#include #include #include "te.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "../utils/util.h" #include "tools.h" #include "fs.h" #include "../utils/btn.h" #include "emmc.h" extern bool sd_mount(); extern void sd_unmount(); extern int launch_payload(char *path); bool sd_mounted; menu_item mainmenu[MAINMENU_AMOUNT] = { {"[SD:/] SD CARD", COLOR_GREEN, SD_CARD, 1}, {"[SYSTEM:/] EMMC", COLOR_GREEN, EMMC_SYS, 1}, {"\nMount/Unmount SD", COLOR_WHITE, MOUNT_SD, 1}, {"Tools", COLOR_VIOLET, TOOLS, 1}, {"SD format", COLOR_VIOLET, SD_FORMAT, 1}, {"\nCredits", COLOR_WHITE, CREDITS, 1}, {"Exit", COLOR_WHITE, EXIT, 1} }; menu_item shutdownmenu[7] = { {"-- EXIT --\n", COLOR_ORANGE, -1, 0}, {"Back", COLOR_WHITE, -1, 1}, {"\nReboot to RCM", COLOR_VIOLET, REBOOT_RCM, 1}, {"Reboot normally", COLOR_ORANGE, REBOOT_NORMAL, 1}, {"Power off\n", COLOR_BLUE, POWER_OFF, 1}, {"Reboot to Hekate", COLOR_GREEN, HEKATE, -1}, {"Reboot to Atmosphere", COLOR_GREEN, AMS, -1} }; menu_item toolsmenu[5] = { {"-- TOOLS --\n", COLOR_VIOLET, -1, 0}, {"Back", COLOR_WHITE, -1, 1}, {"\nDisplay Console Info", COLOR_GREEN, DISPLAY_INFO, 1}, {"Display GPIO pins", COLOR_VIOLET, DISPLAY_GPIO, 1}, {"Dump Firmware", COLOR_BLUE, DUMPFIRMWARE, 1} }; menu_item formatmenu[4] = { {"-- FORMAT SD --\n", COLOR_RED, -1, 0}, {"Back\n", COLOR_WHITE, -1, 1}, {"Format to FAT32", COLOR_RED, FORMAT_ALL_FAT32, 1}, {"Format for EmuMMC setup", COLOR_RED, FORMAT_EMUMMC, 1} }; void fillmainmenu(){ int i; for (i = 0; i < MAINMENU_AMOUNT; i++){ switch (i + 1) { case 1: if (sd_mounted) mainmenu[i].property = 1; else mainmenu[i].property = -1; break; case 3: if (sd_mounted){ mainmenu[i].property = 2; strcpy(mainmenu[i].name, "\nUnmount SD"); } else { mainmenu[i].property = 1; strcpy(mainmenu[i].name, "\nMount SD"); } break; case 5: if (sd_mounted) mainmenu[i].property = 1; else mainmenu[i].property = -1; break; } } } void te_main(){ int res; dump_biskeys(); mount_emmc("SYSTEM", 2); sd_mounted = sd_mount(); while (1){ fillmainmenu(); res = makemenu(mainmenu, MAINMENU_AMOUNT); switch(res){ case SD_CARD: filemenu("SD:/"); break; case EMMC_SYS: if (makewaitmenu("You're about to enter EMMC\nModifying anything here\n can result in a BRICK!\n\nPlease only continue\n if you know what you're doing\n\nPress Vol+/- to return\n", "Press Power to enter", 4)) filemenu("emmc:/"); break; /* case EMMC_USR: mount_emmc("USER", 2); filemenu("emmc:/"); break; */ case MOUNT_SD: if (sd_mounted){ sd_mounted = false; sd_unmount(); } else sd_mounted = sd_mount(); break; case TOOLS: res = makemenu(toolsmenu, 5); switch(res){ case DISPLAY_INFO: displayinfo(); break; case DISPLAY_GPIO: displaygpio(); break; case DUMPFIRMWARE: dumpfirmware(); break; } break; case SD_FORMAT: res = makemenu(formatmenu, 4); switch(res){ case FORMAT_ALL_FAT32: if (makewaitmenu("Are you sure you want to format your sd?\nThis action is irreversible!\n\nPress Vol+/- to cancel\n", "Press Power to continue", 10)) format(1); break; case FORMAT_EMUMMC: if (makewaitmenu("Are you sure you want to format your sd?\nThis action is irreversible!\n\nPress Vol+/- to cancel\n", "Press Power to continue", 10)) format(0); break; } break; case CREDITS: message(CREDITS_MESSAGE, COLOR_WHITE); break; case EXIT: if (sd_mounted){ if (checkfile("/bootloader/update.bin")) shutdownmenu[5].property = 1; else shutdownmenu[5].property = -1; if (checkfile("/atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin")) shutdownmenu[6].property = 1; else shutdownmenu[6].property = -1; } else { shutdownmenu[5].property = -1; shutdownmenu[6].property = -1; } res = makemenu(shutdownmenu, 7); switch(res){ case REBOOT_RCM: reboot_rcm(); case REBOOT_NORMAL: reboot_normal(); case POWER_OFF: power_off(); case HEKATE: launch_payload("/bootloader/update.bin"); case AMS: launch_payload("/atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin"); } //todo declock bpmp break; } } }