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* Copyright (c) 2018 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <switch.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include "sha256.h"
#include "lz4.h"
#include "ldr_nso.hpp"
#include "ldr_map.hpp"
#include "ldr_random.hpp"
#include "ldr_patcher.hpp"
#include "ldr_content_management.hpp"
static NsoUtils::NsoHeader g_nso_headers[NSO_NUM_MAX] = {0};
static bool g_nso_present[NSO_NUM_MAX] = {0};
static char g_nso_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
FILE *NsoUtils::OpenNsoFromECS(unsigned int index, ContentManagement::ExternalContentSource *ecs) {
std::fill(g_nso_path, g_nso_path + FS_MAX_PATH, 0);
snprintf(g_nso_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s:/%s", ecs->mountpoint, NsoUtils::GetNsoFileName(index));
return fopen(g_nso_path, "rb");
FILE *NsoUtils::OpenNsoFromHBL(unsigned int index) {
std::fill(g_nso_path, g_nso_path + FS_MAX_PATH, 0);
snprintf(g_nso_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "hbl:/%s", NsoUtils::GetNsoFileName(index));
return fopen(g_nso_path, "rb");
FILE *NsoUtils::OpenNsoFromExeFS(unsigned int index) {
std::fill(g_nso_path, g_nso_path + FS_MAX_PATH, 0);
snprintf(g_nso_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "code:/%s", NsoUtils::GetNsoFileName(index));
return fopen(g_nso_path, "rb");
FILE *NsoUtils::OpenNsoFromSdCard(unsigned int index, u64 title_id) {
std::fill(g_nso_path, g_nso_path + FS_MAX_PATH, 0);
snprintf(g_nso_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "sdmc:/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/exefs/%s", title_id, NsoUtils::GetNsoFileName(index));
return fopen(g_nso_path, "rb");
bool NsoUtils::CheckNsoStubbed(unsigned int index, u64 title_id) {
std::fill(g_nso_path, g_nso_path + FS_MAX_PATH, 0);
snprintf(g_nso_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "sdmc:/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/exefs/%s.stub", title_id, NsoUtils::GetNsoFileName(index));
FILE *f = fopen(g_nso_path, "rb");
bool ret = (f != NULL);
if (ret) {
return ret;
FILE *NsoUtils::OpenNso(unsigned int index, u64 title_id) {
ContentManagement::ExternalContentSource *ecs = nullptr;
if ((ecs = ContentManagement::GetExternalContentSource(title_id)) != nullptr) {
return OpenNsoFromECS(index, ecs);
if (ContentManagement::ShouldOverrideContents(title_id)) {
if (ContentManagement::ShouldReplaceWithHBL(title_id)) {
return OpenNsoFromHBL(index);
FILE *f_out = OpenNsoFromSdCard(index, title_id);
if (f_out != NULL) {
return f_out;
} else if (CheckNsoStubbed(index, title_id)) {
return NULL;
return OpenNsoFromExeFS(index);
bool NsoUtils::IsNsoPresent(unsigned int index) {
return g_nso_present[index];
unsigned char *NsoUtils::GetNsoBuildId(unsigned int index) {
if (g_nso_present[index]) {
return g_nso_headers[index].build_id;
return NULL;
Result NsoUtils::LoadNsoHeaders(u64 title_id) {
FILE *f_nso;
/* Zero out the cache. */
std::fill(g_nso_present, g_nso_present + NSO_NUM_MAX, false);
std::fill(g_nso_headers, g_nso_headers + NSO_NUM_MAX, (const NsoUtils::NsoHeader &){0});
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
f_nso = OpenNso(i, title_id);
if (f_nso != NULL) {
if (fread(&g_nso_headers[i], 1, sizeof(NsoUtils::NsoHeader), f_nso) != sizeof(NsoUtils::NsoHeader)) {
return 0xA09;
g_nso_present[i] = true;
f_nso = NULL;
if (1 < i && i < 12) {
/* If we failed to open a subsdk, there are no more subsdks. */
i = 11;
return 0x0;
Result NsoUtils::ValidateNsoLoadSet() {
/* We *must* have a "main" NSO. */
if (!g_nso_present[1]) {
return 0xA09;
/* Behavior switches depending on whether we have an rtld. */
if (g_nso_present[0]) {
/* If we have an rtld, dst offset for .text must be 0 for all other NSOs. */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
if (g_nso_present[i] && g_nso_headers[i].segments[0].dst_offset != 0) {
return 0xA09;
} else {
/* If we don't have an rtld, we must ONLY have a main. */
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
if (g_nso_present[i]) {
return 0xA09;
/* That main's .text must be at dst_offset 0. */
if (g_nso_headers[1].segments[0].dst_offset != 0) {
return 0xA09;
return 0x0;
Result NsoUtils::CalculateNsoLoadExtents(u32 addspace_type, u32 args_size, NsoLoadExtents *extents) {
*extents = (const NsoUtils::NsoLoadExtents){0};
/* Calculate base offsets. */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
if (g_nso_present[i]) {
extents->nso_addresses[i] = extents->total_size;
u32 text_end = g_nso_headers[i].segments[0].dst_offset + g_nso_headers[i].segments[0].decomp_size;
u32 ro_end = g_nso_headers[i].segments[1].dst_offset + g_nso_headers[i].segments[1].decomp_size;
u32 rw_end = g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].dst_offset + g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].decomp_size + g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].align_or_total_size;
extents->nso_sizes[i] = text_end;
if (extents->nso_sizes[i] < ro_end) {
extents->nso_sizes[i] = ro_end;
if (extents->nso_sizes[i] < rw_end) {
extents->nso_sizes[i] = rw_end;
extents->nso_sizes[i] += 0xFFF;
extents->nso_sizes[i] &= ~0xFFFULL;
extents->total_size += extents->nso_sizes[i];
if (args_size && !extents->args_size) {
extents->args_address = extents->total_size;
/* What the fuck? Where does 0x9007 come from? */
extents->args_size = (2 * args_size + 0x9007);
extents->args_size &= ~0xFFFULL;
extents->total_size += extents->args_size;
/* Calculate ASLR extents for address space type. */
u64 addspace_start, addspace_size;
if (kernelAbove200()) {
switch (addspace_type & 0xE) {
case 0:
case 4:
addspace_start = 0x200000ULL;
addspace_size = 0x3FE00000ULL;
case 2:
addspace_start = 0x8000000ULL;
addspace_size = 0x78000000ULL;
case 6:
addspace_start = 0x8000000ULL;
addspace_size = 0x7FF8000000ULL;
/* TODO: Panic. */
return 0xD001;
} else {
if (addspace_type & 2) {
addspace_start = 0x8000000ULL;
addspace_size = 0x78000000ULL;
} else {
addspace_start = 0x200000ULL;
addspace_size = 0x3FE00000ULL;
if (extents->total_size > addspace_size) {
return 0xD001;
u64 aslr_slide = 0;
if (addspace_type & 0x20) {
aslr_slide = RandomUtils::GetRandomU64((addspace_size - extents->total_size) >> 21) << 21;
extents->base_address = addspace_start + aslr_slide;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
if (g_nso_present[i]) {
extents->nso_addresses[i] += extents->base_address;
if (extents->args_address) {
extents->args_address += extents->base_address;
return 0x0;
Result NsoUtils::LoadNsoSegment(u64 title_id, unsigned int index, unsigned int segment, FILE *f_nso, u8 *map_base, u8 *map_end) {
bool is_compressed = ((g_nso_headers[index].flags >> segment) & 1) != 0;
bool check_hash = ((g_nso_headers[index].flags >> (segment + 3)) & 1) != 0;
size_t out_size = g_nso_headers[index].segments[segment].decomp_size;
size_t size = is_compressed ? g_nso_headers[index].compressed_sizes[segment] : out_size;
if (size > out_size) {
return 0xA09;
if ((u32)(size | out_size) >> 31) {
return 0xA09;
u8 *dst_addr = map_base + g_nso_headers[index].segments[segment].dst_offset;
u8 *load_addr = is_compressed ? map_end - size : dst_addr;
fseek(f_nso, g_nso_headers[index].segments[segment].file_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (fread(load_addr, 1, size, f_nso) != size) {
return 0xA09;
if (is_compressed) {
if (LZ4_decompress_safe((char *)load_addr, (char *)dst_addr, size, out_size) != (int)out_size) {
return 0xA09;
if (check_hash) {
u8 hash[0x20] = {0};
struct sha256_state sha_ctx;
sha256_update(&sha_ctx, dst_addr, out_size);
sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, hash);
if (std::memcmp(g_nso_headers[index].section_hashes[segment], hash, sizeof(hash))) {
return 0xA09;
return 0x0;
Result NsoUtils::LoadNsosIntoProcessMemory(Handle process_h, u64 title_id, NsoLoadExtents *extents, u8 *args, u32 args_size) {
Result rc = 0xA09;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NSO_NUM_MAX; i++) {
if (g_nso_present[i]) {
AutoCloseMap nso_map;
if (R_FAILED((rc = nso_map.Open(process_h, extents->nso_addresses[i], extents->nso_sizes[i])))) {
return rc;
u8 *map_base = (u8 *)nso_map.GetMappedAddress();
FILE *f_nso = OpenNso(i, title_id);
if (f_nso == NULL) {
/* Is there a better error to return here? */
return 0xA09;
for (unsigned int seg = 0; seg < 3; seg++) {
if (R_FAILED((rc = LoadNsoSegment(title_id, i, seg, f_nso, map_base, map_base + extents->nso_sizes[i])))) {
return rc;
f_nso = NULL;
/* Zero out memory before .text. */
u64 text_base = 0, text_start = g_nso_headers[i].segments[0].dst_offset;
std::fill(map_base + text_base, map_base + text_start, 0);
/* Zero out memory before .rodata. */
u64 ro_base = text_start + g_nso_headers[i].segments[0].decomp_size, ro_start = g_nso_headers[i].segments[1].dst_offset;
std::fill(map_base + ro_base, map_base + ro_start, 0);
/* Zero out memory before .rwdata. */
u64 rw_base = ro_start + g_nso_headers[i].segments[1].decomp_size, rw_start = g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].dst_offset;
std::fill(map_base + rw_base, map_base + rw_start, 0);
/* Zero out .bss. */
u64 bss_base = rw_start + g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].decomp_size, bss_size = g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].align_or_total_size;
std::fill(map_base + bss_base, map_base + bss_base + bss_size, 0);
/* Apply patches to loaded module. */
PatchUtils::ApplyPatches(&g_nso_headers[i], map_base, bss_base);
for (unsigned int seg = 0; seg < 3; seg++) {
u64 size = g_nso_headers[i].segments[seg].decomp_size;
if (seg == 2) {
size += g_nso_headers[i].segments[2].align_or_total_size;
size += 0xFFF;
size &= ~0xFFFULL;
const static unsigned int segment_perms[3] = {5, 1, 3};
if (R_FAILED((rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(process_h, extents->nso_addresses[i] + g_nso_headers[i].segments[seg].dst_offset, size, segment_perms[seg])))) {
return rc;
/* Map in arguments. */
if (args != NULL && args_size) {
AutoCloseMap args_map;
if (R_FAILED((rc = args_map.Open(process_h, extents->args_address, extents->args_size)))) {
return rc;
NsoArgument *arg_map_base = (NsoArgument *)args_map.GetMappedAddress();
arg_map_base->allocated_space = extents->args_size;
arg_map_base->args_size = args_size;
std::fill(arg_map_base->_0x8, arg_map_base->_0x8 + sizeof(arg_map_base->_0x8), 0);
std::copy(args, args + args_size, arg_map_base->arguments);
if (R_FAILED((rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(process_h, extents->args_address, extents->args_size, 3)))) {
return rc;
return rc;