/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "../fatfs/ff.h" #include "fusee_fs_api.hpp" namespace ams::fs { static_assert(sizeof(DirectoryEntry) == sizeof(FILINFO)); namespace { constexpr size_t MaxFiles = 8 + 64; constexpr size_t MaxDirectories = 2; constinit bool g_is_sd_mounted = false; alignas(0x10) constinit FATFS g_sd_fs = {}; alignas(0x10) constinit FIL g_files[MaxFiles] = {}; alignas(0x10) constinit DIR g_dirs[MaxDirectories] = {}; constinit bool g_files_opened[MaxFiles] = {}; constinit bool g_dirs_opened[MaxFiles] = {}; constinit int g_open_modes[MaxFiles] = {}; Result TranslateFatFsError(FRESULT res) { switch (res) { case FR_OK: R_SUCCEED(); case FR_DISK_ERR: R_THROW(fs::ResultMmcAccessFailed()); case FR_INT_ERR: R_THROW(fs::ResultPreconditionViolation()); case FR_NOT_READY: R_THROW(fs::ResultMmcAccessFailed()); case FR_NO_FILE: R_THROW(fs::ResultPathNotFound()); case FR_NO_PATH: R_THROW(fs::ResultPathNotFound()); case FR_INVALID_NAME: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidPath()); case FR_DENIED: R_THROW(fs::ResultPermissionDenied()); case FR_EXIST: R_THROW(fs::ResultPathAlreadyExists()); case FR_INVALID_OBJECT: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidArgument()); case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED: R_THROW(fs::ResultWriteNotPermitted()); case FR_INVALID_DRIVE: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidMountName()); case FR_NOT_ENABLED: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidMountName()); /* BAD/TODO */ case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidMountName()); /* BAD/TODO */ case FR_TIMEOUT: R_THROW(fs::ResultTargetLocked()); /* BAD/TODO */ case FR_LOCKED: R_THROW(fs::ResultTargetLocked()); case FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE: R_THROW(fs::ResultPreconditionViolation()); /* BAD/TODO */ case FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: R_THROW(fs::ResultPreconditionViolation()); /* BAD/TODO */ case FR_INVALID_PARAMETER: R_THROW(fs::ResultInvalidArgument()); default: R_THROW(fs::ResultInternal()); } } int TranslateToFatFsMode(int mode) { int fmode = FA_OPEN_EXISTING; if ((mode & OpenMode_Read) != 0) { fmode |= FA_READ; } if ((mode & OpenMode_Write) != 0) { fmode |= FA_WRITE; } if ((mode & OpenMode_AllowAppend) != 0) { fmode |= FA_OPEN_APPEND; } return fmode; } FIL *GetInternalFile(FileHandle handle) { return static_cast(handle._handle); } DIR *GetInternalDirectory(DirectoryHandle handle) { return static_cast(handle._handle); } ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetFileIndex(FIL *fp) { const size_t file_index = (fp - g_files); AMS_ASSERT(file_index < MaxFiles); return file_index; } ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetDirectoryIndex(DIR *dp) { const size_t dir_index = (dp - g_dirs); AMS_ASSERT(dir_index < MaxDirectories); return dir_index; } } bool MountSdCard() { AMS_ASSERT(!g_is_sd_mounted); g_is_sd_mounted = f_mount(std::addressof(g_sd_fs), "sdmc:", 1) == FR_OK; return g_is_sd_mounted; } void UnmountSdCard() { AMS_ASSERT(g_is_sd_mounted); f_unmount("sdmc:"); g_is_sd_mounted = false; } Result GetEntryType(DirectoryEntryType *out_entry_type, bool *out_archive, const char *path) { /* Get the file info. */ FILINFO info; R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_stat(path, std::addressof(info)))); /* Handle the file. */ *out_entry_type = (info.fattrib & AM_DIR) ? DirectoryEntryType_Directory : DirectoryEntryType_File; *out_archive = (info.fattrib & AM_ARC); R_SUCCEED(); } Result CreateFile(const char *path, s64 size) { /* Create the file. */ FIL fp; R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_open(std::addressof(fp), path, FA_CREATE_NEW | FA_READ | FA_WRITE))); /* Ensure that we close the file when we're done with it. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { f_close(std::addressof(fp)); }; /* Expand the file. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_expand(std::addressof(fp), size, 1))); R_SUCCEED(); } Result CreateDirectory(const char *path) { return TranslateFatFsError(f_mkdir(path)); } Result OpenFile(FileHandle *out_file, const char *path, int mode) { /* Find a free file. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxFiles; ++i) { if (!g_files_opened[i]) { /* Open the file. */ FIL *fp = std::addressof(g_files[i]); R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_open(fp, path, TranslateToFatFsMode(mode)))); /* Set the output. */ out_file->_handle = fp; g_files_opened[i] = true; g_open_modes[i] = mode; R_SUCCEED(); } } R_THROW(fs::ResultOpenCountLimit()); } Result OpenDirectory(DirectoryHandle *out_dir, const char *path) { /* Find a free directory. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxDirectories; ++i) { if (!g_dirs_opened[i]) { /* Open the file. */ DIR *dp = std::addressof(g_dirs[i]); R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_opendir(dp, path))); /* Set the output. */ out_dir->_handle = dp; g_dirs_opened[i] = true; R_SUCCEED(); } } R_THROW(fs::ResultOpenCountLimit()); } Result ReadDirectory(s64 *out_count, DirectoryEntry *out_entries, DirectoryHandle handle, s64 max_entries) { DIR * const dp = GetInternalDirectory(handle); s64 count = 0; while (count < max_entries) { R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_readdir(dp, reinterpret_cast(out_entries + count)))); if (out_entries[count].file_name[0] == '\x00') { break; } ++count; } *out_count = count; R_SUCCEED(); } void CloseDirectory(DirectoryHandle handle) { const size_t index = GetDirectoryIndex(GetInternalDirectory(handle)); f_closedir(std::addressof(g_dirs[index])); g_dirs_opened[index] = false; } Result ReadFile(FileHandle handle, s64 offset, void *buffer, size_t size, const fs::ReadOption &option) { /* Option is unused. */ AMS_UNUSED(option); /* Seek to the offset we're reading at. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_lseek(GetInternalFile(handle), offset))); /* Read the data. */ UINT br; R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_read(GetInternalFile(handle), buffer, size, std::addressof(br)))); /* Check that we read the correct amount. */ R_UNLESS(br == size, fs::ResultOutOfRange()); R_SUCCEED(); } Result ReadFile(FileHandle handle, s64 offset, void *buffer, size_t size) { return ReadFile(handle, offset, buffer, size, fs::ReadOption::None); } Result ReadFile(size_t *out, FileHandle handle, s64 offset, void *buffer, size_t size, const fs::ReadOption &option) { /* Option is unused. */ AMS_UNUSED(option); /* Seek to the offset we're reading at. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_lseek(GetInternalFile(handle), offset))); /* Read the data. */ UINT br; R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_read(GetInternalFile(handle), buffer, size, std::addressof(br)))); /* Set the output size. */ *out = br; R_SUCCEED(); } Result ReadFile(size_t *out, FileHandle handle, s64 offset, void *buffer, size_t size) { return ReadFile(out, handle, offset, buffer, size, fs::ReadOption::None); } Result GetFileSize(s64 *out, FileHandle handle) { FIL *fp = GetInternalFile(handle); *out = f_size(fp); R_SUCCEED(); } Result FlushFile(FileHandle handle) { return TranslateFatFsError(f_sync(GetInternalFile(handle))); } Result WriteFile(FileHandle handle, s64 offset, const void *buffer, size_t size, const fs::WriteOption &option) { /* Seek to the offset we're writing at. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_lseek(GetInternalFile(handle), offset))); /* Write the data. */ UINT bw; R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_write(GetInternalFile(handle), buffer, size, std::addressof(bw)))); /* Check that we wrote the correct amount. */ R_UNLESS(bw == size, fs::ResultOutOfRange()); /* If we should, flush the file. */ if (option.HasFlushFlag()) { R_TRY(FlushFile(handle)); } R_SUCCEED(); } Result SetFileSize(FileHandle handle, s64 size) { FIL *fp = GetInternalFile(handle); /* Check if we have nothing to do. */ const size_t fsize = f_size(fp); R_SUCCEED_IF(static_cast(size) == fsize); /* NOTE/TODO: This may not preserve file data. Do this in a way that does? */ /* Truncate the file. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_truncate(fp))); /* Expand the file. */ R_TRY(TranslateFatFsError(f_expand(fp, size, 1))); /* Ensure the file is synchronized. */ R_TRY(FlushFile(handle)); /* Check that our expansion succeeded. */ AMS_ASSERT(f_size(fp) == static_cast(size)); R_SUCCEED(); } int GetFileOpenMode(FileHandle handle) { return g_open_modes[GetFileIndex(GetInternalFile(handle))]; } void CloseFile(FileHandle handle) { const size_t index = GetFileIndex(GetInternalFile(handle)); f_close(std::addressof(g_files[index])); g_open_modes[index] = 0; g_files_opened[index] = false; } }