/* * Copyright (c) 2022 shchmue * Copyright (c) 2018 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "crypto.h" #include "../config.h" #include "../hos/hos.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern hekate_config h_cfg; bool check_keyslot_access() { u8 test_data[SE_KEY_128_SIZE] = {0}; const u8 test_ciphertext[SE_KEY_128_SIZE] = {0}; se_aes_key_set(KS_AES_ECB, "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f", SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(KS_AES_ECB, DECRYPT, test_data, test_ciphertext); return memcmp(test_data, "\x7b\x1d\x29\xa1\x6c\xf8\xcc\xab\x84\xf0\xb8\xa5\x98\xe4\x2f\xa6", SE_KEY_128_SIZE) == 0; } bool test_rsa_keypair(const void *public_exponent, const void *private_exponent, const void *modulus) { u32 plaintext[SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE / 4] = {0}, ciphertext[SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE / 4] = {0}, work[SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE / 4] = {0}; plaintext[63] = 0xCAFEBABE; se_rsa_key_set(0, modulus, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE, private_exponent, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE); se_rsa_exp_mod(0, ciphertext, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE, plaintext, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE); se_rsa_key_set(0, modulus, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE, public_exponent, 4); se_rsa_exp_mod(0, work, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE, ciphertext, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE); return memcmp(plaintext, work, SE_RSA2048_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0; } bool test_eticket_rsa_keypair(const rsa_keypair_t *keypair) { // Unlike the SSL RSA key, we don't need to check the gmac - we can just verify the public exponent // and test the keypair since we have the modulus if ((byte_swap_32(keypair->public_exponent) != RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT) || (!test_rsa_keypair(&keypair->public_exponent, keypair->private_exponent, keypair->modulus)) ) { return false; } return true; } // _mgf1_xor() and rsa_oaep_decode were derived from Atmosphère static void _mgf1_xor(void *masked, u32 masked_size, const void *seed, u32 seed_size) { u8 cur_hash[0x20] __attribute__((aligned(4))); u8 hash_buf[0xe4] __attribute__((aligned(4))); u32 hash_buf_size = seed_size + 4; memcpy(hash_buf, seed, seed_size); u32 round_num = 0; u8 *p_out = (u8 *)masked; while (masked_size) { u32 cur_size = MIN(masked_size, 0x20); for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) hash_buf[seed_size + 3 - i] = (round_num >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; round_num++; se_calc_sha256_oneshot(cur_hash, hash_buf, hash_buf_size); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { *p_out ^= cur_hash[i]; p_out++; } masked_size -= cur_size; } } u32 rsa_oaep_decode(void *dst, u32 dst_size, const void *label_digest, u32 label_digest_size, u8 *buf, u32 buf_size) { if (dst_size <= 0 || buf_size < 0x43 || label_digest_size != 0x20) return 0; bool is_valid = buf[0] == 0; u32 db_len = buf_size - 0x21; u8 *seed = buf + 1; u8 *db = seed + 0x20; _mgf1_xor(seed, 0x20, db, db_len); _mgf1_xor(db, db_len, seed, 0x20); is_valid &= memcmp(label_digest, db, 0x20) ? 0 : 1; db += 0x20; db_len -= 0x20; int msg_ofs = 0; int looking_for_one = 1; int invalid_db_padding = 0; int is_zero; int is_one; for (int i = 0; i < db_len; ) { is_zero = (db[i] == 0); is_one = (db[i] == 1); msg_ofs += (looking_for_one & is_one) * (++i); looking_for_one &= ~is_one; invalid_db_padding |= (looking_for_one & ~is_zero); } is_valid &= (invalid_db_padding == 0); const u32 msg_size = MIN(dst_size, is_valid * (db_len - msg_ofs)); memcpy(dst, db + msg_ofs, msg_size); return msg_size; } // Equivalent to spl::GenerateAesKek void generate_aes_kek(u32 ks, key_storage_t *keys, void *out_kek, const void *kek_source, u32 generation, u32 option) { bool device_unique = GET_IS_DEVICE_UNIQUE(option); u32 seal_key_index = GET_SEAL_KEY_INDEX(option); if (generation) generation--; u8 static_source[SE_KEY_128_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(4))); for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_KEY_128_SIZE; i++) static_source[i] = aes_kek_generation_source[i] ^ seal_key_masks[seal_key_index][i]; if (device_unique) { get_device_key(ks, keys, keys->temp_key, generation); } else { memcpy(keys->temp_key, keys->master_key[generation], sizeof(keys->temp_key)); } se_aes_key_set(ks, keys->temp_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_unwrap_key(ks, ks, static_source); se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks, DECRYPT, out_kek, kek_source); } // Based on spl::LoadAesKey but instead of prepping keyslot, returns calculated key void load_aes_key(u32 ks, void *out_key, const void *access_key, const void *key_source) { se_aes_key_set(ks, access_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks, DECRYPT, out_key, key_source); } // Equivalent to spl::GenerateAesKey void generate_aes_key(u32 ks, key_storage_t *keys, void *out_key, u32 key_size, const void *access_key, const void *key_source) { void *aes_key = keys->temp_key; load_aes_key(ks, aes_key, access_key, aes_key_generation_source); se_aes_key_set(ks, aes_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_crypt_ecb(ks, DECRYPT, out_key, key_size, key_source, key_size); } // Equivalent to smc::PrepareDeviceUniqueDataKey but with no sealing void get_device_unique_data_key(u32 ks, void *out_key, const void *access_key, const void *key_source) { load_aes_key(ks, out_key, access_key, key_source); } // Equivalent to spl::DecryptAesKey. void decrypt_aes_key(u32 ks, key_storage_t *keys, void *out_key, const void *key_source, u32 generation, u32 option) { void *access_key = keys->temp_key; generate_aes_kek(ks, keys, access_key, aes_key_decryption_source, generation, option); generate_aes_key(ks, keys, out_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE, access_key, key_source); } // Equivalent to smc::GetSecureData void get_secure_data(key_storage_t *keys, void *out_data) { se_aes_key_set(KS_AES_CTR, keys->device_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); u8 *d = (u8 *)out_data; se_aes_crypt_ctr(KS_AES_CTR, d + SE_KEY_128_SIZE * 0, SE_KEY_128_SIZE, secure_data_source, SE_KEY_128_SIZE, secure_data_counters[0]); se_aes_crypt_ctr(KS_AES_CTR, d + SE_KEY_128_SIZE * 1, SE_KEY_128_SIZE, secure_data_source, SE_KEY_128_SIZE, secure_data_counters[0]); // Apply tweak for (u32 i = 0; i < SE_KEY_128_SIZE; i++) { d[SE_KEY_128_SIZE + i] ^= secure_data_tweaks[0][i]; } } // Equivalent to spl::GenerateSpecificAesKey void generate_specific_aes_key(u32 ks, key_storage_t *keys, void *out_key, const void *key_source, u32 generation) { if (fuse_read_bootrom_rev() >= 0x7F) { get_device_key(ks, keys, keys->temp_key, generation == 0 ? 0 : generation - 1); se_aes_key_set(ks, keys->temp_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_unwrap_key(ks, ks, retail_specific_aes_key_source); se_aes_crypt_ecb(ks, DECRYPT, out_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE * 2, key_source, SE_KEY_128_SIZE * 2); } else { get_secure_data(keys, out_key); } } void get_device_key(u32 ks, key_storage_t *keys, void *out_device_key, u32 generation) { if (generation == KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_100 && !h_cfg.t210b01) { memcpy(out_device_key, keys->device_key, SE_KEY_128_SIZE); return; } if (generation >= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_400) { generation -= KB_FIRMWARE_VERSION_400; } else { generation = 0; } u32 temp_key_source[SE_KEY_128_SIZE / 4] = {0}; load_aes_key(ks, temp_key_source, keys->device_key_4x, device_master_key_source_sources[generation]); const void *kek_source = fuse_read_hw_state() == FUSE_NX_HW_STATE_PROD ? device_master_kek_sources[generation] : device_master_kek_sources_dev[generation]; se_aes_key_set(ks, keys->master_key[0], SE_KEY_128_SIZE); se_aes_unwrap_key(ks, ks, kek_source); se_aes_crypt_block_ecb(ks, DECRYPT, out_device_key, temp_key_source); }