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA -> u64 { return s_random_generator.GenerateRandomU64(); }); } /* System Initialization. */ void KSystemControlBase::InitializePhase1() { /* Configure KTargetSystem. */ { /* Set IsDebugMode. */ { KTargetSystem::SetIsDebugMode(true); /* If debug mode, we want to initialize uart logging. */ KTargetSystem::EnableDebugLogging(true); } /* Set Kernel Configuration. */ { KTargetSystem::EnableDebugMemoryFill(false); KTargetSystem::EnableUserExceptionHandlers(true); KTargetSystem::EnableDynamicResourceLimits(true); KTargetSystem::EnableUserPmuAccess(false); } /* Set Kernel Debugging. */ { /* NOTE: This is used to restrict access to SvcKernelDebug/SvcChangeKernelTraceState. */ /* Mesosphere may wish to not require this, as we'd ideally keep ProgramVerification enabled for userland. */ KTargetSystem::EnableKernelDebugging(true); } } /* Initialize random and resource limit. */ KSystemControlBase::InitializePhase1Base(KHardwareTimer::GetTick()); } void KSystemControlBase::InitializePhase1Base(u64 seed) { /* Initialize the rng, if we somehow haven't already. */ if (AMS_UNLIKELY(!s_initialized_random_generator)) { s_random_generator.Initialize(reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(std::addressof(seed)), sizeof(seed) / sizeof(u32)); s_initialized_random_generator = true; } /* Initialize debug logging. */ KDebugLog::Initialize(); /* System ResourceLimit initialization. */ { /* Construct the resource limit object. */ KResourceLimit &sys_res_limit = Kernel::GetSystemResourceLimit(); KAutoObject::Create<KResourceLimit>(std::addressof(sys_res_limit)); sys_res_limit.Initialize(); /* Set the initial limits. */ const auto [total_memory_size, kernel_memory_size] = KMemoryLayout::GetTotalAndKernelMemorySizes(); /* Update 39-bit address space infos. */ { /* Heap should be equal to the total memory size, minimum 8 GB, maximum 32 GB. */ /* Alias should be equal to 8 * heap size, maximum 128 GB. */ const size_t heap_size = std::max(std::min(util::AlignUp(total_memory_size, 1_GB), 32_GB), 8_GB); const size_t alias_size = std::min(heap_size * 8, 128_GB); /* Set the address space sizes. */ KAddressSpaceInfo::SetAddressSpaceSize(39, KAddressSpaceInfo::Type_Heap, heap_size); KAddressSpaceInfo::SetAddressSpaceSize(39, KAddressSpaceInfo::Type_Alias, alias_size); } const auto &slab_counts = init::GetSlabResourceCounts(); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.SetLimitValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, total_memory_size)); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.SetLimitValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_ThreadCountMax, slab_counts.num_KThread)); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.SetLimitValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_EventCountMax, slab_counts.num_KEvent)); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.SetLimitValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_TransferMemoryCountMax, slab_counts.num_KTransferMemory)); MESOSPHERE_R_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.SetLimitValue(ams::svc::LimitableResource_SessionCountMax, slab_counts.num_KSession)); /* Reserve system memory. */ MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(sys_res_limit.Reserve(ams::svc::LimitableResource_PhysicalMemoryMax, kernel_memory_size)); } } void KSystemControlBase::InitializePhase2() { /* Initialize KTrace. */ if constexpr (IsKTraceEnabled) { const auto &ktrace = KMemoryLayout::GetKernelTraceBufferRegion(); KTrace::Initialize(ktrace.GetAddress(), ktrace.GetSize()); } } u32 KSystemControlBase::GetCreateProcessMemoryPool() { return KMemoryManager::Pool_System; } /* Privileged Access. */ void KSystemControlBase::ReadWriteRegisterPrivileged(u32 *out, ams::svc::PhysicalAddress address, u32 mask, u32 value) { /* TODO */ MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(out, address, mask, value); MESOSPHERE_UNIMPLEMENTED(); } Result KSystemControlBase::ReadWriteRegister(u32 *out, ams::svc::PhysicalAddress address, u32 mask, u32 value) { MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(out, address, mask, value); R_THROW(svc::ResultNotImplemented()); } /* Randomness. */ void KSystemControlBase::GenerateRandom(u64 *dst, size_t count) { KScopedInterruptDisable intr_disable; KScopedSpinLock lk(s_random_lock); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { dst[i] = s_random_generator.GenerateRandomU64(); } } u64 KSystemControlBase::GenerateRandomRange(u64 min, u64 max) { KScopedInterruptDisable intr_disable; KScopedSpinLock lk(s_random_lock); return KSystemControlBase::GenerateUniformRange(min, max, []() ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA -> u64 { return s_random_generator.GenerateRandomU64(); }); } u64 KSystemControlBase::GenerateRandomU64() { KScopedInterruptDisable intr_disable; KScopedSpinLock lk(s_random_lock); return s_random_generator.GenerateRandomU64(); } void KSystemControlBase::SleepSystem() { MESOSPHERE_LOG("SleepSystem() was called\n"); } void KSystemControlBase::StopSystem(void *) { MESOSPHERE_LOG("KSystemControlBase::StopSystem\n"); AMS_INFINITE_LOOP(); } /* User access. */ #if defined(ATMOSPHERE_ARCH_ARM64) void KSystemControlBase::CallSecureMonitorFromUser(ams::svc::lp64::SecureMonitorArguments *args) { /* Get the function id for the current call. */ u64 function_id = args->r[0]; /* We'll need to map in pages if arguments are pointers. Prepare page groups to do so. */ auto &page_table = GetCurrentProcess().GetPageTable(); auto *bim = page_table.GetBlockInfoManager(); constexpr size_t MaxMappedRegisters = 7; std::array<KPageGroup, MaxMappedRegisters> page_groups = { KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), KPageGroup(bim), }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxMappedRegisters; i++) { const size_t reg_id = i + 1; if (function_id & (1ul << (8 + reg_id))) { /* Create and open a new page group for the address. */ KVirtualAddress virt_addr = args->r[reg_id]; if (R_SUCCEEDED(page_table.MakeAndOpenPageGroup(std::addressof(page_groups[i]), util::AlignDown(GetInteger(virt_addr), PageSize), 1, KMemoryState_None, KMemoryState_None, KMemoryPermission_UserReadWrite, KMemoryPermission_UserReadWrite, KMemoryAttribute_None, KMemoryAttribute_None))) { /* Translate the virtual address to a physical address. */ const auto it = page_groups[i].begin(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(it != page_groups[i].end()); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(it->GetNumPages() == 1); args->r[reg_id] = GetInteger(it->GetAddress()) | (GetInteger(virt_addr) & (PageSize - 1)); } else { /* If we couldn't map, we should clear the address. */ args->r[reg_id] = 0; } } } /* Invoke the secure monitor. */ KSystemControl::CallSecureMonitorFromUserImpl(args); /* Make sure that we close any pages that we opened. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxMappedRegisters; i++) { page_groups[i].Close(); } } void KSystemControlBase::CallSecureMonitorFromUserImpl(ams::svc::lp64::SecureMonitorArguments *args) { /* By default, we don't actually support secure monitor, so just set args to a failure code. */ args->r[0] = 1; } #endif /* Secure Memory. */ size_t KSystemControlBase::CalculateRequiredSecureMemorySize(size_t size, u32 pool) { MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(pool); return size; } Result KSystemControlBase::AllocateSecureMemory(KVirtualAddress *out, size_t size, u32 pool) { /* Ensure the size is aligned. */ constexpr size_t Alignment = PageSize; R_UNLESS(util::IsAligned(size, Alignment), svc::ResultInvalidSize()); /* Allocate the memory. */ const size_t num_pages = size / PageSize; const KPhysicalAddress paddr = Kernel::GetMemoryManager().AllocateAndOpenContinuous(num_pages, Alignment / PageSize, KMemoryManager::EncodeOption(static_cast<KMemoryManager::Pool>(pool), KMemoryManager::Direction_FromFront)); R_UNLESS(paddr != Null<KPhysicalAddress>, svc::ResultOutOfMemory()); *out = KPageTable::GetHeapVirtualAddress(paddr); R_SUCCEED(); } void KSystemControlBase::FreeSecureMemory(KVirtualAddress address, size_t size, u32 pool) { /* Ensure the size is aligned. */ constexpr size_t Alignment = PageSize; MESOSPHERE_UNUSED(pool); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(util::IsAligned(GetInteger(address), Alignment)); MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(util::IsAligned(size, Alignment)); /* Close the secure region's pages. */ Kernel::GetMemoryManager().Close(KPageTable::GetHeapPhysicalAddress(address), size / PageSize); } /* Insecure Memory. */ KResourceLimit *KSystemControlBase::GetInsecureMemoryResourceLimit() { return std::addressof(Kernel::GetSystemResourceLimit()); } u32 KSystemControlBase::GetInsecureMemoryPool() { return KMemoryManager::Pool_SystemNonSecure; } }