#include #include "utils.h" #include "../common/common.h" #include "../gfx/menu.h" #include "../../storage/emummc.h" #include "../../mem/heap.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../../hid/hid.h" /* #include "../../utils/util.h" #include "../../utils/sprintf.h" #include "../../libs/fatfs/ff.h" #include "../fs/fsutils.h" */ int utils_mmcMenu(){ if (emu_cfg.enabled) return menu_make(utils_mmcChoice, 3, "-- Choose MMC --"); else return SYSMMC; } void utils_copystring(const char *in, char **out){ int len = strlen(in) + 1; *out = (char *) malloc (len); strcpy(*out, in); } /* void utils_takeScreenshot(){ char *name, *path; char basepath[] = "sd:/tegraexplorer/screenshots"; name = malloc(35); sprintf(name, "Screenshot_%d", get_tmr_s()); f_mkdir("sd:/tegraexplorer"); f_mkdir(basepath); path = fsutil_getnextloc(basepath, name); } */ char *utils_InputText(char *start, int maxLen){ int offset = -1, currentPos = 0, len; char temp; Inputs *input = hidRead(); u32 x, y; gfx_printf("Add characters by pressing X\nRemove characters by pressing Y\nJoysticks for movement\nB to cancel, A to accept\n\n"); gfx_con_getpos(&x, &y); if (strlen(start) > maxLen) return NULL; char *buff; buff = calloc(maxLen + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(buff, start); while (1){ offset = -1; gfx_con_setpos(x, y); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if (offset != 0){ SWAPCOLOR(0xFF666666); gfx_con.fntsz = 8; } else { SWAPCOLOR(COLOR_WHITE); gfx_con.fntsz = 16; } for (int x = 0; x < strlen(buff); x++){ if (offset == 0 && x == currentPos){ gfx_printf("%k%c%k", COLOR_GREEN, buff[x], COLOR_WHITE); } else { temp = buff[x] + offset; if (!(temp >= 32 && temp <= 126)) temp = ' '; gfx_putc(temp); } if (offset != 0) gfx_puts(" "); else gfx_putc(' '); } gfx_putc('\n'); offset++; } if (input->buttons & (KEY_RDOWN | KEY_RUP)) hidRead(); else hidWait(); len = strlen(buff); if (input->buttons & (KEY_A | KEY_B)) break; if (input->buttons & (KEY_LDOWN | KEY_RDOWN) && buff[currentPos] < 126){ temp = ++buff[currentPos]; while (strchr("\\\"*/:<=>?|+;=[]", temp) != NULL) temp = ++buff[currentPos]; } if (input->buttons & (KEY_LUP | KEY_RUP) && buff[currentPos] > 32){ temp = --buff[currentPos]; while (strchr("\\\"*/:<=>?|+;=[]", temp) != NULL) temp = --buff[currentPos]; } if (input->Lleft && currentPos > 0) currentPos--; if (input->Lright && currentPos < len - 1) currentPos++; if (input->x && maxLen > len){ buff[len] = '.'; buff[len + 1] = '\0'; } if (input->y && len > 1){ buff[len - 1] = '\0'; if (currentPos == len - 1){ currentPos--; } gfx_boxGrey(0, y, 1279, y + 48, 0x1B); } } gfx_con.fntsz = 16; if (input->b){ free(buff); return NULL; } return buff; }