#include "model.h" #include "compat.h" #include "genericClass.h" #include "eval.h" #include "garbageCollector.h" #include "intClass.h" #include "standardLibrary.h" #include "scriptError.h" #include #include "dictionaryClass.h" #include "StringClass.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include "../storage/mountmanager.h" #include "../keys/keys.h" #include "../fs/readers/folderReader.h" #include "../fs/fscopy.h" #include #include "../keys/nca.h" #include "../hid/hid.h" #include "../gfx/menu.h" #include "../gfx/gfxutils.h" #include "../tegraexplorer/tconf.h" #include "../storage/emummc.h" #include #include "../fs/fsutils.h" #include #include "../storage/emmcfile.h" #include #endif // Takes [int, function]. Returns elseable. ClassFunction(stdIf) { s64 value = getIntValue(args[0]); if (value) { Variable_t* res = genericCallDirect(args[1], NULL, 0); if (res == NULL) return NULL; removePendingReference(res); } Variable_t* ret = newIntVariablePtr(value); ret->variableType = ElseClass; return ret; } // Takes [function, function]. Returns empty. Works by evaling the first function and running the 2nd if true. ClassFunction(stdWhile) { Variable_t* result = eval(args[0]->function.function.operations.data, args[0]->function.function.operations.count, 1); if (result == NULL || result->variableType != IntClass) return NULL; while (result->integer.value) { removePendingReference(result); Variable_t* res = genericCallDirect(args[1], NULL, 0); if (res == NULL) { if (scriptLastError == SCRIPT_BREAK) { break; } else { return NULL; } } removePendingReference(res); result = eval(args[0]->function.function.operations.data, args[0]->function.function.operations.count, 1); if (result == NULL || result->variableType != IntClass) return NULL; } removePendingReference(result); return &emptyClass; } // Takes [???]. Returns empty. Works by calling .print on every argument ClassFunction(stdPrint) { for (int i = 0; i < argsLen; i++) { Variable_t* res = callMemberFunctionDirect(args[i], "print", NULL, 0); if (res == NULL) return NULL; if (i + 1 != argsLen) gfx_putc(' '); } return &emptyClass; } // Takes [???]. Returns empty. Calls stdPrint ClassFunction(stdPrintLn) { stdPrint(caller, args, argsLen); gfx_printf("\n"); return &emptyClass; } // Takes none. Returns none. Returning NULL will cause a cascade of errors and will exit runtime ClassFunction(stdExit) { return NULL; } // Takes none. Returns none. See stdExit. stdWhile and array.foreach look for SCRIPT_BREAK and break when seen. ClassFunction(stdBreak) { scriptLastError = SCRIPT_BREAK; return NULL; } // Takes none. Returns empty dictionary. ClassFunction(stdDict) { Variable_t a = { 0 }; a.variableType = DictionaryClass; a.dictionary.vector = newVec(sizeof(Dict_t), 0); return copyVariableToPtr(a); } #ifndef WIN32 int mountMmc(u8 mmc, char *part){ if (connectMMC(mmc)) return 1; if (mountMMCPart(part).err) return 1; return 0; } // Takes [str]. Returns int (0=success). str=partition to mount ClassFunction(stdMountSysmmc){ return newIntVariablePtr(mountMmc(MMC_CONN_EMMC, args[0]->string.value)); } ClassFunction(stdMountEmummc){ if (!emu_cfg.enabled){ SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("emummc is not enabled"); } return newIntVariablePtr(mountMmc(MMC_CONN_EMUMMC, args[0]->string.value)); } // Takes [str]. Returns int (0=success) str=path to save ClassFunction(stdMountSave){ Variable_t *arg = (*args); Variable_t var = {.variableType = SaveClass}; SaveClass_t* save = calloc(1, sizeof(SaveClass_t)); if (f_open(&save->saveFile, arg->string.value, FA_READ | FA_WRITE)) return NULL; save_init(&save->saveCtx, &save->saveFile, dumpedKeys.save_mac_key, 0); if (!save_process(&save->saveCtx)) return NULL; var.save = save; return copyVariableToPtr(var); } // Takes [int, int, int]. Returns empty. 0: posX, 1: posY, 2: hexColor ClassFunction(stdSetPixel) { u32 color = getIntValue(args[2]); gfx_set_pixel_horz(args[0]->integer.value, args[1]->integer.value, color); return &emptyClass; } ClassFunction(stdSetPixels){ gfx_box(getIntValue(args[0]), getIntValue(args[1]), getIntValue(args[2]), getIntValue(args[3]), (u32)getIntValue(args[4])); return &emptyClass; } ClassFunction(stdSetPrintPos){ if (getIntValue(args[0]) > 0 && getIntValue(args[1]) > 0){ gfx_con_setpos((getIntValue(args[0]) % 78) * 16, (getIntValue(args[1]) % 42) * 16); } return &emptyClass; } // Takes [str]. Returns empty. str: path to dir ClassFunction(stdReadDir){ Variable_t* resPtr = newIntVariablePtr(0); Variable_t ret = {.variableType = DictionaryClass, .dictionary.vector = newVec(sizeof(Dict_t), 4)}; addVariableToDict(&ret, "result", resPtr); Variable_t fileNamesArray = {.variableType = StringArrayClass, .solvedArray.vector = newVec(sizeof(char*), 0)}; Variable_t dirNamesArray = {.variableType = StringArrayClass, .solvedArray.vector = newVec(sizeof(char*), 0)}; Variable_t fileSizeArray = {.variableType = IntArrayClass, .solvedArray.vector = newVec(sizeof(s64), 0)}; DIR dir; if ((resPtr->integer.value = f_opendir(&dir, args[0]->string.value))){ return copyVariableToPtr(ret); } FILINFO fno; while (!(resPtr->integer.value = f_readdir(&dir, &fno)) && fno.fname[0]){ char *name = CpyStr(fno.fname); if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR){ vecAdd(&dirNamesArray.solvedArray.vector, name); } else { vecAdd(&fileNamesArray.solvedArray.vector, name); s64 size = fno.fsize; vecAdd(&fileSizeArray.solvedArray.vector, size); } } f_closedir(&dir); addVariableToDict(&ret, "files", copyVariableToPtr(fileNamesArray)); addVariableToDict(&ret, "folders", copyVariableToPtr(dirNamesArray)); addVariableToDict(&ret, "fileSizes", copyVariableToPtr(fileSizeArray)); return copyVariableToPtr(ret); } char *abxyNames[] = { "y", "x", "b", "a" }; char *ulrdNames[] = { "down", "up", "right", "left", }; char *powNames[] = { "power", "volplus", "volminus", }; Variable_t *hidToVar(u32 raw){ Variable_t ret = {.variableType = DictionaryClass, .dictionary.vector = newVec(sizeof(Dict_t), 9)}; addIntToDict(&ret, "raw", raw); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(abxyNames); i++){ addIntToDict(&ret, abxyNames[i], raw & 0x1); raw >>= 1; } raw >>= 12; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ulrdNames); i++){ addIntToDict(&ret, ulrdNames[i], raw & 0x1); raw >>= 1; } raw >>= 4; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(powNames); i++){ addIntToDict(&ret, powNames[i], raw & 0x1); raw >>= 1; } return copyVariableToPtr(ret); } ClassFunction(stdRead){ Input_t *i = hidRead(); u32 raw = i->buttons; return hidToVar(raw); } // Takes [int]. Returns dict[a,b,x,y,down,up,right,left,power,volplus,volminus,raw]. int: mask for hidWaitMask ClassFunction(stdPauseMask){ Input_t *i = hidWaitMask((u32)getIntValue(*args)); u32 raw = i->buttons; return hidToVar(raw); } // Takes none. Returns dict (same as stdPauseMask). ClassFunction(stdPause){ Variable_t a = {.integer.value = 0xFFFFFFFF}; Variable_t *b = &a; return stdPauseMask(caller, &b, 1); } // Takes [str, str]. Returns int (0=success). 0: src path, 1: dst path ClassFunction(stdFileCopy){ ErrCode_t e = FileCopy(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value, COPY_MODE_PRINT); return newIntVariablePtr(e.err); } ClassFunction(stdMkdir){ return newIntVariablePtr(f_mkdir(args[0]->string.value)); } // Broken???? ClassFunction(stdGetMemUsage){ heap_monitor_t mon; heap_monitor(&mon, false); Dict_t a = {.name = CpyStr("used"), .var = newIntVariablePtr((s64)mon.used)}; Dict_t b = {.name = CpyStr("total"), .var = newIntVariablePtr((s64)mon.total)}; Variable_t ret = {.variableType = DictionaryClass, .dictionary.vector = newVec(sizeof(Dict_t), 2)}; vecAdd(&ret.dictionary.vector, a); vecAdd(&ret.dictionary.vector, b); return copyVariableToPtr(ret); } // Takes [int]. Returns empty. int: hex color ClassFunction(stdColor){ gfx_con_setcol((u32)getIntValue(*args) | 0xFF000000, gfx_con.fillbg, gfx_con.bgcol); return &emptyClass; } // Takes [str]. Returns int. str: path to nca ClassFunction(stdGetNcaType){ int type = GetNcaType(args[0]->string.value); return newIntVariablePtr(type); } // Takes [str[], int, int[]]. Returns int (index). str[]: names of entries, int: starting index, int[]: colors & options. The 3rd argument is optional ClassFunction(stdMenuFull){ if (argsLen > 2){ if (args[2]->solvedArray.vector.count < args[0]->solvedArray.vector.count){ SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("invalid menu args"); } } Vector_t v = newVec(sizeof(MenuEntry_t), args[0]->solvedArray.vector.count); vecDefArray(char**, menuEntryNames, args[0]->solvedArray.vector); vecDefArray(s64*, menuEntryOptions, args[2]->solvedArray.vector); for (int i = 0; i < args[0]->solvedArray.vector.count; i++){ MenuEntry_t a = {.name = menuEntryNames[i]}; if (argsLen > 2){ u32 options = (u32)menuEntryOptions[i]; if (options & BIT(26)){ a.icon = 128; } else if (options & BIT(27)){ a.icon = 127; } a.optionUnion = options; } else { a.optionUnion = COLORTORGB(COLOR_WHITE); } vecAdd(&v, a); } u32 x=0,y=0; gfx_con_getpos(&x,&y); int res = newMenu(&v, getIntValue(args[1]), ScreenDefaultLenX - ((x + 1) / 16), 40 - ((y + 1) / 16) - 1, ENABLEB | ALWAYSREDRAW, 0); vecFree(v); return newIntVariablePtr(res); } ClassFunction(stdHasEmu){ return newIntVariablePtr(emu_cfg.enabled); } ClassFunction(stdClear){ gfx_clearscreen(); return &emptyClass; } ClassFunction(stdRmDir){ return newIntVariablePtr(FolderDelete(args[0]->string.value).err); } ClassFunction(stdGetMs){ return newIntVariablePtr(get_tmr_ms()); } ClassFunction(stdFileExists){ return newIntVariablePtr(FileExists(args[0]->string.value)); } ClassFunction(stdFileDel){ return newIntVariablePtr(f_unlink(args[0]->string.value)); } ClassFunction(stdCopyDir){ return newIntVariablePtr(FolderCopy(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value).err); } ClassFunction(stdFileMove){ return newIntVariablePtr(f_rename(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value)); } ClassFunction(stdFileRead){ u32 fSize = 0; u8 *buff = sd_file_read(args[0]->string.value, &fSize); if (buff == NULL){ SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("Failed to read file"); } Vector_t vec = vecFromArray(buff, fSize, sizeof(u8)); Variable_t v = {.variableType = ByteArrayClass, .solvedArray.vector = vec}; return copyVariableToPtr(v); } ClassFunction(stdFileReadSize) { u32 fSize = 0; u8* buff = sd_file_read(args[0]->string.value, &fSize); if (buff == NULL) { SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("Failed to read file"); } return newIntVariablePtr(fSize); } ClassFunction(stdFileWrite){ return newIntVariablePtr(sd_save_to_file(args[1]->solvedArray.vector.data, args[1]->solvedArray.vector.count, args[0]->string.value)); } extern int launch_payload(char *path); ClassFunction(stdLaunchPayload){ return newIntVariablePtr(launch_payload(args[0]->string.value)); } int emmcFile(char *sdFile, char *sysPart, u8 mmc, u8 write){ if (!emu_cfg.enabled && mmc == MMC_CONN_EMUMMC){ return 1; } if (connectMMC(mmc)) return 1; return DumpOrWriteEmmcPart(sdFile, sysPart, write, 1).err; } ClassFunction(stdEmmcFileRead){ return newIntVariablePtr(emmcFile(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value, MMC_CONN_EMMC, 0)); } ClassFunction(stdEmmcFileWrite){ return newIntVariablePtr(emmcFile(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value, MMC_CONN_EMMC, 1)); } ClassFunction(stdEmummcFileRead){ return newIntVariablePtr(emmcFile(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value, MMC_CONN_EMUMMC, 0)); } ClassFunction(stdEmummcFileWrite){ return newIntVariablePtr(emmcFile(args[0]->string.value, args[1]->string.value, MMC_CONN_EMUMMC, 1)); } ClassFunction(stdCombinePaths){ if (argsLen < 2 || args[0]->variableType != StringClass){ SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("stdCombinePaths needs 2+ args"); } char *res = CpyStr(args[0]->string.value); for (int i = 1; i < argsLen; i++){ if (args[i]->variableType != StringClass){ SCRIPT_FATAL_ERR("stdCombinePaths needs 2+ args"); } char *temp = CombinePaths(res, args[i]->string.value); free(res); res = temp; } return newStringVariablePtr(res, 0, 1); } ClassFunction(stdEscPaths){ return newStringVariablePtr(EscapeFolder(args[0]->string.value), 0, 1); } ClassFunction(stdGetCwd){ return newStringVariablePtr(CpyStr(TConf.scriptCWD), 0, 1); } ClassFunction(stdPower){ power_set_state(MAX(0, (getIntValue(args[0]) % POWER_OFF_REBOOT))); return &emptyClass; } ClassFunction(stdIsPatched){ return newIntVariablePtr(fuse_check_patched_rcm()); } ClassFunction(stdHwType){ return newIntVariablePtr(fuse_read_hw_type()); } #else #define STUBBED(name) ClassFunction(name) { return newIntVariablePtr(0); } STUBBED(stdMountSysmmc) STUBBED(stdMountSave) STUBBED(stdSetPixel) STUBBED(stdReadDir) STUBBED(stdFileCopy) STUBBED(stdMkdir) STUBBED(stdGetMemUsage) STUBBED(stdGetNcaType) STUBBED(stdPause) STUBBED(stdRead) STUBBED(stdPauseMask) STUBBED(stdColor) STUBBED(stdMenuFull) STUBBED(stdMountEmummc) STUBBED(stdHasEmu) STUBBED(stdGetMs) STUBBED(stdClear) STUBBED(stdRmDir) STUBBED(stdFileExists) STUBBED(stdFileDel) STUBBED(stdCopyDir) STUBBED(stdFileMove) STUBBED(stdLaunchPayload) STUBBED(stdFileWrite) STUBBED(stdFileRead) STUBBED(stdFileReadSize) STUBBED(stdCombinePaths) STUBBED(stdEmmcFileWrite) STUBBED(stdEmmcFileRead) STUBBED(stdEmummcFileRead) STUBBED(stdEmummcFileWrite) STUBBED(stdEscPaths) STUBBED(stdGetCwd) STUBBED(stdPower) STUBBED(stdSetPrintPos) STUBBED(stdSetPixels) STUBBED(stdIsPatched) STUBBED(stdHwType) #endif u8 oneIntoneFunction[] = { IntClass, FunctionClass }; u8 doubleFunctionClass[] = { FunctionClass, FunctionClass }; u8 threeIntsStd[] = { IntClass, IntClass, IntClass, IntClass, IntClass }; u8 twoStringArgStd[] = {StringClass, StringClass}; u8 menuArgsStd[] = {StringArrayClass, IntClass, IntArrayClass}; u8 oneStringOneByteArrayStd[] = {StringClass, ByteArrayClass}; ClassFunctionTableEntry_t standardFunctionDefenitions[] = { // Flow control {"if", stdIf, 2, oneIntoneFunction}, {"while", stdWhile, 2, doubleFunctionClass}, {"exit", stdExit, 0, 0}, {"break", stdBreak, 0, 0}, // Class creation {"readsave", stdMountSave, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"dict", stdDict, 0, 0}, // Utils {"print", stdPrint, VARARGCOUNT, 0}, {"println", stdPrintLn, VARARGCOUNT, 0}, {"printpos", stdSetPrintPos, 2, threeIntsStd}, {"setpixel", stdSetPixel, 3, threeIntsStd}, {"setpixels", stdSetPixels, 5, threeIntsStd}, {"emu", stdHasEmu, 0, 0}, {"cwd", stdGetCwd, 0, 0}, {"clear", stdClear, 0, 0}, {"timer", stdGetMs, 0, 0}, {"pause", stdPauseMask, 1, threeIntsStd}, {"pause", stdPause, 0, 0}, {"hidread", stdRead, 0, 0}, {"color", stdColor, 1, threeIntsStd}, {"menu", stdMenuFull, 3, menuArgsStd}, {"menu", stdMenuFull, 2, menuArgsStd}, {"power", stdPower, 1, threeIntsStd}, // System {"mountsys", stdMountSysmmc, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"mountemu", stdMountEmummc, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"ncatype", stdGetNcaType, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"emmcread", stdEmmcFileRead, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"emmcwrite", stdEmmcFileWrite, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"emummcread", stdEmummcFileRead, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"emummcwrite", stdEmummcFileWrite, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"fuse_patched", stdIsPatched, 0, 0}, {"fuse_hwtype", stdHwType, 0, 0}, // FileSystem // Dir {"readdir", stdReadDir, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"deldir", stdRmDir, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"mkdir", stdMkdir, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"copydir", stdCopyDir, 2, twoStringArgStd}, // File {"copyfile", stdFileCopy, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"movefile", stdFileMove, 2, twoStringArgStd}, {"delfile", stdFileDel, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"readfile", stdFileRead, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"getfilesize", stdFileReadSize, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"writefile", stdFileWrite, 2, oneStringOneByteArrayStd}, // Utils {"fsexists", stdFileExists, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"payload", stdLaunchPayload, 1, twoStringArgStd}, {"combinepath", stdCombinePaths, VARARGCOUNT, 0}, {"escapepath", stdEscPaths, 1, twoStringArgStd}, }; ClassFunctionTableEntry_t* searchStdLib(char* funcName, u8 *len) { u8 lenInternal = 0; *len = 0; ClassFunctionTableEntry_t *ret = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(standardFunctionDefenitions); i++) { if (!strcmp(funcName, standardFunctionDefenitions[i].name)) { lenInternal++; if (ret == NULL){ ret = &standardFunctionDefenitions[i]; } } else if (lenInternal != 0){ *len = lenInternal; return ret; } } *len = lenInternal; return ret; }