#include "lexer.h" #include "types.h" #include "args.h" #include static inline int isValidWord(char c) { char r = c | 0x20; return ((r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') || c == '_'); } static inline int isValidNum(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } static inline int isValidVar(char c) { return (isValidWord(c) || isValidNum(c)); } static inline int isValidHexNum(char c) { char r = c | 0x20; return (isValidNum(r) || (r >= 'a' && r <= 'f')); } #define makeLexarToken(token, var) ((lexarToken_t) {token, var}) typedef struct { u8 tokenC; u8 tokenN; } lexarTranslation_t; lexarTranslation_t lexarTranslations[] = { {'}', RCBracket}, {',', Seperator}, {'+', Plus}, {'-', Minus}, {'*', Multiply}, {'/', Division}, {'%', Mod}, {'<', Smaller}, {'>', Bigger}, {'!', Not}, {':', Selector}, {')', RBracket}, {']', RSBracket}, {'(', LBracket}, {'{', LCBracket}, {'=', Equal}, {'[', LSBracket}, {'\0', 0}, }; /* Should we make vars with next char being '(' a function and vars with an equals (or [x] wait how are we gonna spot that) after it to be an assignmentVar */ char lexarDebugGetTokenC(u8 tokenN) { for (int i = 0; lexarTranslations[i].tokenC; i++) { if (lexarTranslations[i].tokenN == tokenN) { return lexarTranslations[i].tokenC; } } if (tokenN == EquationSeperator) return ';'; return '?'; } /* * !! we need to remake this void lexarVectorClear(lexarVector_t* vec) { for (int i = 0; i < vec->stored; i++) { if (vec->tokens[i].token == Variable || vec->tokens[i].token == StrLit) if (vec->tokens[i].text != NULL) free(vec->tokens[i].text); } free(vec->tokens); } */ void lexarVectorClear(Vector_t *v){ vecPDefArray(lexarToken_t*, entries, v); for (int i = 0; i < v->count; i++){ if (entries[i].token != IntLit && entries[i].text != NULL){ free(entries[i].text); } } vecFreePtr(v); } #define ELIFC(c) else if (*in == c) Vector_t runLexar(const char* in, u32 len) { const char *start = in; Vector_t vec = newVec(sizeof(lexarToken_t), 16); // store last var for re-assignment // var -> func if next obj is '(' // var -> assignment if next obj is '=' // var -> arrassignment if next obj is '[' and before '=' is ']' // maybe measure len between ( ) and [ ], so this doesn't have to be done during runtime? // We also have to support (()). maybe if '(' set indent level, then if ')' minus indent level, set len. indent level contains {u8 level, u16 token, u16 startoffset} while ((in - start) < len) { lexarToken_t* lx = vecGetArray(lexarToken_t*, vec); if ((lx[vec.count - 2].token == StrLit || lx[vec.count - 2].token == IntLit || lx[vec.count - 2].token == Variable || lx[vec.count - 2].token == RSBracket || lx[vec.count - 2].token == RBracket) && (lx[vec.count - 1].token == Variable || lx[vec.count - 1].token == LCBracket || lx[vec.count - 1].token == RCBracket)) { lexarToken_t holder = lx[vec.count - 1]; lx[vec.count - 1] = makeLexarToken(EquationSeperator, 0); vecAddElement(&vec, holder); lx = vecGetArray(lexarToken_t*, vec); } if (isValidWord(*in)) { char* startWord = in; in++; while (isValidVar(*in)) in++; vecAddElement(&vec, (makeLexarToken(Variable, utils_copyStringSize(startWord, in - startWord)))); continue; } else if (isValidNum(*in) || (*in == '-' && isValidNum(in[1]))) { int parse = 0; u8 negative = (*in == '-'); if (negative) in++; if (*in == '0' && (in[1] | 0x20) == 'x') { in += 2; while (isValidHexNum(*in)) { parse = parse * 16 + (*in & 0x0F) + (*in >= 'A' ? 9 : 0); in++; } } else while (isValidNum(*in)) { parse = parse * 10 + *in++ - '0'; } if (negative) parse *= -1; vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(IntLit, parse)); continue; } ELIFC('(') { if (lx[vec.count - 1].token == Variable) lx[vec.count - 1].token = Function; vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(LBracket, 0)); } ELIFC('[') { if (lx[vec.count - 1].token == Variable) lx[vec.count - 1].token = ArrayVariable; vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(LSBracket, 0)); } ELIFC('=') { // Do we need to keep = if the vars are assignments anyway? if (lx[vec.count - 1].token == Variable) lx[vec.count - 1].token = VariableAssignment; else if (lx[vec.count - 1].token == RSBracket) { int back = 1; while (lx[vec.count - back].token != ArrayVariable) { back++; if (vec.count - back < 0) break; // major error } if (lx[vec.count - back].token == ArrayVariable) { lx[vec.count - back].token = ArrayVariableAssignment; } } } ELIFC('{') { if (lx[vec.count - 1].token == VariableAssignment) { lx[vec.count - 1].token = FunctionAssignment; } vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(LCBracket, 0)); } ELIFC('"') { char* startStr = ++in; int len = 0; while (*in != '"') { in++; } len = in - startStr; char* storage = malloc(len + 1); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (startStr[i] == '\\') { if (startStr[i + 1] == 'n') { storage[pos++] = '\n'; i++; continue; } if (startStr[i + 1] == 'r') { storage[pos++] = '\r'; i++; continue; } } storage[pos++] = startStr[i]; } storage[pos] = '\0'; vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(StrLit, storage)); } ELIFC('#') { while (*in != '\n') in++; } ELIFC('&') { if (in[1] == '&') { vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(LogicAND, 0)); in++; } else { vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(AND, 0)); } } ELIFC('|') { if (in[1] == '|') { vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(LogicOR, 0)); in++; } else { vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(OR, 0)); } } else { int val = 0; for (int i = 0; lexarTranslations[i].tokenC; i++) { if (lexarTranslations[i].tokenC == *in) { val = lexarTranslations[i].tokenN; break; } } in++; if (*in == '=' && val >= Smaller && val <= Not) { val++; in++; } if (val != Invalid) vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(val, 0)); continue; } in++; } lexarToken_t* lx = vecGetArray(lexarToken_t*, vec); if ((lx[vec.count - 2].token == StrLit || lx[vec.count - 2].token == IntLit || lx[vec.count - 2].token == Variable || lx[vec.count - 2].token == RSBracket || lx[vec.count - 2].token == RBracket) && (lx[vec.count - 1].token == Variable || lx[vec.count - 1].token == LCBracket || lx[vec.count - 1].token == RCBracket)) { lexarToken_t holder = lx[vec.count - 1]; lx[vec.count - 1] = makeLexarToken(EquationSeperator, 0); vecAddElement(&vec, holder); } vecAddElement(&vec, makeLexarToken(EquationSeperator, 0)); return vec; }