#include #include "entrymenu.h" #include "../common/common.h" #include "../../libs/fatfs/ff.h" #include "../../gfx/gfx.h" #include "fsutils.h" #include "fsactions.h" #include "../utils/utils.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../../mem/heap.h" #include "fsreader.h" #include "../gfx/menu.h" #include "../common/types.h" #include "../../utils/sprintf.h" #include "../script/parser.h" #include "../emmc/emmcoperations.h" #include "../../hid/hid.h" extern char *currentpath; extern char *clipboard; extern u8 clipboardhelper; extern int launch_payload(char *path); int delfile(const char *path, const char *filename){ gfx_clearscreen(); SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_ORANGE); gfx_printf("Are you sure you want to delete:\n%s\n\nPress B to cancel\n", filename); if (gfx_makewaitmenu("Press A to delete", 2)){ f_unlink(path); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); return 0; } else return -1; } void viewbytes(char *path){ FIL in; u8 *print; u32 size; QWORD offset = 0; int res; Inputs *input = hidRead(); while (input->buttons & (KEY_POW | KEY_B)) hidRead(); gfx_clearscreen(); print = malloc (1024); if ((res = f_open(&in, path, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING))){ gfx_errDisplay("viewbytes", res, 1); return; } while (1){ f_lseek(&in, offset * 16); if ((res = f_read(&in, print, 1024 * sizeof(u8), &size))){ gfx_errDisplay("viewbytes", res, 2); return; } gfx_con_setpos(0, 31); gfx_hexdump(offset * 16, print, size * sizeof(u8)); input = hidRead(); if (!(input->buttons)) input = hidWait(); if (input->Ldown && 1024 * sizeof(u8) == size) offset++; if (input->Lup && offset > 0) offset--; if (input->buttons & (KEY_POW | KEY_B)) break; } f_close(&in); free(print); } void copyfile(const char *src_in, const char *outfolder){ char *in, *out, *filename; int res; gfx_clearscreen(); utils_copystring(src_in, &in); utils_copystring(strrchr(in, '/') + 1, &filename); utils_copystring(fsutil_getnextloc(outfolder, filename), &out); gfx_printf("Note:\nTo stop the transfer hold Vol-\n\n%s\nProgress: ", filename); if (!strcmp(in, out)){ gfx_errDisplay("gfxcopy", ERR_SAME_LOC, 1); return; } if (clipboardhelper & OPERATIONMOVE){ if ((res = f_rename(in, out))){ gfx_errDisplay("gfxcopy", res, 2); return; } } else if (clipboardhelper & OPERATIONCOPY) { if (fsact_copy(in, out, COPY_MODE_CANCEL | COPY_MODE_PRINT)) return; } else { gfx_errDisplay("gfxcopy", ERR_EMPTY_CLIPBOARD, 3); return; } free(in); free(out); free(filename); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); } int filemenu(menu_entry file){ int temp; FILINFO attribs; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (fs_menu_file[i].name != NULL) free(fs_menu_file[i].name); utils_copystring(file.name, &fs_menu_file[0].name); fs_menu_file[1].name = malloc(16); fs_menu_file[2].name = malloc(16); for (temp = 4; temp < 8; temp++) if ((file.property & (1 << temp))) break; sprintf(fs_menu_file[1].name, "\nSize: %d %s", file.storage, gfx_file_size_names[temp - 4]); if (f_stat(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), &attribs)) SETBIT(fs_menu_file[2].property, ISHIDE, 1); else { SETBIT(fs_menu_file[2].property, ISHIDE, 0); sprintf(fs_menu_file[2].name, "Attribs: %c%c%c%c", (attribs.fattrib & AM_RDO) ? 'R' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_SYS) ? 'S' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_HID) ? 'H' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_ARC) ? 'A' : '-'); } SETBIT(fs_menu_file[6].property, ISHIDE, !hidConnected()); SETBIT(fs_menu_file[8].property, ISHIDE, !(strstr(file.name, ".bin") != NULL && file.property & ISKB) && strstr(file.name, ".rom") == NULL); SETBIT(fs_menu_file[9].property, ISHIDE, strstr(file.name, ".te") == NULL); SETBIT(fs_menu_file[11].property, ISHIDE, strstr(file.name, ".bis") == NULL); temp = menu_make(fs_menu_file, 12, "-- File Menu --"); switch (temp){ case FILE_COPY: fsreader_writeclipboard(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), OPERATIONCOPY); break; case FILE_MOVE: fsreader_writeclipboard(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), OPERATIONMOVE); break; case FILE_DELETE: delfile(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), file.name); break; case FILE_RENAME:; char *name, *curPath; gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Renaming %s...\n\n", file.name); name = utils_InputText(file.name, 39); if (name == NULL) break; utils_copystring(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), &curPath); temp = f_rename(curPath, fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, name)); free(curPath); free(name); if (temp){ gfx_errDisplay("fileMenu", temp, 0); break; } fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); break; case FILE_PAYLOAD: launch_payload(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name)); break; case FILE_SCRIPT: //ParseScript(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name)); /* gfx_printf(" %kRelease any buttons if held!", COLOR_RED); while (hidRead()->buttons); */ runScript(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name)); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); break; case FILE_HEXVIEW: viewbytes(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name)); break; case FILE_DUMPBIS: gfx_clearscreen(); extract_bis_file(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, file.name), currentpath); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); hidWait(); break; case -1: return -1; } return 0; }