/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stratosphere.hpp> #include "util_common.hpp" #include "util_scoped_heap.hpp" namespace ams::test { namespace { constinit svc::Handle g_read_handles[3] = { svc::InvalidHandle, svc::InvalidHandle, svc::InvalidHandle }; constinit svc::Handle g_write_handles[3] = { svc::InvalidHandle, svc::InvalidHandle, svc::InvalidHandle }; constinit s64 g_thread_wait_ns; constinit bool g_should_switch_threads; constinit bool g_switched_threads; constinit bool g_correct_switch_threads; void WaitSynchronization(svc::Handle handle) { s32 dummy; R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::WaitSynchronization(std::addressof(dummy), std::addressof(handle), 1, -1)); } void TestYieldHigherOrSamePriorityThread() { /* Wait to run. */ WaitSynchronization(g_read_handles[0]); /* Reset our event. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::ClearEvent(g_read_handles[0])); /* Signal the other thread's event. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::SignalEvent(g_write_handles[1])); /* Wait, potentially yielding to the lower/same priority thread. */ g_switched_threads = false; svc::SleepThread(g_thread_wait_ns); /* Check whether we switched correctly. */ g_correct_switch_threads = g_should_switch_threads == g_switched_threads; /* Exit. */ svc::ExitThread(); } void TestYieldLowerOrSamePriorityThread() { /* Signal thread the higher/same priority thread to run. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::SignalEvent(g_write_handles[0])); /* Wait to run. */ WaitSynchronization(g_read_handles[1]); /* Reset our event. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::ClearEvent(g_read_handles[1])); /* We've switched to the lower/same priority thread. */ g_switched_threads = true; /* Wait to be instructed to exit. */ WaitSynchronization(g_read_handles[2]); /* Reset the exit signal. */ R_ABORT_UNLESS(svc::ClearEvent(g_read_handles[2])); /* Exit. */ svc::ExitThread(); } void TestYieldSamePriority(uintptr_t sp_higher, uintptr_t sp_lower) { /* Test each core. */ for (s32 core = 0; core < NumCores; ++core) { for (s32 priority = HighestTestPriority; priority <= LowestTestPriority && !IsPreemptionPriority(core, priority); ++priority) { svc::Handle thread_handles[2]; /* Create threads. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CreateThread(thread_handles + 0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&TestYieldHigherOrSamePriorityThread), 0, sp_higher, priority, core))); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CreateThread(thread_handles + 1, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&TestYieldLowerOrSamePriorityThread), 0, sp_lower, priority, core))); /* Start threads. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::StartThread(thread_handles[1]))); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::StartThread(thread_handles[0]))); /* Wait for higher priority thread. */ WaitSynchronization(thread_handles[0]); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(thread_handles[0]))); /* Signal the lower priority thread to exit. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::SignalEvent(g_write_handles[2]))); /* Wait for the lower priority thread. */ WaitSynchronization(thread_handles[1]); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(thread_handles[1]))); /* Check that the switch was correct. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(g_correct_switch_threads); } } } void TestYieldDifferentPriority(uintptr_t sp_higher, uintptr_t sp_lower) { /* Test each core. */ for (s32 core = 0; core < NumCores; ++core) { for (s32 priority = HighestTestPriority; priority < LowestTestPriority && !IsPreemptionPriority(core, priority); ++priority) { svc::Handle thread_handles[2]; /* Create threads. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CreateThread(thread_handles + 0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&TestYieldHigherOrSamePriorityThread), 0, sp_higher, priority, core))); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CreateThread(thread_handles + 1, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&TestYieldLowerOrSamePriorityThread), 0, sp_lower, priority + 1, core))); /* Start threads. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::StartThread(thread_handles[1]))); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::StartThread(thread_handles[0]))); /* Wait for higher priority thread. */ WaitSynchronization(thread_handles[0]); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(thread_handles[0]))); /* Signal the lower priority thread to exit. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::SignalEvent(g_write_handles[2]))); /* Wait for the lower priority thread. */ WaitSynchronization(thread_handles[1]); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(thread_handles[1]))); /* Check that the switch was correct. */ DOCTEST_CHECK(g_correct_switch_threads); } } } } DOCTEST_TEST_CASE( "svc::SleepThread: Thread sleeps for time specified" ) { for (s64 ns = 1; ns < TimeSpan::FromSeconds(1).GetNanoSeconds(); ns *= 2) { const auto start = os::GetSystemTickOrdered(); svc::SleepThread(ns); const auto end = os::GetSystemTickOrdered(); const s64 taken_ns = (end - start).ToTimeSpan().GetNanoSeconds(); DOCTEST_CHECK( taken_ns >= ns ); } } DOCTEST_TEST_CASE( "svc::SleepThread: Yield is behaviorally correct" ) { /* Create events. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < util::size(g_write_handles); ++i) { g_read_handles[i] = svc::InvalidHandle; g_write_handles[i] = svc::InvalidHandle; DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CreateEvent(g_write_handles + i, g_read_handles + i))); } ON_SCOPE_EXIT { for (size_t i = 0; i < util::size(g_write_handles); ++i) { DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(g_read_handles[i]))); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::CloseHandle(g_write_handles[i]))); g_read_handles[i] = svc::InvalidHandle; g_write_handles[i] = svc::InvalidHandle; } }; /* Create heap. */ ScopedHeap heap(3 * os::MemoryPageSize); DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::SetMemoryPermission(heap.GetAddress() + os::MemoryPageSize, os::MemoryPageSize, svc::MemoryPermission_None))); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { DOCTEST_CHECK(R_SUCCEEDED(svc::SetMemoryPermission(heap.GetAddress() + os::MemoryPageSize, os::MemoryPageSize, svc::MemoryPermission_ReadWrite))); }; const uintptr_t sp_higher = heap.GetAddress() + 1 * os::MemoryPageSize; const uintptr_t sp_lower = heap.GetAddress() + 3 * os::MemoryPageSize; DOCTEST_SUBCASE("svc::SleepThread: Yields do not switch to a thread of lower priority.") { /* Test yield without migration. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = false; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_WithoutCoreMigration); TestYieldDifferentPriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } /* Test yield with migration. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = false; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_WithoutCoreMigration); TestYieldDifferentPriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } } DOCTEST_SUBCASE("svc::SleepThread: ToAnyThread switches to a thread of same or lower priority.") { /* Test to same priority. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = true; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_ToAnyThread); TestYieldSamePriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } /* Test to lower priority. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = true; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_ToAnyThread); TestYieldDifferentPriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } } DOCTEST_SUBCASE("svc::SleepThread: Yield switches to another thread of same priority.") { /* Test yield without migration. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = true; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_WithoutCoreMigration); TestYieldSamePriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } /* Test yield with migration. */ { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = true; g_thread_wait_ns = static_cast<s64>(svc::YieldType_WithCoreMigration); TestYieldSamePriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } } DOCTEST_SUBCASE("svc::SleepThread: Yield with bogus timeout does not switch to another thread same priority") { /* Configure for yield test. */ g_should_switch_threads = false; g_thread_wait_ns = INT64_C(-5); TestYieldSamePriority(sp_higher, sp_lower); } } }