#include "gfxutils.h" #include #include #include "menu.h" #include "../../gfx/gfx.h" #include "../../power/max17050.h" #include "../../utils/btn.h" #include "../../utils/util.h" #include "../../mem/heap.h" #include "../common/common.h" #include "../../hid/hid.h" int printerrors = true; void gfx_clearscreen(){ int battery = 0; max17050_get_property(MAX17050_RepSOC, &battery); gfx_clear_grey(0x1B); SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_DEFAULT); SWAPBGCOLOR(COLOR_WHITE); gfx_boxGrey(0, 703, 1279, 719, 0xFF); gfx_boxGrey(0, 0, 1279, 15, 0xFF); gfx_con_setpos(0, 0); gfx_printf("Tegraexplorer v1.5.2 | Battery: %3d%%\n", battery >> 8); RESETCOLOR; } u32 gfx_message(u32 color, const char* message, ...){ va_list ap; va_start(ap, message); gfx_clearscreen(); SWAPCOLOR(color); gfx_vprintf(message, ap); va_end(ap); return hidWait()->buttons; } u32 gfx_errDisplay(char *src_func, int err, int loc){ if (!printerrors) return 0; gfx_clearscreen(); SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_ORANGE); gfx_printf("\nAn error occured:\n\n"); gfx_printf("Function: %s\nErrcode: %d\n", src_func, err); if (err < 15) gfx_printf("Desc: %s\n", utils_err_codes[err]); else if (err >= ERR_SAME_LOC && err <= ERR_NO_DESTINATION) gfx_printf("Desc: %s\n", utils_err_codes_te[err - 50]); if (loc) gfx_printf("Loc: %d\n", loc); gfx_printf("\nPress any button to return"); RESETCOLOR; return hidWait()->buttons; } int gfx_makewaitmenu(char *hiddenmessage, int timer){ u32 start = get_tmr_s(); Inputs *input = NULL; while(1){ input = hidRead(); if (input->buttons & (KEY_VOLM | KEY_VOLP | KEY_B)) return 0; if (start + timer > get_tmr_s()) gfx_printf("\r ", timer + start - get_tmr_s()); else if (input->a) return 1; else gfx_printf("\r%s", hiddenmessage); } } void gfx_printlength(int size, char *toprint){ char *temp; temp = (char*) malloc (size + 1); if (strlen(toprint) > size){ strlcpy(temp, toprint, size); memset(temp + size - 3, '.', 3); memset(temp + size, '\0', 1); } else strcpy(temp, toprint); gfx_printf("%s", temp); free(temp); } void gfx_printandclear(char *in, int length, int endX){ u32 x, y; gfx_printlength(length, in); gfx_con_getpos(&x, &y); RESETCOLOR; /* for (int i = (703 - x) / 16; i > 0; i--) gfx_printf(" "); */ gfx_boxGrey(x, y, endX, y + 15, 0x1B); gfx_con_setpos(x, y); //gfx_box(x, y, 719, y + 16, COLOR_DEFAULT); /* u8 color = 0x1B; gfx_set_rect_grey(&color, 719 - x, 16, x, y); */ } void gfx_printfilesize(int size, char *type){ SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_VIOLET); gfx_printf("\a%4d\e%s", size, type); RESETCOLOR; } static u32 sideY = 0; void _gfx_sideSetYAuto(){ u32 getX, getY; gfx_con_getpos(&getX, &getY); sideY = getY; } void gfx_sideSetY(u32 setY){ sideY = setY; } u32 gfx_sideGetY(){ return sideY; } void gfx_sideprintf(char* message, ...){ va_list ap; va_start(ap, message); gfx_con_setpos(800, sideY); gfx_vprintf(message, ap); _gfx_sideSetYAuto(); va_end(ap); } void gfx_sideprintandclear(char* message, int length){ gfx_con_setpos(800, sideY); gfx_printandclear(message, length, 1279); gfx_putc('\n'); _gfx_sideSetYAuto(); } void gfx_drawScrollBar(int minView, int maxView, int count){ int curScrollCount = 1 + maxView - minView; if (curScrollCount >= count) return; u32 barSize = (703 * (curScrollCount * 1000 / count)) / 1000; u32 offsetSize = (703 * (minView * 1000 / count)) / 1000; gfx_boxGrey(740, 16, 755, 702, 0x1B); if ((16 + barSize + offsetSize) > 702) gfx_boxGrey(740, 16 + offsetSize, 755, 702, 0x66); else gfx_boxGrey(740, 16 + offsetSize, 755, 16 + barSize + offsetSize, 0x66); } int gfx_defaultWaitMenu(char *message, int time){ gfx_clearscreen(); SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_ORANGE); gfx_printf("\n%s\n\nPress B to return\n", message); SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_RED); return gfx_makewaitmenu("Press A to continue", time); }