/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #include <vapours.hpp> #include <stratosphere/os/os_sdk_mutex.hpp> #include <stratosphere/ddsf/ddsf_types.hpp> #include <stratosphere/ddsf/impl/ddsf_for_each.hpp> #include <stratosphere/ddsf/ddsf_i_castable.hpp> #include <stratosphere/ddsf/ddsf_i_session.hpp> namespace ams::ddsf { class IDriver; class IDevice : public ICastable { friend Result OpenSession(IDevice *device, ISession *session, AccessMode mode); friend void CloseSession(ISession *session); friend class IDriver; public: AMS_DDSF_CASTABLE_ROOT_TRAITS(ams::ddsf::IDevice); private: util::IntrusiveListNode m_list_node; IDriver *m_driver; ISession::List m_session_list; mutable os::SdkMutex m_session_list_lock; bool m_is_exclusive_write; public: using ListTraits = util::IntrusiveListMemberTraits<&IDevice::m_list_node>; using List = typename ListTraits::ListType; friend class util::IntrusiveList<IDevice, util::IntrusiveListMemberTraits<&IDevice::m_list_node>>; private: Result AttachSession(ISession *session) { AMS_ASSERT(session != nullptr); std::scoped_lock lk(m_session_list_lock); /* Check if we're allowed to attach the session. */ if (m_is_exclusive_write && session->CheckExclusiveWrite()) { for (const auto &attached : m_session_list) { R_UNLESS(!attached.CheckAccess(AccessMode_Write), ddsf::ResultAccessModeDenied()); } } /* Attach the session. */ m_session_list.push_back(*session); R_SUCCEED(); } void DetachSession(ISession *session) { AMS_ASSERT(session != nullptr); std::scoped_lock lk(m_session_list_lock); m_session_list.erase(m_session_list.iterator_to(*session)); } void AttachDriver(IDriver *drv) { AMS_ASSERT(drv != nullptr); AMS_ASSERT(!this->IsDriverAttached()); m_driver = drv; AMS_ASSERT(this->IsDriverAttached()); } void DetachDriver() { AMS_ASSERT(this->IsDriverAttached()); m_driver = nullptr; AMS_ASSERT(!this->IsDriverAttached()); } public: IDevice(bool exclusive_write) : m_list_node(), m_driver(nullptr), m_session_list(), m_session_list_lock(), m_is_exclusive_write(exclusive_write) { m_session_list.clear(); } protected: virtual ~IDevice() { m_session_list.clear(); } public: void AddTo(List &list) { list.push_back(*this); } void RemoveFrom(List list) { list.erase(list.iterator_to(*this)); } bool IsLinkedToList() const { return m_list_node.IsLinked(); } IDriver &GetDriver() { AMS_ASSERT(this->IsDriverAttached()); return *m_driver; } const IDriver &GetDriver() const { AMS_ASSERT(this->IsDriverAttached()); return *m_driver; } bool IsDriverAttached() const { return m_driver != nullptr; } template<typename F> Result ForEachSession(F f, bool return_on_fail) { R_RETURN(impl::ForEach(m_session_list_lock, m_session_list, f, return_on_fail)); } template<typename F> Result ForEachSession(F f, bool return_on_fail) const { R_RETURN(impl::ForEach(m_session_list_lock, m_session_list, f, return_on_fail)); } template<typename F> int ForEachSession(F f) { return impl::ForEach(m_session_list_lock, m_session_list, f); } template<typename F> int ForEachSession(F f) const { return impl::ForEach(m_session_list_lock, m_session_list, f); } bool HasAnyOpenSession() const { return !m_session_list.empty(); } }; }