/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <exosphere.hpp> namespace ams::gic { namespace { struct GicDistributor { u32 ctlr; u32 typer; u32 iidr; u32 reserved_0x0c; u32 statusr; u32 reserved_0x14[3]; u32 impldef_0x20[8]; u32 setspi_nsr; u32 reserved_0x44; u32 clrspi_nsr; u32 reserved_0x4c; u32 setspi_sr; u32 reserved_0x54; u32 clrspi_sr; u32 reserved_0x5c[9]; u32 igroupr[32]; u32 isenabler[32]; u32 icenabler[32]; u32 ispendr[32]; u32 icpendr[32]; u32 isactiver[32]; u32 icactiver[32]; union { u8 bytes[1020]; u32 words[255]; } ipriorityr; u32 _0x7fc; union { u8 bytes[1020]; u32 words[255]; } itargetsr; u32 _0xbfc; u32 icfgr[64]; u32 igrpmodr[32]; u32 _0xd80[32]; u32 nsacr[64]; u32 sgir; u32 _0xf04[3]; u32 cpendsgir[4]; u32 spendsgir[4]; u32 reserved_0xf30[52]; static constexpr size_t SgirCpuTargetListShift = 16; enum SgirTargetListFilter : u32 { SgirTargetListFilter_CpuTargetList = (0 << 24), SgirTargetListFilter_Others = (1 << 24), SgirTargetListFilter_Self = (2 << 24), SgirTargetListFilter_Reserved = (3 << 24), }; }; static_assert(util::is_pod<GicDistributor>::value); static_assert(sizeof(GicDistributor) == 0x1000); static_assert(sizeof(GicDistributor) == secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceGicDistributor.GetSize()); struct GicCpuInterface { u32 ctlr; u32 pmr; u32 bpr; u32 iar; u32 eoir; u32 rpr; u32 hppir; u32 abpr; u32 aiar; u32 aeoir; u32 ahppir; u32 statusr; u32 reserved_30[4]; u32 impldef_40[36]; u32 apr[4]; u32 nsapr[4]; u32 reserved_f0[3]; u32 iidr; u32 reserved_100[960]; u32 dir; u32 _0x1004[1023]; }; static_assert(util::is_pod<GicCpuInterface>::value); static_assert(sizeof(GicCpuInterface) == 0x2000); static_assert(sizeof(GicCpuInterface) == secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceGicCpuInterface.GetSize()); constexpr inline int InterruptWords = InterruptCount / BITSIZEOF(u32); constexpr inline int SpiIndex = BITSIZEOF(u32); constinit uintptr_t g_distributor_address = secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceGicDistributor.GetAddress(); constinit uintptr_t g_cpu_interface_address = secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceGicCpuInterface.GetAddress(); volatile GicDistributor *GetDistributor() { return reinterpret_cast<volatile GicDistributor *>(g_distributor_address); } volatile GicCpuInterface *GetCpuInterface() { return reinterpret_cast<volatile GicCpuInterface *>(g_cpu_interface_address); } void ReadWrite(uintptr_t address, int width, int i, u32 value) { /* This code will never be invoked with a negative interrupt id. */ AMS_ASSUME(i >= 0); const int scale = BITSIZEOF(u32) / width; const int word = i / scale; const int bit = (i % scale) * width; const u32 mask = ((1u << width) - 1) << bit; const uintptr_t reg_addr = address + sizeof(u32) * word; const u32 old = reg::Read(reg_addr) & ~mask; reg::Write(reg_addr, old | ((value << bit) & mask)); } void Write(uintptr_t address, int width, int i, u32 value) { /* This code will never be invoked with a negative interrupt id. */ AMS_ASSUME(i >= 0); const int scale = BITSIZEOF(u32) / width; const int word = i / scale; const int bit = (i % scale) * width; reg::Write(address + sizeof(u32) * word, value << bit); } } void SetRegisterAddress(uintptr_t distributor_address, uintptr_t cpu_interface_address) { g_distributor_address = distributor_address; g_cpu_interface_address = cpu_interface_address; } void InitializeCommon() { /* Get the gicd registers. */ auto *gicd = GetDistributor(); /* Set IGROUPR for to be FFs. */ for (int i = SpiIndex / BITSIZEOF(u32); i < InterruptWords; ++i) { gicd->igroupr[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFu; } /* Set IPRIORITYR for spi interrupts to be 0x80. */ for (int i = SpiIndex; i < InterruptCount; ++i) { gicd->ipriorityr.bytes[i] = 0x80; } /* Enable group 0. */ gicd->ctlr = 1; } void InitializeCoreUnique() { /* Get the registers. */ auto *gicd = GetDistributor(); auto *gicc = GetCpuInterface(); /* Set IGROUPR0 to be FFs. */ gicd->igroupr[0] = 0xFFFFFFFFu; /* Set IPRIORITYR for core local interrupts to be 0x80. */ for (int i = 0; i < SpiIndex; ++i) { gicd->ipriorityr.bytes[i] = 0x80; } /* Enable group 0 as FIQs. */ gicc->ctlr = 0x1D9; /* Set PMR. */ gicc->pmr = 0x80; /* Set BPR. */ gicc->bpr = 7; } void SetPriority(int interrupt_id, int priority) { ReadWrite(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, ipriorityr), BITSIZEOF(u8), interrupt_id, priority); } void SetInterruptGroup(int interrupt_id, int group) { ReadWrite(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, igroupr), 1, interrupt_id, group); } void SetEnable(int interrupt_id, bool enable) { Write(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, isenabler), 1, interrupt_id, enable); } void SetSpiTargetCpu(int interrupt_id, u32 cpu_mask) { ReadWrite(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, itargetsr), BITSIZEOF(u8), interrupt_id, cpu_mask); } void SetSpiMode(int interrupt_id, InterruptMode mode) { ReadWrite(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, icfgr), 2, interrupt_id, static_cast<u32>(mode) << 1); } void SetPending(int interrupt_id) { Write(g_distributor_address + AMS_OFFSETOF(GicDistributor, ispendr), 1, interrupt_id, 1); } int GetInterruptRequestId() { return reg::Read(GetCpuInterface()->iar); } void SetEndOfInterrupt(int interrupt_id) { reg::Write(GetCpuInterface()->eoir, interrupt_id); } }