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2021-09-29 21:32:40 -07:00

544 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "fsa/fs_user_mount_table.hpp"
#include "fsa/fs_directory_accessor.hpp"
#include "fsa/fs_file_accessor.hpp"
#include "fsa/fs_filesystem_accessor.hpp"
/* TODO: Other boards? */
namespace ams::fs {
/* Forward declare priority getter. */
fs::PriorityRaw GetPriorityRawOnCurrentThreadInternal();
namespace {
constinit u32 g_global_access_log_mode = fs::AccessLogMode_None;
constinit u32 g_local_access_log_target = fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_None;
constinit std::atomic_bool g_access_log_initialized = false;
constinit os::SdkMutex g_access_log_initialization_mutex;
void SetLocalAccessLogImpl(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
g_local_access_log_target |= fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_Application;
} else {
g_local_access_log_target &= ~fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_Application;
Result GetGlobalAccessLogMode(u32 *out) {
/* Use libnx bindings. */
return ::fsGetGlobalAccessLogMode(out);
Result SetGlobalAccessLogMode(u32 mode) {
/* Use libnx bindings. */
return ::fsSetGlobalAccessLogMode(mode);
void SetLocalAccessLog(bool enabled) {
void SetLocalApplicationAccessLog(bool enabled) {
void SetLocalSystemAccessLogForDebug(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
g_local_access_log_target |= (fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_Application | fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_System);
} else {
g_local_access_log_target &= ~(fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_Application | fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_System);
namespace ams::fs::impl {
const char *IdString::ToValueString(int id) {
const int len = util::SNPrintf(this->buffer, sizeof(this->buffer), "%d", id);
AMS_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(len) < sizeof(this->buffer));
return this->buffer;
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::Priority>(fs::Priority id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::Priority_Realtime: return "Realtime";
case fs::Priority_Normal: return "Normal";
case fs::Priority_Low: return "Low";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::PriorityRaw>(fs::PriorityRaw id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::PriorityRaw_Realtime: return "Realtime";
case fs::PriorityRaw_Normal: return "Normal";
case fs::PriorityRaw_Low: return "Low";
case fs::PriorityRaw_Background: return "Realtime";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::ContentStorageId>(fs::ContentStorageId id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::ContentStorageId::User: return "User";
case fs::ContentStorageId::System: return "System";
case fs::ContentStorageId::SdCard: return "SdCard";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::SaveDataSpaceId>(fs::SaveDataSpaceId id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::SaveDataSpaceId::System: return "System";
case fs::SaveDataSpaceId::User: return "User";
case fs::SaveDataSpaceId::SdSystem: return "SdSystem";
case fs::SaveDataSpaceId::ProperSystem: return "ProperSystem";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::ContentType>(fs::ContentType id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::ContentType_Meta: return "Meta";
case fs::ContentType_Control: return "Control";
case fs::ContentType_Manual: return "Manual";
case fs::ContentType_Logo: return "Logo";
case fs::ContentType_Data: return "Data";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::BisPartitionId>(fs::BisPartitionId id) {
switch (id) {
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootPartition1Root: return "BootPartition1Root";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootPartition2Root: return "BootPartition2Root";
case fs::BisPartitionId::UserDataRoot: return "UserDataRoot";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part1: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part1";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part2: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part2";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part3: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part3";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part4: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part4";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part5: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part5";
case fs::BisPartitionId::BootConfigAndPackage2Part6: return "BootConfigAndPackage2Part6";
case fs::BisPartitionId::CalibrationBinary: return "CalibrationBinary";
case fs::BisPartitionId::CalibrationFile: return "CalibrationFile";
case fs::BisPartitionId::SafeMode: return "SafeMode";
case fs::BisPartitionId::User: return "User";
case fs::BisPartitionId::System: return "System";
case fs::BisPartitionId::SystemProperEncryption: return "SystemProperEncryption";
case fs::BisPartitionId::SystemProperPartition: return "SystemProperPartition";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(id));
template<> const char *IdString::ToString<fs::DirectoryEntryType>(fs::DirectoryEntryType type) {
switch (type) {
case fs::DirectoryEntryType_Directory: return "Directory";
case fs::DirectoryEntryType_File: return "File";
default: return ToValueString(static_cast<int>(type));
namespace {
class AccessLogPrinterCallbackManager {
AccessLogPrinterCallback callback;
constexpr AccessLogPrinterCallbackManager() : callback(nullptr) { /* ... */ }
constexpr bool IsRegisteredCallback() const { return this->callback != nullptr; }
constexpr void RegisterCallback(AccessLogPrinterCallback c) {
AMS_ASSERT(this->callback == nullptr);
this->callback = c;
constexpr int InvokeCallback(char *buf, size_t size) const {
AMS_ASSERT(this->callback != nullptr);
return this->callback(buf, size);
constinit AccessLogPrinterCallbackManager g_access_log_manager_printer_callback_manager;
ALWAYS_INLINE AccessLogPrinterCallbackManager &GetStartAccessLogPrinterCallbackManager() {
return g_access_log_manager_printer_callback_manager;
const char *GetPriorityRawName(fs::impl::IdString &id_string) {
return id_string.ToString(fs::GetPriorityRawOnCurrentThreadInternal());
Result OutputAccessLogToSdCardImpl(const char *log, size_t size) {
/* Use libnx bindings. */
return ::fsOutputAccessLogToSdCard(log, size);
void OutputAccessLogToSdCard(const char *format, std::va_list vl) {
if ((g_global_access_log_mode & AccessLogMode_SdCard) != 0) {
/* Create a buffer to hold the log's input string. */
int log_buffer_size = 1_KB;
auto log_buffer = fs::impl::MakeUnique<char[]>(log_buffer_size);
while (true) {
if (log_buffer == nullptr) {
const auto size = util::VSNPrintf(log_buffer.get(), log_buffer_size, format, vl);
if (size < log_buffer_size) {
log_buffer_size = size + 1;
log_buffer = fs::impl::MakeUnique<char[]>(log_buffer_size);
/* Output. */
OutputAccessLogToSdCardImpl(log_buffer.get(), log_buffer_size - 1);
void OutputAccessLogImpl(const char *log, size_t size) {
if ((g_global_access_log_mode & AccessLogMode_Log) != 0) {
/* TODO: Support logging. */
} else if ((g_global_access_log_mode & AccessLogMode_SdCard) != 0) {
OutputAccessLogToSdCardImpl(log, size - 1);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, const char *priority, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, const void *handle, const char *format, std::va_list vl) {
/* Create a buffer to hold the log's input string. */
int str_buffer_size = 1_KB;
auto str_buffer = fs::impl::MakeUnique<char[]>(str_buffer_size);
while (true) {
if (str_buffer == nullptr) {
const auto size = util::VSNPrintf(str_buffer.get(), str_buffer_size, format, vl);
if (size < str_buffer_size) {
str_buffer_size = size + 1;
str_buffer = fs::impl::MakeUnique<char[]>(str_buffer_size);
/* Create a buffer to hold the log. */
int log_buffer_size = 0;
decltype(str_buffer) log_buffer;
/* Declare format string. */
constexpr const char FormatString[] = "FS_ACCESS { "
"start: %9" PRId64 ", "
"end: %9" PRId64 ", "
"result: 0x%08" PRIX32 ", "
"handle: 0x%p, "
"priority: %s, "
"function: \"%s\""
" }\n";
/* Convert the timing to ms. */
const s64 start_ms = start.ToTimeSpan().GetMilliSeconds();
const s64 end_ms = end.ToTimeSpan().GetMilliSeconds();
/* Print the log. */
int try_size = std::max<int>(str_buffer_size + sizeof(FormatString) + 0x100, 1_KB);
while (true) {
log_buffer = fs::impl::MakeUnique<char[]>(try_size);
if (log_buffer == nullptr) {
log_buffer_size = 1 + util::SNPrintf(log_buffer.get(), try_size, FormatString, start_ms, end_ms, result.GetValue(), handle, priority, name, str_buffer.get());
if (log_buffer_size <= try_size) {
try_size = log_buffer_size;
OutputAccessLogImpl(log_buffer.get(), log_buffer_size);
void GetProgramIndexFortAccessLog(u32 *out_index, u32 *out_count) {
if (hos::GetVersion() >= hos::Version_7_0_0) {
/* Use libnx bindings if available. */
R_ABORT_UNLESS(::fsGetProgramIndexForAccessLog(out_index, out_count));
} else {
/* Use hardcoded defaults. */
*out_index = 0;
*out_count = 0;
void OutputAccessLogStart() {
/* Get the program index. */
u32 program_index = 0, program_count = 0;
GetProgramIndexFortAccessLog(std::addressof(program_index), std::addressof(program_count));
/* Print the log buffer. */
if (program_count < 2) {
constexpr const char StartLog[] = "FS_ACCESS: { "
" }\n";
OutputAccessLogImpl(StartLog, sizeof(StartLog));
} else {
constexpr const char StartLog[] = "FS_ACCESS: { "
"program_index: %d"
" }\n";
char log_buffer[0x80];
const int len = 1 + util::SNPrintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), StartLog, static_cast<int>(program_index));
if (static_cast<size_t>(len) <= sizeof(log_buffer)) {
OutputAccessLogImpl(log_buffer, len);
[[maybe_unused]] void OutputAccessLogStartForSystem() {
constexpr const char StartLog[] = "FS_ACCESS: { "
"for_system: true"
" }\n";
OutputAccessLogImpl(StartLog, sizeof(StartLog));
void OutputAccessLogStartGeneratedByCallback() {
/* Get the manager. */
const auto &manager = GetStartAccessLogPrinterCallbackManager();
if (manager.IsRegisteredCallback()) {
/* Invoke the callback. */
char log_buffer[0x80];
const int len = 1 + manager.InvokeCallback(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer));
/* Print, if we fit. */
if (static_cast<size_t>(len) <= sizeof(log_buffer)) {
OutputAccessLogImpl(log_buffer, len);
bool IsEnabledAccessLog(u32 target) {
/* If we don't need to log to the target, return false. */
if ((g_local_access_log_target & target) == 0) {
return false;
/* Ensure we've initialized. */
if (!g_access_log_initialized) {
std::scoped_lock lk(g_access_log_initialization_mutex);
if (!g_access_log_initialized) {
if ((g_local_access_log_target & fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_System) != 0)
g_global_access_log_mode = AccessLogMode_Log;
if (g_global_access_log_mode != AccessLogMode_None) {
g_access_log_initialized = true;
return g_global_access_log_mode != AccessLogMode_None;
bool IsEnabledAccessLog() {
return IsEnabledAccessLog(fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_Application | fs::impl::AccessLogTarget_System);
void RegisterStartAccessLogPrinterCallback(AccessLogPrinterCallback callback) {
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, fs::Priority priority, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, const void *handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
OutputAccessLog(result, fs::impl::IdString().ToString(priority), start, end, name, handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, fs::PriorityRaw priority_raw, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, const void *handle, const char *fmt, ...){
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
OutputAccessLog(result, fs::impl::IdString().ToString(priority_raw), start, end, name, handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, fs::FileHandle handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle.handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, fs::DirectoryHandle handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle.handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, fs::impl::IdentifyAccessLogHandle handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle.handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLog(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, const void *handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLogToOnlySdCard(const char *fmt, ...) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
OutputAccessLogToSdCard(fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLogUnlessResultSuccess(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, fs::FileHandle handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
if (R_FAILED(result)) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle.handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLogUnlessResultSuccess(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, fs::DirectoryHandle handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
if (R_FAILED(result)) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle.handle, fmt, vl);
void OutputAccessLogUnlessResultSuccess(Result result, os::Tick start, os::Tick end, const char *name, const void *handle, const char *fmt, ...) {
if (R_FAILED(result)) {
std::va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fs::impl::IdString id_string;
OutputAccessLog(result, GetPriorityRawName(id_string), start, end, name, handle, fmt, vl);
bool IsEnabledHandleAccessLog(fs::FileHandle handle) {
/* Get the file accessor. */
impl::FileAccessor *accessor = reinterpret_cast<impl::FileAccessor *>(handle.handle);
if (accessor == nullptr) {
return true;
/* Check the parent. */
if (auto *parent = accessor->GetParent(); parent != nullptr) {
return parent->IsEnabledAccessLog();
} else {
return false;
bool IsEnabledHandleAccessLog(fs::DirectoryHandle handle) {
/* Get the file accessor. */
impl::DirectoryAccessor *accessor = reinterpret_cast<impl::DirectoryAccessor *>(handle.handle);
if (accessor == nullptr) {
return true;
/* Check the parent. */
if (auto *parent = accessor->GetParent(); parent != nullptr) {
return parent->IsEnabledAccessLog();
} else {
return false;
bool IsEnabledHandleAccessLog(fs::impl::IdentifyAccessLogHandle handle) {
return true;
bool IsEnabledHandleAccessLog(const void *handle) {
if (handle == nullptr) {
return true;
/* We should never receive non-null here. */
AMS_ASSERT(handle == nullptr);
return false;
bool IsEnabledFileSystemAccessorAccessLog(const char *mount_name) {
/* Get the accessor. */
impl::FileSystemAccessor *accessor;
if (R_FAILED(impl::Find(std::addressof(accessor), mount_name))) {
return true;
return accessor->IsEnabledAccessLog();
void EnableFileSystemAccessorAccessLog(const char *mount_name) {
/* Get the accessor. */
impl::FileSystemAccessor *accessor;
AMS_FS_R_ABORT_UNLESS(impl::Find(std::addressof(accessor), mount_name));