# Copyright (c) 2021 bleck9999 # https://github.com/bleck9999/ts-minifier # Version: e276c417 import argparse import itertools import logging from os import path from string import ascii_letters, digits, hexdigits auto_replace = False verbose = False stdlib = ['if', 'while', 'print', 'println', 'mountsys', 'mountemu', 'readsave', 'exit', 'break', 'dict', 'setpixel', 'readdir', 'copyfile', 'mkdir', 'ncatype', 'pause', 'color', 'menu', 'emu', 'clear', 'timer', 'deldir', 'fsexists', 'delfile', 'copydir', 'movefile', 'payload', 'readfile', 'writefile', 'setpixels', 'printpos', 'emmcread', 'emmcwrite', 'emummcread', 'emummcwrite', 'escapepath', 'combinepath', 'cwd', 'power', 'fuse_patched', 'fuse_hwtype', 'hidread'] class Code: def __init__(self, strings, comments, script): counter = 0 strings_comments = sorted(strings + comments) bound = 0 code = [] for strcom in strings_comments: code.append((bound, strcom[0], script[bound:strcom[0]])) bound = strcom[1] code.append((bound, len(script), script[bound:])) self.sections = sorted(strings_comments + code) self.strings = strings self.comments = comments self.code = code self.varstrs = [] self.rawcode = "".join([x[2] for x in sorted(self.code + self.strings)]) def isidentifier(s: str): for c in s: if c not in (ascii_letters + '_' + digits): return False return True def iswhitespace(s: str): for c in s: if c not in (' ', '\t', '\n'): return False return True def hascomment(s: str): quoted = False for c in range(len(s)): if s[c] == '"': quoted = not quoted if s[c] == '#' and not quoted: return c return None def parser(script: str): comments = [] # [(start, end, content)] strings = [] commented = False quoted = False strstart = -1 commentstart = -1 for c in range(len(script)): if script[c] == '#' and not quoted: commented = True commentstart = c elif (script[c] == '\n' and not quoted) and commented: comments.append((commentstart, c + 1, script[commentstart:c + 1])) commented = False elif script[c] == '"' and not commented: if not quoted: strstart = c quoted = True else: strings.append((strstart, c + 1, script[strstart:c + 1])) quoted = False script = Code(strings, comments, script) # couple notes: # we minify the script a little before parsing, so there is no unnecessary whitespace or comments # we are assuming the input script is valid syntax userobjects = {} usages = {} hexxed = False ismember = False quoted = False strscript = script.rawcode + ' ' # the space will get removed after the second pass of whitespacent, but for now it prevents not detecting the # last identifier in a script (eg if script.rawcode was "a=12" the 12 wouldn't be detected without the trailing ' ') start = len(strscript) + 1 for ch in range(len(strscript)): if (strscript[ch - 1] == '0' and strscript[ch] == 'x') and not quoted: hexxed = True elif isidentifier(strscript[ch]) and not (hexxed or quoted): if start > ch: start = ch else: pass elif hexxed and strscript[ch] not in hexdigits: hexxed = False elif strscript[ch] == '"': quoted = not quoted elif not quoted: if start != len(strscript) + 1 and not ismember: # if we actually had an identifier before this char identifier = strscript[start:ch] # and this isnt a member of anything if identifier in usages: usages[identifier].append(start) elif identifier.isnumeric(): # numbers are legally valid identifiers because fuckyou usages[identifier] = [start] userobjects[identifier] = "INT" elif identifier == "0x": pass elif strscript[ch] == '=' and strscript[ch + 1] != '=': isfunc = strscript[ch + 1] == '{' userobjects[identifier] = "func" if isfunc else "var" usages[identifier] = [start] # declaration is a usage because i cant be arsed else: # not an assignment (or member) but also haven't seen this name before usages[identifier] = [start] # fuck it we are using a fucking list of fucking stdlib functions i just fucking cant im adding tsv3 # to the fucking esolangs wiki have a good day if identifier not in stdlib: userobjects[identifier] = "var" if strscript[ch] == '.': ismember = True elif strscript[ch] == '(': if ismember: if "foreach" == strscript[start:ch]: # array.foreach takes a variable name as an arg (blame meme) for i, string in enumerate(script.strings): if string[0] == ch + (script.comments[-1][1] if script.comments else 0) + 1: script.varstrs.append(string) script.strings.pop(i) break else: ismember = False pass elif strscript[ch] in ')}]': ismember = strscript[ch + 1] == '.' start = len(strscript) + 1 return script, userobjects, usages def minify(script: Code, userobjects, usages): # the space saved by an alias is the amount of characters currently used by calling the function (uses*len(func)) # minus the amount of characters it would take to define an alias (len(alias)+len(func)+2), with the 2 being for the # equals and the whitespace needed for a definition # the same principle also applies to introducing a variable for string literals, though since a literal requires # having "s around it then it's uses*(len(str)+2) - (len(minName)+len(str)+4) # ^ 2 for = and whitespace, 2 for "" # # obviously for a rename you're already defining it so it's just the difference between lengths multiplied by uses short_idents = [x for x in (ascii_letters + '_')] + [x[0] + x[1] for x in itertools.product(ascii_letters + '_', repeat=2)] short_idents.pop(short_idents.index("if")) mcode = script.rawcode aliases = [] logging.info("Renaming user functions and variables" if auto_replace else "Checking user function and variable names") for uo in [x for x in userobjects]: if userobjects[uo] not in ["var", "func"]: continue tmpcode = "" otype = userobjects[uo] uses = len(usages[uo]) uolen = len(uo) if uolen > 1: candidates = short_idents minName = '' if uolen == 2: candidates = short_idents[:53] for i in candidates: if i not in userobjects: minName = i userobjects[minName] = "TRN" break if not minName: logging.info(f"{'Function' if otype == 'func' else 'Variable'} name {uo} could be shortened but " f"no available names found (would save {uses} bytes)") continue # we assume that nobody is insane enough to exhaust all *2,808* 2 character names, # instead that uo is len 2 and all the 1 character names are in use (because of that we dont multiply # uses by anything as multiplying by a difference of 1 would be redundant) if not auto_replace: logging.warning( f"{'Function' if otype == 'func' else 'Variable'} name {uo} could be shortened ({uo}->{minName}, " f"would save {uses * (uolen - len(minName))} bytes)") continue else: logging.info(f"Renaming {'Function' if otype == 'func' else 'Variable'} {uo} to {minName} " f"(saving {uses * (uolen - len(minName))} bytes)") diff = uolen - len(minName) # the foreach syntax is literally the worst part of ts if otype == "var": struo = f'"{uo}"' for varstr in script.varstrs: if varstr[2] == struo: logging.info(f"Replacing declaration of {varstr[2]} at {varstr[0]}-{varstr[1]}") start = varstr[0] - (script.comments[-1][1] if script.comments else 0) end = varstr[1] - (script.comments[-1][1] if script.comments else 0) newend = start + len(minName) mcode = mcode[:newend] + f'{minName}"' + (' ' * diff) + mcode[end:] # rather than just blindly str.replace()ing we're going to actually use the character indices that we stored prev = 0 for bound in usages[uo]: tmpcode += mcode[prev:bound] + minName + ' ' * diff prev = bound + diff + len(minName) # actually shut up about "bound might be referenced before assignment" or show me what possible # execution path that could lead to usages[uo] being an empty list mcode = tmpcode + mcode[bound + diff + len(minName):] logging.info("Aliasing standard library functions" if auto_replace else "Checking for standard library aliases") for func in usages: tmpcode = "" candidates = short_idents minName = '' savings = 0 uses = len(usages[func]) if func in userobjects or uses < 2: # we only want stdlib functions used more than once continue elif func == "if": candidates = short_idents[:53] savings = uses * 2 - 5 # the 5 is how many characters an alias declaration would use (a=if) for i in candidates: if i not in userobjects: minName = i break # once again we assume it's only `if` that could trigger this message # 4 is the minimum amount of uses needed to save space, 1*(uses - 4) is the space it would save if not minName and uses > 4: logging.info(f"Standard library function {func} could be aliased but no available names found " f"(would save {uses - 4} bytes)") else: if not savings: savings = uses * len(func) - (len(func) + len(minName) + 2) if savings > 0: userobjects[minName] = "TRP" if auto_replace: logging.info(f"Aliasing standard library function {func} to {minName} (saving {savings} bytes)") diff = len(func) - len(minName) prev = 0 for bound in usages[func]: tmpcode += mcode[prev:bound] + minName + ' ' * diff prev = bound + diff + len(minName) mcode = tmpcode + mcode[bound + diff + len(minName):] aliases.append(f"{minName}={func} ") else: logging.warning(f"Not aliasing standard library function {func} (would save {savings} bytes)") else: logging.info(f"Not aliasing standard library function {func} (would save {savings} bytes)") str_reuse = {} for string in script.strings: if string[2] in str_reuse: str_reuse[string[2]].append(string[0]) else: str_reuse[string[2]] = [string[0]] logging.info("Introducing variables for reused literals" if auto_replace else "Checking for reused literals") for string in str_reuse: tmpcode = "" candidates = short_idents minName = "" uses = len(str_reuse[string]) if uses > 1: if len(string) == 2: candidates = short_idents[:53] for i in candidates: if i not in userobjects: minName = i break if not minName: savings = len(string) * uses - (len(string) + 5) # 5 comes from id="{string}" logging.info(f"Could introduce variable for reused string {string} but no available names found " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") continue # the quotation marks are included in string savings = uses * len(string) - (len(string) + len(minName) + 2) if savings > 0: userobjects[minName] = "TIV" if auto_replace: # "duplicated code fragment" do i look like i give a shit logging.info(f"Introducing variable {minName} with value {string} (saving {savings} bytes)") diff = len(string) - len(minName) prev = 0 for bound in str_reuse[string]: bound -= script.comments[-1][1] if script.comments else 0 tmpcode += mcode[prev:bound] + minName + ' ' * diff prev = bound + diff + len(minName) mcode = tmpcode + mcode[bound + diff + len(minName):] aliases.append(f"{minName}={string}") else: logging.warning(f"Not introducing variable for string {string} reused {uses} times " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") else: logging.info(f"Not introducing variable for string {string} reused {uses} times " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") else: logging.info(f"Not introducing variable for string {string} (only used once)") for uint in [x for x in userobjects]: if userobjects[uint] != "INT" or len(uint) < 2: continue candidates = short_idents uses = len(usages[uint]) uilen = len(uint) minName = "" tmpcode = "" if uses > 1: if uilen == 2: candidates = short_idents[:53] for i in candidates: if i not in userobjects: minName = i break if not minName: # yet another case of "nobody could possibly use up all the 2 char names we hope" savings = uilen * uses - (uilen + 4) # 4 comes from id={uint} logging.info(f"Could introduce variable for reused integer {uint} but no available names found " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") continue savings = uilen * uses - (uilen + len(minName) + 2) if savings > 0: userobjects[minName] = "TIV" if auto_replace: logging.info(f"Introducing variable {minName} with value {uint} (saving {savings} bytes)") diff = len(uint) - len(minName) prev = 0 for bound in usages[uint]: tmpcode += mcode[prev:bound] + minName + ' ' * diff prev = bound + diff + len(minName) mcode = tmpcode + mcode[bound + diff + len(minName):] aliases.append(f"{minName}={uint} ") else: logging.warning(f"Not introducing variable for string {uint} reused {uses} times " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") else: logging.info(f"Not introducing variable for string {uint} reused {uses} times " f"(would save {savings} bytes)") else: logging.info(f"Not introducing variable for int {uint} (only used once)") logging.info("Reintroducing REQUIREs") mcode = "".join([x[2] for x in script.comments]) + "".join(aliases) + mcode return mcode def whitespacent(script: str): # also removes unneeded comments and pushes REQUIREs to the top of the file requires = "" mcode = "" for line in script.split(sep='\n'): start = hascomment(line) if start is None: start = -1 if "REQUIRE " in line[start:]: requires += line[start:] + '\n' # leave REQUIREs unmodified # comments are terminated by a newline so we need to add one back in # *deep breath* # slicing is exclusive on the right side of the colon so the "no comment" value of start=-1 would cut off # the last character of the line which would lead to several issues # however this is desirable when there *is* a comment, since it being exclusive means there isn't a trailing # # and if you're wondering about the above check that uses line[start:] this doesn't matter, # one character cant contain an 8 character substring so it's not like it'll ever false positive if start != -1: line = line[:start] line = line.split(sep='"') if len(line) % 2 == 0: raise Exception("Unmatched quote or hard newline in string") part = 0 while part < len(line): # all the odd numbered indexes should be inside quotes if part % 2 == 0: if line[part] and not iswhitespace(line[part]): # turn lots of whitespace into one whitespace with one easy trick! mcode += ' '.join(line[part].split()) + ' ' else: mcode += f'"{line[part]}"' part += 1 # tsv3 is still an absolute nightmare # so spaces should be preserved under two situations # 1. the subtraction operator which requires space between the right operand but only if the right operand is a literal # 2. between 2 characters that are valid identifiers (aA-zZ, _ or integers) inquote = False mmcode = "" index = 0 newline = list(mcode) while index < (len(mcode) - 3): sec = mcode[index:index + 3] if sec[1] == '"': inquote = not inquote if (sec[1] == ' ') and not inquote: if (isidentifier(sec[0]) or sec[0].isnumeric()) and (isidentifier(sec[2]) or sec[2].isnumeric()): pass elif sec[0] == '-' and sec[2].isnumeric(): pass else: newline[index + 1] = '' index += 1 mmcode += ''.join(newline).strip() return requires + mmcode.strip().replace('\n', ' ') if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Minify tsv3 scripts, useful for embedding", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) argparser.add_argument("source", type=str, nargs='+', help="source files to minify") argparser.add_argument("-d", type=str, nargs='?', help="destination folder for minified scripts" "\ndefault: .", default='.') argparser.add_argument("--auto-replace", action="store_true", default=False, help="automatically replace reused functions, variables and strings instead of just warning\n" "and attempt to generate shorter names for reused variables \ndefault: false") argparser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", default=False, help="prints even more information to the console than usual") argparser.add_argument("--such-meme", action="store_true", default=False, help="replaces destination file if it already exists \ndefault: false") args = argparser.parse_args() files = args.source dest = args.d auto_replace = args.auto_replace verbose = "INFO" if args.v else "WARNING" logging.basicConfig(level=verbose, format="{message}", style='{') print(f"Automatic replacement: {'ENABLED' if auto_replace else 'DISABLED'}") for file in files: print(f"\nMinifying {file}") with open(file, 'r') as f: logging.info("Stripping comments and whitespace (pass 1)") r = whitespacent(f.read()) logging.info("Parsing file") r = parser(r) logging.info("Searching for optimisations") r = minify(r[0], r[1], r[2]) logging.info("Stripping whitespace (pass 2)") r = whitespacent(r) file = path.splitext(path.basename(file))[0] if path.exists(path.join(dest, f"{file}.te")) and not args.such_meme: f = open(path.join(dest, f"{file}_min.te"), 'w') else: f = open(path.join(dest, f"{file}.te"), 'w') logging.info(f"Writing to {f.name}") f.write(r) print("Done!") f.close()