#include "variables.h" #include "types.h" #include #include void freeVariable(Variable_t dv) { if (!dv.free) return; switch (dv.varType) { case StringType: FREE(dv.stringType); break; case StringArrayType:; char** strArray = vecGetArray(char**, dv.vectorType); for (u32 i = 0; i < dv.vectorType.count; i++){ free(strArray[i]); } case IntArrayType: case ByteArrayType: vecFree(dv.vectorType); break; } } void freeVariableVector(Vector_t *v) { Variable_t* vars = vecGetArrayPtr(v, Variable_t*); for (int i = 0; i < v->count; i++) { freeVariable(vars[i]); } vecFreePtr(v); } void freeDictVector(Vector_t *v) { dict_t* dic = vecGetArrayPtr(v, dict_t*); for (int i = 0; i < v->count; i++) { FREE(dic[i].key); freeVariable(dic[i].value); } vecFreePtr(v); } Variable_t* dictVectorFind(Vector_t* v, const char* key) { dict_t* dic = vecGetArrayPtr(v, dict_t*); for (int i = 0; i < v->count; i++) { if (!strcmp(dic[i].key, key)) return &dic[i].value; } return NULL; } void dictVectorAdd(Vector_t* v, dict_t add) { if (add.key == NULL) return; Variable_t* var = dictVectorFind(v, add.key); if (var != NULL) { if ((var->varType >= StringType && var->varType <= ByteArrayType && var->varType == add.value.varType) && (add.value.stringType == var->stringType || add.value.vectorType.data == var->vectorType.data)) return; freeVariable(*var); *var = add.value; free(add.key); return; } else { vecAddElement(v, add); } } scriptCtx_t createScriptCtx() { scriptCtx_t s = { .indentInstructors = newVec(sizeof(indentInstructor_t), 64), .varDict = newVec(sizeof(dict_t), 8), .startEquation = 0, .curPos = 0 }; return s; } // We should rewrite this to actually use the vector! u8 setIndentInstruction(scriptCtx_t* ctx, u8 level, u8 skip, u8 func, int jumpLoc) { if (level >= 64) return 1; indentInstructor_t* instructors = vecGetArray(indentInstructor_t*, ctx->indentInstructors); indentInstructor_t* instructor = &instructors[level]; instructor->skip = skip; instructor->active = 1; instructor->function = func; instructor->jump = (jumpLoc >= 0) ? 1 : 0; instructor->jumpLoc = jumpLoc; return 0; } indentInstructor_t* getCurIndentInstruction(scriptCtx_t* ctx) { indentInstructor_t* instructors = vecGetArray(indentInstructor_t*, ctx->indentInstructors); return &instructors[ctx->indentIndex]; }