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814 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <switch.h>
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/cfg.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/ncm.hpp>
#include <stratosphere/sm.hpp>
#include "sm_service_manager.hpp"
namespace sts::sm::impl {
/* Anonymous namespace for implementation details. */
namespace {
/* Constexpr definitions. */
static constexpr size_t ProcessCountMax = 0x40;
static constexpr size_t ServiceCountMax = 0x100;
static constexpr size_t FutureMitmCountMax = 0x20;
static constexpr size_t AccessControlSizeMax = 0x200;
/* Types. */
struct ProcessInfo {
u64 pid;
ncm::TitleId tid;
size_t access_control_size;
u8 access_control[AccessControlSizeMax];
ProcessInfo() {
void Free() {
this->pid = InvalidProcessId;
this->tid = ncm::TitleId::Invalid;
this->access_control_size = 0;
std::memset(this->access_control, 0, sizeof(this->access_control));
/* Forward declaration, for use in ServiceInfo. */
ncm::TitleId GetTitleIdForMitm(u64 pid);
struct ServiceInfo {
ServiceName name;
u64 owner_pid;
AutoHandle port_h;
/* Debug. */
u64 max_sessions;
bool is_light;
/* Mitm Extension. */
u64 mitm_pid;
AutoHandle mitm_port_h;
AutoHandle mitm_query_h;
/* Acknowledgement members. */
bool mitm_waiting_ack;
u64 mitm_waiting_ack_pid;
AutoHandle mitm_fwd_sess_h;
ServiceInfo() {
void Free() {
/* Close any open handles. */
/* Reset all other members. */
this->name = InvalidServiceName;
this->owner_pid = InvalidProcessId;
this->max_sessions = 0;
this->is_light = false;
this->mitm_pid = InvalidProcessId;
this->mitm_waiting_ack = false;
this->mitm_waiting_ack_pid = InvalidProcessId;
void FreeMitm() {
/* Close mitm handles. */
/* Reset mitm members. */
this->mitm_pid = InvalidProcessId;
void AcknowledgeMitmSession(u64 *out_pid, ncm::TitleId *out_tid, Handle *out_hnd) {
/* Copy to output. */
*out_pid = this->mitm_waiting_ack_pid;
*out_tid = GetTitleIdForMitm(this->mitm_waiting_ack_pid);
*out_hnd = this->mitm_fwd_sess_h.Move();
this->mitm_waiting_ack = false;
this->mitm_waiting_ack_pid = InvalidProcessId;
class AccessControlEntry {
const u8 *entry;
size_t capacity;
AccessControlEntry(const void *e, size_t c) : entry(reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(e)), capacity(c) {
/* ... */
AccessControlEntry GetNextEntry() const {
return AccessControlEntry(this->entry + this->GetSize(), this->capacity - this->GetSize());
size_t GetSize() const {
return this->GetServiceNameSize() + 1;
size_t GetServiceNameSize() const {
return (this->entry[0] & 7) + 1;
ServiceName GetServiceName() const {
return ServiceName::Encode(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this->entry + 1), this->GetServiceNameSize());
bool IsHost() const {
return (this->entry[0] & 0x80) != 0;
bool IsWildcard() const {
return this->entry[this->GetServiceNameSize()] == '*';
bool IsValid() const {
/* Validate that we can access data. */
if (this->entry == nullptr || this->capacity == 0) {
return false;
/* Validate that the size is correct. */
return this->GetSize() <= this->capacity;
class InitialProcessIdLimits {
u64 min;
u64 max;
InitialProcessIdLimits() {
/* Retrieve process limits. */
cfg::GetInitialProcessRange(&this->min, &this->max);
/* Ensure range is sane. */
if (this->min > this->max) {
bool IsInitialProcess(u64 pid) const {
if (pid == InvalidProcessId) {
return this->min <= pid && pid <= this->max;
/* Static members. */
ProcessInfo g_process_list[ProcessCountMax];
ServiceInfo g_service_list[ServiceCountMax];
ServiceName g_future_mitm_list[FutureMitmCountMax];
InitialProcessIdLimits g_initial_process_id_limits;
bool g_ended_initial_defers;
/* Helper functions for interacting with processes/services. */
ProcessInfo *GetProcessInfo(u64 pid) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ProcessCountMax; i++) {
if (g_process_list[i].pid == pid) {
return &g_process_list[i];
return nullptr;
ProcessInfo *GetFreeProcessInfo() {
return GetProcessInfo(InvalidProcessId);
bool HasProcessInfo(u64 pid) {
return GetProcessInfo(pid) != nullptr;
bool IsInitialProcess(u64 pid) {
return g_initial_process_id_limits.IsInitialProcess(pid);
bool IsValidProcessId(u64 pid) {
return pid != InvalidProcessId;
ServiceInfo *GetServiceInfo(ServiceName service_name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ServiceCountMax; i++) {
if (g_service_list[i].name == service_name) {
return &g_service_list[i];
return nullptr;
ServiceInfo *GetFreeServiceInfo() {
return GetServiceInfo(InvalidServiceName);
bool HasServiceInfo(ServiceName service) {
return GetServiceInfo(service) != nullptr;
bool HasMitm(ServiceName service) {
const ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
return service_info != nullptr && IsValidProcessId(service_info->mitm_pid);
ncm::TitleId GetTitleIdForMitm(u64 pid) {
/* Anything that can request a mitm session must have a process info. */
const auto process_info = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (process_info == nullptr) {
return process_info->tid;
bool IsMitmDisallowed(ncm::TitleId title_id) {
/* Mitm used on certain titles can prevent the boot process from completing. */
/* TODO: Is there a way to do this that's less hardcoded? Needs design thought. */
return title_id == ncm::TitleId::Loader ||
title_id == ncm::TitleId::Boot ||
title_id == ncm::TitleId::AtmosphereMitm ||
title_id == ncm::TitleId::Creport;
Result AddFutureMitmDeclaration(ServiceName service) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FutureMitmCountMax; i++) {
if (g_future_mitm_list[i] == InvalidServiceName) {
g_future_mitm_list[i] = service;
return ResultSuccess;
return ResultSmInsufficientServices;
bool HasFutureMitmDeclaration(ServiceName service) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FutureMitmCountMax; i++) {
if (g_future_mitm_list[i] == service) {
return true;
return false;
void ClearFutureMitmDeclaration(ServiceName service) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FutureMitmCountMax; i++) {
if (g_future_mitm_list[i] == service) {
g_future_mitm_list[i] = InvalidServiceName;
void GetServiceInfoRecord(ServiceRecord *out_record, const ServiceInfo *service_info) {
out_record->service = service_info->name;
out_record->owner_pid = service_info->owner_pid;
out_record->max_sessions = service_info->max_sessions;
out_record->mitm_pid = service_info->mitm_pid;
out_record->mitm_waiting_ack_pid = service_info->mitm_waiting_ack_pid;
out_record->is_light = service_info->is_light;
out_record->mitm_waiting_ack = service_info->mitm_waiting_ack;
Result ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry access_control, ServiceName service, bool is_host, bool is_wildcard) {
/* Iterate over all entries in the access control, checking to see if we have a match. */
while (access_control.IsValid()) {
if (access_control.IsHost() == is_host) {
if (access_control.IsWildcard() == is_wildcard) {
/* Check for exact match. */
if (access_control.GetServiceName() == service) {
return ResultSuccess;
} else if (access_control.IsWildcard()) {
/* Also allow fuzzy match for wildcard. */
ServiceName ac_service = access_control.GetServiceName();
if (std::memcmp(&ac_service, &service, access_control.GetServiceNameSize() - 1) == 0) {
return ResultSuccess;
access_control = access_control.GetNextEntry();
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
Result ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry restriction, AccessControlEntry access) {
/* Ensure that every entry in the access control is allowed by the restriction control. */
while (access.IsValid()) {
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(restriction, access.GetServiceName(), access.IsHost(), access.IsWildcard()));
access = access.GetNextEntry();
return ResultSuccess;
Result ValidateServiceName(ServiceName service) {
/* Service names must be non-empty. */
if (service.name[0] == 0) {
return ResultSmInvalidServiceName;
/* Get name length. */
size_t name_len;
for (name_len = 1; name_len < sizeof(service); name_len++) {
if (service.name[name_len] == 0) {
/* Names must be all-zero after they end. */
while (name_len < sizeof(service)) {
if (service.name[name_len++] != 0) {
return ResultSmInvalidServiceName;
return ResultSuccess;
bool ShouldDeferForInit(ServiceName service) {
/* Once end has been called, we're done. */
if (g_ended_initial_defers) {
return false;
/* This is a mechanism by which certain services will always be deferred until sm:m receives a special command. */
/* This can be extended with more services as needed at a later date. */
return service == ServiceName::Encode("fsp-srv");
Result GetMitmServiceHandleImpl(Handle *out, ServiceInfo *service_info, u64 pid, ncm::TitleId title_id) {
/* Send command to query if we should mitm. */
IpcCommand c;
struct {
u64 magic;
u64 cmd_id;
u64 pid;
ncm::TitleId tid;
} *info = ((decltype(info))ipcPrepareHeader(&c, sizeof(*info)));
info->magic = SFCI_MAGIC;
info->cmd_id = 65000;
info->pid = pid;
info->tid = title_id;
/* Parse response to see if we should mitm. */
bool should_mitm;
IpcParsedCommand r;
struct {
u64 magic;
u64 result;
bool should_mitm;
} *resp = ((decltype(resp))r.Raw);
should_mitm = resp->should_mitm;
/* If we shouldn't mitm, give normal session. */
if (!should_mitm) {
return svcConnectToPort(out, service_info->port_h.Get());
/* Create both handles. */
AutoHandle fwd_hnd, hnd;
R_TRY(svcConnectToPort(fwd_hnd.GetPointer(), service_info->port_h.Get()));
R_TRY(svcConnectToPort(hnd.GetPointer(), service_info->mitm_port_h.Get()));
service_info->mitm_fwd_sess_h = std::move(fwd_hnd);
*out = hnd.Move();
service_info->mitm_waiting_ack_pid = pid;
service_info->mitm_waiting_ack = true;
return ResultSuccess;
Result GetServiceHandleImpl(Handle *out, ServiceInfo *service_info, u64 pid) {
/* Clear handle output. */
/* Check if we should return a mitm handle. */
if (IsValidProcessId(service_info->mitm_pid) && service_info->mitm_pid != pid) {
/* Get title id, ensure that we're allowed to mitm the given title. */
const ncm::TitleId title_id = GetTitleIdForMitm(pid);
if (!IsMitmDisallowed(title_id)) {
/* We're mitm'd. Assert, because mitm service host dead is an error state. */
R_ASSERT(GetMitmServiceHandleImpl(out, service_info, pid, title_id));
return ResultSuccess;
/* We're not returning a mitm handle, so just return a normal port handle. */
return svcConnectToPort(out, service_info->port_h.Get());
Result RegisterServiceImpl(Handle *out, u64 pid, ServiceName service, size_t max_sessions, bool is_light) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Don't try to register something already registered. */
if (HasServiceInfo(service)) {
return ResultSmAlreadyRegistered;
/* Adjust session limit, if compile flags tell us to. */
if (max_sessions < SM_MINIMUM_SESSION_LIMIT) {
/* Get free service. */
ServiceInfo *free_service = GetFreeServiceInfo();
if (free_service == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInsufficientServices;
/* Create the new service. */
R_TRY(svcCreatePort(out, free_service->port_h.GetPointerAndClear(), max_sessions, is_light, free_service->name.name));
/* Save info. */
free_service->name = service;
free_service->owner_pid = pid;
free_service->max_sessions = max_sessions;
free_service->is_light = is_light;
return ResultSuccess;
/* Process management. */
Result RegisterProcess(u64 pid, ncm::TitleId tid, const void *acid_sac, size_t acid_sac_size, const void *aci_sac, size_t aci_sac_size) {
/* Check that access control will fit in the ServiceInfo. */
if (aci_sac_size > AccessControlSizeMax) {
return ResultSmTooLargeAccessControl;
/* Get free process. */
ProcessInfo *proc = GetFreeProcessInfo();
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInsufficientProcesses;
/* Validate restrictions. */
if (!aci_sac_size) {
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry(acid_sac, acid_sac_size), AccessControlEntry(aci_sac, aci_sac_size)));
/* Save info. */
proc->pid = pid;
proc->tid = tid;
proc->access_control_size = aci_sac_size;
std::memcpy(proc->access_control, aci_sac, proc->access_control_size);
return ResultSuccess;
Result UnregisterProcess(u64 pid) {
/* Find the process. */
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
return ResultSuccess;
/* Service management. */
Result HasService(bool *out, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
*out = HasServiceInfo(service);
return ResultSuccess;
Result WaitService(ServiceName service) {
bool has_service = false;
R_TRY(impl::HasService(&has_service, service));
/* Wait until we have the service. */
if (!has_service) {
return ResultServiceFrameworkRequestDeferredByUser;
return ResultSuccess;
Result GetServiceHandle(Handle *out, u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* In 8.0.0, Nintendo removed the service apm:p -- however, all homebrew attempts to get */
/* a handle to this when calling appletInitialize(). Because hbl has access to all services, */
/* This would return true, and homebrew would *wait forever* trying to get a handle to a service */
/* that will never register. Thus, in the interest of not breaking every single piece of homebrew */
/* we will provide a little first class help. */
if (GetRuntimeFirmwareVersion() >= FirmwareVersion_800 && service == ServiceName::Encode("apm:p")) {
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
/* Check that the process is registered and allowed to get the service. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry(proc->access_control, proc->access_control_size), service, false, false));
/* Get service info. Check to see if we need to defer this until later. */
ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr || ShouldDeferForInit(service) || HasFutureMitmDeclaration(service) || service_info->mitm_waiting_ack) {
return ResultServiceFrameworkRequestDeferredByUser;
/* Get a handle from the service info. */
R_TRY_CATCH(GetServiceHandleImpl(out, service_info, pid)) {
/* Convert Kernel result to SM result. */
R_CATCH(ResultKernelOutOfSessions) {
return ResultSmInsufficientSessions;
return ResultSuccess;
Result RegisterService(Handle *out, u64 pid, ServiceName service, size_t max_sessions, bool is_light) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered and allowed to register the service. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry(proc->access_control, proc->access_control_size), service, true, false));
if (HasServiceInfo(service)) {
return ResultSmAlreadyRegistered;
return RegisterServiceImpl(out, pid, service, max_sessions, is_light);
Result RegisterServiceForSelf(Handle *out, ServiceName service, size_t max_sessions) {
u64 self_pid;
R_TRY(svcGetProcessId(&self_pid, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE));
return RegisterServiceImpl(out, self_pid, service, max_sessions, false);
Result UnregisterService(u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
if (!HasProcessInfo(pid)) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
/* Ensure that the service is actually registered. */
ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr) {
return ResultSmNotRegistered;
/* Check if we have permission to do this. */
if (service_info->owner_pid != pid) {
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
/* Unregister the service. */
return ResultSuccess;
/* Mitm extensions. */
Result HasMitm(bool *out, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
const ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
*out = service_info != nullptr && IsValidProcessId(service_info->mitm_pid);
return ResultSuccess;
Result WaitMitm(ServiceName service) {
bool has_mitm = false;
R_TRY(impl::HasMitm(&has_mitm, service));
/* Wait until we have the mitm. */
if (!has_mitm) {
return ResultServiceFrameworkRequestDeferredByUser;
return ResultSuccess;
Result InstallMitm(Handle *out, Handle *out_query, u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered and allowed to register the service. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry(proc->access_control, proc->access_control_size), service, true, false));
/* Validate that the service exists. */
ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr) {
/* If it doesn't exist, defer until it does. */
return ResultServiceFrameworkRequestDeferredByUser;
/* Validate that the service isn't already being mitm'd. */
if (IsValidProcessId(service_info->mitm_pid)) {
return ResultSmAlreadyRegistered;
/* Always clear output. */
*out_query = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Create mitm handles. */
AutoHandle hnd, port_hnd, qry_hnd, mitm_qry_hnd;
u64 x = 0;
R_TRY(svcCreatePort(hnd.GetPointer(), port_hnd.GetPointer(), service_info->max_sessions, service_info->is_light, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&x)));
R_TRY(svcCreateSession(qry_hnd.GetPointer(), mitm_qry_hnd.GetPointer(), 0, 0));
/* Copy to output. */
service_info->mitm_pid = pid;
service_info->mitm_port_h = std::move(port_hnd);
service_info->mitm_query_h = std::move(mitm_qry_hnd);
*out = hnd.Move();
*out_query = qry_hnd.Move();
/* Clear the future declaration, if one exists. */
return ResultSuccess;
Result UninstallMitm(u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
/* Validate that the service exists. */
ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr) {
return ResultSmNotRegistered;
/* Validate that the client pid is the mitm process. */
if (service_info->mitm_pid != pid) {
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
/* Free Mitm session info. */
return ResultSuccess;
Result DeclareFutureMitm(u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered and allowed to register the service. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
R_TRY(ValidateAccessControl(AccessControlEntry(proc->access_control, proc->access_control_size), service, true, false));
/* Check that mitm hasn't already been registered or declared. */
if (HasMitm(service) || HasFutureMitmDeclaration(service)) {
return ResultSmAlreadyRegistered;
/* Try to forward declare it. */
return ResultSuccess;
Result AcknowledgeMitmSession(u64 *out_pid, ncm::TitleId *out_tid, Handle *out_hnd, u64 pid, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Check that the process is registered. */
if (!IsInitialProcess(pid)) {
ProcessInfo *proc = GetProcessInfo(pid);
if (proc == nullptr) {
return ResultSmInvalidClient;
/* Validate that the service exists. */
ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr) {
return ResultSmNotRegistered;
/* Validate that the client pid is the mitm process, and that an acknowledgement is waiting. */
if (service_info->mitm_pid != pid || !service_info->mitm_waiting_ack) {
return ResultSmNotAllowed;
/* Acknowledge. */
service_info->AcknowledgeMitmSession(out_pid, out_tid, out_hnd);
return ResultSuccess;
/* Dmnt record extensions. */
Result GetServiceRecord(ServiceRecord *out, ServiceName service) {
/* Validate service name. */
/* Validate that the service exists. */
const ServiceInfo *service_info = GetServiceInfo(service);
if (service_info == nullptr) {
return ResultSmNotRegistered;
GetServiceInfoRecord(out, service_info);
return ResultSuccess;
Result ListServiceRecords(ServiceRecord *out, u64 *out_count, u64 offset, u64 max_count) {
u64 count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ServiceCountMax && count < max_count; i++) {
const ServiceInfo *service_info = &g_service_list[i];
if (service_info->name != InvalidServiceName) {
if (offset == 0) {
GetServiceInfoRecord(out++, service_info);
} else {
*out_count = 0;
return ResultSuccess;
/* Deferral extension (works around FS bug). */
Result EndInitialDefers() {
g_ended_initial_defers = true;
return ResultSuccess;