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* Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "sysupdater_fs_utils.hpp"
namespace ams::mitm::sysupdater {
namespace {
constexpr inline const char * const NcaExtension = ".nca";
constexpr inline const char * const NspExtension = ".nsp";
constexpr inline const size_t NcaExtensionSize = 4;
constexpr inline const size_t NspExtensionSize = 4;
constexpr const ams::fs::PathFlags SdCardContentMetaPathNormalizePathFlags = [] {
fs::PathFlags flags{};
return flags;
static_assert(NcaExtensionSize == NspExtensionSize);
constexpr inline const size_t NcaNspExtensionSize = NcaExtensionSize;
Result CheckNcaOrNsp(const char **path) {
/* Ensure that the path is currently at the mount name delimeter. */
R_UNLESS(util::Strncmp(*path, ams::fs::impl::MountNameDelimiter, util::Strnlen(ams::fs::impl::MountNameDelimiter, ams::fs::EntryNameLengthMax)) == 0, fs::ResultPathNotFound());
/* Advance past the :. */
static_assert(ams::fs::impl::MountNameDelimiter[0] == ':');
*path += 1;
/* Ensure path is long enough for the extension. */
const size_t path_len = util::Strnlen(*path, ams::fs::EntryNameLengthMax);
R_UNLESS(path_len > NcaNspExtensionSize, fs::ResultPathNotFound());
/* Get the extension. */
const char * const extension = *path + path_len - NcaNspExtensionSize;
/* Ensure nca or nsp. */
const bool is_nca = util::Strnicmp(extension, NcaExtension, NcaNspExtensionSize) == 0;
const bool is_nsp = util::Strnicmp(extension, NspExtension, NcaNspExtensionSize) == 0;
R_UNLESS(is_nca || is_nsp, fs::ResultPathNotFound());
Result ParseMountName(const char **path, std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> *out) {
/* The equivalent function here supports all the common mount names; we'll only support the SD card, system content storage. */
if (const auto mount_len = util::Strnlen(ams::fs::impl::SdCardFileSystemMountName, ams::fs::MountNameLengthMax); util::Strncmp(*path, ams::fs::impl::SdCardFileSystemMountName, mount_len) == 0) {
/* Advance the path. */
*path += mount_len;
/* Open the SD card. This uses libnx bindings. */
FsFileSystem fs;
/* Allocate a new filesystem wrapper. */
auto fsa = std::make_shared<ams::fs::RemoteFileSystem>(fs);
R_UNLESS(fsa != nullptr, fs::ResultAllocationMemoryFailedInSdCardA());
/* Set the output fs. */
*out = std::move(fsa);
} else if (const auto mount_len = util::Strnlen(ams::fs::impl::ContentStorageSystemMountName, ams::fs::MountNameLengthMax); util::Strncmp(*path, ams::fs::impl::ContentStorageSystemMountName, mount_len) == 0) {
/* Advance the path. */
*path += mount_len;
/* Open the system content storage. This uses libnx bindings. */
FsFileSystem fs;
R_TRY(fsOpenContentStorageFileSystem(std::addressof(fs), FsContentStorageId_System));
/* Allocate a new filesystem wrapper. */
auto fsa = std::make_shared<ams::fs::RemoteFileSystem>(fs);
R_UNLESS(fsa != nullptr, fs::ResultAllocationMemoryFailedInContentStorageA());
/* Set the output fs. */
*out = std::move(fsa);
} else {
/* Ensure that there's something that could be a mount name delimiter. */
R_UNLESS(util::Strnlen(*path, fs::EntryNameLengthMax) != 0, fs::ResultPathNotFound());
Result ParseNsp(const char **path, std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> *out, std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> base_fs) {
const char *work_path = *path;
/* Advance to the nsp extension. */
while (true) {
if (util::Strnicmp(work_path, NspExtension, NspExtensionSize) == 0) {
if (work_path[NspExtensionSize] == '\x00' || work_path[NspExtensionSize] == '/') {
work_path += NspExtensionSize;
} else {
R_UNLESS(*work_path != '\x00', fs::ResultPathNotFound());
work_path += 1;
/* Advance past the extension. */
work_path += NspExtensionSize;
/* Get the nsp path. */
ams::fs::Path nsp_path;
R_TRY(nsp_path.InitializeWithNormalization(*path, work_path - *path));
/* Open the file storage. */
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::FileStorageBasedFileSystem> file_storage = fssystem::AllocateShared<ams::fs::FileStorageBasedFileSystem>();
R_UNLESS(file_storage != nullptr, fs::ResultAllocationMemoryFailedInNcaFileSystemServiceImplA());
R_TRY(file_storage->Initialize(std::move(base_fs), nsp_path, ams::fs::OpenMode_Read));
/* Create a partition fs. */
R_TRY(fssystem::GetFileSystemCreatorInterfaces()->partition_fs_creator->Create(out, std::move(file_storage)));
/* Update the path. */
*path = work_path;
Result ParseNca(const char **path, std::shared_ptr<fssystem::NcaReader> *out, std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> base_fs) {
/* Open the file storage. */
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::FileStorageBasedFileSystem> file_storage = fssystem::AllocateShared<ams::fs::FileStorageBasedFileSystem>();
R_UNLESS(file_storage != nullptr, fs::ResultAllocationMemoryFailedInNcaFileSystemServiceImplB());
/* Get the nca path. */
ams::fs::Path nca_path;
R_TRY(file_storage->Initialize(std::move(base_fs), nca_path, ams::fs::OpenMode_Read));
/* Create the nca reader. */
std::shared_ptr<fssystem::NcaReader> nca_reader;
R_TRY(fssystem::GetFileSystemCreatorInterfaces()->storage_on_nca_creator->CreateNcaReader(std::addressof(nca_reader), file_storage));
/* NOTE: Here Nintendo validates program ID, but this does not need checking in the meta case. */
/* Set output reader. */
*out = std::move(nca_reader);
Result OpenMetaStorage(std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::IStorage> *out, std::shared_ptr<fssystem::IAsynchronousAccessSplitter> *out_splitter, std::shared_ptr<fssystem::NcaReader> nca_reader, fssystem::NcaFsHeader::FsType *out_fs_type) {
/* Ensure the nca is a meta nca. */
R_UNLESS(nca_reader->GetContentType() == fssystem::NcaHeader::ContentType::Meta, fs::ResultPreconditionViolation());
/* We only support SD card ncas, so ensure this isn't a gamecard nca. */
R_UNLESS(nca_reader->GetDistributionType() != fssystem::NcaHeader::DistributionType::GameCard, fs::ResultPermissionDenied());
/* Here Nintendo would call GetPartitionIndex(), but we don't need to, because it's meta. */
constexpr int MetaPartitionIndex = 0;
/* Open fs header reader. */
fssystem::NcaFsHeaderReader fs_header_reader;
R_TRY(fssystem::GetFileSystemCreatorInterfaces()->storage_on_nca_creator->Create(out, out_splitter, std::addressof(fs_header_reader), std::move(nca_reader), MetaPartitionIndex));
/* Set the output fs type. */
*out_fs_type = fs_header_reader.GetFsType();
Result OpenContentMetaFileSystem(std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> *out, const char *path) {
/* Parse the mount name to get a filesystem. */
const char *cur_path = path;
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> base_fs;
R_TRY(ParseMountName(std::addressof(cur_path), std::addressof(base_fs)));
/* Ensure the path is an nca or nsp. */
/* Try to parse as nsp. */
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> nsp_fs;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(ParseNsp(std::addressof(cur_path), std::addressof(nsp_fs), base_fs))) {
/* nsp target is only allowed for type package, and we're assuming type meta. */
R_UNLESS(*path != '\x00', fs::ResultInvalidArgument());
/* Use the nsp fs as the base fs. */
base_fs = std::move(nsp_fs);
/* Parse as nca. */
std::shared_ptr<fssystem::NcaReader> nca_reader;
R_TRY(ParseNca(std::addressof(cur_path), std::addressof(nca_reader), std::move(base_fs)));
/* Open meta storage. */
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::IStorage> storage;
std::shared_ptr<fssystem::IAsynchronousAccessSplitter> splitter;
fssystem::NcaFsHeader::FsType fs_type = static_cast<fssystem::NcaFsHeader::FsType>(~0);
R_TRY(OpenMetaStorage(std::addressof(storage), std::addressof(splitter), std::move(nca_reader), std::addressof(fs_type)));
/* Open the appropriate interface. */
const auto * const creator_intfs = fssystem::GetFileSystemCreatorInterfaces();
switch (fs_type) {
case fssystem::NcaFsHeader::FsType::PartitionFs: R_RETURN(creator_intfs->partition_fs_creator->Create(out, std::move(storage)));
case fssystem::NcaFsHeader::FsType::RomFs: R_RETURN(creator_intfs->rom_fs_creator->Create(out, std::move(storage)));
bool PathView::HasPrefix(util::string_view prefix) const {
return m_path.compare(0, prefix.length(), prefix) == 0;
bool PathView::HasSuffix(util::string_view suffix) const {
return m_path.compare(m_path.length() - suffix.length(), suffix.length(), suffix) == 0;
util::string_view PathView::GetFileName() const {
auto pos = m_path.find_last_of("/");
return pos != util::string_view::npos ? m_path.substr(pos + 1) : m_path;
Result MountSdCardContentMeta(const char *mount_name, const char *path) {
/* Sanitize input. */
/* NOTE: This is an internal API, so we won't bother with mount name sanitization. */
R_UNLESS(path != nullptr, fs::ResultInvalidPath());
/* Normalize the path. */
char normalized_path[fs::EntryNameLengthMax + 1];
R_TRY(ams::fs::PathFormatter::Normalize(normalized_path, sizeof(normalized_path), path, std::strlen(path) + 1, SdCardContentMetaPathNormalizePathFlags));
/* Open the filesystem. */
std::shared_ptr<ams::fs::fsa::IFileSystem> fs;
R_TRY(OpenContentMetaFileSystem(std::addressof(fs), normalized_path));
/* Create a holder for the fs. */
std::unique_ptr unique_fs = std::make_unique<fssystem::ForwardingFileSystem>(std::move(fs));
R_UNLESS(unique_fs != nullptr, fs::ResultAllocationMemoryFailedNew());
/* Register the fs. */
R_RETURN(ams::fs::fsa::Register(mount_name, std::move(unique_fs)));