#include #include #include #include "fsmitm_utils.hpp" #include "fsmitm_romfsbuild.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" void RomFSBuildContext::VisitDirectory(FsFileSystem *filesys, RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *parent) { FsDir dir; Result rc; /* Open the current parent directory. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = Utils::OpenRomFSDir(filesys, this->title_id, parent->path, &dir)))) { fatalSimple(rc); } u64 read_entries; while (R_SUCCEEDED((rc = fsDirRead(&dir, 0, &read_entries, 1, &this->dir_entry))) && read_entries == 1) { if (this->dir_entry.type == ENTRYTYPE_DIR) { RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *child = new RomFSBuildDirectoryContext({0}); /* Set child's path. */ strcpy(child->path, parent->path); child->cur_path_ofs = parent->path_len + 1; child->path_len = child->cur_path_ofs + strlen(this->dir_entry.name); if (child->path_len > sizeof(child->path)) { fatalSimple(0xF601); } strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, "/"); strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, this->dir_entry.name); if (!this->AddDirectory(parent, child, NULL)) { delete child; } } else if (this->dir_entry.type == ENTRYTYPE_FILE) { RomFSBuildFileContext *child = new RomFSBuildFileContext({0}); /* Set child's path. */ strcpy(child->path, parent->path); child->cur_path_ofs = parent->path_len + 1; child->path_len = child->cur_path_ofs + strlen(this->dir_entry.name); if (child->path_len > sizeof(child->path)) { fatalSimple(0xF601); } strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, "/"); strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, this->dir_entry.name); child->source = this->cur_source_type; child->size = this->dir_entry.fileSize; if (!this->AddFile(parent, child)) { delete child; } } else { fatalSimple(rc); } } fsDirClose(&dir); RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *cur_child = parent->child; while (cur_child != NULL) { this->VisitDirectory(filesys, cur_child); cur_child = cur_child->sibling; } } void RomFSBuildContext::MergeSdFiles() { FsFileSystem sd_filesystem; FsDir dir; if (!Utils::IsSdInitialized()) { return; } if (R_FAILED((Utils::OpenSdDirForAtmosphere(this->title_id, "/romfs", &dir)))) { return; } fsDirClose(&dir); if (R_FAILED(fsMountSdcard(&sd_filesystem))) { return; } this->cur_source_type = RomFSDataSource_LooseFile; this->VisitDirectory(&sd_filesystem, this->root); fsFsClose(&sd_filesystem); } void RomFSBuildContext::VisitDirectory(RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *parent, u32 parent_offset, void *dir_table, size_t dir_table_size, void *file_table, size_t file_table_size) { RomFSDirectoryEntry *parent_entry = romfs_get_direntry(dir_table, parent_offset); if (parent_entry->file != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY) { RomFSFileEntry *cur_file = romfs_get_fentry(file_table, parent_entry->file); while (cur_file != NULL) { RomFSBuildFileContext *child = new RomFSBuildFileContext({0}); /* Set child's path. */ strcpy(child->path, parent->path); child->cur_path_ofs = parent->path_len + 1; child->path_len = child->cur_path_ofs + cur_file->name_size; if (child->path_len > sizeof(child->path)) { fatalSimple(0xF601); } strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, "/"); strncat(child->path + parent->path_len, cur_file->name, cur_file->name_size); child->size = cur_file->size; child->source = this->cur_source_type; child->orig_offset = cur_file->offset; if (!this->AddFile(parent, child)) { delete child; } if (cur_file->sibling == ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY) { cur_file = NULL; } else { cur_file = romfs_get_fentry(file_table, cur_file->sibling); } } } if (parent_entry->child != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY) { RomFSDirectoryEntry *cur_child = romfs_get_direntry(dir_table, parent_entry->child); u32 cur_child_offset = parent_entry->child; while (cur_child != NULL) { RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *child = new RomFSBuildDirectoryContext({0}); /* Set child's path. */ strcpy(child->path, parent->path); child->cur_path_ofs = parent->path_len + 1; child->path_len = child->cur_path_ofs + cur_child->name_size; if (child->path_len > sizeof(child->path)) { fatalSimple(0xF601); } strcat(child->path + parent->path_len, "/"); strncat(child->path + parent->path_len, cur_child->name, cur_child->name_size); RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *real = NULL; if (!this->AddDirectory(parent, child, &real)) { delete child; } if (real == NULL) { fatalSimple(0xF601); } this->VisitDirectory(real, cur_child_offset, dir_table, dir_table_size, file_table, file_table_size); if (cur_child->sibling == ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY) { cur_child = NULL; } else { cur_child_offset = cur_child->sibling; cur_child = romfs_get_direntry(dir_table, cur_child->sibling); } } } } void RomFSBuildContext::MergeRomStorage(IROStorage *storage, RomFSDataSource source) { Result rc; RomFSHeader header; if (R_FAILED((rc = storage->Read(&header, sizeof(header), 0)))) { fatalSimple(rc); } if (header.header_size != sizeof(header)) { /* what */ return; } /* Read tables. */ u8 *dir_table = new u8[header.dir_table_size]; u8 *file_table = new u8[header.file_table_size]; if (R_FAILED((rc = storage->Read(dir_table, header.dir_table_size, header.dir_table_ofs)))) { fatalSimple(rc); } if (R_FAILED((rc = storage->Read(file_table, header.file_table_size, header.file_table_ofs)))) { fatalSimple(rc); } this->cur_source_type = source; this->VisitDirectory(this->root, 0x0, dir_table, (size_t)header.dir_table_size, file_table, (size_t)header.file_table_size); delete dir_table; delete file_table; } bool RomFSBuildContext::AddDirectory(RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *parent_dir_ctx, RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *dir_ctx, RomFSBuildDirectoryContext **out_dir_ctx) { /* Ordered insertion on child. */ int cmp_val; if (parent_dir_ctx->child == NULL || (cmp_val = strcmp(dir_ctx->path, parent_dir_ctx->child->path)) < 0) { dir_ctx->sibling = parent_dir_ctx->child; parent_dir_ctx->child = dir_ctx; } else if (cmp_val == 0) { /* This directory already exists! */ if (out_dir_ctx) { *out_dir_ctx = parent_dir_ctx->child; } return false; } else { RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *child, *prev; prev = parent_dir_ctx->child; child = prev->sibling; while (child != NULL) { cmp_val = strcmp(dir_ctx->path, child->path); if (cmp_val < 0) { break; } else if (cmp_val == 0) { /* This directory already exists! */ if (out_dir_ctx) { *out_dir_ctx = child; } return false; } prev = child; child = child->sibling; } prev->sibling = dir_ctx; dir_ctx->sibling = child; } /* If we got this far, we're definitely adding a new directory. */ this->num_dirs++; this->dir_table_size += sizeof(RomFSDirectoryEntry) + ((dir_ctx->path_len - dir_ctx->cur_path_ofs + 3) & ~3); dir_ctx->parent = parent_dir_ctx; /* Ordered insertion on next */ RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *cur = parent_dir_ctx->next, *prev = parent_dir_ctx; while (cur != NULL) { if (strcmp(dir_ctx->path, cur->path) < 0) { break; } prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } prev->next = dir_ctx; dir_ctx->next = cur; if (out_dir_ctx) { *out_dir_ctx = dir_ctx; } return true; } bool RomFSBuildContext::AddFile(RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *parent_dir_ctx, RomFSBuildFileContext *file_ctx) { /* Ordered insertion on sibling */ int cmp_val; if (parent_dir_ctx->file == NULL || (cmp_val = strcmp(file_ctx->path, parent_dir_ctx->file->path)) < 0) { file_ctx->sibling = parent_dir_ctx->file; parent_dir_ctx->file = file_ctx; } else if (cmp_val == 0) { /* This file already exists! */ return false; } else { RomFSBuildFileContext *child, *prev; prev = parent_dir_ctx->file; child = prev->sibling; while (child != NULL) { cmp_val = strcmp(file_ctx->path, child->path); if (cmp_val < 0) { break; } else if (cmp_val == 0) { /* This directory already exists! */ return false; } prev = child; child = child->sibling; } prev->sibling = file_ctx; file_ctx->sibling = child; } /* If we got this far, we're definitely adding a new file. */ this->num_files++; this->file_table_size += sizeof(RomFSFileEntry) + ((file_ctx->path_len - file_ctx->cur_path_ofs + 3) & ~3); file_ctx->parent = parent_dir_ctx; /* Ordered insertion on next */ if (this->files == NULL || strcmp(file_ctx->path, this->files->path) < 0) { file_ctx->next = this->files; this->files = file_ctx; } else { RomFSBuildFileContext *cur = this->files->next, *prev = this->files; while (cur != NULL) { if (strcmp(file_ctx->path, cur->path) < 0) { break; } prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } prev->next = file_ctx; file_ctx->next = cur; } return true; } void RomFSBuildContext::Build(std::vector *out_infos) { RomFSBuildFileContext *cur_file; RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *cur_dir; u32 entry_offset; u32 dir_hash_table_entry_count = romfs_get_hash_table_count(this->num_dirs); u32 file_hash_table_entry_count = romfs_get_hash_table_count(this->num_files); this->dir_hash_table_size = 4 * dir_hash_table_entry_count; this->file_hash_table_size = 4 * file_hash_table_entry_count; /* Assign metadata pointers */ RomFSHeader *header = new RomFSHeader({0}); u8 *metadata = new u8[this->dir_hash_table_size + this->dir_table_size + this->file_hash_table_size + this->file_table_size]; u32 *dir_hash_table = (u32 *)((uintptr_t)metadata); RomFSDirectoryEntry *dir_table = (RomFSDirectoryEntry *)((uintptr_t)dir_hash_table + this->dir_hash_table_size); u32 *file_hash_table = (u32 *)((uintptr_t)dir_table + this->dir_table_size); RomFSFileEntry *file_table = (RomFSFileEntry *)((uintptr_t)file_hash_table + this->file_hash_table_size); /* Clear out hash tables. */ for (u32 i = 0; i < dir_hash_table_entry_count; i++) { dir_hash_table[i] = ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY; } for (u32 i = 0; i < file_hash_table_entry_count; i++) { file_hash_table[i] = ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY; } out_infos->clear(); out_infos->push_back(RomFSSourceInfo(0, sizeof(*header), header, RomFSDataSource_Memory)); /* Determine file offsets. */ cur_file = this->files; entry_offset = 0; while (cur_file != NULL) { this->file_partition_size = (this->file_partition_size + 0xFULL) & ~0xFULL; cur_file->offset = this->file_partition_size; this->file_partition_size += cur_file->size; cur_file->entry_offset = entry_offset; entry_offset += sizeof(RomFSFileEntry) + ((cur_file->path_len - cur_file->cur_path_ofs + 3) & ~3); cur_file = cur_file->next; } /* Determine directory offsets. */ cur_dir = this->root; entry_offset = 0; while (cur_dir != NULL) { cur_dir->entry_offset = entry_offset; entry_offset += sizeof(RomFSDirectoryEntry) + ((cur_dir->path_len - cur_dir->cur_path_ofs + 3) & ~3); cur_dir = cur_dir->next; } /* Populate file tables. */ cur_file = this->files; while (cur_file != NULL) { RomFSFileEntry *cur_entry = romfs_get_fentry(file_table, cur_file->entry_offset); cur_entry->parent = cur_file->parent->entry_offset; cur_entry->sibling = (cur_file->sibling == NULL) ? ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY : cur_file->sibling->entry_offset; cur_entry->offset = cur_file->offset; cur_entry->size = cur_file->size; u32 name_size = cur_file->path_len - cur_file->cur_path_ofs; u32 hash = romfs_calc_path_hash(cur_file->parent->entry_offset, (unsigned char *)cur_file->path + cur_file->cur_path_ofs, 0, name_size); cur_entry->hash = file_hash_table[hash % file_hash_table_entry_count]; file_hash_table[hash % file_hash_table_entry_count] = cur_file->entry_offset; cur_entry->name_size = name_size; memset(cur_entry->name, 0, (cur_entry->name_size + 3) & ~3); memcpy(cur_entry->name, cur_file->path + cur_file->cur_path_ofs, name_size); switch (cur_file->source) { case RomFSDataSource_BaseRomFS: case RomFSDataSource_FileRomFS: /* Try to compact, if possible. */ if (out_infos->back().type == cur_file->source) { out_infos->back().size = cur_file->offset + ROMFS_FILEPARTITION_OFS + cur_file->size - out_infos->back().virtual_offset; } else { out_infos->push_back(RomFSSourceInfo(cur_file->offset + ROMFS_FILEPARTITION_OFS, cur_file->size, cur_file->orig_offset + ROMFS_FILEPARTITION_OFS, cur_file->source)); } break; case RomFSDataSource_LooseFile: { char *path = new char[cur_file->path_len + 1]; strcpy(path, cur_file->path); out_infos->push_back(RomFSSourceInfo(cur_file->offset + ROMFS_FILEPARTITION_OFS, cur_file->size, path, cur_file->source)); } break; default: fatalSimple(0xF601); } RomFSBuildFileContext *temp = cur_file; cur_file = cur_file->next; delete temp; } /* Populate dir tables. */ cur_dir = this->root; while (cur_dir != NULL) { RomFSDirectoryEntry *cur_entry = romfs_get_direntry(dir_table, cur_dir->entry_offset); cur_entry->parent = cur_dir == this->root ? 0 : cur_dir->parent->entry_offset; cur_entry->sibling = (cur_dir->sibling == NULL) ? ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY : cur_dir->sibling->entry_offset; cur_entry->child = (cur_dir->child == NULL) ? ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY : cur_dir->child->entry_offset; cur_entry->file = (cur_dir->file == NULL) ? ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY : cur_dir->file->entry_offset; u32 name_size = cur_dir->path_len - cur_dir->cur_path_ofs; u32 hash = romfs_calc_path_hash(cur_dir == this->root ? 0 : cur_dir->parent->entry_offset, (unsigned char *)cur_dir->path + cur_dir->cur_path_ofs, 0, name_size); cur_entry->hash = dir_hash_table[hash % dir_hash_table_entry_count]; dir_hash_table[hash % dir_hash_table_entry_count] = cur_dir->entry_offset; cur_entry->name_size = name_size; memset(cur_entry->name, 0, (cur_entry->name_size + 3) & ~3); memcpy(cur_entry->name, cur_dir->path + cur_dir->cur_path_ofs, name_size); RomFSBuildDirectoryContext *temp = cur_dir; cur_dir = cur_dir->next; delete temp; } /* Set header fields. */ header->header_size = sizeof(*header); header->file_hash_table_size = this->file_hash_table_size; header->file_table_size = this->file_table_size; header->dir_hash_table_size = this->dir_hash_table_size; header->dir_table_size = this->dir_table_size; header->file_partition_ofs = ROMFS_FILEPARTITION_OFS; header->dir_hash_table_ofs = (header->file_partition_ofs + this->file_partition_size + 3ULL) & ~3ULL; header->dir_table_ofs = header->dir_hash_table_ofs + header->dir_hash_table_size; header->file_hash_table_ofs = header->dir_table_ofs + header->dir_table_size; header->file_table_ofs = header->file_hash_table_ofs + header->file_hash_table_size; out_infos->push_back(RomFSSourceInfo(header->dir_hash_table_ofs, this->dir_hash_table_size + this->dir_table_size + this->file_hash_table_size + this->file_table_size, metadata, RomFSDataSource_Memory)); }