/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <exosphere.hpp> #include "fusee_display.hpp" #include "sein/fusee_secure_initialize.hpp" #include "sdram/fusee_sdram.hpp" #include "mtc/fusee_mtc.hpp" #include "fs/fusee_fs_api.hpp" #include "fusee_overlay_manager.hpp" #include "fusee_sd_card.hpp" #include "fusee_fatal.hpp" #include "fusee_external_package.hpp" #include "fusee_setup_horizon.hpp" #include "fusee_secmon_sync.hpp" namespace ams::nxboot { namespace { constexpr const char ExternalPackageFilePath[] = "sdmc:/atmosphere/package3"; constinit fs::FileHandle g_package_file; void OpenExternalPackage() { Result result; /* Open external package. */ if (R_FAILED((result = fs::OpenFile(std::addressof(g_package_file), ExternalPackageFilePath, fs::OpenMode_Read)))) { ShowFatalError("Failed to open %s!\n", ExternalPackageFilePath); } /* Get file size. */ s64 file_size; if (R_FAILED((result = fs::GetFileSize(std::addressof(file_size), g_package_file)))) { ShowFatalError("Failed to get package3 size: 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n", result.GetValue()); } /* Check file size. */ if (static_cast<size_t>(file_size) != ExternalPackageSize) { ShowFatalError("package3 seems corrupted (size 0x%zx != 0x%zx)", static_cast<size_t>(file_size), ExternalPackageSize); } } void ReadFullExternalPackage() { Result result; if (R_FAILED((result = fs::ReadFile(g_package_file, 0, const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(std::addressof(GetExternalPackage()))), ExternalPackageSize)))) { ShowFatalError("Failed to read %s!\n", ExternalPackageFilePath); } } void CloseExternalPackage() { fs::CloseFile(g_package_file); } } void Main() { /* Perform secure hardware initialization. */ SecureInitialize(true); /* Overclock the bpmp. */ clkrst::SetBpmpClockRate(fuse::GetSocType() == fuse::SocType_Mariko ? clkrst::BpmpClockRate_589MHz : clkrst::BpmpClockRate_576MHz); /* Initialize Sdram. */ InitializeSdram(); /* Initialize cache. */ hw::InitializeDataCache(); /* Initialize SD card. */ { Result result = InitializeSdCard(); if (R_FAILED(result)) { ShowFatalError("Failed to initialize the SD card: 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n", result.GetValue()); } } /* Mount SD card. */ if (!fs::MountSdCard()) { ShowFatalError("Failed to mount the SD card."); } /* If we have a fatal error, save and display it. */ SaveAndShowFatalError(); /* Open the external package. */ OpenExternalPackage(); /* Load the memory training overlay. */ LoadOverlay(g_package_file, OverlayId_MemoryTraining); /* Do memory training. */ DoMemoryTraining(); /* Read the rest of the archive file. */ ReadFullExternalPackage(); /* Save the memory training overlay. */ SaveMemoryTrainingOverlay(); /* Initialize display (splash screen will be visible from this point onwards). */ InitializeDisplay(); ShowDisplay(); /* Close the external package. */ CloseExternalPackage(); /* Perform rest of the boot process. */ SetupAndStartHorizon(); /* Restore the memory training overlay. */ RestoreMemoryTrainingOverlay(); /* Restore memory clock rate. */ RestoreMemoryClockRate(); /* Restore secure monitor code. */ RestoreSecureMonitorOverlay(); /* Finalize display. */ FinalizeDisplay(); /* Finalize sd card. */ FinalizeSdCard(); /* Finalize the data cache. */ hw::FinalizeDataCache(); /* Downclock the bpmp. */ clkrst::SetBpmpClockRate(clkrst::BpmpClockRate_408MHz); /* Signal to the secure monitor that we're done. */ SetBootloaderState(pkg1::BootloaderState_Done); /* Halt ourselves. */ while (true) { reg::Write(secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceFlowController.GetAddress() + FLOW_CTLR_HALT_COP_EVENTS, FLOW_REG_BITS_ENUM(HALT_COP_EVENTS_MODE, FLOW_MODE_STOP), FLOW_REG_BITS_ENUM(HALT_COP_EVENTS_JTAG, ENABLED)); } } }