/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <exosphere.hpp> #include "se_execute.hpp" namespace ams::se { namespace { constexpr inline size_t SE1ContextSaveOperationCount = 133; constexpr inline size_t SE2ContextSaveOperationCount = 646; static_assert(((SE1ContextSaveOperationCount - 2) + 1) * se::AesBlockSize == sizeof(se::Context)); constinit const u8 FixedPattern[AesBlockSize] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F }; bool TestRegister(volatile u32 &r, u16 v) { return (static_cast<u16>(reg::Read(r))) == v; } void ExecuteContextSaveOperation(volatile SecurityEngineRegisters *SE, void *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size) { /* Save the output to a temporary buffer. */ util::AlignedBuffer<hw::DataCacheLineSize, AesBlockSize> temp; AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(dst_size <= AesBlockSize); /* Ensure that the cpu and SE see consistent data. */ if (src_size > 0) { hw::FlushDataCache(src, src_size); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); } if (dst_size > 0) { hw::FlushDataCache(temp, AesBlockSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); } /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteOperation(SE, SE_OPERATION_OP_CTX_SAVE, temp, dst_size, src, src_size); /* Copy output from the operation, if any. */ if (dst_size > 0) { hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); hw::FlushDataCache(temp, AesBlockSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); std::memcpy(dst, temp, dst_size); } } void SaveContextBlock(volatile SecurityEngineRegisters *SE, void *dst) { /* Configure to encrypt a single block. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK, 0); /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteContextSaveOperation(SE, dst, AesBlockSize, nullptr, 0); } void ConfigureForAutomaticContextSave(volatile SecurityEngineRegisters *SE) { /* Configure the engine to do RNG encryption. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_ENC_MODE, AESMODE_KEY128), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DEC_MODE, AESMODE_KEY128), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_ENC_ALG, RNG), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DEC_ALG, NOP), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DST, MEMORY)); reg::Write(SE->SE_CRYPTO_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_MEMIF, AHB), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CRYPTO_CONFIG_CTR_CNTN, 0), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_KEYSCH_BYPASS, DISABLE), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_CORE_SEL, ENCRYPT), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_IV_SELECT, ORIGINAL), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_VCTRAM_SEL, MEMORY), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_INPUT_SEL, RANDOM), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_XOR_POS, BYPASS), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CRYPTO_CONFIG_HASH_ENB, DISABLE)); } void WaitAutomaticContextSaveDone(volatile SecurityEngineRegisters *SE) { /* Wait for operation. */ while (!reg::HasValue(SE->SE_INT_STATUS, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(INT_STATUS_SE_OP_DONE, ACTIVE))) { /* ... */ } /* Wait for the engine to be idle. */ while (!reg::HasValue(SE->SE_STATUS, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(STATUS_STATE, IDLE))) { /* ... */ } /* Wait for the memory interface to be idle. */ while (!reg::HasValue(SE->SE_STATUS, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(STATUS_MEM_INTERFACE, IDLE))) { /* ... */ } } void ValidateErrStatus(volatile SecurityEngineRegisters *SE) { /* Ensure there is no error status. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::Read(SE->SE_ERR_STATUS) == 0); /* Ensure no error occurred. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(SE->SE_INT_STATUS, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(INT_STATUS_ERR_STAT, CLEAR))); } } bool ValidateStickyBits(const StickyBits &bits) { /* Get the registers. */ auto *SE = GetRegisters(); /* Check SE_SECURITY. */ if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_SE_SECURITY, bits.se_security)) { return false; } /* Check TZRAM_SECURITY. */ if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_TZRAM_SECURITY, bits.tzram_security)) { return false; } /* Check CRYPTO_SECURITY_PERKEY. */ if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_CRYPTO_SECURITY_PERKEY, bits.crypto_security_perkey)) { return false; } /* Check CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS. */ for (int i = 0; i < AesKeySlotCount; ++i) { if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_CRYPTO_KEYTABLE_ACCESS[i], bits.crypto_keytable_access[i])) { return false; } } /* Test RSA_SECURITY_PERKEY */ if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_RSA_SECURITY_PERKEY, bits.rsa_security_perkey)) { return false; } /* Check RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS. */ for (int i = 0; i < RsaKeySlotCount; ++i) { if (!TestRegister(SE->SE_RSA_KEYTABLE_ACCESS[i], bits.rsa_keytable_access[i])) { return false; } } /* All sticky bits are valid. */ return true; } void SaveContext(Context *dst) { /* Get the registers. */ auto *SE = GetRegisters(); /* Generate a random srk. */ GenerateSrk(); /* Save a randomly-generated block. */ { util::AlignedBuffer<hw::DataCacheLineSize, AesBlockSize> random_block; /* Flush the region we're about to fill to ensure consistency with the SE. */ hw::FlushDataCache(random_block, AesBlockSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Generate random bytes. */ GenerateRandomBytes(random_block, AesBlockSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Flush to ensure the CPU sees consistent data for the region. */ hw::FlushDataCache(random_block, AesBlockSize); hw::DataSynchronizationBarrierInnerShareable(); /* Configure to encrypt the random block to memory. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_ENC_MODE, AESMODE_KEY128), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DEC_MODE, AESMODE_KEY128), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_ENC_ALG, AES_ENC), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DEC_ALG, NOP), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DST, MEMORY)); /* Configure to context save using memory as source. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, MEM)); /* Configure to encrypt a single block. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK, 0); /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteContextSaveOperation(SE, dst->random, AesBlockSize, random_block, AesBlockSize); } /* Save the sticky bits. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < util::size(dst->sticky_bits); ++i) { /* Configure to encrypt the sticky bits block. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, STICKY_BITS), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_STICKY_WORD_QUAD, i)); /* Save the block. */ SaveContextBlock(SE, dst->sticky_bits[i]); } /* Save the aes keytable. */ { for (size_t key = 0; key < util::size(dst->aes_key); ++key) { for (auto part = 0; part < AesKeySlotPartCount; ++part) { /* Configure to encrypt the part of the key. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, AES_KEYTABLE), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_KEY_INDEX, key), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_WORD_QUAD, part)); /* Save the block. */ SaveContextBlock(SE, dst->aes_key[key][part]); } } for (size_t key = 0; key < util::size(dst->aes_oiv); ++key) { /* Configure to encrypt the original iv. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, AES_KEYTABLE), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_KEY_INDEX, key), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_WORD_QUAD, ORIGINAL_IVS)); /* Save the block. */ SaveContextBlock(SE, dst->aes_oiv[key]); } for (size_t key = 0; key < util::size(dst->aes_uiv); ++key) { /* Configure to encrypt the updated iv. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, AES_KEYTABLE), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_KEY_INDEX, key), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_AES_WORD_QUAD, UPDATED_IVS)); /* Save the block. */ SaveContextBlock(SE, dst->aes_uiv[key]); } } /* Save the rsa keytable. */ for (size_t key = 0; key < util::size(dst->rsa_key); ++key) { for (auto part = 0; part < RsaKeySlotPartCount; ++part) { /* Note that the parts are done in reverse order. */ const auto part_index = RsaKeySlotPartCount - 1 - part; /* Determine a total key index. */ const auto key_index = key * util::size(dst->rsa_key) + part_index; for (size_t block = 0; block < RsaSize / AesBlockSize; ++block) { /* Configure to encrypt the part of the key. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM (CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, RSA_KEYTABLE), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_RSA_KEY_INDEX, key_index), SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_RSA_WORD_QUAD, block)); /* Save the block. */ SaveContextBlock(SE, dst->rsa_key[key][part][block]); } } } /* Save the fixed pattern. */ { /* Configure to context save using memory as source. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, MEM)); /* Configure to encrypt a single block. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK, 0); /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteContextSaveOperation(SE, dst->fixed_pattern, AesBlockSize, FixedPattern, AesBlockSize); } /* Save the srk. */ { /* Configure to context save using srk as source. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_CONFIG_SRC, SRK)); /* Configure to encrypt a single block. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CRYPTO_LAST_BLOCK, 0); /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteContextSaveOperation(SE, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); } /* Perform a no-op context save operation. */ { /* Configure to perform no-op. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CONFIG, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_ENC_ALG, NOP), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CONFIG_DEC_ALG, NOP)); /* Execute the operation. */ ExecuteContextSaveOperation(SE, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); } } void ConfigureAutomaticContextSave() { /* Get registers. */ auto *SE = GetRegisters(); auto *SE2 = GetRegisters2(); /* Automatic context save is supported only on mariko. */ if (fuse::GetSocType() == fuse::SocType_Mariko) { /* Configure SE1 to do automatic context save. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_ENABLE, YES), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_LOCK, YES)); /* Configure SE2 to do automatic context save. */ reg::Write(SE2->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_ENABLE, YES), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_LOCK, YES)); } } void SaveContextAutomatic() { /* Get registers. */ auto *SE = GetRegisters(); auto *SE2 = GetRegisters2(); /* Ensure there's no error status before or after we save context. */ ValidateErrStatus(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { ValidateErrStatus(); }; /* Perform atomic context save. */ { /* Check that context save has not already been performed. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_CURR_CNT, 0))); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(SE2->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_CURR_CNT, 0))); /* Configure SE1 to do context save. */ ConfigureForAutomaticContextSave(SE); ConfigureForAutomaticContextSave(SE2); /* Start the context save operation. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_OPERATION, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(OPERATION_OP, CTX_SAVE)); reg::Write(SE2->SE_OPERATION, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(OPERATION_OP, CTX_SAVE)); /* Wait for the context save operation to complete. */ WaitAutomaticContextSaveDone(SE); WaitAutomaticContextSaveDone(SE2); /* Check that the correct sizes were written. */ AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(SE->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_CURR_CNT, SE1ContextSaveOperationCount))); AMS_ABORT_UNLESS(reg::HasValue(SE2->SE_CTX_SAVE_AUTO, SE_REG_BITS_VALUE(CTX_SAVE_AUTO_CURR_CNT, SE2ContextSaveOperationCount))); } } void SaveTzramAutomatic() { /* Get registers. */ auto *SE = GetRegisters(); /* Begin save-to-shadow-tzram operation. */ reg::Write(SE->SE_TZRAM_OPERATION, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(TZRAM_OPERATION_MODE, SAVE), SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(TZRAM_OPERATION_REQ, INITIATE)); /* Wait for operation to complete. */ while (reg::HasValue(SE->SE_TZRAM_OPERATION, SE_REG_BITS_ENUM(TZRAM_OPERATION_BUSY, YES))) { /* ... */ } } void ValidateErrStatus() { /* Ensure SE has no error status. */ ValidateErrStatus(GetRegisters()); /* If on mariko, ensure SE2 has no error status. */ if (fuse::GetSocType() == fuse::SocType_Mariko) { ValidateErrStatus(GetRegisters2()); } } }