#include "emmcfile.h" #include "../gfx/gfx.h" #include "emummc.h" #include "mountmanager.h" #include #include "nx_emmc.h" #include #include "../err.h" #include "../tegraexplorer/tconf.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../hid/hid.h" #include #include #include "../fs/fsutils.h" // Uses default storage in nx_emmc.c // Expects the correct mmc & partition to be set ErrCode_t EmmcDumpToFile(const char *path, u32 lba_start, u32 lba_end, u8 force){ FIL fp; u32 curLba = lba_start; u32 totalSectors = lba_end - lba_start + 1; if (FileExists(path) && !force){ return newErrCode(TE_WARN_FILE_EXISTS); } int res = f_open(&fp, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); if (res){ return newErrCode(res); } ErrCode_t err = newErrCode(0); u8 *buff = malloc(TConf.FSBuffSize); if (!buff) return newErrCode(TE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL); u32 x, y; gfx_con_getpos(&x, &y); while (totalSectors > 0){ u32 num = MIN(totalSectors, TConf.FSBuffSize / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE); if (!emummc_storage_read(&emmc_storage, curLba, num, buff)){ err = newErrCode(TE_ERR_EMMC_READ_FAIL); break; } if ((res = f_write(&fp, buff, num * NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, NULL))){ err = newErrCode(res); break; } curLba += num; totalSectors -= num; u32 percent = ((curLba - lba_start) * 100) / ((lba_end - lba_start + 1)); gfx_printf("[%3d%%]", percent); gfx_con_setpos(x, y); } f_close(&fp); free(buff); return err; } ErrCode_t EmmcRestoreFromFile(const char *path, u32 lba_start, u32 lba_end, u8 force){ FIL fp; u32 curLba = lba_start; u32 totalSectorsDest = lba_end - lba_start + 1; int res = f_open(&fp, path, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ); if (res) return newErrCode(res); u64 totalSizeSrc = f_size(&fp); u32 totalSectorsSrc = totalSizeSrc / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE; if (totalSectorsSrc > totalSectorsDest) // We don't close the file here, oh well return newErrCode(TE_ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG_FOR_DEST); if (totalSectorsSrc < totalSectorsDest && !force) return newErrCode(TE_WARN_FILE_TOO_SMALL_FOR_DEST); u8 *buff = malloc(TConf.FSBuffSize); ErrCode_t err = newErrCode(0); if (!buff) return newErrCode(TE_ERR_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL); u32 x, y; gfx_con_getpos(&x, &y); while (totalSectorsSrc > 0){ u32 num = MIN(totalSectorsSrc, TConf.FSBuffSize / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE); if ((res = f_read(&fp, buff, num * NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE, NULL))){ err = newErrCode(res); break; } if (!emummc_storage_write(&emmc_storage, curLba, num, buff)){ err = newErrCode(TE_ERR_EMMC_WRITE_FAIL); break; } curLba += num; totalSectorsSrc -= num; u32 percent = ((curLba - lba_start) * 100) / ((totalSizeSrc / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE)); gfx_printf("[%3d%%]", percent); gfx_con_setpos(x, y); } f_close(&fp); free(buff); return err; } ErrCode_t DumpOrWriteEmmcPart(const char *path, const char *part, u8 write, u8 force){ const u32 BOOT_PART_SIZE = emmc_storage.ext_csd.boot_mult << 17; u32 lba_start = 0; u32 lba_end = 0; if (!sd_mount()) return newErrCode(TE_ERR_NO_SD); if (!memcmp(part, "BOOT0", 5)){ emummc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, 1); lba_end = (BOOT_PART_SIZE / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE) - 1; } else if (!memcmp(part, "BOOT1", 5)){ emummc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, 2); lba_end = (BOOT_PART_SIZE / NX_EMMC_BLOCKSIZE) - 1; } else { emummc_storage_set_mmc_partition(&emmc_storage, 0); emmc_part_t *system_part = nx_emmc_part_find(GetCurGPT(), part); if (!system_part) return newErrCode(TE_ERR_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND); lba_start = system_part->lba_start; lba_end = system_part->lba_end; } return ((write) ? EmmcRestoreFromFile(path, lba_start, lba_end, force) : EmmcDumpToFile(path, lba_start, lba_end, force)); }