# set_mitm set_mitm is a sysmodule that enables intercepting requests to the system settings service. ## Atmosphère Extensions set_mitm intercepts the `GetFirmwareVersion` command, if the requester is `qlaunch` or `maintenance`.\ It modifies the `display_version` field of the returned system version, causing the version to display\ in settings as `#.#.# (AMS #.#.#)`. This allows users to easily verify what version of Atmosphère they are running. set_mitm also intercepts the `GetSettingsItemValueSize` and `GetSettingsItemValue` commands for all requesters.\ It does so in order to enable user configuration of system settings, which are parsed from `atmosphere/system_settings.ini` on boot.\ The format for settings is described below. ### Atmosphère Settings Format Settings are parsed from the `atmosphere/system_settings.ini` file during the boot process. This file is a normal ini file,\ with some specific interpretations. The standard representation of a system setting's identifier takes the form `name!key`. This is represented within\ `system_settings.ini` as a section `name`, with an entry `key`. For example: ``` [name] key = ... ``` System settings can have variable types (strings, integral values, byte arrays, etc). To accommodate this, `system_settings.ini`\ must store values as a `type_identifier!value_store` pair. A number of different types are supported, with identifiers detailed below.\ Please note that a malformed value string will cause a fatal error to occur on boot. A full example of a custom setting is given below\ (setting `eupld!upload_enabled = 0`), for posterity: ``` [eupld] upload_enabled = u8!0x0 ``` ### Supported Types * Strings * Type identifiers: `str`, `string` * The value string is used directly as the setting, with null terminator appended. * Integral types * Type identifiers: `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64` * The value string is parsed via a call to `strtoul(value, NULL, 0)`. * Setting bitwidth is determined by the identifier (8 for 1 byte, 16 for 2 bytes, and so on). * Raw bytes * Type identifiers: `hex`, `bytes` * The value string is parsed as a hexadecimal string. * The value string must be of even length, or a fatal error will be thrown on parse. ### Atmosphère Custom Settings At the time of writing, Atmosphère implements two custom settings, found in the `atmosphere` section.\ While not used for set_mitm, `power_menu_reboot_function` is loaded and controls the reboot behaviour of the console. By default, this value\ is "payload", where the console will automatically reboot into the RCM payload stored in `sdmc:/atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin`.\ (This payload is also used for fatal, upon a serious crash.) Setting the value to "rcm" reboots directly into RCM, and setting the value\ to "normal" skips these behaviours. ``` [atmosphere] power_menu_reboot_function = str!payload ``` `dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default` controls the behaviour of dmnt's cheat functionality. By default, this value is "0x1", enabling any cheats\ defined by the user. Check [cheats](../cheats.md) for more information about Atmosphère's cheat functionality. ``` [atmosphere] dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x1 ```