/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <exosphere.hpp> #include "../secmon_error.hpp" #include "../secmon_misc.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_common.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_handler.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_aes.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_carveout.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_device_unique_data.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_error.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_info.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_memory_access.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_power_management.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_random.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_register_access.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_result.hpp" #include "secmon_smc_rsa.hpp" namespace ams::secmon::smc { namespace { struct HandlerInfo { u32 function_id; u32 restriction_mask; SmcHandler handler; }; struct HandlerTable { const HandlerInfo *entries; size_t count; }; enum HandlerType : int { HandlerType_User = 0, HandlerType_Kern = 1, HandlerType_Count = 2, }; enum Restriction { Restriction_None = (0 << 0), Restriction_Normal = (1 << 0), Restriction_DeviceUniqueDataNotAllowed = (1 << 1), Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed = (1 << 2), }; enum SmcCallRange { SmcCallRange_ArmArch = 0, SmcCallRange_Cpu = 1, SmcCallRange_Sip = 2, SmcCallRange_Oem = 3, SmcCallRange_Standard = 4, SmcCallRange_TrustedApp = 0x30, }; enum SmcArgumentType { ArgumentType_Integer = 0, ArgumentType_Pointer = 1, }; enum SmcConvention { Convention_Smc32 = 0, Convention_Smc64 = 1, }; enum SmcCallType { SmcCallType_YieldingCall = 0, SmcCallType_FastCall = 1, }; struct SmcFunctionId { using FunctionId = util::BitPack64::Field< 0, 8, u32>; using ArgumentType0 = util::BitPack64::Field< 8, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType1 = util::BitPack64::Field< 9, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType2 = util::BitPack64::Field<10, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType3 = util::BitPack64::Field<11, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType4 = util::BitPack64::Field<12, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType5 = util::BitPack64::Field<13, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType6 = util::BitPack64::Field<14, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using ArgumentType7 = util::BitPack64::Field<15, 1, SmcArgumentType>; using Reserved = util::BitPack64::Field<16, 8, u32>; using CallRange = util::BitPack64::Field<24, 6, SmcCallRange>; using Convention = util::BitPack64::Field<30, 1, SmcConvention>; using CallType = util::BitPack64::Field<31, 1, SmcCallType>; using Reserved2 = util::BitPack64::Field<32, 32, u32>; }; constinit HandlerInfo g_user_handlers[] = { { 0x00000000, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, nullptr }, { 0xC3000401, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcSetConfig }, { 0xC3000002, Restriction_Normal, SmcGetConfigUser }, { 0xC3000003, Restriction_Normal, SmcGetResult }, { 0xC3000404, Restriction_Normal, SmcGetResultData }, { 0xC3000E05, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcModularExponentiate }, { 0xC3000006, Restriction_Normal, SmcGenerateRandomBytes }, { 0xC3000007, Restriction_Normal, SmcGenerateAesKek }, { 0xC3000008, Restriction_Normal, SmcLoadAesKey }, { 0xC3000009, Restriction_Normal, SmcComputeAes }, { 0xC300000A, Restriction_Normal, SmcGenerateSpecificAesKey }, { 0xC300040B, Restriction_Normal, SmcComputeCmac }, { 0xC300D60C, Restriction_Normal, SmcReencryptDeviceUniqueData }, { 0xC300100D, Restriction_DeviceUniqueDataNotAllowed, SmcDecryptDeviceUniqueData }, { 0xC300000E, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, nullptr }, { 0xC300060F, Restriction_DeviceUniqueDataNotAllowed, SmcModularExponentiateByStorageKey }, { 0xC3000610, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcPrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey }, { 0xC3000011, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcLoadPreparedAesKey }, { 0xC3000012, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcPrepareEsCommonTitleKey } }; /* Deprecated handlerss. */ constexpr inline const HandlerInfo DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKeyHandlerInfo = { 0xC300100C, Restriction_Normal, SmcDecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey }; constexpr inline const HandlerInfo DecryptAndImportLotusKeyHandlerInfo = { 0xC300100E, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcDecryptAndImportLotusKey }; constinit HandlerInfo g_kern_handlers[] = { { 0x00000000, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, nullptr }, { 0xC4000001, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcSuspendCpu }, { 0x84000002, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcPowerOffCpu }, { 0xC4000003, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, SmcPowerOnCpu }, { 0xC3000004, Restriction_Normal, SmcGetConfigKern }, { 0xC3000005, Restriction_Normal, SmcGenerateRandomBytesNonBlocking }, { 0xC3000006, Restriction_Normal, SmcShowError }, { 0xC3000007, Restriction_Normal, SmcSetKernelCarveoutRegion }, { 0xC3000008, Restriction_Normal, SmcReadWriteRegister }, }; constinit HandlerInfo g_ams_handlers[] = { { 0x00000000, Restriction_SafeModeNotAllowed, nullptr }, { 0xF0000201, Restriction_None, SmcIramCopy }, { 0xF0000002, Restriction_None, SmcReadWriteRegister }, { 0xF0000003, Restriction_None, SmcWriteAddress }, { 0xF0000404, Restriction_None, SmcGetEmummcConfig }, }; constexpr const HandlerInfo GetSecureDataHandlerInfo = { 0x67891234, Restriction_None, SmcGetSecureData }; constinit HandlerTable g_handler_tables[] = { { g_user_handlers, util::size(g_user_handlers) }, { g_kern_handlers, util::size(g_kern_handlers) }, }; constinit HandlerTable g_ams_handler_table = { g_ams_handlers, util::size(g_ams_handlers) }; NORETURN void InvalidSmcError(u64 id) { SetError(pkg1::ErrorInfo_UnknownSmc); AMS_ABORT("Invalid SMC: %lx", id); } const HandlerTable &GetHandlerTable(HandlerType type, u64 id) { /* Ensure we have a valid handler type. */ if (AMS_UNLIKELY(!(0 <= type && type < HandlerType_Count))) { InvalidSmcError(id); } /* Provide support for legacy SmcGetSecureData. */ if (id == GetSecureDataHandlerInfo.function_id) { return g_handler_tables[HandlerType_User]; } /* Check if we're a user SMC. */ if (type == HandlerType_User) { /* Nintendo uses OEM SMCs. */ /* We will assign Atmosphere extension SMCs the TrustedApplication range. */ if (util::BitPack64{id}.Get<SmcFunctionId::CallRange>() == SmcCallRange_TrustedApp) { return g_ams_handler_table; } /* If we're not performing an atmosphere extension smc, require that we're being invoked by spl on core 3. */ if (AMS_UNLIKELY(hw::GetCurrentCoreId() != 3)) { InvalidSmcError(id); } } return g_handler_tables[type]; } const HandlerInfo &GetHandlerInfo(const HandlerTable &table, u64 id) { /* Provide support for legacy SmcGetSecureData. */ if (id == GetSecureDataHandlerInfo.function_id) { return GetSecureDataHandlerInfo; } /* Get and check the index. */ const auto index = util::BitPack64{id}.Get<SmcFunctionId::FunctionId>(); if (AMS_UNLIKELY(index >= table.count)) { InvalidSmcError(id); } /* Get and check the handler info. */ const auto &handler_info = table.entries[index]; /* Check that the handler isn't null. */ if (AMS_UNLIKELY(handler_info.handler == nullptr)) { InvalidSmcError(id); } /* Check that the handler's id matches. */ if (AMS_UNLIKELY(handler_info.function_id != id)) { InvalidSmcError(id); } return handler_info; } bool IsHandlerRestricted(const HandlerInfo &info) { return (info.restriction_mask & secmon::GetRestrictedSmcMask()) != 0; } SmcResult InvokeSmcHandler(const HandlerInfo &info, SmcArguments &args) { /* Check if the smc is restricted. */ if (GetTargetFirmware() >= TargetFirmware_8_0_0 && AMS_UNLIKELY(IsHandlerRestricted(info))) { return SmcResult::NotPermitted; } /* Invoke the smc. */ return info.handler(args); } } void ConfigureSmcHandlersForTargetFirmware() { const auto target_fw = GetTargetFirmware(); if (target_fw < TargetFirmware_5_0_0) { g_user_handlers[DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKeyHandlerInfo.function_id & 0xFF] = DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKeyHandlerInfo; g_user_handlers[DecryptAndImportLotusKeyHandlerInfo.function_id & 0xFF] = DecryptAndImportLotusKeyHandlerInfo; } } void HandleSmc(int type, SmcArguments &args) { /* Get the table. */ const auto &table = GetHandlerTable(static_cast<HandlerType>(type), args.r[0]); /* Get the handler info. */ const auto &info = GetHandlerInfo(table, args.r[0]); /* Set the invocation result. */ args.r[0] = static_cast<u64>(InvokeSmcHandler(info, args)); } }