/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "sc7fw_util.hpp" #include "sc7fw_dram.hpp" namespace ams::sc7fw { namespace { constexpr inline const uintptr_t PMC = secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDevicePmc.GetAddress(); void UpdateEmcTiming() { /* Enable timing update. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_TIMING_CONTROL), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(TIMING_CONTROL_TIMING_UPDATE, ENABLED)); /* Wait for the timing update to complete. */ while (!reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_EMC_STATUS), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(EMC_STATUS_TIMING_UPDATE_STALLED, DONE))) { /* ... */ } } void RequestAllPadsPowerDown(uintptr_t addr, uintptr_t expected) { constexpr u32 DpdAllRequestValue = reg::Encode(PMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(IO_DPD_REQ_CODE, DPD_ON)) | 0x0FFFFFFF; const auto RequestAddress = addr; const auto StatusAddress = addr + 4; /* Request all pads enter power down. */ reg::Write(PMC + RequestAddress, DpdAllRequestValue); /* Wait until the status reflects our expectation (and all pads are shut down). */ while (reg::Read(PMC + StatusAddress) != expected) { /* ... */ } /* Wait a little while to allow the power down status to propagate. */ SpinLoop(0x20); }; } void SaveEmcFsp() { /* We require that the RAM is LPDDR4. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_FBIO_CFG5), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(FBIO_CFG5_DRAM_TYPE, LPDDR4))); /* Read the frequency set points from MRW3. */ constexpr u32 FspShift = 6; constexpr u32 FspBits = 2; constexpr u32 FspMask = ((1u << FspBits) - 1) << FspShift; static_assert(FspMask == 0x000000C0); const u32 fsp = (reg::Read(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_MRW3)) & FspMask) >> FspShift; /* Write the fsp to PMC_SCRATCH18, where it will be restored to MRW3 by brom. */ reg::ReadWrite(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH18, REG_BITS_VALUE(FspShift, FspBits, fsp)); /* Write the fsp twice to PMC_SCRATCH12, where it will be restored to MRW12 by brom. */ reg::ReadWrite(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH12, REG_BITS_VALUE(FspShift, FspBits, fsp), REG_BITS_VALUE(FspShift + 8, FspBits, fsp)); /* Write the fsp twice to PMC_SCRATCH13, where it will be restored to MRW13 by brom. */ reg::ReadWrite(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_SCRATCH13, REG_BITS_VALUE(FspShift, FspBits, fsp), REG_BITS_VALUE(FspShift + 8, FspBits, fsp)); } void EnableSdramSelfRefresh() { /* We require that the RAM is dual-channel. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_FBIO_CFG7), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(FBIO_CFG7_CH1_ENABLE, ENABLE))); /* Disable RAM's ability to dynamically self-refresh, and to opportunistically perform powerdown. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_CFG), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DYN_SELF_REF, DISABLED), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DRAM_ACPD, NO_POWERDOWN)); /* Update the EMC timing. */ UpdateEmcTiming(); /* Wait five microseconds. */ util::WaitMicroSeconds(5); /* Disable ZQ calibration. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_ZCAL_INTERVAL), 0); /* Disable automatic calibration. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_AUTO_CAL_CONFIG), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(AUTO_CAL_CONFIG_AUTO_CAL_MEASURE_STALL, ENABLE), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(AUTO_CAL_CONFIG_AUTO_CAL_UPDATE_STALL, ENABLE), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(AUTO_CAL_CONFIG_AUTO_CAL_START, DISABLE)); /* Get whether digital delay locked loops are enabled. */ const bool has_dll = reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_CFG_DIG_DLL), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DIG_DLL_CFG_DLL_EN, ENABLED)); if (has_dll) { /* If they are, disable them. */ reg::ReadWrite(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_CFG_DIG_DLL), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DIG_DLL_CFG_DLL_EN, DISABLED)); } /* Update the EMC timing. */ UpdateEmcTiming(); /* If dll was enabled, wait until both EMC0 and EMC1 have dll disabled. */ if (has_dll) { while (!reg::HasValue(EMC0_ADDRESS(EMC_CFG_DIG_DLL), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DIG_DLL_CFG_DLL_EN, DISABLED))) { /* ... */ } while (!reg::HasValue(EMC1_ADDRESS(EMC_CFG_DIG_DLL), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(CFG_DIG_DLL_CFG_DLL_EN, DISABLED))) { /* ... */ } } /* Stall all reads and writes. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_REQ_CTRL), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(REQ_CTRL_STALL_ALL_READS, 1), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(REQ_CTRL_STALL_ALL_WRITES, 1)); /* Wait until both EMC0 and EMC1 have no outstanding transactions. */ while (!reg::HasValue(EMC0_ADDRESS(EMC_EMC_STATUS), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(EMC_STATUS_NO_OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTIONS, COMPLETED))) { /* ... */ } while (!reg::HasValue(EMC1_ADDRESS(EMC_EMC_STATUS), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(EMC_STATUS_NO_OUTSTANDING_TRANSACTIONS, COMPLETED))) { /* ... */ } /* Enable self-refresh. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_SELF_REF), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(SELF_REF_SREF_DEV_SELECTN, BOTH), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(SELF_REF_SELF_REF_CMD, ENABLED)); /* Wait until both EMC and EMC1 are in self-refresh. */ const auto desired = reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_ADR_CFG), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(ADR_CFG_EMEM_NUMDEV, N2)) ? EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(EMC_STATUS_DRAM_IN_SELF_REFRESH, BOTH_ENABLED) : EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(EMC_STATUS_DRAM_DEV0_IN_SELF_REFRESH, ENABLED); /* NOTE: Nintendo's sc7 entry firmware has a bug here. */ /* Instead of waiting for both EMCs to report self-refresh, they just read the EMC_STATUS for each EMC. */ /* This is incorrect, per documentation. */ while (!reg::HasValue(EMC0_ADDRESS(EMC_EMC_STATUS), desired)) { /* ... */ } while (!reg::HasValue(EMC1_ADDRESS(EMC_EMC_STATUS), desired)) { /* ... */ } } void EnableEmcAllSegmentsRefresh() { constexpr int MR17_PASR_Segment = 17; /* Write zeros to MR17_PASR_Segment to enable refresh for all segments for dev0. */ reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_MRW), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM (MRW_DEV_SELECTN, DEV0), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM (MRW_CNT, EXT1), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(MRW_MA, MR17_PASR_Segment), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(MRW_OP, 0)); /* If dev1 exists, do the same for dev1. */ if (reg::HasValue(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_ADR_CFG), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(ADR_CFG_EMEM_NUMDEV, N2))) { reg::Write(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_MRW), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM (MRW_DEV_SELECTN, DEV1), EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM (MRW_CNT, EXT1), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(MRW_MA, MR17_PASR_Segment), EMC_REG_BITS_VALUE(MRW_OP, 0)); } } void EnableDdrDeepPowerDown() { /* Read and decode the parameters Nintendo stores in EMC_PMC_SCRATCH3. */ const u32 scratch3 = reg::Read(EMC_ADDRESS(EMC_PMC_SCRATCH3)); const bool weak_bias = (scratch3 & reg::EncodeMask(EMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PMC_SCRATCH3_WEAK_BIAS))) == reg::EncodeValue(EMC_REG_BITS_ENUM(PMC_SCRATCH3_WEAK_BIAS, ENABLED)); const u32 ddr_cntrl = (scratch3 & reg::EncodeMask(EMC_REG_BITS_MASK(PMC_SCRATCH3_DDR_CNTRL))); /* Write the decoded value to PMC_DDR_CNTRL. */ reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_DDR_CNTRL, ddr_cntrl); /* If weak bias is enabled, set all VTT_E_WB bits in APBDEV_PMC_WEAK_BIAS. */ if (weak_bias) { constexpr u32 WeakBiasVttEWbAll = 0x7FFF0000; reg::Write(PMC + APBDEV_PMC_WEAK_BIAS, WeakBiasVttEWbAll); } /* Request that DPD3 pads power down. */ constexpr u32 EristaDpd3Mask = 0x0FFFFFFF; constexpr u32 MarikoDpd3Mask = 0x0FFF9FFF; if (true /* TODO: IsErista */) { RequestAllPadsPowerDown(APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD3_REQ, EristaDpd3Mask); } else { RequestAllPadsPowerDown(APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD3_REQ, MarikoDpd3Mask); } /* Request that DPD4 pads power down. */ constexpr u32 Dpd4Mask = 0x0FFF1FFF; RequestAllPadsPowerDown(APBDEV_PMC_IO_DPD4_REQ, Dpd4Mask); } }