#include #include "entrymenu.h" #include "../common/common.h" #include "../../libs/fatfs/ff.h" #include "../../mem/heap.h" #include "../gfx/menu.h" #include "fsreader.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "fsactions.h" #include "fsutils.h" #include "../../utils/sprintf.h" #include "../utils/utils.h" #include "../../hid/hid.h" extern char *currentpath; extern char *clipboard; extern u8 clipboardhelper; void copyfolder(char *in, char *out){ int res; res = strlen(in); if ((*(in + res - 1) == '/')){ gfx_errDisplay("copyfolder", ERR_FOLDER_ROOT, 1); } else if (strstr(out, in) != NULL){ gfx_errDisplay("copyfolder", ERR_DEST_PART_OF_SRC, 2); } else if (!strcmp(in, out)){ gfx_errDisplay("copyfolder", ERR_SAME_LOC, 3); } else { gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("\nCopying folder, please wait\n"); fsact_copy_recursive(in, out); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); } clipboardhelper = 0; } int foldermenu(){ int res, hidConn; char *name; FILINFO attribs; if (fs_menu_folder[0].name != NULL) free(fs_menu_folder[0].name); fs_menu_folder[0].name = malloc(16); hidConn = hidConnected(); res = strlen(currentpath); SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[3].property, ISHIDE, (*(currentpath + res - 1) == '/')); SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[4].property, ISHIDE, (*(currentpath + res - 1) == '/')); SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[5].property, ISHIDE, (*(currentpath + res - 1) == '/') || !hidConn); SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[6].property, ISHIDE, !hidConn); if (f_stat(currentpath, &attribs)) SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[0].property, ISHIDE, 1); else { SETBIT(fs_menu_folder[0].property, ISHIDE, 0); sprintf(fs_menu_folder[0].name, "Attribs: %c%c%c%c", (attribs.fattrib & AM_RDO) ? 'R' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_SYS) ? 'S' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_HID) ? 'H' : '-', (attribs.fattrib & AM_ARC) ? 'A' : '-'); } res = menu_make(fs_menu_folder, 7, currentpath); switch (res){ case DIR_EXITFOLDER: case -1: return -1; case DIR_COPYFOLDER: fsreader_writeclipboard(currentpath, OPERATIONCOPY | ISDIR); break; case DIR_DELETEFOLDER: gfx_clearscreen(); if (gfx_defaultWaitMenu("Do you want to delete this folder?\nThe entire folder, with all subcontents will be deleted!", 2)){ gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("\nDeleting folder, please wait...\n"); fsact_del_recursive(currentpath); fsreader_writecurpath(fsutil_getprevloc(currentpath)); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); } break; case DIR_RENAME:; char *prevLoc, *dirName; dirName = strrchr(currentpath, '/') + 1; gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Renaming %s...\n\n", dirName); name = utils_InputText(dirName, 39); if (name == NULL) break; utils_copystring(fsutil_getprevloc(currentpath), &prevLoc); res = f_rename(currentpath, fsutil_getnextloc(prevLoc, name)); free(prevLoc); free(name); if (res){ gfx_errDisplay("folderMenu", res, 1); break; } fsreader_writecurpath(fsutil_getprevloc(currentpath)); fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); break; case DIR_CREATE:; gfx_clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Give a name for your new folder\n\n"); name = utils_InputText("New Folder", 39); if (name == NULL) break; res = f_mkdir(fsutil_getnextloc(currentpath, name)); free(name); if (res){ gfx_errDisplay("folderMenu", res, 1); break; } fsreader_readfolder(currentpath); break; } return 0; }