#include "foldermenu.h" #include "../../err.h" #include "../../gfx/menu.h" #include "../../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../fsutils.h" #include #include #include #include "../../tegraexplorer/tconf.h" #include "../../hid/hid.h" #include #include "../../utils/utils.h" #include "../../keys/nca.h" #include "../../script/lexer.h" #include "../../script/parser.h" #include "../../script/variables.h" #include #include "../fscopy.h" MenuEntry_t FolderMenuEntries[] = { {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_WHITE) | SKIPBIT, .name = "-- Folder menu --"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_GREEN) | SKIPBIT}, // For the file name and size {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_VIOLET) | SKIPBIT}, // For the file Attribs {.optionUnion = HIDEBIT}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_WHITE), .name = "<- Back"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_BLUE), .name = "\nCopy to clipboard"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_BLUE), .name = "Move to clipboard"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_BLUE), .name = "Rename current folder\n"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_RED), .name = "Delete current folder"}, {.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_GREEN), .name = "\nCreate folder"} }; int UnimplementedFolderException(const char *path){ DrawError(newErrCode(TE_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED)); return 0; } int FolderCopyClipboard(const char *path){ SetCopyParams(path, CMODE_CopyFolder); return 0; } int FolderMoveClipboard(const char *path){ SetCopyParams(path, CMODE_MoveFolder); return 0; } int DeleteFolder(const char *path){ gfx_con_setpos(384 + 16, 200 + 16 + 10 * 16); SETCOLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_DARKGREY); gfx_printf("Are you sure? "); WaitFor(1000); if (MakeYesNoHorzMenu(3, COLOR_DARKGREY)){ gfx_clearscreen(); SETCOLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_DEFAULT); gfx_printf("\nDeleting... "); ErrCode_t err = FolderDelete(path); if (err.err){ DrawError(err); } else return 1; } return 0; } folderMenuPath FolderMenuPaths[] = { FolderCopyClipboard, FolderMoveClipboard, UnimplementedFolderException, DeleteFolder, UnimplementedFolderException }; int FolderMenu(const char *path){ FSEntry_t file = GetFileInfo(path); FolderMenuEntries[1].name = file.name; char attribs[16]; char *attribList = GetFileAttribs(file); sprintf(attribs, "Attribs:%s\n", attribList); free(attribList); FolderMenuEntries[2].name = attribs; // If root, disable all options other than create folder! int isRoot = !strcmp(file.name, "Root"); FolderMenuEntries[2].hide = isRoot; for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++) FolderMenuEntries[i].hide = isRoot; Vector_t ent = vecFromArray(FolderMenuEntries, ARR_LEN(FolderMenuEntries), sizeof(MenuEntry_t)); gfx_boxGrey(384, 200, 384 + 512, 200 + 320, 0x33); gfx_con_setpos(384 + 16, 200 + 16); int res = newMenu(&ent, 0, 30, 19, ENABLEB | ALWAYSREDRAW | USELIGHTGREY, ent.count); if (res <= 4) return 0; return FolderMenuPaths[res - 5](path); }