/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "fatal_task_screen.hpp" #include "fatal_config.hpp" #include "fatal_font.hpp" #include "ams_logo.hpp" static constexpr u32 FatalScreenWidth = 1280; static constexpr u32 FatalScreenHeight = 720; static constexpr u32 FatalScreenBpp = 2; static constexpr u32 FatalScreenWidthAlignedBytes = (FatalScreenWidth * FatalScreenBpp + 63) & ~63; static constexpr u32 FatalScreenWidthAligned = FatalScreenWidthAlignedBytes / FatalScreenBpp; u32 GetPixelOffset(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { u32 tmp_pos; tmp_pos = ((y & 127) / 16) + (x/32*8) + ((y/16/8)*(((FatalScreenWidthAligned/2)/16*8))); tmp_pos *= 16*16 * 4; tmp_pos += ((y%16)/8)*512 + ((x%32)/16)*256 + ((y%8)/2)*64 + ((x%16)/8)*32 + (y%2)*16 + (x%8)*2;//This line is a modified version of code from the Tegra X1 datasheet. return tmp_pos / 2; } Result ShowFatalTask::SetupDisplayInternal() { Result rc; ViDisplay display; /* Try to open the display. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viOpenDisplay("Internal", &display)))) { if (rc == 0xE72) { return 0; } else { return rc; } } /* Guarantee we close the display. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { viCloseDisplay(&display); }; /* Turn on the screen. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetDisplayPowerState(&display, ViPowerState_On)))) { return rc; } /* Set alpha to 1.0f. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetDisplayAlpha(&display, 1.0f)))) { return rc; } return rc; } Result ShowFatalTask::SetupDisplayExternal() { Result rc; ViDisplay display; /* Try to open the display. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viOpenDisplay("External", &display)))) { if (rc == 0xE72) { return 0; } else { return rc; } } /* Guarantee we close the display. */ ON_SCOPE_EXIT { viCloseDisplay(&display); }; /* Set alpha to 1.0f. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetDisplayAlpha(&display, 1.0f)))) { return rc; } return rc; } Result ShowFatalTask::PrepareScreenForDrawing() { Result rc = 0; /* Connect to vi. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viInitialize(ViServiceType_Manager)))) { return rc; } /* Close other content. */ viSetContentVisibility(false); /* Setup the two displays. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = SetupDisplayInternal())) || R_FAILED((rc = SetupDisplayExternal()))) { return rc; } /* Open the default display. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viOpenDefaultDisplay(&this->display)))) { return rc; } /* Reset the display magnification to its default value. */ u32 display_width, display_height; if (R_FAILED((rc = viGetDisplayLogicalResolution(&this->display, &display_width, &display_height)))) { return rc; } if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetDisplayMagnification(&this->display, 0, 0, display_width, display_height)))) { return rc; } /* Create layer to draw to. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viCreateLayer(&this->display, &this->layer)))) { return rc; } /* Setup the layer. */ { /* Display a layer of 1280 x 720 at 1.5x magnification */ /* NOTE: N uses 2 (770x400) RGBA4444 buffers (tiled buffer + linear). */ /* We use a single 1280x720 tiled RGB565 buffer. */ constexpr u32 raw_width = FatalScreenWidth; constexpr u32 raw_height = FatalScreenHeight; constexpr u32 layer_width = ((raw_width) * 3) / 2; constexpr u32 layer_height = ((raw_height) * 3) / 2; const float layer_x = static_cast((display_width - layer_width) / 2); const float layer_y = static_cast((display_height - layer_height) / 2); u64 layer_z; if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetLayerSize(&this->layer, layer_width, layer_height)))) { return rc; } /* Set the layer's Z at display maximum, to be above everything else .*/ /* NOTE: Fatal hardcodes 100 here. */ if (R_SUCCEEDED((rc = viGetDisplayMaximumZ(&this->display, &layer_z)))) { if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetLayerZ(&this->layer, layer_z)))) { return rc; } } /* Center the layer in the screen. */ if (R_FAILED((rc = viSetLayerPosition(&this->layer, layer_x, layer_y)))) { return rc; } /* Create framebuffer. */ if (R_FAILED(rc = nwindowCreateFromLayer(&this->win, &this->layer))) { return rc; } if (R_FAILED(rc = framebufferCreate(&this->fb, &this->win, raw_width, raw_height, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565, 1))) { return rc; } } return rc; } Result ShowFatalTask::ShowFatal() { Result rc = 0; const FatalConfig *config = GetFatalConfig(); if (R_FAILED((rc = PrepareScreenForDrawing()))) { *(volatile u32 *)(0xCAFEBABE) = rc; return rc; } /* Dequeue a buffer. */ u16 *tiled_buf = reinterpret_cast(framebufferBegin(&this->fb, NULL)); if (tiled_buf == nullptr) { return FatalResult_NullGfxBuffer; } /* Let the font manager know about our framebuffer. */ FontManager::ConfigureFontFramebuffer(tiled_buf, GetPixelOffset); FontManager::SetFontColor(0xFFFF); /* Draw a background. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->fb.fb_size / sizeof(*tiled_buf); i++) { tiled_buf[i] = 0x39C9; } /* Draw the atmosphere logo in the bottom right corner. */ for (size_t y = 0; y < AMS_LOGO_HEIGHT; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < AMS_LOGO_WIDTH; x++) { tiled_buf[GetPixelOffset(FatalScreenWidth - AMS_LOGO_WIDTH - 32 + x, 32 + y)] = AMS_LOGO_BIN[y * AMS_LOGO_WIDTH + x]; } } /* TODO: Actually draw meaningful shit here. */ FontManager::SetPosition(32, 64); FontManager::SetFontSize(16.0f); FontManager::PrintFormat(config->error_msg, R_MODULE(this->ctx->error_code), R_DESCRIPTION(this->ctx->error_code), this->ctx->error_code); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(0.5f); FontManager::PrintFormatLine("Title: %016lx", this->title_id); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(0.5f); FontManager::PrintFormatLine(u8"Firmware: %s (Atmosphère %u.%u.%u-%s)", GetFatalConfig()->firmware_version.display_version, CURRENT_ATMOSPHERE_VERSION, GetAtmosphereGitRevision()); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(1.5f); FontManager::Print(config->error_desc); /* Add a line. */ for (size_t x = 32; x < FatalScreenWidth - 32; x++) { tiled_buf[GetPixelOffset(x, FontManager::GetY())] = 0xFFFF; } FontManager::AddSpacingLines(1.5f); u32 backtrace_y = FontManager::GetY(); u32 backtrace_x = 0; /* Print GPRs. */ FontManager::SetFontSize(14.0f); FontManager::PrintLine("General Purpose Registers"); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(0.5f); if (this->ctx->cpu_ctx.is_aarch32) { for (size_t i = 0; i < (NumAarch32Gprs / 2); i++) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("%s:", Aarch32GprNames[i]); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 47, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%08x ", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.r[i]); x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("%s:", Aarch32GprNames[i + (NumAarch32Gprs / 2)]); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 47, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%08x ", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.r[i]); FontManager::PrintLine(""); FontManager::SetPosition(32, FontManager::GetY()); } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < NumAarch64Gprs / 2; i++) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("%s:", Aarch64GprNames[i]); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 47, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%016lx ", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.x[i]); x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("%s:", Aarch64GprNames[i + (NumAarch64Gprs / 2)]); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 47, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%016lx ", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.x[i]); if (i == (NumAarch64Gprs / 2) - 1) { FontManager::Print(" "); backtrace_x = FontManager::GetX(); } FontManager::PrintLine(""); FontManager::SetPosition(32, FontManager::GetY()); } } /* Print Backtrace. */ FontManager::SetPosition(backtrace_x, backtrace_y); if (this->ctx->cpu_ctx.is_aarch32) { FontManager::PrintFormatLine("Backtrace (Start Address = 0x%08x)", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.start_address); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(0.5f); for (u32 i = 0; i < Aarch32CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2; i++) { u32 bt_cur = 0, bt_next = 0; if (i < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace_size) { bt_cur = this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace[i]; } if (i + Aarch32CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2 < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace_size) { bt_next = this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace[i + Aarch32CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2]; } if (i < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace_size) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("BT[%02X]: ", i); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 76, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%08x ", bt_cur); } if (i + Aarch32CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2 < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch32_ctx.stack_trace_size) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("BT[%02X]: ", i + Aarch32CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 76, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%08x ", bt_next); } FontManager::PrintLine(""); FontManager::SetPosition(backtrace_x, FontManager::GetY()); } } else { FontManager::PrintFormatLine("Backtrace (Start Address = 0x%016lx)", this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.start_address); FontManager::AddSpacingLines(0.5f); for (u32 i = 0; i < Aarch64CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2; i++) { u64 bt_cur = 0, bt_next = 0; if (i < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace_size) { bt_cur = this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace[i]; } if (i + Aarch64CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2 < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace_size) { bt_next = this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace[i + Aarch64CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2]; } if (i < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace_size) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("BT[%02X]: ", i); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 76, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%016lx ", bt_cur); } if (i + Aarch64CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2 < this->ctx->cpu_ctx.aarch64_ctx.stack_trace_size) { u32 x = FontManager::GetX(); FontManager::PrintFormat("BT[%02X]: ", i + Aarch64CpuContext::MaxStackTraceDepth / 2); FontManager::SetPosition(x + 76, FontManager::GetY()); FontManager::PrintFormat("0x%016lx ", bt_next); } FontManager::PrintLine(""); FontManager::SetPosition(backtrace_x, FontManager::GetY()); } } /* Enqueue the buffer. */ framebufferEnd(&fb); return rc; } Result ShowFatalTask::Run() { /* Don't show the fatal error screen until we've verified the battery is okay. */ eventWait(this->battery_event, U64_MAX); return ShowFatal(); } void BacklightControlTask::TurnOnBacklight() { lblSwitchBacklightOn(0); } Result BacklightControlTask::Run() { TurnOnBacklight(); return 0; }