**Use this at your own risk,I won’t be responsible for any damage.**
Also the code quality and the parsing engine are not that great, but were the best I could come to.
# What is this
This is a simple tool to patch and Inject/Patch EFI modules at runtime, I developed this as I wasn't confortable with SPI flashing, as is not boring and require opening the laptop for every small change, as with AMD you can't flash from the OS a new BIOS, if is not signed...
# Why this exist
The real reason why this exist, is that with an update Lenovo removed the Unlock BackDoor [LenovoH2O-Unlocker](https://github.com/SmokelessCPUv2/LenovoH2O-Unlocker), so after an update I couldn't change some adv option check [Unlocking Lenovo H2O Bios](#Lenovo-BIOS-Unlock) I decided to develop a new way to do it....
# How this work
When the EFI App is booted up, it look for a file Called *SREP_Config.cfg*, containing a list of command to execute, then will execute them
# Support/Donate
If you want to donate/support please consider supportorting on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/SmokelessCPU)
For one one donation, you can subribe for a month to Patreon then after the biilling, unsubsribe; (I might add a paypal in future)
# How to use it
* Download the Latest zip, from the [Release Page](https://github.com/SmokelessCPUv2/SmokelessRuntimeEFIPatcher/releases/latest)
* extract in a USB, such that exist a Folder Called EFI in the USB Root,
* Create a SREP_Config.cfg and place in the root of the USB, boot from the USB
* ??
* Profit
# SREP_Config Structure
The Config file can containg muliple batch of operation, the syntax is,
Op OpName1
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument n
Op OpName2
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument n
Op OpName3
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument n
# Implemented Operiation
## LoadFromFS
Load a EFI File in memory from a EFI partition, set as target
### Arguments
* FileName : The Filename to load
## LoadFromFV
Load a EFI File in memory from the FV(Firmware Volume)/The BIOS image, set as target
### Arguments
* SectionName : The Section to load
## Loaded
Target an already loaded Module
### Arguments
* Name : The Name of the Loaded App to target
## Patch
Patch the previus loaded target
### Arguments
* Pattern : provide the Find and Replace a Patterns
* Offset : Provide and offset from the File start, and then the Byte to replace here
* RelNegOffset/RelPosOffset : negative/positive offset from previus Patch operation, and then the Byte to replace here
## Exec
Execute the Previus loaded Module
# To be Implemted
[ ] Uninstall Protocol
[ ] Lzma compressed object (very common on AMI BIOS)
# Example
This is an Example of Loading a simple EFI, and executing it:
Op LoadFromFS APP.efi
Op Exec
This is an Example of Loading a simple EFI, replacing by pattern,and executing it
find and replace AABBCCDDAABB with AABBCCDDAAAA:
Op LoadFromFS APP.efi
Op Patch
Op Patch
Op Exec
This is an Example of using relative pattern
Find the pattern AABBCCDDEEFF (replace with AABBCCDDEEFF, as we want it's own start address), then write AABBCCDDAAAA, at +50 from the pattern start
Op LoadFromFS APP.efi
Op Patch
Op Patch
Op Exec
## Lenovo-BIOS-Unlock
Now a real example on how to use it to patch a Lenovo Legion Bios to Unlock the Advanced menu:
The Target H2O, is very simple in the regard on which form is shown...
in the H2OFormBrowserDxe there is a simple array of struct:
struct Form
uint32_t isShown;
struct Form FormList[NO_OF_FORM];
The previus cE! backdoor, was very simple, looked like this:
for(int i=0;i<NO_OF_FORM;i++)
if the Variable didn't existed default isShow was used...
With this tool we can manually set the isShow Flag so we can replicate that behavoir...
The H2OFormBrowserDxe, is already loaded when we are able to execute SREP, so we can use the Loaded OP....
Let's say that we want to show the CBS Menu , it's guid is {B04535E3-3004-4946-9EB7-149428983053}, so it's hex representation is
given that is disabled, the complete Form Struct in memory will be
as we appended the 4 byte uint32_t of value 0;
we want to replace thsi with the 1, the little endian version of a uint32_t is
01 00 00 00
so the replace string is
So putting all toghether the SREP_Config.cfg file look like
Op Loaded H2OFormBrowserDxe
Op Patch
Op End
Now we have patched the H2OFormBrowserDxe, but the Bios UI will be not loaded as we booted from a USB, but we can force it to load with
Op LoadFromFV SetupUtilityApp
Op Exec
So the Finall SREP_Config.cfg is:
Op Loaded
Op Patch
Op End
Op LoadFromFV
Op Exec
*Note You can't show the AOD menu with this, as it is not even loaded on non HX, cpu, you can force to load, Patching also AoDSetupDxe, but that's a topic for another day.*
You could do the same to show the PBS menu and the Advanced Menu on intel one, if you are lazy you can use the combined one AMD/Intel provided here(I might have forgot to unlock something tbh):